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Thai Armed Forces not yet give consent to CAPO's statement


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It is not the armed forces duty to give consent to any announcement made by the government or any part of the government, it is the military's duty to up hold piece on the boarders and to carry out duties asked of them by designated responsible departments, for the CAPO's to express that the military approved any statement , could be interpreted that a coup has taken place and the military are in control.coffee1.gif

Why is this scenario reminiscent of South America's banana republics where Army strong men decide the destiny of the country?

The duty of the army in any civilized and truly democratic country is to protect the country from its enemies, not to dictate or influence politics.

You mean unlike African banana republics where criminal dictators often decide the destiny of a country.

The duty of a government in any civilized and truly democratic country is to serve the people not themselves.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

Better than a facade over te last 4 months. Despite Mr FB & the rest of you PTP/UDD apologisers egging them on, the Army have managed to resists ALL YOUR REQUESTS FOR A COUP. Any misgivings we all may have about the army's involvement in domestic affairs fade when confronted with the polices non-involvement in keeping the peace when the victims are PDRC supporters. Somebody has to do it in view of the legally established peaceful nature of the protests and the ongoing attacks. If the police can't do it(for whatever reason), then who can blame the Army for stepping up? Off topic, but it would also be nice for the PM to come out & "criticize her over-zealous supporters": every time there was an outrage like the facebook-airport incident yesterday which was a disgrace to the whoie country. She may get to sound a bit like a stuck record with the repetition o these events but it would at least be leadership material that the public sorely lack from her.

Mind you,as a result of this attitude, there are more than 50% of the voters who now have a jaundiced view of the PTP/UDD. (Pun intended)

What pun?

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Its always going to be a difficult job for the armed forces to maintain the facade of being democratic when in truth they don't care for it in the least.

Better than a facade over te last 4 months. Despite Mr FB & the rest of you PTP/UDD apologisers egging them on, the Army have managed to resists ALL YOUR REQUESTS FOR A COUP. Any misgivings we all may have about the army's involvement in domestic affairs fade when confronted with the polices non-involvement in keeping the peace when the victims are PDRC supporters. Somebody has to do it in view of the legally established peaceful nature of the protests and the ongoing attacks. If the police can't do it(for whatever reason), then who can blame the Army for stepping up? Off topic, but it would also be nice for the PM to come out & "criticize her over-zealous supporters": every time there was an outrage like the facebook-airport incident yesterday which was a disgrace to the whoie country. She may get to sound a bit like a stuck record with the repetition o these events but it would at least be leadership material that the public sorely lack from her.

Mind you,as a result of this attitude, there are more than 50% of the voters who now have a jaundiced view of the PTP/UDD. (Pun intended)

How do you know what "more than 50% of the voters" think? Are those figures based on election results or voices in your head?

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Why do CAPO have to make any statement. All statements have been to protect the government. What about statement about protecting the people. The rice farmers who have not been paid. If I was CAPO, I would demand DSI to launch a full investigation into the program for all irregularities. Then we can come to some kind of understanding and help the country move on. If the government were found to be incompetent, let it be. Or if they were found to be stealing, let it be. The truth will set you free.... What a joke this CAPO is. Only peace for them is that all the government who stole the money don't get harassed. But the people of Thailand are left holding the bag. No peace for Thailand, when all the money have been swindled for the future generations. Now the kids will have to worry about the huge debt and shortage of funds that could have brought peace to their lives.

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