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Yingluck says she is ready to quit politics if it’s the need of majority

Lite Beer

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I wonder what they up to.......these people have a black heart. They're not doing this for nothing, stay tuned.

thumbsup.gif I agree. Thaksin has been a proven liar time and again.

Ya just gotta wonder what he's up to.

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The revolution of the puppet?

"Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Tuesday that she has not discussed with her family and elder brother Thaksin Shinawatra on taking a break from politics"

Isnt it clear enough already that the majority of people arent behind her now? There is no IF, only when, and the sooner the better.

True, however her escape clause is whether it would bring peace to the country. Given that the UDD would be probably take to the streets if she left, then that wouldn't be peace, so she has to stay on for the peace of the country. :)

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. . . Thaksin meant he wanted to wash his hands of politics, he should back up his claim by closing his war room in Hong Kong, returning to serve his jail term, ordering the government and supporters to accept rulings by independent agencies and dropping any ideas of passing amnesty bills . . .

Well said.

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"If it's the needs of the majority." She represents the majority - so logic follow this Thai "if." Thais are great for ifs, ands, buts. becauses, and as long as.

"She represents the majority" - if a majority of voters checked a box next to her name on a ballot sheet your statement is correct. However....

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I think she is being wise beyond her years by using the word "need" and not "will" of the majority- she wants what is best for the people even though some of them might not know what they need because they are blinded by hatred. The only mistake she made was by using the word "majority", because quite frankly dear, it is the need of EVERY-F**KING-ONE in the country that you quit.

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I am certain Yingluck doesn't even want to remain in Office, but is scared of the alternative scenario and hidden unknowns. After all, she was not brought up as a politician, but only stepped in as the most plausible sibling or other close relation, according to rumours, of the deposed elder brother or w,h.y !

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No mather what colour govern , if there is not an overall insurancy that funds will be spended on the cause , being corrupt and influenciable as in top rankin does not help the cause


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You'd think Yingluck would sense on some level that things aren't quite right now. She dissolved parliament four and a half months ago. She quickly realized she couldn't visit her office. On the campaign trail she had to limit appearances to Chiang Mai and Isaan because she was so unpopular elsewhere. The EC saw the election wouldn't fly and tried to tell Pheu Thai. They wouldn't listen. They arranged a " forum " to overrule the EC. The Constitutional Court on January 24 affirmed that the election could be constitutionally delayed. Pheu Thai wouldn't listen. They went ahead. The election was a fiasco. Yingluck as a consequence has no legislative authority. None. Since December 9 she has had no publicly sanctioned mandate. None. She is the subject of an abuse of office charge that could result in her needing to step down. She is also subject to impeachment for her role in the rice scheme scandal. She hasn't been comfortable in many months touring Bangkok because of intense vocal opposition. On February 25 as a consequence she announced that she would work in surrounding provinces rather than in Bangkok. She has spent her time with facebook postings, where she has criticized the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission. She has continually delayed testifying. And yet - today - she has apparently assimilated none of these as signals of disenchantment with her work. But she's selective. She wants to listen to the people, but she spends much time avoiding the people she doesn't want to listen to. She wants peace and order to prevail, yet she doesn't want to cooperate with the impeachment investigation or even the legal process in general. She's an island onto herself. Looking in.

And she knows that the people of Thailand support her, all she needs is an election to shut the vocal rich minority out once and for all.

We will have an election in this country, even the EC are now getting close to naming a date. when we have an election PTP will win yet again and we may even get reform of the Non-Independent agencies that have been blocking democracy for the last 4 months.

I've gotten a lot of good information from the TV forum and for the most part would rate it as a thoughtful 'go to' place for things Thailand, even enjoy the rants. I abstain from the political conversations because minds are made up and that's the way it is. But will make this one tiny exception and then go back to (mostly) lurking.

Appreciated your post. I am baffled by the popular perception that dismantling the Yingluck government will deal a blow against corruption. All sides are corrupt, and it can certainly be a challenge to see in the murky waters, especially for us outsiders - but it seems somewhat clear (IMO) that you have had essentially two factions battling it out for control of the country for the past several years. One - new money, the Red shirts/PTP/Thaksin/Yingluck group - who represent more populist policies and a leaning towards democracy (and yes, there are corrupt elements embedded) vs. two - old money, entrenched establishment, self-professed traditionalists who literally would like to take the country back to an Oligarchy if they can get away with it. Also very corrupt.

And slowly, they are getting away with it.

I think people are very influenced by publications like The Nation and what they read here, but it's not necessarily a fair representation. Be careful what you wish for in reference to Suthep et al.

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Even though the last election was made void the votes and no votes clearly showed that the majority did not want YL to be PM anymore.

Since the major reason the protest began was due to YL and her admin it seems a reasonable assumption that with her and her family gone from politics that the protests will end. So YL! Your 2 conditions have been met already. Why are you still there clinging to office if what you said in this OP was true. Leave while you still can and are still free to remain in Thailand. This OP is total BS. YL will never leave until another PTP member gets control. If another party wins she will run north to try run the Gov there seperate from the rest of Thai. Thak will not let his only chances to return here slip through his fingers.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Separate from Thailand? Dream on brother.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not my dream for sure. But it is some peoples. Otherwise the PTP would not be building a democratice security army

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just get the dems to run in an election, get elected and shes out............ simple no ?

Simple yes. The problem is that the democrats do not seem able to come up with a real platform that they can campaign on, and one that will appeal to the majority, including the northern poor. That deficiency in the democrat party is mind boggeling, especially given that Abhisit is so well educated.

So the question becomes why? Is it because Abhisit is really not a good leader, or because a real and meaningful platform is being blocked by vested interests within the party?

It would appear, therefor, that the opportunity is ripe for a new grass roots political party to rise up. One that is free of the old faces, free of corruption and one that has only the interests of the country and all of the Thai people at heart.

This is where the red shirts could triumph. If the reds were to divest themselves of Thaksin, and the right wing militants, they could be a real political force. I would also urge them to divest themselves of the red colors too. The more distance they could put between themselves and Thaksin the better.

The time is now, is anyone up to the challenge?

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She urged the anti-government protester leader Suthep Thaugsuban not to obstruct the general election if he loved the country..

Had the same problem with one of our buffaloes. Told her not to shit in our living room. But she did..........facepalm.gif

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There really should be two votes per head, one plus, one minus. She wouldn't be elected in that system, ending up in plus would already be a surprise.

An interesting concept. That would mean deeply polarizing figures couldn't get elected, only those in the middle who are acceptable to most voters.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Tell you what guys. If Thaksin and Yinluck were serious and di quit Thailand would owe them one big favour.

However I get the distinct feeling they could be setting us up, will quit and put another muppet sorry puupet in her place and still pull the strings.

Wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them

Edited by Tanlic
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Duh...this just means she will run in the election, and if PT loses she will 'quit'. And even this I don't believe it...the only way a 'majority' can be determined is if she can get more than 50% of the voting base to vote for PT. She can't get that on even her best hairdo day. Better to quit now.

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Semester - I would not say it is obvious.

It has been proven before that the PTP don't respect the majority or the minority or the general public as a whole for that matter if it does not suit their agenda.

Majority Disrespect - The Amnesty Bill was not wanted by the majority. Pushed through anyway. The 2007 constitution was wanted by the majority. Denounced by the 1992 coup maker, thaksin. Farmers wanted to protest for payments and told they were hooligans and their families were threatened with intimidation.

Minority disrespect - You will get a convention centre in Phuket when you vote for us. Disallowing DEM's to debate in parliament.

Public disrespect - "We will not hold public water hearings for the 350 billion baht water management scheme.", "Protestors in Chaing Mai better watch out. You are garbage."

Look no further than TVF for this lack of respect for any decision or ruling that goes against the PTP.

For goodness sake, if the NACC and courts rule against the PTP they are alluring to starting a civil war. So rest assured if they loose an election it will no longer be the rosy "majority" narrative. It will be a refusal to leave. Claims of a DEM plot. A biased EC cheating the votes. The PDRC double voting. Anything, but an acceptance of the reality that they have not won.

If anything goes against the PTP agenda it will not be accepted.

"The 2007 constitution was wanted by the majority"

where you get that ??? who was the majority ? please the yellows/dems had never a majority , only within the post coup (non elected) government, so please stop posting if you don't know the facts.

Feel free to remove that sentence and read the remainder. All still valid.

BTW the referendum vote was 57.81% FOR the 2007 constitution. However as stated feel free to remove that sentence and re-read the post.

Your comment is amusing however as you inadvertently highlighted that I am correct in what I said.

That being;

If anything goes against the PTP agenda it will not be accepted.

That's right, given a choice between continued military rule and the badly flawed constitution, an underwhelming majority chose the constitution.

Let me know when they release to real figures from the failed Feb 2 poll instead of all of the guesses.

You continue to make assumptions from flawed information taken from a flawed poll. PTP and it's predecessors have won and will win every free election for many years. Get used to it, this country is moving forward to freedom and democracy and the old ways of control are not working any more.

Let the Thai people have an election and see what they really want.

I believe that they will want freedom and democracy. You seem to believe that will put up with judicial coups and gerrymandering.

I never believed in alians from outer space, but you proof me wrong. If you realy believe that Thailand is moving forward to freedom and democracy under this so called government than you must be from a other planet.

But you are right that the Thai people want freedom and demoncracy, that is the reason they are protesting.

So be a good alian and crawl back in your spaceship.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sounds like a great idea, let's have an election and if the Dems win then Yinluck steps down.

Well, Duh.

If the Dems won, could she do anything else but "step down"???

Her statement, and yours, in that context are absurd.


Does she have any option in that situation?.?

I suppose, however, to her, that stating the obvious sounds to her like some sort of profound intellectual revelation.


The silly clown should quit politics and leave out the "IF".

Semester - I would not say it is obvious.

It has been proven before that the PTP don't respect the majority or the minority or the general public as a whole for that matter if it does not suit their agenda.

Majority Disrespect - The Amnesty Bill was not wanted by the majority. Pushed through anyway. The 2007 constitution was wanted by the majority. Denounced by the 1992 coup maker, thaksin. Farmers wanted to protest for payments and told they were hooligans and their families were threatened with intimidation.

Minority disrespect - You will get a convention centre in Phuket when you vote for us. Disallowing DEM's to debate in parliament.

Public disrespect - "We will not hold public water hearings for the 350 billion baht water management scheme.", "Protestors in Chaing Mai better watch out. You are garbage."

Look no further than TVF for this lack of respect for any decision or ruling that goes against the PTP.

For goodness sake, if the NACC and courts rule against the PTP they are alluring to starting a civil war. So rest assured if they loose an election it will no longer be the rosy "majority" narrative. It will be a refusal to leave. Claims of a DEM plot. A biased EC cheating the votes. The PDRC double voting. Anything, but an acceptance of the reality that they have not won.

If anything goes against the PTP agenda it will not be accepted.

"The 2007 constitution was wanted by the majority"

where you get that ??? who was the majority ? please the yellows/dems had never a majority , only within the post coup (non elected) government, so please stop posting if you don't know the facts.

Surely you must have realised by now Suthep's clowns make up "facts and figures" to suit their wives agendas.

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I'm always amazed at the people who quote statistics to make their point, even though the reasoning behind their stats are often skewered.

57.81% voted FOR the 2007 constitution. True, but did you ever ask yourself, or even bother to find out WHY they voted for it? Probably not, as something like the TRUTH doesn't fit your agenda.

The coup makes rewrote the constitution to suit themselves, granting themselves total immunity for their actions in the process. Then they presented it to the public, but also informed the public they were NOT allowed, by coup maker rules, to say anything against it, or they would be arrested and "dealt with". An edict even more strict than the LM laws. Then they were told to either accept this military coupe written "Constitution" or stay under military rule "indefinitely". And THAT is the TRUTH behind your statistic.

But have a nice day and continue to twist the facts as you see fit.

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When the courts rule against her, she will probably make a bs last ditch plea bargain that she will 'step down' in return for charges against her dropped, or not removing the rest of the PT detritus from office or some such. Don't accept it courts. Drag her away kicking and screaming if you have to, but make sure that justice is served please.....

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