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Sources confirm Abhisit's life under threat: Democrats


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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

Thank you for rejoining Thai Visa.

You state that the red shirts are child killers. There is no evidence to support that statement. Although there was an incident involving a violent episode where children died, there has been no evidence presented that redshirts were involved. Despite the initial accusations, no substantive evidence has been given. One would think that the people who made the accusations would have followed through and not let the matter drop.

To be fair, one would think the RTP would have made some advance in the investigation by now. Or in any of the other investigations pertaining to attacks on the demonstrators, for that matter.

While slinging unfounded allegations isn't appropriate, uncovering evidence isn't the public's job when an obvious crime was committed.

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

Do you know that it was the Red-Shirts that killed the children?

Jeez, Mr. Bruce. Like a little child, But mommy, you didn't see me steal the cookies.., as she stands there with chocolate smeared on her face, dripping crumbs.

Real doctors, PhDs, are trained to know how to know. And to not fib.

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Seems like I missed something. Non of the heavy-weight parties attended?

If so, what's the deal with picking on Abhisit? Or did they cancel their participation after he announced he won't be showing up?

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PDRC and Democrat parties may be discredited for being biased or standing to gain something out of the no show.

But wonder which "state security agencies" warned him as well, and whether the warning was official.

If there was an official warning, should be easy enough to make it publicly known. Would be interesting to see how the government reacts to this. Also, if there was an official warning, wouldn't the alleged "state security agency" take steps to prevent such an attack?

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Seems like I missed something. Non of the heavy-weight parties attended?

If so, what's the deal with picking on Abhisit? Or did they cancel their participation after he announced he won't be showing up?

Twitter stream, here's one:

"@Khunjonty: @BangkokWatchdog @paisal_nt Apart from Abhisit, Pheu Thai Party leader Charupong Ruangsuwan also didnt show up at the meeting."

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

Yes, Facebook postings can be so life threatening. But somehow Monk Issara shows up unchallenged and unharmed. He must have drawn more respect than Abhisit.

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Difference is both of them did not give a wimpy & attention seeking reason like Ahbisit. Moreover they announced that they not attending well before the meeting and not a last minute no show. Typical of Ahbisit and even Suterp to keep making double talk and promises.

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Difference is both of them did not give a wimpy & attention seeking reason like Ahbisit. Moreover they announced that they not attending well before the meeting and not a last minute no show. Typical of Ahbisit and even Suterp to keep making double talk and promises.

What reason did they give for not attending? And if they weren't going to attend why is it such a big issue if Abhisit attended or not? Or is it just that you do not approve of Abhisit being a bit of a drama queen?

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

So just who gave the orders to the military to open fire on men woman and children 2010??? Hypocrite.

Not all PTP support violence, Not all red's support violence, and I suspect Not all Dem's or Suthep's followers support violence.

So if you like having some kind of credibility, stop spewing your "red shirt child killers" line and try a far more accurate violent extremist groups on all sides are the ones who should be locked away forever.

So sorry, but those who lived here in 2010 won't allow you to revise history.

The Red thugs were chased out of Bangkok for good reason.

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Difference is both of them did not give a wimpy & attention seeking reason like Ahbisit. Moreover they announced that they not attending well before the meeting and not a last minute no show. Typical of Ahbisit and even Suterp to keep making double talk and promises.

What reason did they give for not attending? And if they weren't going to attend why is it such a big issue if Abhisit attended or not? Or is it just that you do not approve of Abhisit being a bit of a drama queen?

It all just goes to show that both sides understand and accept that reform before elections is inevitable.

Resistance is futile.

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Oliver : Well, looks like we’re in it. Gee, I wish I could go.
Stan : Go where?
Oliver : Why to war!
Stan : Why can’t ya go?
Oliver : There you are, I knew you’d take that selfish attitude. I’d go in a minute if it wasn’t for my flat feet!

Laurel and Hardy Show

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

So just who gave the orders to the military to open fire on men woman and children 2010??? Hypocrite.

Not all PTP support violence, Not all red's support violence, and I suspect Not all Dem's or Suthep's followers support violence.

So if you like having some kind of credibility, stop spewing your "red shirt child killers" line and try a far more accurate violent extremist groups on all sides are the ones who should be locked away forever.

So sorry, but those who lived here in 2010 won't allow you to revise history.

The Red thugs were chased out of Bangkok for good reason.

Why don't you answer the question??? truth is a little to your disliking???

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

So just who gave the orders to the military to open fire on men woman and children 2010??? Hypocrite.

Not all PTP support violence, Not all red's support violence, and I suspect Not all Dem's or Suthep's followers support violence.

So if you like having some kind of credibility, stop spewing your "red shirt child killers" line and try a far more accurate violent extremist groups on all sides are the ones who should be locked away forever.

So sorry, but those who lived here in 2010 won't allow you to revise history.

The Red thugs were chased out of Bangkok for good reason.

Why don't you answer the question??? truth is a little to your disliking???

If I may, the answer to: who gave the orders to the military to open fire on men woman and children 2010? is no one ordered the military to do so.

Unless you can show us this orders you speak of, can you provide a cite?

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The only incident at the meeting was the mad monk and his followers demanding to put up their banner. Rest just an excuse for AV not attending, perhaps after receiving a phone reprimand from Uncle Suterp. Poor boy.

So what was the excuse for PTP leader Charupong not to attend? Or Banharn's group?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Difference is both of them did not give a wimpy & attention seeking reason like Ahbisit. Moreover they announced that they not attending well before the meeting and not a last minute no show. Typical of Ahbisit and even Suterp to keep making double talk and promises.

What reason did they give for not attending? And if they weren't going to attend why is it such a big issue if Abhisit attended or not? Or is it just that you do not approve of Abhisit being a bit of a drama queen?

I'd say we get more drama queen outbursts from some of the posters here.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Those who deny facebook postings and acts of violence that are already a matter of public record are well on their way to working in CAPO, perhaps with promotional distinction. Abhisit was right to avoid this meeting. Charupong - Pheu Thai's dubious pick of February UDD rally fame - also skipped it, incidentally. So perhaps these threats were credible to him, as well.

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

Do you know that it was the Red-Shirts that killed the children?

they certainly were the ones that cheered their deaths when announced on the stage or are you going to refute that as well, they were also caught with M79/grenades matching numbers on ones that had neen fired, seems like the reds need to check their stories first before they put their feet in their mouths
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While I certainly don't condone the deaths caused by the explosion, or the cheering of the crowd, the fact is that dead children were NOT mentioned by the Red Shirt Leader, so no one was "cheering the death of children". I really do wish some of you would get your facts straight before putting on your keyboard know-it-all warrior hats.

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The sad thing is if you create enough hatred there are enough unbalanced people around to take up the cudgels. Why would they do this? Certainly for a personal feelgood factor and self-aggrandisement in the eyes of Thaksin, Thaksin's henchmen (and women) and off course fellow reds. There have been studies on why people would do this but the best of course is Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism. We have seen an almost perfect example of how to build this type of movement over the past few years and Khun T seems to have got it off to a T (as they say). Very sad to see ignorant people supporting the anti-Abhisit line and even one farang of my unfortunate acquaintance praising the murderous tactics of extreme reds. Certyainly an undemocratic solution, I would say.

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So the threat was confirmed by his own party, an offshoot of his own party and some unnamed agencies.

What a load of &lt;deleted&gt;.

If it was too dangerous for him, send a rep.

Democrats don't want elections because they lose them and Abhisit, like all lapdogs, does what his master tell him to do.

Why bother with the lies?

Everyone already knows the truth.

He's just an oxygen thief.

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The sad thing is if you create enough hatred there are enough unbalanced people around to take up the cudgels. Why would they do this? Certainly for a personal feelgood factor and self-aggrandisement in the eyes of Thaksin, Thaksin's henchmen (and women) and off course fellow reds. There have been studies on why people would do this but the best of course is Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism. We have seen an almost perfect example of how to build this type of movement over the past few years and Khun T seems to have got it off to a T (as they say). Very sad to see ignorant people supporting the anti-Abhisit line and even one farang of my unfortunate acquaintance praising the murderous tactics of extreme reds. Certyainly an undemocratic solution, I would say.

Switch "Suthep" for "Thaksin" in your little missive, and it would still sound exactly right.

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Naive posters on here really believe the yellow peril do not commit violence.

The old head in the sand trick! 99

As opposed to the old Strawman Argument, consisting of claiming those other guys (that you just made up) hold a view (that you also just made up) that is so ridiculous you can feel smart and smug for revealing their folly without actually having to bother with the actual facts and arguments.

Yay yourself. :rolleyes:

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pheu thai and red shirt child killers are at it again the only thing they know is violence and intimidation

Thank you for rejoining Thai Visa.

You state that the red shirts are child killers. There is no evidence to support that statement. Although there was an incident involving a violent episode where children died, there has been no evidence presented that redshirts were involved. Despite the initial accusations, no substantive evidence has been given. One would think that the people who made the accusations would have followed through and not let the matter drop.

The fact that the RTP department is has not done much of an investigation let alone found the perpetrators, speaks for it self. As history tells us who is violent and likes to shoot, bomb and burn. "no substantive evidence has been given." You are expecting the criminals to come forward and give evidence? You are defending the un-defence able.

Whether it was redshirts who killed the children or not the reaction of their leaders (apart from the clearly embarrassed Thida) and so many of their supporters to the news of their deaths was shocking and cannot be denied.

Can anyone really want to put the country in the hands of sociopaths like this?

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The sad thing is if you create enough hatred there are enough unbalanced people around to take up the cudgels. Why would they do this? Certainly for a personal feelgood factor and self-aggrandisement in the eyes of Thaksin, Thaksin's henchmen (and women) and off course fellow reds. There have been studies on why people would do this but the best of course is Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism. We have seen an almost perfect example of how to build this type of movement over the past few years and Khun T seems to have got it off to a T (as they say). Very sad to see ignorant people supporting the anti-Abhisit line and even one farang of my unfortunate acquaintance praising the murderous tactics of extreme reds. Certyainly an undemocratic solution, I would say.

Switch "Suthep" for "Thaksin" in your little missive, and it would still sound exactly right.

Am I just totally naive? Or is a lifetime's involvement in human rights and the fringe of politics just been a waste of time? Are people really serious about Thaksin? Have people not understood the devastation that this man has heaped upon Thailand and the Thai Psyche? Do people not understand how sociopaths manipulate in order to satisfy their own thirst for power? Have people not followed international politics and seen how the Marcos, Amin, Saddam, Pinochet (and many many more) regimes have destroyed the lives of so many? Do people just turn their backs on history so that when another would-be dictator comes along they can humbly follow and not learn the lessons of history? I despair. I despair time and time again at the blind ignorance and the self-centred ideas that I see displayed in these forums as people are fooled into following Thaksin : someone whom Amnesty International has already lambasted as a serial human rights violator. Someone who is demonstrably running, or trying to, a hereditary dictatorship with classic attacks on anyone who opposes them. Is it not bleedin' obvious? How can anyone with even a tiny spark of humanity and understanding make the comment above. We all know who Suthep is. He's a stalking horse put out to try and overturn this idea Thaksin has of taking total, and I mean total, control of this country. I've never come here and said he's a great guy. But I have said that what he is doing is VITAL (shout!) for the future of Thailand. Then he can disappear as far as I am concerned. Shoot the messenger if you like. But don't under any circumstances shoot the main message.

Edited by ianf
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The sad thing is if you create enough hatred there are enough unbalanced people around to take up the cudgels. Why would they do this? Certainly for a personal feelgood factor and self-aggrandisement in the eyes of Thaksin, Thaksin's henchmen (and women) and off course fellow reds. There have been studies on why people would do this but the best of course is Reich's Mass Psychology of Fascism. We have seen an almost perfect example of how to build this type of movement over the past few years and Khun T seems to have got it off to a T (as they say). Very sad to see ignorant people supporting the anti-Abhisit line and even one farang of my unfortunate acquaintance praising the murderous tactics of extreme reds. Certyainly an undemocratic solution, I would say.

Switch "Suthep" for "Thaksin" in your little missive, and it would still sound exactly right.

Am I just totally naive? Or is a lifetime's involvement in human rights and the fringe of politics just been a waste of time? Are people really serious about Thaksin? Have people not understood the devastation that this man has heaped upon Thailand and the Thai Psyche? Do people not understand how sociopaths manipulate in order to satisfy their own thirst for power? Have people not followed international politics and seen how the Marcos, Amin, Saddam, Pinochet (and many many more) regimes have destroyed the lives of so many? Do people just turn their backs on history so that when another would-be dictator comes along they can humbly follow and not learn the lessons of history? I despair. I despair time and time again at the blind ignorance and the self-centred ideas that I see displayed in these forums as people are fooled into following Thaksin : someone whom Amnesty International has already lambasted as a serial human rights violator. Someone who is demonstrably running, or trying to, a hereditary dictatorship with classic attacks on anyone who opposes them. Is it not bleedin' obvious? How can anyone with even a tiny spark of humanity and understanding make the comment above. We all know who Suthep is. He's a stalking horse put out to try and overturn this idea Thaksin has of taking total, and I mean total, control of this country. I've never come here and said he's a great guy. But I have said that what he is doing is VITAL (shout!) for the future of Thailand. Then he can disappear as far as I am concerned. Shoot the messenger if you like. But don't under any circumstances shoot the main message.

Clearly you have very poor understanding of the political system of Thailand. Try looking up the meaning of Constitutional Monarchy. I don't even bother to stretch as far as dictorship; no Prime Minister except one could not even complete the full term. There are too many powerful forces for anyone even contemplate to serve another term less a dictator.

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To get back on topic, one would expect a Prime Minister who was party to, and responsible for, the use of snipers against unarmed civilians to feel a certain unease..........

Could also explain why he is currently unelectable.

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