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This is a bit different to the usual stereotype seen here.

My girlfriend intends to set up a food stall at a big local night market on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. She already works hard, teaching full time at a government university. She says she needs the extra money to help pay for her car. I don't imagine the market would bring in too much extra cash, but would be considerable time and effort. I'm not exactly rich, but earn more than I spend each month and could help her out with the money without making sacrifices to either of our lifestyles. The trouble is that she refuses to take any money from me for this. She's got too much pride and worries about being seen to be kept by me. This is one of the things I love about her.

It's admirable that she wants to contribute to improving our financial situation and I by no means wish her to stop working, but this is too much. She's overworked and underpaid as it is. I think this could be really damaging for our relationship and her mental well being. A lack of free time will make her tired and stressed. It will also mean no more celebrating the end of the working week with a nice meal and a few drinks. No more weekend getaways. No more Saturday and Sunday evenings together at the football or the pub.

I wish she'd just take the money from me, it's really not too much, but so far her answer has been no. Any advice?


Evenings together at the football and the pub?

Now I know why she wants the extra job.

If you were not sooooo romantic, may be she would consider your offer.


In my experience if a female has made up her mind to do something there is little you can do.

I take it you've actually talked about your concerns with her health and the effect on the relationship.

My other half is just as reluctant and works way too many hours for average pay.

I guess it depends on where you both want the relationship to go as you how you approach the issue

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