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Solitary black crow - what do Thai people believe?


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I want to know if Thai people believe that the presence of a black crow (bird) is a sign of bad luck, impeding death etc, as seems to be the case in some other cultures which harbour susperstitious beliefs.

Perhaps it's a sign of good luck ? :)

I ask because I am close to opening a new little 'resort' which I've built in a rural/natural location, with several feature water fountains.

The presence of this little 'oasis' amongst the rubber trees has attracted a solitary, large crow, which has taken to perching on the large goldern ball at the top of the main fountain - I'm sure he is cooling his feet....

But I'm worried that if my Thai family see this crow, they will 'freak out', (especially since the ex is a strong animist), and see it as a portent of evil, death etc.

So what does Thai/Thai Animist culture say about the presence of a solitary crow?

Should I encourage it to feed from my hand and then bash it's brains out??

Should I paint some lucky lottery numbers in white paint on it's feathers??

Suggestions and cultural information very welcome


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yes the lovely and very smart crows aren't liked.....

Maybe wait for the next lottery, than make a picture of the bird, photo-shop the picture till the bird somehow shows the number.

Than show the photo to your Thai family and tell you made that photo before the lottery, but didn't want to show it as they don't like that bird...but aren't that the lottery numbers?

Than tell that the bird must be watched because it may bring the next numbers as well.....

That idea is so stupid that it may work (the most stupid things work the best).

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its one for sorrow with magpies,,,lol,,

its mate is probly on the nest,, if you feed them they will be there all the time, i have them come into our farm taking chicken eggs, ive seen them with my own eyes flying off with them in there beek,,,


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They are very clever so you could try reasoning with them but as they are Thai crows they may have picked up some uniquely Thai habits.

From Wikipedia Recent research has found some crow species capable of not only tool use but also tool construction and meta-tool use. Crows are now considered to be among the world's most intelligent animals[3] with an encephalization quotient approaching that of some apes.

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I believe they are migratory, or is it Ravens, can't remember. Crows are often confused with Ravens. In the states it was open season on Crows as they ate crops etc. Ravens were protected by law. One is larger than the other, again can't remember which and too lazy to look it up. This being Thailand and you being farang, whatever you do will be wrong...lol.

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I have never seen a crow in Thailand. Have seen solitary examples of a large raven size black bird with a reddish back and wings. Crows are rarely alone, and yes, they are very smart. Don't know what the Thai thinking would be on your bird. Ask a monk.

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Why have I never seen a crow here in Thailand, and I live in the country? I have been in Thailand for eight years.

I saw a few....a huge one is sometimes passing. And my wife is always delighted that it flies over the other houses.

(You wouldn't see it looking out of the front window when it passes direct over our house....but not expecting this kind of logic)

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Thai's generally don't like black things associating it with bad luck and crows are as black as they come. There is probably some primeval reason for this and the opposite is of course true for a white bird such as a dove associated with peace. Personally I like them and would happily get to know one better if I could.

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I have never seen a crow in Thailand. Have seen solitary examples of a large raven size black bird with a reddish back and wings. Crows are rarely alone, and yes, they are very smart. Don't know what the Thai thinking would be on your bird. Ask a monk.

well im from the county in england, have allways been in the country, county of lincolnshire, poached all my life,

please believe me there are crows in thailand,,,,

crows do live together with there mate, so not alone

but im afraid you might be thinking of rooks who live in big groups in whats called rookeries, you see lots of nests in the same tree, thats a rookery,,

the bird i see taking eggs from some of my banties is a CROW,,


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I have never seen a crow in Thailand. Have seen solitary examples of a large raven size black bird with a reddish back and wings. Crows are rarely alone, and yes, they are very smart. Don't know what the Thai thinking would be on your bird. Ask a monk.

well im from the county in england, have allways been in the country, county of lincolnshire, poached all my life,

please believe me there are crows in thailand,,,,

crows do live together with there mate, so not alone

but im afraid you might be thinking of rooks who live in big groups in whats called rookeries, you see lots of nests in the same tree, thats a rookery,,

the bird i see taking eggs from some of my banties is a CROW,,


I saw a picture of a crow in Lumpini park.

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I always tell them that in Farangland, sex is needed as fast as possible after seeing a crow in order to avoid a curse going on someone's family. I also mention that sex after seeing a crow helps turn the skin white.

Edited by nottocus
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funny, I was just in rimping supermarket in chiang mai and they have a cheap plastic crap from japan section and I went in for a laugh. one thing I noticed was an inflatable crow "to scare away other crows". for some reason it needed to be slightly deflated to work.

not sure if having a plastic one to scare the others is also bad luck tho ?

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