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46.58 percent say the election should take place asap; others indifferent: Dusit Poll

Lite Beer

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46.58 percent say the election should take place asap; others indifferent: Dusit Poll

BANGKOK, 26 April 2014 (NNT) - Dusit Poll conducted a nationwide survey between April 23-25 to determine people's opinions on the outcome of negotiations between the Election Commission and political parties, which produced options for a new general election date on one of three days: 20 July, 17 August or 14 September 2014.

Of the 1,361 respondents, about 29.31 percent said, the new election date should be mutually agreed upon to satisfy all sides, while 27.76 percent wanted the election date to be settled as soon as possible in order for Thailand to move forward.

The survey revealed that 21.59 percent of respondents wanted all sides to negotiate further to find a solution to political disputes before the next election.

When asked whether they are satisfied with the results of negotiations between the EC and all political parties, 68.80 percent felt indifferent, because either way Thailand will still be in a mess. Similarly 68.80 percent were disappointed that the new election date still cannot be specified, especially as the Democrat party didn't even attend the meeting.

As for the new election date, 46.58 percent said it should be the earliest possible date within 59 days, which would be 20th July, in order for Thailand to move forward, while 35.49 percent said the date should be in 115 days which would be 14th September 2014, since they believed that there should be reformation before the new election. In that way alone, the election would not be nullified again.

-- NNT 2014-04-26 footer_n.gif

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These polls get better every day. Indifferent. .

What the hell does that mean.

Same as the wife will say "i'am tired of all that now" , anyone with a Thai wife know that to discuss any further means an argument so it had better be worth the grief giggle.gif

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Not good news for either Suthep -PDRC or Abhisit- Democrats. Suthep and Abhisit want to delay the elections. This suggests that the PTP position of having the elections without further delay has support with the population. An indirect indication of voting intentions.

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These polls get better every day. Indifferent. .

What the hell does that mean.

Same as the wife will say "i'am tired of all that now" , anyone with a Thai wife know that to discuss any further means an argument so it had better be worth the grief giggle.gif

Thai Politics should only be discussed while Thai wife is eating Som Tam with her girlfriends

and your paying

your opinion will be listen to for the first 5 mins while their mouths are full

Fact from experience

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Not good news for either Suthep -PDRC or Abhisit- Democrats. Suthep and Abhisit want to delay the elections. This suggests that the PTP position of having the elections without further delay has support with the population. An indirect indication of voting intentions.

But under democracy voting PTP lost this round as they did not get over 50%

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These polls get better every day. Indifferent. .

What the hell does that mean.

Same as the wife will say "i'am tired of all that now" , anyone with a Thai wife know that to discuss any further means an argument so it had better be worth the grief giggle.gif

Thai Politics should only be discussed while Thai wife is eating Som Tam with her girlfriends

and your paying

your opinion will be listen to for the first 5 mins while their mouths are full

Fact from experience

Disagree - any mention of Thaksin/Shin and what ever is in her mouth explodes - I don't even like Som Tam off the plate

Fact from my shirt, biggrin.png

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while 27.76 percent wanted the election date to be settled as soon as possible in order for Thailand to move forward.

68.80% of 1361 is 936.37 people, 936 people would be 68.77%

27.76 of 1,361 is 377.81 people, 378 would be 27.77%. So this is a tip off this poll is made up numbers.

I've seen this many times with these political polls, they have little errors in them that make them impossible. These polling organizations have smart people in them, they can fake realistic numbers any time they like, yet they don't. They put little errors in them. Sometimes big errors, like totals for exclusive choices adding up to way more than 100%. But they put in little cues for you to know this is made up.

Always the political ones have the faults, and with Dusit they're blatant, while Nida is far more subtle. I assume the political masters at Nida are far smarter mathematically.


So what is the message they're trying to get across?... Looks like a false claim on dates or on dissolution decree.

The minimum an election can be run is 45 from the dissolution decree, the maximum is 60. They could hold a June election even if they wanted a dissolution decree. This polls states the ealiest date is 20th July which is simply untrue, and something the EC has admitted is untrue.

These 45 day limits no longer apply, since we're under the 236 section 6 of the constitution, (the election rerun law), the EC could hold an election in a few weeks and its would be legal as long as they announced things in the royal gazette in sufficient time.

It looks like they need a July 20th date for something. Since Dusit is pushing the now discredited EC date. Most likely is they're still on track for a timing based judicial coup. One where the candidates register for elections, then are banned before the vote, then elections are run without those candidates, effectively leaving PT without candidates for a lot of seats and rigging the election for the Democrats.


But other games are possible:

For example, 182/6 (6) the issuance of a Royal Command to remove a Minister from office under section 183;

So they try to get Yingluk removed by royal command on some sort of "solve political crisis" excuse.

Their partners the Democrats or PDRC, then use Section 180 to remove the government as a result of the deposed PM. "Ministers vacate office en masse upon...(1) the termination of ministership of the Prime Minister under section 182;"

That gives them their coup, which they can then appoint a PM via the Senate. For that they'd need to delay elections as much as possible to create the crisis that need solving. If we're heading for elections, nobody will remove a PM that will be reelected shortly afterwards, it would make no sense.

The obstacle for 182/6 is 183 requires "Advice of the Prime Minister", they'll argue that as the caretaker PM, she's not the PM and the Senate head will try to substitute, which they've just recently ejected and put in their own guy.


And of course the straight military coup. Prayuth wouldn't have a military coup, but he's due to retire and if they control the government while his sucessor is appointed (September I think), then the new guy has been sprinkled by Prem at Songkran, seen as a tip off as to his nature. They then have a full military coup, "to restore harmony" or some such lie and stuff more of their operatives in the independent agencies to restore their power.

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I thought Suthep has said that any new election would be disrupted like the last one hence leading to it being anulled like the last one,so this is probably why people don't care as the whole thing is a joke.

68.80% felt indifferent? i.e. an impossible 936.37 people?

I don't think you can take this poll at face value since the numbers don't work properly. Dusit is yellow politics, the polls really drive an agenda or back a false narrative. It's false because of the impossible numbers.

So you end up asking yourself, why does Dusit want people to think Thais don't care about elections? Who needs that story to be told?

Then look around, see whose doing something at the moment. Abhisit & Prem are the two currently operating. Abhisit portraying himself as mediator and Prem seeking an audience for a secret plan to solve disharmony. It will be one of them behind this poll.

(see also my comment above, this repeats a now discredited 'earliest' date the EC put out, but then admitted it actually could be June. They've still taken no action to starting the election process, there is no announcement in the Royal Gazette, they have done nothing!).

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Not good news for either Suthep -PDRC or Abhisit- Democrats. Suthep and Abhisit want to delay the elections. This suggests that the PTP position of having the elections without further delay has support with the population. An indirect indication of voting intentions.

But under democracy voting PTP lost this round as they did not get over 50%

PTP and their allies won 53% of the seats available in the recent senate elections. Given that they won 53% of the lower house seats (265/500) in the last full election (2011) - it is fair to say their support is holding steady and they would most likely romp home in the net election.

If another election is ever held in Thailand, Suthep has lost all, his only hope is for the 2011 election to be the last one ever held in the LOS.

Who really wants that?

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Not good news for either Suthep -PDRC or Abhisit- Democrats. Suthep and Abhisit want to delay the elections. This suggests that the PTP position of having the elections without further delay has support with the population. An indirect indication of voting intentions.

But under democracy voting PTP lost this round as they did not get over 50%

PTP and their allies won 53% of the seats available in the recent senate elections. Given that they won 53% of the lower house seats (265/500) in the last full election (2011) - it is fair to say their support is holding steady and they would most likely romp home in the net election.

If another election is ever held in Thailand, Suthep has lost all, his only hope is for the 2011 election to be the last one ever held in the LOS.

Who really wants that?

Who really wants that? The coup lot, obviously. Since when have they ever held power by popular vote!

For example, a quick refresher on the 1992 coup, and a lot of the names will be familiar for the present day. I've added some annotations:

On February 23, 1991, Army Commander Suchinda Kraprayoon overthrew the government of Chatichai Choonhavan. The coup-makers, who called themselves the National Peace-Keeping Council (NPKC), appointed Anand Panyarachun as Prime Minister. Anand's interim government promulgated a new constitution and scheduled parliamentary elections for March 22, 1992.

A government coalition with 55% of the lower house was formed and appointed General Suchinda as Prime Minister. Massive public protests immediately followed. On May 9, Suchinda responded by saying he would support a constitutional amendment making individuals who had not been elected to Parliament ineligible for the premiership. Tensions dissipated; however, the truce was short-lived.

Anand was proposed as a neutral PM again this time. What they did in 1992 was rig the senate to ensure they held effective power by making it appointed.

Suthep was then Deputy Minister for Finance under Anand's military appointed government in 1992, Abhisits dad, likewise held a post. Suchinda despite having a failed coup became head of True and received 2 million telephone lines contract from Anand's government! Cosy.

Then of course the 2008 soft coup. PPP had won 310 seats, Abhisits lot had won only 163, all this under a military run election. So Democrats split off a group known as People Alliance for Democracy (PAD, not to be confused with the similarly sounding Peoples Democratic Reform Committee, PDRC!). Who promptly seized control of the airport to try to force out the government. The 'independent' agencies then banned PPP, and the Democrats took power. What did PAD want? Why an end to democracy:

Citing the claimed failure of popular democracy in Thailand, the PAD has suggested constitutional amendments that would make Parliament a largely royally appointed body

Can't have those pesky voters deciding who should run the country via some sort of democracy!

General Pathompong Kesornsuk, a close aid of Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda, appeared in full uniform at PAD protests and urged his fellow soldiers to follow suit. The Army openly ignored government orders to evict the PAD from Government House, Don Muang Airport, and Suvarnabhumi Airport. Former Army Commander Anupong Paochinda publicly called for the government to resign several times, though he also asked the PAD to leave the airports.

Prem's name pops up all the time in these coups, all purely coincidentally you understand....

So of course they don't want another election, that's the whole point! It's the same trick they've been pulling since the 90's. The 2006 made the Senate half unelected, and they want to do that to the House of Representatives. Do away with elections and hold the power.

They're all the same group, the names change (slightly) but the games are the same and have been going on for decades.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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