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Jai Became Yen


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Yeah, okay, Lame, just plain lame. DO you speak like this? :D The last guy I knew who tried the rhythmic speaking thing 24/7 got his a$$ kicked in the parking lot by the football team. :D

Is this what happens to British boys who OD on American Hip Hop? :o


Im just happy to see he's not an American .

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Refer to my posting No 8.

I should have used plain English/American...But it was presented as a "wind up". Why? Because waves of Farang over the decades cannot understand the "Thai Way."

My freinds have visited Patters since it was two Sois, basically a fishing village.

I know many Farang who are pretty fluent in the language. Why? Because they have the option of talking to the locals, thus getting exactly what they want, at a fraction of the price.

Survive in LOS. Buy and rent property in the UK/Farangland. This will give you more and more income. It is consistent with inflation in your homeland. Don't sink loads of money into ventures in LOS unless you can guarantee the returns.

The same as business everywhere. Where you are tied to managing/worrying about your income.

Keep a cool head (basically the gist of Jai Yen)

I am increasingly surprised by people who have lived in LOS for years and don't efficiently develop

their Thai and Farang knowledge base. The heat and alcohol are a potent combination. The other side of it being...Farang who have adapted pretty much instantly but don't have a significant income to maximise the opportunity.

The theme of this (Thai Farang website) subject is...

How/when did you overcome/skirt round all the pitfalls... Listed in the opening post.

It was worded in a manner to suggest the situation.

That being...You are a foreigner...and will be treated like a @@@@ unless you.

All stick together (and pay top dollar)

or you go it alone and make it work/or don't.

THE ONLY REASON WHY am I even bothering to write this?

BECAUSE a Briton who lived some doors down from my house was stabbed to death.

See T V thread/story.

He thought he was a lad and could act exactly as he chose.

Arrogance and ignorance took him down a pretty easy to see path.


It is Not slagging ANY FARANG off.

It is highlighting the way You are treated. If you choose to limit your options.

I've been a LOS home owner a mere ten years.

Every year I make more and more out of Thailand.

Their economy doesn't bother me. My wealth is not locked into it's infrastructture.

We have a great time.Help out a few farang who can't fathom out what is going on.

Get it sorted (Thai to Thai) on the mobile(half the price)

I don't know if one of the moderators wants to close this thread.

Is there a forum for "How I exist happily for next to nothing on Thai Visa?"

Thaibebop...24/7 , I don't like the term either. Although I hear it daily in England. Did you say rhyming hip hop talk? The other geezer "Postie got a football on the head!"

Lucky Mr Paraguay did. Otherwise nothing would have got in their net!

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postie,from what i understood of it,i am with you sir!

,& in awnser to your questions;

1.carry on being a dosser,& not get a proper job.

2. yes,very.

3.when i left my mind numbing,soul destroying job in the uk,& saw a little brown bum first thing in the morning.

ps .have you ever tried that drug yaa baa.

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postie,from what i understood of it,i am with you sir!

,& in awnser to your questions;

1.carry on being a dosser,& not get a proper job.

2. yes,very.

3.when i left my mind numbing,soul destroying job in the uk,& saw a little brown bum first thing in the morning.

ps .have you ever tried that drug yaa baa.

Post of the week! :o


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Refer to my posting No 8.

I should have used plain English/American...But it was presented as a "wind up". Why? Because waves of Farang over the decades cannot understand the "Thai Way."

My freinds have visited Patters since it was two Sois, basically a fishing village.

I know many Farang who are pretty fluent in the language. Why? Because they have the option of talking to the locals, thus getting exactly what they want, at a fraction of the price.

Survive in LOS. Buy and rent property in the UK/Farangland. This will give you more and more income. It is consistent with inflation in your homeland. Don't sink loads of money into ventures in LOS unless you can guarantee the returns.

The same as business everywhere. Where you are tied to managing/worrying about your income.

Keep a cool head (basically the gist of Jai Yen)

I am increasingly surprised by people who have lived in LOS for years and don't efficiently develop

their Thai and Farang knowledge base. The heat and alcohol are a potent combination. The other side of it being...Farang who have adapted pretty much instantly but don't have a significant income to maximise the opportunity.

The theme of this (Thai Farang website) subject is...

How/when did you overcome/skirt round all the pitfalls... Listed in the opening post.

It was worded in a manner to suggest the situation.

That being...You are a foreigner...and will be treated like a @@@@ unless you.

All stick together (and pay top dollar)

or you go it alone and make it work/or don't.

THE ONLY REASON WHY am I even bothering to write this?

BECAUSE a Briton who lived some doors down from my house was stabbed to death.

See T V thread/story.

He thought he was a lad and could act exactly as he chose.

Arrogance and ignorance took him down a pretty easy to see path.


It is Not slagging ANY FARANG off.

It is highlighting the way You are treated. If you choose to limit your options.

I've been a LOS home owner a mere ten years.

Every year I make more and more out of Thailand.

Their economy doesn't bother me. My wealth is not locked into it's infrastructture.

We have a great time.Help out a few farang who can't fathom out what is going on.

Get it sorted (Thai to Thai) on the mobile(half the price)

I don't know if one of the moderators wants to close this thread.

Is there a forum for "How I exist happily for next to nothing on Thai Visa?"

Thaibebop...24/7 , I don't like the term either. Although I hear it daily in England. Did you say rhyming hip hop talk? The other geezer "Postie got a football on the head!"

Lucky Mr Paraguay did. Otherwise nothing would have got in their net!

Why didn't you say that in the first place ? :o

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To Jeff!. I thought you all used this site to wind up (flame?) each other...Baboon. Define Wibble,wibble...Jdinasia.I would believe you had the indo China motivation sussed Years Ago. Mark (deceased) chose the local beer/whiskey route. Gotta dash, Pip pip.

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To Jeff!. I thought you all used this site to wind up (flame?) each other...Baboon. Define Wibble,wibble...Jdinasia.I would believe you had the indo China motivation sussed Years Ago. Mark (deceased) chose the local beer/whiskey route. Gotta dash, Pip pip.

Not me ! Im the nice guy on this site .

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Yeah, okay, Lame, just plain lame. DO you speak like this? :D The last guy I knew who tried the rhythmic speaking thing 24/7 got his a$$ kicked in the parking lot by the football team. :D

Is this what happens to British boys who OD on American Hip Hop? :o


Im just happy to see he's not an American .

Yes, there's a plus! :D

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