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Computer Thieves


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Two homes in my moobaan were "hit" this morning. One was mine. I hopped in the shower while my baby was sleeping and discovered 10 minutes later that my notebook and digital camera walked away. The computer has a lot of files on it for my organization so it is quite valuable to me. Does anyone know where "used" computers may be sold as I need to look for it? And if you happen to come across someone trying to sell an HP Pavilion zt300 series computer, please let me know. Thanks

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A sad riposte, but I know exactly how you feel earlofwindermere. I'm extremely sorry to hear about it. The worst thing is that feeling in the bottom of your stomach that says just let me throw up.

I would suggest that your theft would seem like a "crime of opportunity" rather than a planned break in, as mine was.

I have done the rounds of all the computer shops in the last week, looking for mine, but it's an impossible task as there are just so many of them.

There was another break in with the same MO as mine in this area last week, and this time it was a Thai professor that lost a load of contents.

What "area" do you live in? I presume the police were called? Which station did they come from? It's high time they started doing some serious police work, and not filing these robberies in the bottom drawer to gather dust. Was the other theft a farang or Thai hosuse?

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I"ll be making the rounds today to all the computer stores as my work is reliant on the data on the computer. I'm just glad that my son was ok - it's pretty daring to break into a house midday while people are home.

We live on Mae Jo road - not too far from Rumchok market (Tanawan village). The neighbourhood is mostly Thai (some farang) and we have guards as well. These were the first break-ins in a year in our moobaan and the neighbours are quite upset over the fact. The Mae Ping police station sent a couple of cops two hours after we called but I was impressed with how thorough they were. (or appeared to be).

While I hate to live in a prison, I think that I'm going to keep the doors locked while I'm at home for a while.

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The police know where to start looking. I was ripped off a few years back and they ( police) offered to get all my goods back for baht 10,000 which was about 5-10% of the value on the street for hot used items.

The thieves must have an insider ( security, cops, maid , etc...) to be doing so much without getting caught.

Sorry you lost your stuff. It really does suck.


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The police know where to start looking. I was ripped off a few years back and they ( police) offered to get all my goods back for baht 10,000 which was about 5-10% of the value on the street for hot used items.

It depends on what province you live in. Some provinces with large farang populations, have a great wealth if informers, and are able to make swift arrests, even without a cash incentive.

I offered 50,000 baht for information, both to the police and anybody else that might have any.........Needless to say I still have the 50,000 :o

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The police know where to start looking. I was ripped off a few years back and they ( police) offered to get all my goods back for baht 10,000 which was about 5-10% of the value on the street for hot used items.

It depends on what province you live in. Some provinces with large farang populations, have a great wealth if informers, and are able to make swift arrests, even without a cash incentive.

I offered 50,000 baht for information, both to the police and anybody else that might have any.........Needless to say I still have the 50,000 :o

Understand your position MM. Really sorry and hope that they are arrested soon.

The return of property too!


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I talked to my Thai cousin about burglaries in Thailand.

He says the problem is rampant and that one of the best ways to secure your house is with a mean looking dog.

Sounds like thieves aren't afraid to break in while someone is actually home so my idea of a full time maid for security won't work.

A dog

Bars on the windows


Alarm system.

Sounds more like a prision than a home.

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My dog is an excellent judge of character and barks like hel_l whenever anyone comes near the front fence. He's too small to do any real damage, but I doubt anyone could sneak into our house [touch wood] without someone knowing.

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My dog is an excellent judge of character and barks like hel_l whenever anyone comes near the front fence. He's too small to do any real damage, but I doubt anyone could sneak into our house [touch wood] without someone knowing.

I read somewhere these scumbags even poison your dogs. That would be something wich would def. turn me in a NBK (natural born killer)

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I read somewhere these scumbags even poison your dogs. That would be something wich would def. turn me in a NBK (natural born killer)

I have had two dogs poisoned in the last ten years. - Don't know how one got it but the other was almost certainly killed by one of our Greatly-Beloved Evangelical-Missionary community, who was seen throwing a bone over our wall. It was picked up by the gentlest fox-hound bitch ever. She adored everybody and never even barked at strangers. Five minutes after getting the bone, she was in obvious agony and foaming at the mouth. She was dead before we even got her to the vet.

We are now down to five dogs, having had ten a couple of years ago; 2 found a new home, one Shitzu was stolen and 2 were poisoned.

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I read somewhere these scumbags even poison your dogs. That would be something wich would def. turn me in a NBK (natural born killer)

I have had two dogs poisoned in the last ten years. - Don't know how one got it but the other was almost certainly killed by one of our Greatly-Beloved Evangelical-Missionary community, who was seen throwing a bone over our wall. It was picked up by the gentlest fox-hound bitch ever. She adored everybody and never even barked at strangers. Five minutes after getting the bone, she was in obvious agony and foaming at the mouth. She was dead before we even got her to the vet.

We are now down to five dogs, having had ten a couple of years ago; 2 found a new home, one Shitzu was stolen and 2 were poisoned.

i have had 4 dogs stolen, the last bitch i had, (wonderful street dog) got stabbed and died a couple hours later. i wonder how many of the my stolen dogs ended up on someone's dinner plate. one of them was a st. bernard.

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Your stolen laptop will probably be sold in Bangkok....if it hasn't already been sold.

I had a video camera stolen in Pattaya and I searched through every second hand/pawn shop in the area with no luck.

I hope for your sake you are covered by insurance.

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