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American tourist arrested for stealing transport van in Thailand


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Perhaps the driver made too many piss-stops cos he didn't want to go where the Yankee wanted.

Couldn't have been a real Yankee anyway, nobody got shot

Is that an attempt at humor?

Why ? Don't you know what humour is ?

Why, yes I do and that's not it.

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The melting pot of <deleted> on this forum is what astounds me

An American named Karta Singh Harta. Hmmm. New one on me.

Indeed his name was not Sitting Bull or Gernonimo or any other real American who were exterminated by the whites stealing their land.

Quite hypocritical to call an other who has not one of your white names not a real American. I was always told America was a melting pot of cultures and people. Guess I was misinformed.

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I was always told America was a melting pot of cultures and people. Guess I was misinformed.

Hm, that sounds to me more like a politicial publicity stunt in Wonderworld rather than reflecting the truth. Doesn't in reality the majority always define the rules except in an undemocratic environment of course where not the mass but a minority of bullies got the power.

Darn, civilized life is indeed a complex subject and I can call myself happy not living in a Premium but just an Emerging Nation. However, there is surely a clear disadvantage. One needs to keep the transport van always locked up if he, she, it (no discrimination) owns one. w00t.gif

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An American named Karta Singh Harta. Hmmm. New one on me.

an american named Barrak Obama is also new to me. As an american i can say .... his behavior seem like he has lived here too long. do what i want attitude, tsk tsk tsk. most americans i encounter ar terrified of doing bad things AND go to thai jail. while the fraternity brat generally veer the other direction. his knowledge of the area suggest that he has extended family here. I bet he is just a passport holder... an not an actual american. I meet them quite often at immigration. i alway like to talk to people who enjoy flashing their US passport. I always ask, WHat state are you a resident of? if they dont answer or even speak english... i give them this lower class look i always get when i walk down town. ... its funny to me.

Do you mean Barak Hussein Obama (good Christian name) who can't produce his birth certificate?

To the OP, stealing a van (minibus?) is pretty stupid when any transport is so cheap. He needs to have a serious accident so he can walk without charges.

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An American named Karta Singh Harta. Hmmm. New one on me.

Duh, there is a large community of East Indians in the states

The name "Singh" means he is a Sihk ,a Punjabi of origin .

Also a little bit sick ..

They are usually pretty nice and hard working people ,surprising !

So he is a sihk indian needing treatment

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An American named Karta Singh Harta. Hmmm. New one on me.

Indeed his name was not Sitting Bull or Gernonimo or any other real American who were exterminated by the whites stealing their land.

Quite hypocritical to call an other who has not one of your white names not a real American. I was always told America was a melting pot of cultures and people. Guess I was misinformed.

Neither Sitting Bull or Geronimo were killed by white men and the 3 million Native Americans (American Indians) living in the US today would be surprised to learn that they have been exterminated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I meet them quite often at immigration. i alway like to talk to people who enjoy flashing their US passport. I always ask, WHat state are you a resident of? if they dont answer or even speak english... i give them this lower class look i always get when i walk down town. ... its funny to me.

You know whats funny to me? i actually treat such people just the opposite of you...I treat them with courtesy, because I've walked in their shoes here in Thailand and know it can be tough.

Youre that new breed of American...the bitter and angry American. The one that appeared under Bush Jr...reminds me of an old Russian peasant saying:

"My neighbor has a cow and I don't have one.

I want my neighbors cow to die."

To me, being an American means brotherhood, it means helping each other out, it means working hard for a dream and helping others with theirs.

Thanks to guys like you, now saying that doesn't sound American. It sounds Australian or Canadian ;-)

You think this change occurred under Bush Jr? You can't be serious. Obama, his administration and his sycophants are the one's who are ruling America with vindictiveness and encouraging and breeding "class envy" . They are also encouraging and increasing racial hatred in America. If you are white and/or Christian what every you have you got because of "White Privilege". The Obama administration is preaching this claptrap. The Obama administration is hell bent of taking away whatever white middle class, American's have and making them pay and punishing them for their success. In fact Obama and his followers think America itself is illegitimate. America to the Obama lemmings is just an extension of British colonialism. This man, Obama and his followers are destroying what was once the greatest country in the world. Only the mid term elections will tell if there is a chance to save America.

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I meet them quite often at immigration. i alway like to talk to people who enjoy flashing their US passport. I always ask, WHat state are you a resident of? if they dont answer or even speak english... i give them this lower class look i always get when i walk down town. ... its funny to me.

You know whats funny to me? i actually treat such people just the opposite of you...I treat them with courtesy, because I've walked in their shoes here in Thailand and know it can be tough.

Youre that new breed of American...the bitter and angry American. The one that appeared under Bush Jr...reminds me of an old Russian peasant saying:

"My neighbor has a cow and I don't have one.

I want my neighbors cow to die."

To me, being an American means brotherhood, it means helping each other out, it means working hard for a dream and helping others with theirs.

Thanks to guys like you, now saying that doesn't sound American. It sounds Australian or Canadian ;-)

You think this change occurred under Bush Jr? You can't be serious. Obama, his administration and his sycophants are the one's who are ruling America with vindictiveness and encouraging and breeding "class envy" . They are also encouraging and increasing racial hatred in America. If you are white and/or Christian what every you have you got because of "White Privilege". The Obama administration is preaching this claptrap. The Obama administration is hell bent of taking away whatever white middle class, American's have and making them pay and punishing them for their success. In fact Obama and his followers think America itself is illegitimate. America to the Obama lemmings is just an extension of British colonialism. This man, Obama and his followers are destroying what was once the greatest country in the world. Only the mid term elections will tell if there is a chance to save America.

So SanSaiExPat, you are buying the whole line of BS that Fox "News" is selling huh? Your incredible ingnorance and gullibility embarrasses the rest of us.

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