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Mobi’s - The New Bar on Lake Mabprachan


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You were lucky that I didn't. :-D

Mobi, now here is the ultimate crowd pleaser : make an ask the moderator hour. After that you play his favourite music, Bluegrass for instance :-P

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Saturday Night's all-right for Fighting - Get a little Action Here"... (or at Mobi's).... with apologies to Elton John.

Yes folks, it was quite a momentous night at Mobi's.

To say that it involved two bars, many drunken women, a drunken strip tease, a brawling bar girl, a damaged BMW, at least a half a dozen coppers and a night in the poky for at least one offender - all during one of the most exciting tennis finals for years - would not be doing the evening justice....

Read all about it at www.mobithailand.com

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They have hot dogs, chips and nuggets...the difference is you can eat these foods with your fingers, with a pie you gotta start bringing out plates and cutlery etc...I wouldn't sit in a bar up on the lake eating a pie..

Yes, I think you might be right on that.... good point.

Eating pies with knife and fork???!!

It must be a British thing. The tough bred Aussies eat their pies with their hands, it is a skill that is taught in your early school years, or at the football (irrespective of you preferred code). Not major issue if the pie is cooked correctly.

When you ate them at the footy the sauce and gavy just dropped to the ground.....now you have a big shelf to catch it....Have to have bibs too if you eat pies with your hands.

Properly trained, we can eat the lot without spilling anything, did it today smile.png (I don't usually have sauce). It does need a pie of a certain construction and correct cooking.

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let us know when there is no tennis. might pop along. sounds a fun bar but i dont go out to be drowned with sport unless its car racing smile.png

The tennis is over.

If you had come, I can assure you that you wouldn't have been 'drowned in tennis'. It has a attracted a minority audience and for most of the time, (including yesterday's men's final), we turned the sound down and played music videos on the second screen.

We try to keep everyone happy, and although we are showing as much live sport as possible, we are mindful of the fact that not everyone are sports fans.

Of course if we had a bar full of sports fans it might be a different matter, but apart from F1 and the last weekend of EPL matches, so far that has not been the case.

Please drop in some time and see for yourself.

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After the alcoholic bedlam of Saturday night, things were back to normal on Sunday and we’ve been having good crowds in ever since. Whether or not that has anything to do with the events of Saturday night, I can only guess at.

I’m pleased to announce that we now have three new girls working at Mobi’s, so our total female staff complement now stands at 8 (including Lek), and believe it or not, there may be more coming quite soon.

We are having a problem in accommodating them all, (they may have to sleep in shifts... or bunk down behind the bar….), but that is a problem I am happy to solve.

Maybe they can sleep on top of each other….

One of our newbies was so popular on her first day of work, she was actually bar-fined twice in the space of a few hours.

Yet another is off to Koh Chang with one of our regular customers for a three day 'working holiday'

Sport at Mobi’s

The French Tennis open is now over and The World Cup, Wimbledon and The US Open golf will soon be upon us.

Mobi’s will not be showing the football as the prices the licence holders are charging bars to show the games is astronomic. As most of the games are in the middle of the night, with only a few early ones starting at 11 pm, it really isn’t worth it.

The US Open has a 12 hour time difference, but there will be a ‘highlights’ programme of the day’s play every evening, if anyone is interested. I can also show some live action from the start of play from 11 p.m. till midnight.

If there are any golf fans out there, please ask when you come and I will happily put it on for you, (if it is not already showing).

Similarly, I can now show the Queens Tennis tournament from London, which is currently on, and in a couple of weeks I will definitely be showing Wimbledon Tennis, with the emphasis on the later rounds.

Check here for more details after the tournament commences.

The next Formula One GP is in Austria, on 22nd June, and as usual we will be providing full coverage of the practices, qualifying and main race.

But please don’t be put off if you are not a sports enthusiast, as we try to cater for everyone, and don’t let sport totally dominate the atmosphere on sports days.

If you haven’t already given Mobi’s a try, please drop by and see what you think.


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Another thing about pies here is that I have yet to find a really good pie. They are ok-ish but far from perfect. The best I have found are the 'no-name' pork pies you can get in Nana deli. They are pretty authentic - the pastry is perfect and there's a lot of tasty jelly.

I suppose I could sell those if I found the source but they ain't cheap...

Nana Deli maybe is the source of the Nana deli pies? As you seem to have such high standards, I take it you have found a quality hotdog source..."7"?

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attachicon.gifmobi's logo.png

After the alcoholic bedlam of Saturday night, things were back to normal on Sunday and weve been having good crowds in ever since. Whether or not that has anything to do with the events of Saturday night, I can only guess at.

Im pleased to announce that we now have three new girls working at Mobis, so our total female staff complement now stands at 8 (including Lek), and believe it or not, there may be more coming quite soon.

We are having a problem in accommodating them all, (they may have to sleep in shifts... or bunk down behind the bar.), but that is a problem I am happy to solve.

Maybe they can sleep on top of each other.

One of our newbies was so popular on her first day of work, she was actually bar-fined twice in the space of a few hours.

Yet another is off to Koh Chang with one of our regular customers for a three day 'working holiday'

Sport at Mobis

The French Tennis open is now over and The World Cup, Wimbledon and The US Open golf will soon be upon us.

Mobis will not be showing the football as the prices the licence holders are charging bars to show the games is astronomic. As most of the games are in the middle of the night, with only a few early ones starting at 11 pm, it really isnt worth it.

The US Open has a 12 hour time difference, but there will be a highlights programme of the days play every evening, if anyone is interested. I can also show some live action from the start of play from 11 p.m. till midnight.

If there are any golf fans out there, please ask when you come and I will happily put it on for you, (if it is not already showing).

Similarly, I can now show the Queens Tennis tournament from London, which is currently on, and in a couple of weeks I will definitely be showing Wimbledon Tennis, with the emphasis on the later rounds.

Check here for more details after the tournament commences.

The next Formula One GP is in Austria, on 22nd June, and as usual we will be providing full coverage of the practices, qualifying and main race.

But please dont be put off if you are not a sports enthusiast, as we try to cater for everyone, and dont let sport totally dominate the atmosphere on sports days.

If you havent already given Mobis a try, please drop by and see what you think.


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I hope she at least douched in between. I thought the plan was to have a nice relatively tranquil bar for darksiders to relax at; from this and some of your other reports, it sounds like the place is settling into the typical pattaya drunken skank bar.
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attachicon.gifmobi's logo.png

After the alcoholic bedlam of Saturday night, things were back to normal on Sunday and weve been having good crowds in ever since. Whether or not that has anything to do with the events of Saturday night, I can only guess at.

Im pleased to announce that we now have three new girls working at Mobis, so our total female staff complement now stands at 8 (including Lek), and believe it or not, there may be more coming quite soon.

We are having a problem in accommodating them all, (they may have to sleep in shifts... or bunk down behind the bar.), but that is a problem I am happy to solve.

Maybe they can sleep on top of each other.

One of our newbies was so popular on her first day of work, she was actually bar-fined twice in the space of a few hours.

Yet another is off to Koh Chang with one of our regular customers for a three day 'working holiday'

Sport at Mobis

The French Tennis open is now over and The World Cup, Wimbledon and The US Open golf will soon be upon us.

Mobis will not be showing the football as the prices the licence holders are charging bars to show the games is astronomic. As most of the games are in the middle of the night, with only a few early ones starting at 11 pm, it really isnt worth it.

The US Open has a 12 hour time difference, but there will be a highlights programme of the days play every evening, if anyone is interested. I can also show some live action from the start of play from 11 p.m. till midnight.

If there are any golf fans out there, please ask when you come and I will happily put it on for you, (if it is not already showing).

Similarly, I can now show the Queens Tennis tournament from London, which is currently on, and in a couple of weeks I will definitely be showing Wimbledon Tennis, with the emphasis on the later rounds.

Check here for more details after the tournament commences.

The next Formula One GP is in Austria, on 22nd June, and as usual we will be providing full coverage of the practices, qualifying and main race.

But please dont be put off if you are not a sports enthusiast, as we try to cater for everyone, and dont let sport totally dominate the atmosphere on sports days.

If you havent already given Mobis a try, please drop by and see what you think.


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I hope she at least douched in between. I thought the plan was to have a nice relatively tranquil bar for darksiders to relax at; from this and some of your other reports, it sounds like the place is settling into the typical pattaya drunken skank bar.

You have some serious issues pal.

Let me guess, bullied at school?

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Those not interested in participating positively in this thread are strongly encouraged not to post at all. We understand that not everyone is interested in hanging out at a beer bar we heard you and now please move on.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well if it helps Mobi , ive followed your thread since you started the sponsorship snd im going to make a point to call by soon.

P.s just to let you know , im going to travelling from Phuket so the Tiger best be cold :-)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well if it helps Mobi , ive followed your thread since you started the sponsorship snd im going to make a point to call by soon.

P.s just to let you know , im going to travelling from Phuket so the Tiger best be cold :-)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I do hope you're not making the journey from Phuket just to have a beer at Mobi's......

I hate to admit it, but even Mobi's is not worth that much effortbiggrin.png

We really do seem be gathering up a head of steam, as the last three evenings have been positively buzzing, while punters tell me that most of the other lakeside bars are more or less empty.

Certainly the one next door is, except for the infamous Singha John - who only has himself for company these days.

We must be doing something right.

On another note, You read it here first...Mobi's first ever party is tentatively scheduled for Friday 27th June.... put it in your diaries...

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We had a quiet-ish day yesterday but we still had enough regulars drop by to pay the bills!

Tomorrow (Friday) I (Mobi) will be going to Bangkok for a hospital appointment with Lek and we will be staying over night, so it will be our first night away from the bar since we opened.

The bar will be left in the good hands of Auntie and her happy band of 5 girls so lets hope that nobody wins the lottery....(see last Sunday's blog at www.mobithailand.com)

I'm sure everything will be just fine.smile.png

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Well if it helps Mobi , ive followed your thread since you started the sponsorship snd im going to make a point to call by soon.

P.s just to let you know , im going to travelling from Phuket so the Tiger best be cold :-)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I do hope you're not making the journey from Phuket just to have a beer at Mobi's......

I hate to admit it, but even Mobi's is not worth that much effortbiggrin.png

We really do seem be gathering up a head of steam, as the last three evenings have been positively buzzing, while punters tell me that most of the other lakeside bars are more or less empty.

Certainly the one next door is, except for the infamous Singha John - who only has himself for company these days.

We must be doing something right.

On another note, You read it here first...Mobi's first ever party is tentatively scheduled for Friday 27th June.... put it in your diaries...

Sadly not just to call into Mobis im afraid. However will make a point to travel over when im there.

Always happy to support a buisiness thats actually trying to do something. Not that a few beers is going to change alot but hey better than i spend it in some random bar.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Be careful with this guy Mobi, he's gonna say to you, trust me on this one the price of beer will go down by 25% in the next 72 hours.

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The new Bar at Lake Mabprachan

Yesterday was the first day when neither myself, nor my lovely cashier, Lek, were at Mobi’s for entire day’s trading.

Yesterday morning we went to Bangkok for an early morning appointment at the embassy and a late afternoon appointment at Siriraj hospital, so I decided to make a night of it in the Big Mango.

I didn’t fancy tackling the Friday evening traffic exodus from Bangkok when half the motorised residents run for hills.

We had a long, tiring, but very successful day and all that we set out to do was accomplished. This included a boat ferry ride on the Chao Phraya river, to and from Thaksin pier to Siriraj pier. I took a load of pics which match the ones I took in London last year on our river trip down the Thames from London Bridge to Greenwich.

See my next blog, which will probably be published one day late on Monday 16th June for the full story and pics. (www.mobithailand)

Meanwhile, back at Mobi’s I am yet to hear the accounts from my regular customers of any untoward incidents that might have taken place during my absence.

Lek and I returned to Pattaya at around 1.30 pm today, and we made a surprise visit to the bar the see what the ‘mice’ might have been up to.

All was pretty much in order, although the place was devoid of customers and the girls were all seated at one of the tables, eating, and drinking beer from 4 large bottles of Singha.

I’m not too sure that I was overly happy at this scene as I well remember in my drinking days that the sight of all the bar girls sitting and drinking often put me off stopping by.

It used to seem to me - rightly or wrongly – that they were busy having a good time of their own, and would not be able to drag themselves away to take care of a lonely customer....

So I think a quiet word will be in order.

A quick check at the till revealed that last night had gone reasonably, well – cash-wise, so I hope there were no major screw-ups.

No doubt I will hear about them if there were.

The World Cup is now upon us, and I have previously posted that Mobi’s will not be showing any of the games. The earliest matches don’t start until 11 p.m.,(with most of them starting in the middle of the night), and on top of this there is threat of the dreaded ‘licence police' / thugs. They will no doubt be out and about in force, extorting as many bars as they are able to catch showing the football without appropriate ‘licences’.

Even though the government has paid a huge amount of money to ensure free coverage for everyone, that only applies to the TVs in people’s homes, and from what I understand, it could cost a bar as much as 50,000 baht to show the games legally.

So I am anticipating a lean period as many will stay home to watch the games, but there’s little I can do about it. We will be showing live coverage from Wimbledon that starts on 23rd June, but apart from that there is little sport around over the next week or so that we can show, except the US Open from 11 p.m till midnight, if anyone is interested.

But for those of you who are not sports fans, this may be the opportunity you have been waiting for to give Mobi’s a try out, and meet our exceptionally friendly female staff, and listen to our wide ranging music video selection, with the guarantee of absolutely no hip-hop, techno or club.

I am not planning any more days away, so I can assure you of my personal attention from around 6 p.m. onwards every evening, should you wish to seek me out.

Hope to see you there.

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Mobi there is plenty of other sport happening around the world other than the soccer. You might find some people looking for a bit of respite from the madness.

Chang Paarp, I write about all the other sports that I am able to show.

I forked out a fair bit of money to show the EPL and Formula One, which are far and away the two most popular sports for expats in Thailand.

Other sports, (like the US golf open) are either at the wrong time, or I have no means to show them, without risk of arrest. (eg cricket and rugby)

I announce any sport I am able to show, (like tennis), and yes I hope to get a few customers who are not into football, but early indications are that most people will stay home and watch the games.

Now that England and Australia lost their opening matches maybe more folks will come and have a few drinks to drown their sorrows......sad.png

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Well if it helps Mobi , ive followed your thread since you started the sponsorship snd im going to make a point to call by soon.

P.s just to let you know , im going to travelling from Phuket so the Tiger best be cold :-)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I do hope you're not making the journey from Phuket just to have a beer at Mobi's......

I hate to admit it, but even Mobi's is not worth that much effortbiggrin.png

We really do seem be gathering up a head of steam, as the last three evenings have been positively buzzing, while punters tell me that most of the other lakeside bars are more or less empty.

Certainly the one next door is, except for the infamous Singha John - who only has himself for company these days.

We must be doing something right.

On another note, You read it here first...Mobi's first ever party is tentatively scheduled for Friday 27th June.... put it in your diaries...

Sadly not just to call into Mobis im afraid. However will make a point to travel over when im there.

Always happy to support a buisiness thats actually trying to do something. Not that a few beers is going to change alot but hey better than i spend it in some random bar.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Be careful with this guy Mobi, he's gonna say to you, trust me on this one the price of beer will go down by 25% in the next 72 hours.



Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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dammit Mobi ---- while world Cup is on I religiously avoid looking anywhere that may show soccer results and i watch the matches during the day. I also find time every day to read your thread!

Just rushed back from shopping to watch England game only to find you say they lost !! Buggeration!!

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Just curious....why the urge to hire the older, single moms to work at your bar? Can you not find younger, attractive childless girls that might attract a younger, more vibrant clientele? I just find that somehow the vibe of these bars is just a little depressing. Same feeling when I visited my grandparents in a seniors home.

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Just curious....why the urge to hire the older, single moms to work at your bar? Can you not find younger, attractive childless girls that might attract a younger, more vibrant clientele? I just find that somehow the vibe of these bars is just a little depressing. Same feeling when I visited my grandparents in a seniors home.

Two girls are 20, one is 23 , and two more are 24. The cashier is 32 and the mamasan is in her mid forties. Four of the girls are childless.

I have no idea what you are talking about.... are you sure you were in Mobi's?

Edited by Mobi
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Sorry, it was just the photos I was looking at that were posted. Perhaps they look younger in person. Good to see you're making an effort....a lot of bars could learn from you.

A true internet warrior. Makes his mind up from a poor quality photo. But at least he admitted it.

Quality customer.

Nice to see he apologised.

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