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Police Arrest Suspect in Murder of Dutch Woman (Monday update)


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Police Arrest Suspect in Murder of Dutch Woman (PPP article update)
Arrest, 'confession' in Dutch woman's murder

Wed, 30 April 2014
Kevin Ponniah

Police have arrested a 32-year-old man they say has confessed to killing Dutch national Daphna Beerdsen, 31, with a screwdriver on Monday after she called for help while he tried steal a bicycle from her home.

The horrific attack has also left her baby daughter in critical condition at a Bangkok hospital.

The suspect was arrested last night at about 9pm at Wat Botum pagoda near the Royal Palace and has confessed to the crime, National Police spokesman Kirth Chantharith told the Post this morning.

He confessed that he did the crime. He did murder that lady, because he wanted to steal the bicycle. But during his action, [she] knew that somebody saw or [wanted] to steal the bicycle, so she shouted loudly for getting help and then he attacked her using [a] screwdriver to stab [her], he said.

So far, he already confessed and we already confiscated the evidence. It is the bag of the Dutch lady including some material inside [like] her identity card or passport, Im not sure. But of course, that is her bag and her documents.

Beerdsens 19-month-old daughter, Dana Oele, underwent brain surgery at Bangkok General Hospital last night after being flown there from Phnom Penh on Tuesday.

Beerdsen and Oele were found at the family's rented house in Phnom Penhs Chamkarmon district on Monday morning.


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Another Update

A suspect arrested last week for the murder of Dutch national Daphna Beerdsen was charged on Saturday in Phnom Penh Municipal Court, a court official has said.

The suspect, 35-year-old Chea Pin, was charged with intentional murder with aggravating circumstances at the court of first instance, Heang Sopheak, the court’s vice prosecutor, said on Saturday.


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^ IMHO The Husband / father of the baby who is still fighting for her life in a hospital in Bkk is victim #3 :wai:

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

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