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NACC asks law council to take action against PM’s lawyer

Lite Beer

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The NACC sees it as a retaliation, but what the lawyer stated was acceptable. Keep in mind that legal counsel is there to advocate on behalf of his client. He is to use the legal means necessary to advance his client's interests. In this case, the lawyer stated that he would bring a complaint necause the NACC refused to allow the the counsel to call witnesses.. It was his right and his obligation. to do his utmost on behalf of the client. It is the NACC that is attempting to intimidate and bully. It is the NACC that committed a wrong when it denied the accused the right to call additional witnesses in a serious case.

in a democracy to block witnesses to appear on court......YES, that is bullying !!

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If the NACC didn't do anything wrong then they have nothing to worry about.

Seems to me her lawyer may be onto something.

Not a matter of the NACC doing anything wrong, they are the complainant.

And if the lawyer didn't do anything wrong he has nothing to worry about

The well documented fact is that the lawyer made statements that are equivalent to threats against the NACC, and this, as well as being outside the law, is not the way to endear himself or his client to the investigators.

So now a complaint has been laid it is up to the law council to decide whether an offense has been committed by the lawyer and if it has what to do about it.

The NACC has been very patient through all the threats and intimidation against them including attacks with grenades.

They now have a legal channel to go after one of those threatening them where previously they had the police as their only recourse, and it would appear they have done nothing.

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This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

Look at how pathetic it has all become.

Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

noun: coup; plural noun: coups.
1. a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. "he was overthrown in an army coup"

2. a notable or successful stroke or move. "it was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract"

After many years of strengthening the Thai judicial system to withstand the pressures of rampant corruption, the courts scored a major judicial coup by removing the last puppet PM of the overseas fugitive crime boss Mr. Dr. Thaksin.

Note: America passes laws to prevent proper voter identification so millions of illegal immigrants can vote. One mid Western county recently reported a 140% voter turnout. Let's listen to them about how solve problems democratically

You mean a Coup D'etat,

A coup d'état (/ˌkdˈtɑː/; French: blow of state; plural: coups d'état)11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png audio (help·info), also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden and illegal seizure of a government,[1][2][3][4] usually instigated by a small group of the existing state establishment to depose the established government and replace it with a new ruling body, civil or military. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. When the coup neither fails completely nor succeeds, a civil war is a likely consequence.

What the coup of 2006 did, was remove half of the senate from the checks and balances of the voters. And since it dumbly made that portion appointed by the very independent agencies that the Senate is supposed to oversee, it also killed the oversight for these independent agencies.

NACC is on the committee that appoints the senators that are supposed to oversee the NACC.

It is not a suprise to see the NACC refused to accept witnesses, that is malfeasance, and their behavior in confirming they think they are above even claims of malfeasance shows the sad state that the oversight is in today. Non-existent.

The fix is to make the Senate Democratic and Elected again, so it can be free from influence from NACC and thus free to clear out that roaches nest without the NACC intimidating the Senate by indicting Senators for voting against NACC interests. As they did a few days ago when Senators voted to strip NACC of its role in choosing Appointed Senators and make the Senate fully elected. And NACC indicted 36 of them. A clear conflict of interests in the NACC there.

It is not for the NACC to usurp the right of the Senators to freely vote without being indicted for simply voting. How can Senators vote freely, if they are intimidated by threatened indictment from the NACC!

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

Look at how pathetic it has all become.

Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials

...and then you Red Shirt sycophants will have the Democratic Republic of Thailand that you have been fighting for...!! And I will have moved elsewhere...!!

Looks like a win, win situation then.

Very good

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This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

Look at how pathetic it has all become.

Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

The court is corrupt and dear Yingluck is not corrupt cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Yes, you've hit the nail on the head.

Glad to see your learning things and leaving your ignorance behind.

Well Done!

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This really deserves a bravo. Yingluck's lawyers - not to mention Yingluck herself, Chalerm, Surapong, CAPO, and the UDD - have more than crossed the line into contempt of court - in some cases many times over. It's about time the law put its foot down, and it has. Bullies only succeed when they intimidate. When they don't - they fail.

Open defiance of such a corrupted institution is correct and noble.

The actions of the 2006 coup appointed judicial officials has rendered the courts null and void.

The US has stated such, both privately and publicly, which is why the judges have not been able to remove Yingluck from office.

All avenues for the yellows to usurp power are now firmly closed - justice and democracy has won the day.

Look at how pathetic it has all become.

Suthep and Abhisit in a public spat and the NACC reduced to filing frivolous charges against a no name lawyer.

Time to pack up the 5 or 6 remaining tents in Lumpini and go home.

Only embarrassment remains for the failed coup mongers.

In the not too distant future a fully elected senate will see the end of all these anti-democratic military/elite appointed officials and true independence will be returned to the courts.

the idea was not in a coup. but to over throw the thaksin scum. the word...COUP.. is merely something certain people like to hide behind. . kinda like how thaksin dangles money in front of the poor. and hides behind NOBLE WORDS.

just look at the crowd. which crowd has the youth in it. which crowd had old and young together. ..

now, look at the PRO THAKSIN crowd. ALLbetween the ages of 40-60. JUST LOOK. ok, so i am sure you can point out some odd ones here and there. . i dont think you know what you are saying. so what if there are just 5 tents. ever seen a clown car? C4 comes in small packages, small axes chop down big trees.... David and goliath. as of NOW, the poor are swayed by money. wait a bit.. soon they will desire food more than money. and i doubt Thaksin grows food.

a certain chineese warlord once attempted the exact same thing Thaksin is doing. ... almost step for step. it didnt turn out so good for his family... or his descendants.

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