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Getting extra entries on double entry tourist visa

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Quick question: I just picked up a double entry tourist visa in Vientiane and came straight back to Thailand, leaving me with one more re-entry. But what if I want to leave Thailand more than once over the next few months? A few years ago, I had a non-B thai visa, and I just had to apply for a re-entry permit whenever I left Thailand. Does it work the same way for a double entry tourist visa? Can I just apply for a re-entry permit if I want to add extra entries?



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That's good news! Would it still work if I wanted to leave before my second visa entry date? If I get the re-entry permit, I wouldn't be using my second entry, right? I don't want to shorten my visa length by accidentally using the second entry too soon.

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On entry a 60 day permission to stay is given. If after 20 days you wish to take a trip then a re-entry permit would be required in order to keep the 60 day permission to stay alive. If a return is made prior to the original permission to stay date the second entry remains unused.

Do not forget each 60 day entry can be extended by 30 days on application to an immigration office .

Be careful with the dates !

Edited by thepool
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That's good news! Would it still work if I wanted to leave before my second visa entry date? If I get the re-entry permit, I wouldn't be using my second entry, right? I don't want to shorten my visa length by accidentally using the second entry too soon.

The re-entry permit would just preserve your current 'admitted until' date upon re-entry (obviously entry up to that date only).

If you were to use a re-entry permit, then the second visa entry is unaffected, but must still be made before the 'enter before' date on your visa sticker/stamp.

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You only have 90 days to use the 2nd entry form the date your visa was issued in Vientiane.

You can get the re-entry permit for the 60 days you got when your entered the country. You would just have to back before that 60 days runs out so that you can apply for the 30 day extension. If you were to enter after the re-entry permit expired you would have to use the 2nd entry.

Some immigration offices will allow you to do the 30 day extension as much as 30 days early. You could then get a re-entry permit that would be good for both the remainder of your 60 days and the 30 day extension.

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