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Another dog story


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If you don't like the dogs, MOVE

The mutts were there before you

Why isn't there any "Dislike" button ?

Can you come live with me for a week? I'd think you'd enjoy it immensely for several reasons. First of course the non stop free symphony of dog barking. And then of course there is me. And hopefully, one of those 'mutts' will bite you in your ass while jogging or walking by her house. Let me know.

PS: Not all the dogs were there "before" me. Does this mean the ones added after I moved in must go? You use great logic. Another example of Thai illogic.

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There is a house near my room where they have loads of those little annoying rat dogs and one itself is not so bad but when they all go off at once, it's damned annoying ! One night a few months ago they left them all outside the house to enjoy the cool weather I guess and they were keeping me awake. I went and bashed on their gate at around 4am driving the dogs insane and shouting at the owner to wake up and get out here. When he came out I explained cooley and calmly in Thai that if the dogs kept me awake again, I would be over here to wake him up again whatever the time of night and would do so at least every 30 minutes or less till they shut the bloody things up. I ended by saying 'if they keep me awake, I keep you awake too.OK ?' Quiet nights ever since, still a bit annoying during the day, but a huge improvement....You should do the same to the old lady, can work wonders...!


Did you ever attempt to talk to the owner before you went over there in the middle of the night with am aggressive threat or was that your first contact on the matter? It seems the owner was not aware of the dogs bothering you until that night and immediately took efforts to appease you.

Just think how easy it might have all been if you had originally approached them politely in the day time... You might have avoided losing face.

You apparenetly didn't read MY post. Being polite or using logic in Thailand is a waste of time. If a dog owner who has 10 or 20 or 30 dogs in her house doesn't know how f...g annoying 10 or 20 or 30 barking, whining and yelping dogs are then no amount of being polite or reason is going to work. Problem is as usual, not the dogs but the brain dead owners and completely impotent legal system here in the land of s.(use your own ending).

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If you don't like the dogs, MOVE

The mutts were there before you

no.1 rule if your goner move check it out first.if they were there before you moved put up with it or move.easy as that,no brown envelopes and you will be able to sleep better.

thais are not to be -uc-ed with.or they will retaliate in one way or another.

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