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British Lords call for speeding fracking


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British Lords call for speeding fracking

LONDON: -- Britain’s fracking industry is being held back by environmental regulations drawn up in Brussels, a senior committee of the UK House of Lords plans to say this week, NYT reports. In a major report, the Lords are expected to call for permits to be granted more quickly to drilling companies to allow them to test the potential of newly drilled shale gas wells.

Government experts believe that Britain's shale gas and oil reserves, buried deep underground, could generate billions of pounds worth of fuel in future as well as more jobs.

Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", involves pumping water, sand and chemicals at high pressure into shale rock deep underground, which then fractures, releasing its reserves of gas and oil.

This controversial process has raised environmental concerns over the potential risks to drinking water supplies from contamination by fracking waste chemicals, and the danger of causing earth tremors.

Ministers fear landowners and anti-fracking protesters would use existing laws to block shale gas extraction in the UK, as it suggests prior permission is needed to run pipelines thousands of feet below private land. The officials instead pledge all seismic activity will be closely monitored and any significant changes will result in the process being slowed or stopped. The companies will still need planning permission to drill for shale gas, they say.

Ministers also hope that exploiting the shale gas and oil reserves could help secure a home-grown energy supply and reduce household gas and electricity bills in future.

David Cameron also believes that fracking could help Britain and the rest of the European Union reduce its reliance on imported gas from Russia, thus, the process should be boosted. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year, Mr. Cameron warned Europe against imposing "burdensome" red tape on the fracking industry. Industry groups warned the committee that Britain's onshore oil and gas businesses were governed by 14 separate EU directives, ranging from water directives to minor waste regulations.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_05_05/British-Lords-call-for-speeding-fracking-5207/

-- Voice of Russia 2014-05-05

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Britain, is one of the major countries, accusing third world countries of contributing to the increase of the global warming effect.

But seems to be, when it is for their own benefit, everything else, doesn't matter.

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Britain, is one of the major countries, accusing third world countries of contributing to the increase of the global warming effect.

But seems to be, when it is for their own benefit, everything else, doesn't matter.

Not fair comment really. Britain like every other country in the world is still reliant on oil and gas, but there are movements to nuclear and other power stations such as wind farms. You only have to drive around the UK to see thousands of windmills all over the place that were not there 10 years or so ago.

Solar energy is also moving forward. My local Tesco has half of its roof covered with solar panels and thousands of new home builds are now being built with solar panels. Germany is currently leading the world in this drive but the UK is moving to follow and the increase is very rapid.

However, these changes are decades in the making. For now the UK needs oil and gas. Right now there is too much reliance on imported gas from Russia and the cost to households is high, far too high.

So, do some research and see fro yourself what it going on. There are always going to opposition to anything regarding the use of solid fuel and new extraction but fact is we need it and as long as we are investing in other forms of energy I don't see a problem.

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Britain, is one of the major countries, accusing third world countries of contributing to the increase of the global warming effect.

But seems to be, when it is for their own benefit, everything else, doesn't matter.

Not fair comment really. Britain like every other country in the world is still reliant on oil and gas, but there are movements to nuclear and other power stations such as wind farms. You only have to drive around the UK to see thousands of windmills all over the place that were not there 10 years or so ago.

Solar energy is also moving forward. My local Tesco has half of its roof covered with solar panels and thousands of new home builds are now being built with solar panels. Germany is currently leading the world in this drive but the UK is moving to follow and the increase is very rapid.

However, these changes are decades in the making. For now the UK needs oil and gas. Right now there is too much reliance on imported gas from Russia and the cost to households is high, far too high.

So, do some research and see fro yourself what it going on. There are always going to opposition to anything regarding the use of solid fuel and new extraction but fact is we need it and as long as we are investing in other forms of energy I don't see a problem.

"You only have to drive around the UK to see thousands of windmills all over the place "

Yes, everyone get into your petrol guzzling cars and drive around looking for energy conserving windmills.

OR: Maybe you could just purchase a personal wearable windmill and save the fuel you would have wasted ( and also impress the neighbours no end).


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Ah, the unelected Lord Nimbys and Sirs B. Assed, offering the benefit of their considerable knowledge and insight, together with their dubious support for fracking enthusiast PM Cameron, also a Nimby.

Reducing reliance on imported gas is one thing; face value reliance on the no-doubt heavily lobbied, never-mind-the-quality-feel-the-width statistics of the fracking firms is another.

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Britain, is one of the major countries, accusing third world countries of contributing to the increase of the global warming effect.

But seems to be, when it is for their own benefit, everything else, doesn't matter.

We are not one person. If you look there is MASSIVE public opposition to this move across the country.

There is also massive support.

Yay! Frack away!


Only from the capitalists who only care about short term profits, and have no regard for the planet.

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However, these changes are decades in the making. For now the UK needs oil and gas. Right now there is too much reliance on imported gas from Russia and the cost to households is high, far too high.

Aaah so the Fracking companies are doing this for the benefit of the consumer, out of the goodness of their lilywhite hearts?


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Yeah, frack away, so we'll have all the oil and gas we could ever use (or waste) but have no clean water to drink, and people living in the vicinity coming down with cancer and lung problems. Up the House of Lords!

Now I'm very interested in the source of your information about, water, cancer and lung problems from fracking. More to the point is it claims made by vested interests and the NIMBY gatherings that appear to have, coincidentally, many of the anti-nuclear and ban the bomb clowns from yesteryear. I do not see you complaining about the deafening noise from the wind turbines that are scattered around the UK!

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However, these changes are decades in the making. For now the UK needs oil and gas. Right now there is too much reliance on imported gas from Russia and the cost to households is high, far too high.

Aaah so the Fracking companies are doing this for the benefit of the consumer, out of the goodness of their lilywhite hearts?


My cynical! Please tell me how many businesses do not need profits to operate.

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There was just an article the other day on MSN (original source unknown) about Denton, Texas (reddest of Red States) where fracking has made people sick, and polluted the ground water. There are many stories one can google re fracking and the damage it does. Sure, it's great that the USA will soon be flush with oil and gas, won't have to go to war (again) for oil etc. What a dream. And the UK could really benefit from having a huge pool of domestic gas. But at what cost? The world needs clean water more than it needs oil and gas.

And you can be sure that none of these fracking wells will be installed on MiLords grouse hunting preserve.

I agree about the windmills. They are noisy and ugly and a hazard to birds.

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Yeah, frack away, so we'll have all the oil and gas we could ever use (or waste) but have no clean water to drink, and people living in the vicinity coming down with cancer and lung problems. Up the House of Lords!

Now I'm very interested in the source of your information about, water, cancer and lung problems from fracking. More to the point is it claims made by vested interests and the NIMBY gatherings that appear to have, coincidentally, many of the anti-nuclear and ban the bomb clowns from yesteryear. I do not see you complaining about the deafening noise from the wind turbines that are scattered around the UK!

I too have read about the potential threats to health from fracking chemicals. I can't be bothered to look up the info again to cite references for you, but you can look it up if you want.

And what about deafening noise from wind farms? My family lives close to one, and yes there's noise, but I'd hardly call it deafening. Anyway, I'd much rather listen to the noise of a wind farm than smell the smoke of a coal/gas fired power plant, or live next to the ticking time bomb of a nuclear reactor. Wind farms are a) clean and B) never going to run out. Ever. That in itself has to be good.

There's also the issue of setting a precedent. If they're allowed to drill under private land for this, then what will be allowed under our land next?

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Anyone notice where this story came from...

Of course if the UK goes full steam ahead with fracking and starts producing vast amounts of gas to supply the whole of Europe Putin is going to end up toothless, but then no doubt there will be a lot of protesters and no points for guessing where they are getting their funds from.

Edited by Basil B
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