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Radiation levels in Fukushima forests drop 50% – report


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Radiation Levels in Fukushima Forests Drop 50% – Report

TOKYO, May 5 (RIA Novosti) – Levels of radioactive contamination in forests surrounding Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant have dropped by half over the last two years, the NHK channel reported Monday.

According to local authorities, the average annual level of radiation in the forests after the disaster at the power plant amounted to 0.91 microsieverts per hour, while the latest measurements showed only 0.44 microsieverts per hour.

Fukushima prefecture authorities underlined that radioactive contamination could have a significant impact on the productivity of forest resources management as workers abandon their lots over fears of radiation.

The measurements were made at over 350 sites in Fukushima’s forestland. The level of radiation is expected to drop by an additional 30 percent in the next 20 years.

Full story: http://en.ria.ru/world/20140505/189582507/Radiation-Levels-in-Fukushima-Forests-Drop-50--Report.html

-- RIA NOVOSTI 2014-05-05

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" According to local authorities "

If you believe ANYTHING they say you believe in fairies at the bottom of the gardengiggle.gif

Haha, yeah . . . We should all just trust what you and those nut bag doom, gloom, everyone is lying to you, end of world is coming and world leaders are shape shifting lizards say.

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Who believes this pure BS ?

I hope not Japanese or they really deserve the shiiite thar happens.

Japanese governement lies and many countries do not accept fresh products coming from there anymore.

Even the machines used to check radioactivity are installed in a way that the results are fake and do not show the truth.

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Nothing can be believed coming from this country, unless independently verified by other nations. IMO

Agreed. I spent some years in Japan and they are indeed a duplicitous race, and I could never trust them in anything.

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" According to local authorities "

If you believe ANYTHING they say you believe in fairies at the bottom of the gardengiggle.gif

Haha, yeah . . . We should all just trust what you and those nut bag doom, gloom, everyone is lying to you, end of world is coming and world leaders are shape shifting lizards say.

If it was “ nut bag doom, gloom “ as you put it, please explain why the Japanese government needed to introduce a new secrecy law?rolleyes.gif

NY Times Reporter: Untold story of Fukushima is the radiation issue, gov’t doesn’t want us talking about it; A lot going on that’s never reported by media — Afraid of being imprisoned under Japan’s new secrecy law; All officials have to do is say the info is secret (AUDIO)


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Why should anyone be willing to give any credit to the existing authorities as far as potentially telling the truth is concerned when even the former Prime Minister of Japan Junichiro Koizumi accuses them of lying. Now we have not one but two former Japanese prime minister's calling for the end of nuclear power in Japanrolleyes.gif

'We've been lied to,' said ex-Prime Minister Koizumi


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According to local authorities, the average annual level of radiation in the forests after the disaster at the power plant amounted to 0.91 microsieverts per hour, while the latest measurements showed only 0.44 microsieverts per hour.

In other news it was reported that forest coverage since the Fukushima disaster had depleted by approx 50%.

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