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Another one - 7:57 - 59 - 8:01


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No. Minor shakies seemed to occur ever year or so, due to the MINOR fault lines called the Phayao and Mae Suai fault lines. Mae Chan is SUPPOSED tyo have all the shakes in the region, yet they don't (during this series).

I've (only) been there 6 years and except for the Myanmar shake a number of years ago, nothing here.

Does anyone now if Chiang Rai is in a subduction zone? Never realized that earthquakes in those areas stay so centralized.

(From the web: Subduction zones are the junctions where two lithospheric plates join. Any movement towards or away from each plate results to faults which cause earthquakes.)

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No. Minor shakies seemed to occur ever year or so, due to the MINOR fault lines called the Phayao and Mae Suai fault lines. Mae Chan is SUPPOSED tyo have all the shakes in the region, yet they don't (during this series).

I've (only) been there 6 years and except for the Myanmar shake a number of years ago, nothing here.

Does anyone now if Chiang Rai is in a subduction zone? Never realized that earthquakes in those areas stay so centralized.

(From the web: Subduction zones are the junctions where two lithospheric plates join. Any movement towards or away from each plate results to faults which cause earthquakes.)

Got it. It is fascinating to think of what processes are going on that could cause a week's worth of earthquakes. I've been through several earthquakes in California and elsewhere and only in volcano regions are there hundreds of aftershocks. Seems the cinder cone legend of Chiang Saen is coming alive! (Ask your Thai wives about this one!)

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Brian... My wife heard a bit of a different version from her parents when she was wee. Her recall is not 100 % but she remembers it going something like this:

An ancient king built a city on a hill with smoke (sounds like a volcano) somewhere near Chiang Saen. A fisherman caught a huge white fish from the river and the ancient king called all the people, except for one old lady, to come eat, even though some said it was an angel fish and should not be consumed. The night after the feast, there was an earthquake and the city fell into the volcano and disappeared. Everyone was lost except for the old lady and her house which survived. Or so goes the legend/bed time story......

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it coincided with a major Coronal Mass Ejection, although this quake series may be from the one two days ago.

look at this new one, it is awe inspiring

the largest I have seen

be prepared for anything: this is a mega quake watch now

no fear

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the unrest underground is spreading.,

that is now 3 in Myannmar, mixed in the last 15 in the Chiang Rai vicinity

I see this as enlarging the quake zone, and thus, the danger is increasing of a monster eruption

I continually repeat, "eyes open, no fear"

prepare for the worst, hope for the best

the massive CME that left the sunn two days ago, should be arriving soon,

we had a 6 in Puerto Rico

and more 6's are spreading out


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I sure do not hope you are right but I am afraid that you are when I look at the maps....take a look at the 3 latest from Myanmar....and have those in Mae Suai, Phan and Mae Lao.

Yesterday- http://www.seismology.tmd.go.th/eq_inside/local_map_en.php?id=2550



To me it looks like it is closing up around us now...latest from Myanmar at same spot as that big one 3-4 years ago.

Stay safe guys and take care of your self and each other.

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I sure do not hope you are right but I am afraid that you are when I look at the maps....take a look at the 3 latest from Myanmar....and have those in Mae Suai, Phan and Mae Lao.

Yesterday- http://www.seismology.tmd.go.th/eq_inside/local_map_en.php?id=2550



To me it looks like it is closing up around us now...latest from Myanmar at same spot as that big one 3-4 years ago.

Stay safe guys and take care of your self and each other.


I am not trying to be an alarmist,

but, like a kid putting a puzzle together,

this is stating to look like, an encirclement,

so, if a person then puts the pieces together, and takes the land mass out,

the picture does seem like it is coming together there, underneath.

just have plenty of bottled water, and food supplies, and a plan, if there is a real separation

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It is my understanding that each day there are hundred of earth quakes which can be felt by humans around the world and many times that number which are detected by sensitive instruments. Perhaps I am naive but I am not concerned by recent activity in Chiang Rai and personally have only felt a couple of aftershocks.

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I understand that not everyone is as blasé about this as I am. I am just sharing the fact that I am personally not spending any time worrying about earthquakes. I am not saying I am correct or more knowledgeable, just that I prefer to focus on things I can do something about.

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Different people do different things VF...you are right that we can not do much about a earth quake-but not think about it at all-or not prepare for an emergency situation is in my opinion stupid.

But as said-different people do things different ways.

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I am not sure “stupid” is the most considerate word one could use, but you are entitled to your opinion, I guess. I certainly don’t fit in the category of “doomsday preppers” but I would never call those people stupid. Who knows, they may end up being right, but I have no intention of living that way.

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I am not sure “stupid” is the most considerate word one could use, but you are entitled to your opinion, I guess. I certainly don’t fit in the category of “doomsday preppers” but I would never call those people stupid. Who knows, they may end up being right, but I have no intention of living that way.

I live in south florida.

We have a hurricane season every year.

many years, we get nothing,

some years, we get something,


every time there is a major storm,

the supermarkets are empty in one day,

the hardware stores are emptied in one day,

how does it hurt to always have a two week water supply, and a two week food supply?

it is not that hard

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Don't be fooled by VF's cool demeanor.

He is swanlike. On the surface, he may be elegant, refined and relaxed but underneath you can be sure that his little legs have been frantically running around Central, stockpiling their finest frozen produce and tinned goods supplies to enjoy with his reservoirs of Evian and Starbucks coffee. smile.png

Edited by Paul888
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I did not meant to offend any one whit what i said VF...just wondered how any one living here right now can do it whit out thinking about the earth quakes and what can happen - and not make a plan for emergency.

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I did not meant to offend any one whit what i said VF...just wondered how any one living here right now can do it whit out thinking about the earth quakes and what can happen - and not make a plan for emergency.

not sure if they will keep this up or not,

but it is today, Serbia,

many people displaced

this is added to millions having their homes, wiped out

its happening, a lot.

people that are responsible for others should be awake,

those that aren't responsible for others, do not need to care,

this could be the other posters view, so, se lai vie

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Can we close this thread or move it to the news forum. There doesn't appear to be much CR related at this point. I am not saying it should not be continued as there are some folks who are following this but it no longer is a CR thing.

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Sorry but Phan,Mae Saui and Mae lao where do they belong????

The after shocks and new earth quakes in Thailand right now-which this thread is about is going on at those places - any doubt about that take a look for your self please.


We have one topic about this closed and I do not know why some one have problems about having this one running...if you do not have any interest in this - just do not open and read about it....but let us who have keep this.

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