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CAPO warns charter court not to overstep its authority


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" Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to pre-empt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling. "

Nonsense. It's contempt of court. Since when is a " warning " not a warning ? Every communique that CAPO has issued concerning the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been contempt of court. CAPO is out of control, and has become in effect a wing of not only Pheu Thai but of the UDD. They are as removed from the law as this solar system is from the next. CAPO has acted absolutely disgracefully, and it surprises none that they would issue this final threat now. They have been deliberately engaged in the intimidation of the court. Now that these cases are reaching completion I think we can safely say that Yingluck's " lawyers " should all be sacked, as they know nothing of the law or how to address the bench. She would have been better served if she recruited each family member of the Brady Bunch.

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" Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to pre-empt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling. "

Nonsense. It's contempt of court. Since when is a " warning " not a warning ? Every communique that CAPO has issued concerning the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been contempt of court. CAPO is out of control, and has become in effect a wing of Pheu Thai. They are as removed from the law as this solar system is from the next. CAPO has acted absolutely disgracefully, and it surprises none that they would issue this final threat now. They have been deliberately engaged in intimidations of the court. Now that these cases are reaching completion I think we can safely say that Yingluck's " lawyers " should all be sacked, as they know nothing of the law or how to address the bench. She would have been better served if she recruited each family member of the Brady Bunch.

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" Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to pre-empt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling. "

Nonsense. It's contempt of court. Since when is a " warning " not a warning ? Every communique that CAPO has issued concerning the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been contempt of court. CAPO is out of control, and has become in effect a wing of Pheu Thai. They are as removed from the law as this solar system is from the next. CAPO has acted absolutely disgracefully, and it surprises none that they would issue this final threat now. They have been deliberately engaged in intimidations of the court. Now that these cases are reaching completion I think we can safely say that Yingluck's " lawyers " should all be sacked, as they know nothing of the law or how to address the bench. She would have been better served if she recruited each family member of the Brady Bunch.

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Should the headline read, "Charter Court warns CAPO not to overstep its authority"?

I hope Tarit will be dealt with for contempt of court when this is all done. A spell in prison with some of his former customers, while his unusual wealth is being investigate, might inject some moral rectitude in this disgusting worm. The other prisoners might help him shake off his fantasies of power and understand what life is really like at the sharp end.

Edited by Dogmatix
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" Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to pre-empt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling. "

Nonsense. It's contempt of court. Since when is a " warning " not a warning ? Every communique that CAPO has issued concerning the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been contempt of court. CAPO is out of control, and has become in effect a wing of Pheu Thai. They are as removed from the law as this solar system is from the next. CAPO has acted absolutely disgracefully, and it surprises none that they would issue this final threat now. They have been deliberately engaged in intimidations of the court. Now that these cases are reaching completion I think we can safely say that Yingluck's " lawyers " should all be sacked, as they know nothing of the law or how to address the bench. She would have been better served if she recruited each family member of the Brady Bunch.

Usually, a contempt of court charge is for something that happens inside the court. But, since you're so excited. Let's charge them with 'contempt of court'.

And then we can charge the 'other side' with 'politicizing the judiciary'. Both sides will be duly chastised. Isn't that fair? Feel better now?

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In a statement read by Tarit Pengdit, secretary of Capo, said that the Constitutional Court had already set a precedent when it ruled on the status of then prime minister Samak Sundaravej and only Samak lost his premiership while his cabinet continued to function.

Well, since this government is so horrible, it looks like the CC is going to set another precedent and remove the entire caretaker cabinet. Yingluck testified it wasn't her fault but that the cabinet made the decision. Damned them out of her own mouth..

Since Samak’s case and Ms Yingluck’s case are similar, the ruling by the charter court on the latter’s case should be in the same direction – that is the ruling is binding only to the prime minister, said Capo.

Perfect example of defective Thaksin logic; self-serving to the maximum.

Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to preempt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling.

Another example of PTP/UDD threats that they say are not threats. e.g. "Something terrible is going to happen to you if you don't do as I want you to do; but that is not a threat".

The CC court needs to issue a statement saying, "CAPO is not my father".

Typical Taxin thinking, If i go down you go down with me ( well done yingluck ) out of the mouths of babes ? rolleyes.gif

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Tharit to the rescue:

"Mr. Tharit said that to lessen the chance of violent confrontation between the rival political groups, four top officials will seek an audience with His Majesty the King to submit a letter asking for his royal advice on how the government should proceed if the Constitutional Court decides to oust Ms. Yingluck and her entire Cabinet.

As the cabinet waits for His Majesty's response, it will continue to function as a caretaker government under Article 181 of the 2007 Constitution, even if the court orders the cabinet to vacate their seats, Mr. Tharit said."


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" Capo maintained that its warning to the court was not an act of interference in the court’s affairs but merely wanted to pre-empt possible unrest which may result from an unfair ruling. "

Nonsense. It's contempt of court. Since when is a " warning " not a warning ? Every communique that CAPO has issued concerning the Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been contempt of court. CAPO is out of control, and has become in effect a wing of Pheu Thai. They are as removed from the law as this solar system is from the next. CAPO has acted absolutely disgracefully, and it surprises none that they would issue this final threat now. They have been deliberately engaged in intimidations of the court. Now that these cases are reaching completion I think we can safely say that Yingluck's " lawyers " should all be sacked, as they know nothing of the law or how to address the bench. She would have been better served if she recruited each family member of the Brady Bunch.

Usually, a contempt of court charge is for something that happens inside the court. But, since you're so excited. Let's charge them with 'contempt of court'.

And then we can charge the 'other side' with 'politicizing the judiciary'. Both sides will be duly chastised. Isn't that fair? Feel better now?

In Thailand the definition of contempt of court is broader than in some other jurisdictions and includes criticism of court rulings.

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Samak and Yingluck’s cases are not remotely similar. Samak was defrocked for hosting a TV cooking show. Yingluck stands accused of overseeing a scam - probably several.

And it would take a leap of the collective imagination to see Capo's warning as anything but interference in the court’s affairs.

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CAPO is now without a capo since Chalerm vacated office this afternoon. Its chief advisor, Suraphong, has also gone, leaving only Tarit and the hotties they put on the table with them for decoration to offset the extreme physical ugliness of Suraphong and Tarit. No more henchmen or cousins of the same calibre left for Thaksin to replace them with. Tarit could get lonely with only the hotties to back him up.

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The CAPO makes an astoundingly ignorant statement, "Samak’s case and Ms Yingluck’s case are similar, the ruling by the charter court on the latter’s case should be in the same direction."

CAPO is referring to CASE LAW as precedent for the Court's rulings. But the Thai legal system follows COMMON LAW that follows societal customs and practices and may legally result in rulings that are contrary to any prior court decisions. CAPO needs to consult an attorney before telling the Court how to make decisions. Personally, I am opposed to common law as it encourages arbitrary decisions that allow inequality and discrimination in the decision making process and that may explain why common law is found in many country legal systems that allow double jeapordy against a defendent, such as Thailand and Italy.

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