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PM Yingluck removed from office


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The real good thing of this event is that it shows that acting against the constituion and the laws involved is not tolerated and not accepted.

Indeed. That´s why the law has cracked down fiercly on those guilty of the heinous crime of transferring a civil servant, while ignoring those that sabotaged the general election of 2014 (or for that matter, those that perpetrated the military coup of 2006).

Politicians know the law and are supposed to act according to those laws. Any unlawful conduct will be punished. That is a good thing, and even if PTP wins next election and puts in another government, this case will have its influence on any next attempts to ignore the law, future politicians will think twice before acting like this PM and her group that backed her.

Nah, the proper lesson here is that taking power by force and subsequently rigging the constitution and stacking the courts with loyalists is effective. For a while, at least.

The same applies of course for any other political party that gets people in high positions, the constitution and the law are not restricted to some people in whatever party, but to all the people of Thailand.


Edited by Mrgk
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Fantastic! How about you argue in detail what's wrong with the CCs judgment today, since you seem to know so much?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You mean noting the ridiculousness of throwing out the premier and a big chunk of the government over the transfer of a single civil servant? That does not take much "arguing in detail", as it is self-evidently absurd.

What is self-evident is that today the CC has stood up and said, "No one is above the law; not even a PM."

Oh, there are plenty of people out there above the law.

Some related questions: How is Suthep´s court date coming along? How is the law doing with those that sabotaged the (first) 2014 election?

As they say, to ask the question is to answer it.

Some of the Red Shit terrorists from 2010 certainly seem to be above the law, Nuttawut, Jatuporn, Arisman - each one was awarded with loads of money and a government job !!! And what about Thaksin's lawyer who was supposed to start serving a 1 year sentence months ago ??

But you red sheeple always forget about all that and just bleat the bits that fit your agenda BAH BAH BAH !!!

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That is an absolutely ridiculous post. A democracy is about letting the people decide who they want to govern them. If they want a corrupt government, that is their decision. If the opposition thought they could win an election, they would contest it. The fact that a corrupt PTP party wins every elections says something about the opposition. If you removed every government that was corrupt or performed badly mid term, no government anywhere in the world would serve its full term. Get real.

The single, most asinine post in this entire thread.

That's pretty cool, how you were able to comment on your own post. I like a humble guy!

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Ok...so can we now arrest and jail SUTHEP

Sent from Kukaz iPad Air

I am not a fan of the guy personally either, but this topic has nothing to do with Suthep. This has everything to do with the "caretaker prime minister" being found guilty of corruption and being impeached from office. You probably did not intend to do so, but linking something unrelated to further your own agenda and provoke an agressive respponse is known as "trolling".

On a side note:

- I wonder if the actions of the constitutional court also prevent these people from re-entering their positions post the upcoming election assuming it is held - do they face a 5 year ban such as those involved previously with TRT?

- Have their passports been revoked as they now no longer hold acting positions and assumedly most are under investigation for other serious pending charges? I know there are other cases involving corruption and misuse of position pending against Yingluck, and assuime there would be corruption charges pending against Pladprasop for misuse of compensation funding following the 2010 floods. I would speculate that there are also charges against Chalerm, considering how he parades himself around and deals with situations most-unprofessionally.

- What happens now that she has been stood down: she was the caretaker PM so assumedly the caretaker government does not have the legal authority under the constitution to appoint a new prime minister.


She wasn't found guilty of corruption .

Miss use of power. I believe

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Same same. Corruption of power.

It's not though.

If you want to play the game you have to play by the rules.

The court decided and whether one agrees or dis agrees it's the law.

People start f@@@ing with the law and all he'll breaks lose.

Reform ?? That's a load of <deleted> ...the plan is to get in get what they can and goodbye.

We need an election.

Then for the other bodies. Ie anti corruption to do their jobs.

But it ain't gonna happen.

Suthep did good ruffling the feathers. But he ain't Jesus Christ.

Like for like at least thaksin would last in the business world. Suthep wouldn't.

Try looking more at suthep and his rise to today.

Then look at thaksin.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Some of the Red Shit terrorists from 2010 certainly seem to be above the law, Nuttawut, Jatuporn, Arisman - each one was awarded with loads of money and a government job !!! And what about Thaksin's lawyer who was supposed to start serving a 1 year sentence months ago ??

But you red sheeple always forget about all that and just bleat the bits that fit your agenda BAH BAH BAH !!!

Well, Thai justice is a corrupt joke. Which is why the post I replied to was so funny.

Now, it is true that I am red, but that does not mean that I am ignorant of red lawbreaking. It´s just that I don´t really mind the reds breaking the law to their heart´s content.

Until the usual suspects (The army, The PDRC, the "Democrats", take your pick) return to respecting elections and democratic politics, I do not believe that the reds should feel particularly bound by any law. The concept is known as "reciprocity".

As far as I am concerned the reds are still owed at least one proper coup and a few annulled elections. Then we can perhaps call it even. Hell, I´d even be willing to forego shooting up 100 or so PDRC goons, just as a sign of good faith. But sadly, I´m not calling the shots here.

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Som nam na Yingluk.

You raped and divided the country now pay the price.

A great day for Thailand and the Thai people.smile.png

It looks more like increased political turmoil to me; the red's 'll win the next ellection and it'll start all over again. (and that's if they're luckey not to disolve into a civil war) I feel true democracy is some way off for Thailand unless ellected governments are allowed to govern without interference from a one sided judiciary. I'm all for politicians not being above the law but a prime minister should be able to hire and fire ministers and civil servants (including military) as they seem fit.

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We need more gentleman on TV like you

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ha! We need more gentle ladies like you on TV to remind us. Its appreciated.

Not to instigate but intelegent debate is what makes this forum a great tool for those new (and old but with minor cases of tunnel vision in the past) open up and begin to understand others world views. Trolling and abusing other members is not only against the rules, but destroys the level of trust some have here in sharing their opinions, experiences and ideas. I would have to say your comments on this thread have for the first time led me to wonder why we do not have "dislike" and "do not show posts from this member" buttons within the threads. In the Queens English you have demonstrated yourself to be rude, unproductive and generally unhelpful in defining the OP or related issues which stem from it.

This will probably get deleted, but I feel it is important to take a stand against people like you who disrupt those who look for constructive and intelegent ideas through this forum.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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One of the biggest problems Thailand has is its repeated failure to take out the shin clan and this ridiculous scenario where people ask what will Taksin do next, until he is taken out of the storyline by whatever means necessary then the saga will continue and the country will carry on in its self destructive direction.

Oh please, there were plenty of clans before, and there are plenty of clans today, only too willing to continue the ongoing pillaging of the country. And it is not self-destructive behavior but very calculated behavior as the current unrest and political fluidity works to the benefit of all sides who are jousting for position for when the music stops.

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Some of the Red Shit terrorists from 2010 certainly seem to be above the law, Nuttawut, Jatuporn, Arisman - each one was awarded with loads of money and a government job !!! And what about Thaksin's lawyer who was supposed to start serving a 1 year sentence months ago ??

But you red sheeple always forget about all that and just bleat the bits that fit your agenda BAH BAH BAH !!!

Well, Thai justice is a corrupt joke. Which is why the post I replied to was so funny.

Now, it is true that I am red, but that does not mean that I am ignorant of red lawbreaking. It´s just that I don´t really mind the reds breaking the law to their heart´s content.

Until the usual suspects (The army, The PDRC, the "Democrats", take your pick) return to respecting elections and democratic politics, I do not believe that the reds should feel particularly bound by any law. The concept is known as "reciprocity".

As far as I am concerned the reds are still owed at least one proper coup and a few annulled elections. Then we can perhaps call it even. Hell, I´d even be willing to forego shooting up 100 or so PDRC goons, just as a sign of good faith. But sadly, I´m not calling the shots here.

Well, how about Thaksin an his cronies returning the money they pilfered to the poor?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Some of the Red Shit terrorists from 2010 certainly seem to be above the law, Nuttawut, Jatuporn, Arisman - each one was awarded with loads of money and a government job !!! And what about Thaksin's lawyer who was supposed to start serving a 1 year sentence months ago ??

But you red sheeple always forget about all that and just bleat the bits that fit your agenda BAH BAH BAH !!!

Well, Thai justice is a corrupt joke. Which is why the post I replied to was so funny.

Now, it is true that I am red, but that does not mean that I am ignorant of red lawbreaking. It´s just that I don´t really mind the reds breaking the law to their heart´s content.

Until the usual suspects (The army, The PDRC, the "Democrats", take your pick) return to respecting elections and democratic politics, I do not believe that the reds should feel particularly bound by any law. The concept is known as "reciprocity".

As far as I am concerned the reds are still owed at least one proper coup and a few annulled elections. Then we can perhaps call it even. Hell, I´d even be willing to forego shooting up 100 or so PDRC goons, just as a sign of good faith. But sadly, I´m not calling the shots here.

Seems you were brought up in a household with a total lack of morals and ethics. We can only hope you don't ever have kids to raise just as badly....

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We need more gentleman on TV like you

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ha! We need more gentle ladies like you on TV to remind us. Its appreciated.

Not to instigate but intelegent debate is what makes this forum a great tool for those new (and old but with minor cases of tunnel vision in the past) open up and begin to understand others world views. Trolling and abusing other members is not only against the rules, but destroys the level of trust some have here in sharing their opinions, experiences and ideas. I would have to say your comments on this threat have for the first time led me to wonder why we do not have "dislike" and "do not show posts from this member" buttons within the threads. In the Queens English you have demonstrated yourself to be rude, unproductive and generally unhelpful in defining the OP or related issues which stem from it.

This will probably get deleted, but I feel it is important to take a stand against people like you who disrupt those who look for constructive and intelegent ideas through this forum.

Well, I get from this that you disagree with me politically, or on the facts, and that you are upset that I disagree with you. Okay.

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Very obvious that this is the end of the road for both Suthep and Abhisit: boxed in with nowhere to go other than an election. It's pretty amazing that the Suthepistas on this forum are too blinkered to see it....they see to think this is a victory...think again tomorrow and the day after.

Oh dear. I think you'll actually find vey few 'Suthepistas' actually. However, rightful contempt of the Shinawatras is a very different matter. Maybe you don't understand that? Pity that Thailand hasn't got a truly credible alternative, only a less-corrupt alternative. Sad but true. I think many thinkers would prefer a lesser of two evils. Back to the topic.... She deserved it. Not a 'judicial coup', only 'judicial'.

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The position of PM was way above her abilities and she shouldn't have been there in the first place. Her brother has basically thrown her under a bus but more the fool her for letting him do it. Hopefully the rest of the politicians will see that good governance is needed with complete transperancy, or the law will ping you. Wishful thinking maybe but would be good for the country

Edited by HuaHinHim
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Unless you have inside information that backs your agressive assumptions

If you want that "inside information"* you can just read non-Thai media. They will give you roughly the same picture, regardless of the source. Start around the 2006 coup and keep reading. I hear the Economist is pretty good.

I will stick to the official version of a highly competent Constitutional Court, in that the ex PM acted unlawfully, unethically and against the constitution. That is punished now with the correct measures.

I didn´t even know that there was an "official version" regarding the competence of the Constitutional Court? Can it be found online?

As for the latter part of your statement, I personally prefer to look forward to the Thai Anti-Democrats and their supporters being punished using the "correct measures". The sooner the better.

Your last 3-year old childish repetition of "ha" in capitals, meaning shouting, shows your incompetence to stick to facts, even if you don't like them!

There is no contradiction between "sticking to facts" on the one hand and laughing at the ridiculous on the other.

Edited by Mrgk
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Well, I get from this that you disagree with me politically, or on the facts, and that you are upset that I disagree with you. Okay.

Please don't get me wrong - disagreeing is great, the fact that we disagree is great. The best ideas, the best concepts, and the best systems are borne through disagreement and painful negotiation.

Somewhere between what the Amart, Thaksin, Yellow supporters, Suthep, the Red Shirt movement and the Army want is what is best for Thailand - a system free of corruption designed to promote the success of the upper class whilst providing more opportunities for the lower class through improved learning opportunities with the ability for those charged with overseeing a system which cannot reasonably oversee itself (this is proven on both sides now) to intervene and hit the "reset" button to start over.

Thailand, weither you like it or not is a melting pot of needs, cultures, dialects, expectations and concepts on what is "right". All parties need to be prepared to lose 90% of what they want in order to gain the 10% of what they need - otherwise everyone loses every time.

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Seems you were brought up in a household with a total lack of morals and ethics. We can only hope you don't ever have kids to raise just as badly....

On the contrary, reciprocity is core to morality and ethics. Which is why simultaneously insisting on the "rule of law" at the top of one´s lungs while simultaneously supporting military coups and electoral sabotage is such a vile standpoint.

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Seems you were brought up in a household with a total lack of morals and ethics. We can only hope you don't ever have kids to raise just as badly....

On the contrary, reciprocity is at the core of morality and ethics. Which is why insisting on the "Rule of Law" while simultaneously backing a never-ending cavalcade of coups and sabotaged elections is so vile.

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Well, I get from this that you disagree with me politically, or on the facts, and that you are upset that I disagree with you. Okay.

Please don't get me wrong - disagreeing is great, the fact that we disagree is great. The best ideas, the best concepts, and the best systems are borne through disagreement and painful negotiation.

Somewhere between what the Amart, Thaksin, Yellow supporters, Suthep, the Red Shirt movement and the Army want is what is best for Thailand - a system free of corruption designed to promote the success of the upper class whilst providing more opportunities for the lower class through improved learning opportunities with the ability for those charged with overseeing a system which cannot reasonably oversee itself (this is proven on both sides now) to intervene and hit the "reset" button to start over.

Thailand, weither you like it or not is a melting pot of needs, cultures, dialects, expectations and concepts on what is "right". All parties need to be prepared to lose 90% of what they want in order to gain the 10% of what they need - otherwise everyone loses every time.

Yes, I think this is our fundamental disagreement. I couldn't care less about "a system free of corruption designed to promote the success of the upper class". I feel like the "upper class" in Thailand do quite well promoting their own success, and that much of that success is founded on corruption. I also disagree with the yellow assertion that the "lower classes" lack education, and consequently cannot be trusted with a role in government. I disagree that this disagreement is about Thaksin, as I assume that if he and all his clan left politics, there would still be those who objected to handing power to the masses. In general the people on my side talk about a yearning for equality, justice and democracy, and the people on your side talk about Thaksin. We don't talk about Thaksin because we don't care about Thaksin. We want democracy, the right to vote, the end of double standards in the judicial system. We would also like civilian control of the military, and not to be shot for advocating democracy.

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

Not in Thailand neither because there was no such order "to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones""

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She's mainly guilty of 'not reading stuff she signs because it cuts in to my shopping schedule' more than anything else

Tangibly speaking, probably nothing much will change. They are all bent here

But having her as PM made Thailand in to a bit of an international joke, in a grade A category. As the US was when George W bush was president. As the UK would have been had a member of the maxwell family become PM. Or Australia if one of the Murdoch clan got the top job (though with the present incumbent that may not always be necessary). It was a horrible example of nepotistic nest feathering with someone totally unqualified for the role and only there due to family connections and money and the 3 great Sicilian traditions: Bribery, Blackmail and Intimidation. And to be fair I don't think she much enjoyed the job and is probably very relieved right now. Though probably dusting off her passport

Whoever gets the new job and is not a Shin will be looking after a country downgraded to a Grade B international joke. Which while the situation is not ideal, might gain a little bit back reputation wise. Eventually. At least on the surface

You're dreaming. Nowhere in the press did I see her being treated as a joke. This is just your opinion.

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

Not in Thailand neither because there was no such order "to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones""

Here is the first result from google: http://www.hrw.org/news/2010/05/15/thailand-revoke-live-fire-zones-bangkok

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

They also gave very fair warning it was going to happen and told the rioters to leave which they chose not to do. Then the red rioters burnt down Centralworld as well as the old cinema, Centre One and around 40 other buildings. You could argue that might not have happened had the army been sent in ( though I believe the threat from Arisman ( who should have been sent to prison as a terrorist rather than given a government job ) to do so was made before the army action started ), but the litany of crimes committed by the Reds already in the lead up fully justified the actions taken against them to try and bring their 2 month reign of chaos to an end and the subsequent actions by the terrorists also shows why such action was needed. They would stop at nothing, killing and arson and grenades....Abisit and Suteb may have made some mistakes but their order for action was 100% correct against the rioting terrorists.

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Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

Very sad day for Thailand

Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

They also gave very fair warning it was going to happen and told the rioters to leave which they chose not to do. Then the red rioters burnt down Centralworld as well as the old cinema, Centre One and around 40 other buildings. You could argue that might not have happened had the army been sent in ( though I believe the threat from Arisman ( who should have been sent to prison as a terrorist rather than given a government job ) to do so was made before the army action started ), but the litany of crimes committed by the Reds already in the lead up fully justified the actions taken against them to try and bring their 2 month reign of chaos to an end and the subsequent actions by the terrorists also shows why such action was needed. They would stop at nothing, killing and arson and grenades....Abisit and Suteb may have made some mistakes but their order for action was 100% correct against the rioting terrorists.

Thanks Ting Tong. Its statements like this that really clarify your side's positions. Its great that you lay our your argument with such logic and precision, and the compassion you show for all those affected by the burning of Central department store is commendable (although there have been allegations that the fires were actually started by Suthep's "Men in Black' as post hoc justification for the shootings). Anyway, your statements are very helpful in giving everyone a clearer picture of the way the yellow side sees the conflict, and deeper insight into its values.

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Dear Moe,

Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

Not in Thailand neither because there was no such order "to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones""

Here is the first result from google: http://www.hrw.org/news/2010/05/15/thailand-revoke-live-fire-zones-bangkok

You know what that article doesn't say? It doesn't say the governement set up live fire zones "to disperse the demonstration". You just made that up.

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