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Thai cabinet appoints new PM: minister


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...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

Thank you Mr. wind up for this post, no way will this be business as usual, for now every politician will be SH####ing bricks ---look before you tread guys---most who are not convicted will be wearing brown underpants,

For you --you would have been happy for no action ????----sorry your disappointed with democracy.

No, it's fundamentally undemocratic and that's my problem with it. An elected PM dismissed by a stacked court, for the most trivial of reasons ( in any other country it would have been a censure at most), initaited by an APPOINTED Senator. Anyway, the govt continues in office and that's the main game.

Just really interested in then why a Premier in Australia had to leave his office over a $3,000 bottle of wine, he still can not remember getting

or leaving his position in South Korea because of a ferry accident

Does the Government of Australia have an appointed senate? According to the Constitution Part ii Section 7, No.

In which case your interest in an Australian Premier and a bottle of wine is not only off topic, but pointless.

As is the case of a PM in South Korea falling on his sword on behalf of the President, again, off topic, irrelevant and pointless.

" off topic, irrelevant and pointless"

Why is it?

" Does the Government of Australia have an appointed senate? According to the Constitution Part ii Section 7, No."

Why does Australia not having an appointed Senate matter?

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Just another Shin fanboy to remove from office... PTP keep rolling them out, and the courts will keep taking them down.

3 Shin's have been removed in recent history... Another one won't matter

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this just goes to show that the courts are stacked against the people and their right to elect and be represented by their choice in government. Who appointed these judges?

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55555.This goes to show that corrupt pollies are not above the law.Judges represent the people against wrongdoers.The Shins in their private and commercial lives are used to getting tbeir own way,wrong or right.It doesnt work that way in politics.PTP lawyers should be sacked for the bad advice they have given over the years,but maybe they give good advice and the Shins just dont listen,its called the God complex.Thailand is very lucky to have these judges as a brake on rampant corruption.Just imagine where we would be if TS was still PM.Thi k North Korea.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pretty damn rediculouse, removing a PM like that..one swift kick in the balls for democracy . In Thailand

Give me one good example of true democracy practiced anywhere...

As a single example:

United States of America. Over 230 years of continued democracy without any military coups, without any interim governments, with peaceful succession of political power from one administration to another, with effective congressional and government oversight of political abuses and conflicts of interests, with effective Supreme Court that evolves with the maturity of a democractic society. Albeit the country has had its shortcomings to completely eradicate political cheating, influence peddling, inequality, and redistribution of wealth.

Are you serious? cheesy.gif America is the perfect model of how a democracy becomes undermined by vested interests.

For a historical perspective, you could start here: How Democratic Is the American Constitution?


For an up to date analysis, published online by Princeton although the journal publication is not due till this autumn, read:

Testing Theories of American Politics:

Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

https://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/Gilens%20homepage%20materials/Gilens%20and%20Page/Gilens%20and%20Page%202014-Testing%20Theories%203-7-14.pdf [pdf]

Here is the concluding paragraph from the research abstract:

"Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism."

The short version, as quoted on many other sites, is that the USA is an oligarchy and not a true democracy, except for show.


I think that, in general, democratic systems are open to manipulation by interest groups.

Hard to see how this can be avoided without curtailing some rights (and thereby giving rise to other sets of risks) or by babysitting the electorate (which ultimately makes manipulation easier). Having a proper unbiased education system, free press and a decent judiciary may slow the process down some. Not sure that it can be totally averted in the long run.

An ideal democracy might not be a realistic prospect, so it may be better to talk in terms of degrees of democracy,

Looking at it this way, the USA is still in better shape compared to most countries. Or is better at deluding the citizens. Whatever fits one's stance on this.

Probably going a ways OT here, though.

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and the problem is.. we just had a coup in 2006, followed by 'reforms' to the point that a new constitution was written, THEN we had an 'appointed' PM for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of 'reform govt'

Now.. they (dems/pdrc) insist that there needs to be even more reforms, despite not specifying what they are..

at some point during all this any reasonable person comes to the conclusion that 'reforms' and 'corruption' are simply politically charged buzzwords and the real agenda is that this blue faction wants to keep stealing power.. it's called loosing political capital..the gimmik is up..

Well, both sides use the law and the constitution to benefit themselves, that's politics ... but only 1 side seems (mostly) to actually follow them.

If the laws and constitution are so bad, then how about ... oh, I don't know ... perhaps some reforms before elections, with the "public" being involved at all stages?
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But to deny citizens a vote is anti-democratic. End of.


But equally, to assume that a popular mandate gives you the right to do anything you please in government, including embezzling $10billion+ of the people's money in a so-called rice pledging scheme, is also anti-democratic.

Neither of the two sides understands how democracy should work. Worse, neither side cares.

You're accusations are unproven.

Where are the PTP convictions for corruption

Where are the statistical spikes in global rankings indicating increased corruption under PTP.

Nada, Nil, Zip, Zilch, Zero

Baseless rumours and slander is all you got - which is effectively nothing.

You and your kind are the sort of bozos the Nigerian email scammers love to get in touch with.

Gullible, ignorant and intellectually inadequate.

You all somehow think that your prejudices, bigotry and biased ill-conceived opinions somehow trump facts, reason and logic.

They don't!

Thais will vote again, Reds will win again - the last 6 months were nothing but an expensive and inconvenient waste of time for all.

Thailands' immediate future will be guided by Thaksin and his proxies not 300 year old diaper wearing failed dictators and generals

The people own the country now.

Patience there Torko,dont get your knickers in a twist.The rice scam will bring PTP down eventually,a ponzi scheme.Your darling is gone but didnt have the smarts or decency to stand down,and save what ever face she had left.Takky just let her be sacrificed so she can be played as hard done by in the future.If you think Thailand has benifitted these last 8 years of proxy criminal rule by Skype,you need your head read.This criminal will go down in Thai history as a sad,sad person,who couldnt get his own way.If he is so great why doesnt your hero come back,thats what a real man would do,not hide behind the skirts of his younger sister,who he tnen abandoned.The crim is corrupt morally and fisacally.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He seems to be not that bad but also very closely linked to Shin Corp. The Democrats hoped that the whole cabinet will be fired, thanks Buddha this didn't happened.

Congratulation Khun Niwattumrong.

that will come with the rice...next.

Maybe the current PM will be impeached including a few other cabinet ministers but PTP has hundreds of officials lined up.

The CC will not dismiss the whole cabinet as they have to deal with Suthep People's Congress.

No but the PTP have come out in response with the defaming comment that they believe the CC has conspired to overthrow democracy..... That in itself can lead to their entire dissolution.... The Suthep gets his 'appointed' government and Thaksin loses...... once again due to their own stupidity.

Chill out.

Your big win at the CC today is but musical chairs at the PTP, so I can understand your deflation at this point. Starting rumors however is bad form and definitely inadvisable.

This is your basic ordinary news day in Thailand so just go with the flow.

So with Yingluck out, Chalerm gone and Surapong sidelined, who are you guys going to rag and hammer on?

The new guy, Niwatt, looks pretty harmless, natty, comfortable in public and all around smooth.

You and your guys at the PDRC have a whole new set of problems now. laugh.png

Dont you read,i will enlignten you,rice ponzi scam,matter of time,next.

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interesting that the cabinet can appoint a PM

dissapointed ? wink.pngclap2.gif
In a caretaker mode they have the right to. Who cares....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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But to deny citizens a vote is anti-democratic. End of.


But equally, to assume that a popular mandate gives you the right to do anything you please in government, including embezzling $10billion+ of the people's money in a so-called rice pledging scheme, is also anti-democratic.

Neither of the two sides understands how democracy should work. Worse, neither side cares.

You're accusations are unproven.

Where are the PTP convictions for corruption

Where are the statistical spikes in global rankings indicating increased corruption under PTP.

Nada, Nil, Zip, Zilch, Zero

Baseless rumours and slander is all you got - which is effectively nothing.

You and your kind are the sort of bozos the Nigerian email scammers love to get in touch with.

Gullible, ignorant and intellectually inadequate.

You all somehow think that your prejudices, bigotry and biased ill-conceived opinions somehow trump facts, reason and logic.

They don't!

Thais will vote again, Reds will win again - the last 6 months were nothing but an expensive and inconvenient waste of time for all.

Thailands' immediate future will be guided by Thaksin and his proxies not 300 year old diaper wearing failed dictators and generals

The people own the country now.

Patience there Torko,dont get your knickers in a twist.The rice scam will bring PTP down eventually,a ponzi scheme.Your darling is gone but didnt have the smarts or decency to stand down,and save what ever face she had left.Takky just let her be sacrificed so she can be played as hard done by in the future.If you think Thailand has benifitted these last 8 years of proxy criminal rule by Skype,you need your head read.This criminal will go down in Thai history as a sad,sad person,who couldnt get his own way.If he is so great why doesnt your hero come back,thats what a real man would do,not hide behind the skirts of his younger sister,who he tnen abandoned.The crim is corrupt morally and fisacally.

Thaksin is easily at least the second most popular Thai alive and that is why the Yellows fear him so much.

He represents the future and they the past.

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and the problem is.. we just had a coup in 2006, followed by 'reforms' to the point that a new constitution was written, THEN we had an 'appointed' PM for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of 'reform govt'

Now.. they (dems/pdrc) insist that there needs to be even more reforms, despite not specifying what they are..

at some point during all this any reasonable person comes to the conclusion that 'reforms' and 'corruption' are simply politically charged buzzwords and the real agenda is that this blue faction wants to keep stealing power.. it's called loosing political capital..the gimmik is up..

Well, both sides use the law and the constitution to benefit themselves, that's politics ... but only 1 side seems (mostly) to actually follow them.

If the laws and constitution are so bad, then how about ... oh, I don't know ... perhaps some reforms before elections, with the "public" being involved at all stages?

And other reasonable people might conclude that no matter what the laws or constitution actually are, Thaksin and (currently) Pheu Thai are incapable of adhering or following the "law".

The law isn't what Thaksin thinks it is or wants it to be or what he thinks it should be, it's what it is today. Don't break the law/constitution, and you won't continually get in trouble.

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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.,

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

Just one correction you chose to immitt,3 corrupt duly elected PM's,nominated by a convicted crim.The time of rekoni g indeed.Rice ponzi scam.

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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

Riiight. The Reds want a free and open society with equality for all... that's why they want the Shinawatras, the epithome of the exact opposite of all that.

-Thaksin Thinks, Phuea Thai does, master/servant relationship as their election slogan.

-Absolute lack of transparency in government, as in the Rice Scheme, as in the issue of a passport to Thaksin that still, 3 years later remains unexplained, as in the Amnesty Bill with the smoke screen of "it's not about Thaksin" until the 11th hour that it was changed to be all about Thaksin, etc, etc... Scratch the "Open" out.

-Equality for all, except for the PTP and UDD, of course, they should be exempted from being equal before the law because they won an election. rolleyes.gif

The less told about a "flourishing economy" the better, the incompetent PTP put the country on a nose dive well before the anti-government protests started.

This "Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery." is very rich coming from someone that choosed as a new user name the name of a man infamous for prosecuting, torturing and murdering by the thousands people that refused, or even seemed to, not to accept the One True Faith. Your only interest is in being part of a winning team that would let you enjoy your inner viciousness directly or vicariously.

Really Pipkins, come visit reality some times.

Riiight. The Reds want a free and open society with equality for all...

Yes they do! 1 man 1 vote to be precise.

that's why they want the Shinawatras, the epithome of the exact opposite of all that.

Baseless allegations and accusations do not a case make? How many convictions? 1 trumped up farcical land purchase joke conviction is all Thaksin has against his good name.

-Thaksin Thinks, Phuea Thai does, master/servant relationship as their election slogan.

I can't think of any current head of state who wouldn't be proud of this slogan. Most all political leaders are vain and overstate their own role.

-Absolute lack of transparency in government, as in the Rice Scheme, as in the issue of a passport to Thaksin that still, 3 years later remains unexplained, as in the Amnesty Bill with the smoke screen of "it's not about Thaksin" until the 11th hour that it was changed to be all about Thaksin, etc, etc... Scratch the "Open" out.

-Equality for all, except for the PTP and UDD, of course, they should be exempted from being equal before the law because they won an election. rolleyes.gif

The PTP are far more transparent than the Democrats because they have to deal with the highly partisan "independent" agencies constantly looking for some way to hurl them out of office for ridiculous (and often fabricated) infractions. Every time theres an unelected government installed Thailand gets robbed blind on a scale unimagined by us Westerners (and then the thieve grant themselves immunity).

The less told about a "flourishing economy" the better, the incompetent PTP put the country on a nose dive well before the anti-government protests started.

Far from it. Thaksin has been Thailands' very own modernising economic miracle. His ability to generate economic growth in not just Bangkok but also the poor areas of the nation is why he is, at the very least, the second most popular Thai alive today. Thailands' current economic woes can be traced back to the number one bozo in the land Suthep and his cowardly backers (i.e. Abhisit and the geriatric retired generals)

This "Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery." is very rich coming from someone that choosed as a new user name the name of a man infamous for prosecuting, torturing and murdering by the thousands people that refused, or even seemed to, not to accept the One True Faith. Your only interest is in being part of a winning team that would let you enjoy your inner viciousness directly or vicariously.

TORKMADA is an ironic choice of username.

The thugs opposed to democracy are each and every one of them little Torquemadas.

In fact I would say the closest thing to Torquemada going around in the world today are Sutheps paid Lumpini thugs.

I see the name as a way to hold a mirror up to the faces of the wrongdoers in this mess.

​My only interest is that nobody dies and democracy survives in Thailand - a place I call home for 6 months a year.

​Far from being vicious I am a jolly soul (not fat jolly, but happy jolly).

The viscousness, hatred, bigotry, anger, spite and bile all comes from your side of the show.

(have you seen the photoshopped images of Yinglucks son riddled with bullet holes and gore?)

Really Pipkins, come visit reality some times.

It is you and your kind that are far from reality.

(Cooking shows and public servant transfers put forward as reasons to overthrow elected governments - joke!)

Any logical and reasonable person could not support the wrongs the Yellows have committed and continue to commit in the name of greed and selfish gluttony.

(And yes the deaths of the children are the fault of Suthep and his thug posse)

The world, pretty much in its entirety, opposes the current crop of Thai coup mongers.

Anyone on the wrong side of such a lop-sided equation would be wise to re-consider their position (probably asking a bit too much here as anyone with a bit of wisdom wouldn't find themselves where you currently reside on this issue)

Wow, what a load of red BS. This in particular:

​My only interest is that nobody dies and democracy survives in Thailand - a place I call home for 6 months a year.

​Far from being vicious I am a jolly soul (not fat jolly, but happy jolly).

The viscousness, hatred, bigotry, anger, spite and bile all comes from your side of the show.

(have you seen the photoshopped images of Yinglucks son riddled with bullet holes and gore?)

The only children riddled with actual bullets and actually dead are those cowardly murdered by those you support, and they cheered at the news. So again, come back to reality Pipkins.

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So abhisit, doesn't get hounded through the Constitution Court with the expected Senate ruling of a 5 year ban from politics, because he had lost an election and the civil servant involved had retired ?

While I'm sure that the media is a sound arbiter of legal advice whistling.gif I can't imagine the legal team of the PTP taking much notice of them.

Perhaps they were naive enough to believe that if the Administration Court ruled that the transfer was illegal and ordered a reinstatement they would do so and that would be that - as shown by abhisits transfer of the Police Chief - he never reinstated the Police Chief but still faced no further action.

And perhaps they were naive enough to believe that even if an anti Thaksin Senator were to file a complaint after the Cabinet had agreed to reinstate Thawil that the CC would not go out of their way to act upon it let alone dismiss the PM and Cabinet.

Well that's political justice for you.

Asked you in another topic, apologies if answered already (a bit hard to keep track of all these similar threads) - Yes, Abhisit had a rather similar case, but was the removal of the official/civil servant at that instance coupled with any allegations that amounted to abuse of power (as in for personal gain/corruption), as they were in Yingluck's case?

Not a baiting question, just perhaps not aware of all details in Abhisit's case. Not arguing that the courts aren't, in general, more lenient with him and the Democrat Party (might also have to do with the Dems being better at playing legal games).

To Fab4.

I did not see your reply to Morch's question above. Also.... my apologies if answered already.

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But to deny citizens a vote is anti-democratic. End of.


But equally, to assume that a popular mandate gives you the right to do anything you please in government, including embezzling $10billion+ of the people's money in a so-called rice pledging scheme, is also anti-democratic.

Neither of the two sides understands how democracy should work. Worse, neither side cares.

You're accusations are unproven.

Where are the PTP convictions for corruption

Where are the statistical spikes in global rankings indicating increased corruption under PTP.

Nada, Nil, Zip, Zilch, Zero

Baseless rumours and slander is all you got - which is effectively nothing.

You and your kind are the sort of bozos the Nigerian email scammers love to get in touch with.

Gullible, ignorant and intellectually inadequate.

You all somehow think that your prejudices, bigotry and biased ill-conceived opinions somehow trump facts, reason and logic.

They don't!

Thais will vote again, Reds will win again - the last 6 months were nothing but an expensive and inconvenient waste of time for all.

Thailands' immediate future will be guided by Thaksin and his proxies not 300 year old diaper wearing failed dictators and generals

The people own the country now.

Patience there Torko,dont get your knickers in a twist.The rice scam will bring PTP down eventually,a ponzi scheme.Your darling is gone but didnt have the smarts or decency to stand down,and save what ever face she had left.Takky just let her be sacrificed so she can be played as hard done by in the future.If you think Thailand has benifitted these last 8 years of proxy criminal rule by Skype,you need your head read.This criminal will go down in Thai history as a sad,sad person,who couldnt get his own way.If he is so great why doesnt your hero come back,thats what a real man would do,not hide behind the skirts of his younger sister,who he tnen abandoned.The crim is corrupt morally and fisacally.

Thaksin is easily at least the second most popular Thai alive and that is why the Yellows fear him so much.

He represents the future and they the past.

He may be popular,but the gutless wonder wont come back to his adoring fans will.Let others sacrifice their lives and careers.A true leader leads from the front,not by Skype.What he has done to this country is treasonable.

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Suthep have won.

This is the end of the Shin family.

From now now, there will be no corruption in Thailand.

Peace on earth for all.

This is a joke right? No corruption? If you honestly think Thaksin is the only source of corruption you really are living in cloud cuckoo land. Suthep, Thaksin, they are all cut from the same cloth, along with most of the others in the political establishment. All of the past few months of PRDC 'showdown' is part of the smoke n mirrors that is Thai politics. Ask any Thai, they all openly acknowledge that all politicians are corrupt and on the take...it's just that they want it to be 'their' corrupt politicians to be the ones 'on the take'. So, here we are, essentially nothing has changed from yesterday and the theatrics continue....and scarily enough, quite a lot of you buy into it!

Edited by GinBoy2
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3 duly elected Prime Ministers sacked by an incestuous unelected elite appointed judiciary.

The final time of reckoning is upon Thailand.

Who owns the country?

The masses or the elites?

The choices are stark.

One road leads to a free and open society with a flourishing economy and equality for all.

And the other?

Aparthied, dictatorship, oppression, censorship, injustice, international pariah status, economic doom and national misery.

It's clear to see why this only ends one way and the victors can only be the Reds.

The same Red's that won't even allow charity music concerts by alleged PDRC musicians in Red areas (and even non red areas.. rama2 Bangkok for example)

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So they shouldn't.

We are in the middle of a hotly contested political battle.

Niceties come after the contest has been settled and the winners declared.

(At least they don't tie them up, brutalise them and then throw them to their deaths in a river).

Yeah, they use M79s and hand grenades instead.

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Another Taksin's men, why, because of , please read below,

Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee-Media and Advertising Business of Shin Corp. Public Co. Ltd. since 1995 and as Vice Chairman of Group Executive Committee since 2000. Mr. Boonsongpaisan served from 2001 to 2002 as Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of ITV PLC and from 1993 to 1995 as President of Shinawatra Computer and Communicaitons PLC. Mr. Boonsongpaisan served as Director of ITV Plc since 2002. He served as a Director of Shin Corporation Public Company Limited from 2001 to March 16, 2006. He has been Chairman of the Executive Committee of ITV Plc since 2002. Mr. Boonsongpaisan holds Master's Degree Course work in Computer Sciences from Chulalongkorn University and Bachelor 's Degree in Education from Srinakarintrawirot University. this info is from http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=7768156&ticker=INTUCH:TB

What a pity for Thailand, my country. sad.png

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Prbkk post # 4

...it will finally dawn on the Suthepistas that it is business as usual...

Indeed that is true and when they see the continuation of the covertly led P.T.P. Shinwatra nepotism, political horse trading and corruption campaign is about to be further extended the P.R.D.C. openly led by a figurehead called ''Suthep'' the P.R.D.C.not the Suthepistas will continue their campaign.

The public have had enough of the Shinwatras self serving policies.

If that is the case then why is Suthep so against the idea of an election to resolve who governs Thailand. He says he wants political reform first but from what I see is not proposing (a) what those reforms should be or (B) how he intends to get popular consent for those reforms. Many people here are simply assuming that the public at large want an end to corruption but are you so sure that is true? I am not arguing who is right or wrong but just asking the question because it seems to me that both sides enjoy a large body of support

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Seems like a very logical and fair thing to do in the circumstances. After all this chap is only caretaker PM until the general election takes place.

On the other hand, I suppose Suthep as the self appointed soveriegn body of la la land could have appointed himself or his ex-friend Abbytwit. But that would not really be reasonable and fair.

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Regardless of your beliefs, red, yellow, Dem, PTP, PDRC, I wiah some of you would get your facts straight and not make shit up as you go along. Yes, children were killed by grenades. NO, the reds did NOT cheer over the death of children. If you watched the video where they were cheering, the ONLY thing the people were told is that PDRC/Yellow Shirts, had been killed. There was NO, NONE, ZERO mention of children being killed. I agree the incident was a cowardly act, but don't go adding things to it that aren't there. Talk about the FACTS, and not what your imagination makes up.

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Regardless of your beliefs, red, yellow, Dem, PTP, PDRC, I wiah some of you would get your facts straight and not make shit up as you go along. Yes, children were killed by grenades. NO, the reds did NOT cheer over the death of children. If you watched the video where they were cheering, the ONLY thing the people were told is that 5 PDRC/Yellow Shirts, had been killed. There was NO, NONE, ZERO mention of children being killed. I agree the incident was a cowardly act, but don't go adding things to it that aren't there. Talk about the FACTS, and not what your imagination makes up.

Well, I for one am really relieved that those friendly red-shirts only cheered when they were told about the five PDRC/yellow shirts.

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