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Immigration clarifies Phuket visa run 'crackdown'


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This is exactly my situation, and I couldn't agree more. I'm in no way taking jobs from Thai people, and all of my clients are foreigners. Every penny I make comes from a foreign country and is spent in Thailand, shouldn't this be exactly what the governments wants? Yet as I'm far too young for a retirement visa and not interested in getting married anytime soon I have to resort to questionably legal means to obtain visas on an annual basis.

Regardless of where your money comes from, when you're in Thailand, you're using the roads, you're putting wear and tear on the infrastructure, you're flushing the toilet, and you're being protected from bad guys by the police, from epidemics by the health care agencies, from mosquitoes by the mosquito spraying agencies, and from Commies by the military. That all costs public money.

It's very straightforward to get a proper visa. Register your business, invest the appropriate amount of capital and hire some local people to pump money into the economy, and follow the rules. Will it cost you money? Possibly- but I doubt Ford or GE or Yamaha are in Thailand to spend more money than they make here. Will it cost time? Hire the right Thai employees and they'll spend their time.

You can be a victim of increased enforcement of existing rules, or you can take some action to make sure you're not the next subgroup to be scrutinized. If I wanted to stay here, I'd be taking some action.

It's probably only going to get worse...

I would have no problem paying a tax to live here, if that were an option available to me. I have no reason to register a business here nor hire Thai people, and I'm certainly not going to do that just for visa purposes.

I would love to be able to obtain a legitimate visa for what I do here instead of having to go about it the way I do now, if the government made that an option.

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This all makes sense to me, except for the reference to criminals. I think this has much more to do with illegal employment than catching criminals or preventing criminals from entering the country.

It is the same pretzel logic that is used to justify gun laws on the convoluted misconception that:

  • gun crime can be eliminated by taking guns away. not from criminals who don't obey laws, but from law-abiding people
  • immigration crime can be eliminated by taking visas away, not from criminals who don't obey the law, but from law-abiding frequent visitors.

No, completely different reasoning, since visas are not taken away, but encouraged.

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The whole system is <deleted> ..I travel half way across the world and land cross from Malaysia to Thai and get 15 days .. Some G7 farang (or illegal worker or criminal ...) can have have his breakfast in Krabi or wherever and then do a 'revolving door' visa run, same day, and get 30 days .. ludicrous beyond belief ..

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I would have no problem paying a tax to live here, if that were an option available to me. I have no reason to register a business here nor hire Thai people, and I'm certainly not going to do that just for visa purposes.

I would love to be able to obtain a legitimate visa for what I do here instead of having to go about it the way I do now, if the government made that an option.

They have made it an option to get a legitimate visa for what you do. You just refuse to do it their way.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And I think they also forget to pay income tax in Thailand.

Can you enlighten us how to pay income tax without a work permit?

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If they meet the financial and other requirements such as over 50, and have the necessary funds in the bank here, in their own name (not the name of their spouse or other), they can apply (outside the country) for a Non-Immigrant Type O visa for retirement.

The financial requirements differ if you are married to a Thai or not (supporting a Thai wife/husband reduces the financial burden as you are seen as contributing to the welfare of a local).

The type O must be extended yearly through Immigration from within the country, or you go get a new one overseas, but the extension is better.

The initial Type O is not deemed to be of any particular sub-category until the first extension, then it becomes "retirement" or "marriage" etc.

I'm not sure that is quite correct in the UK anymore.

The consulate in Hull no longer accepts postal applications for Non O

You have to go to London for an interview and if it is for retirement then you apply for OA long term.

They are being fussy about a current police check, a rather bizarre medical certificate- no elephantiasis etc

Proof of funds in UK bank.

A warning- they do not accept original copies of your police check etc- they must be certified copies by a lawyer!

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I would have no problem paying a tax to live here, if that were an option available to me. I have no reason to register a business here nor hire Thai people, and I'm certainly not going to do that just for visa purposes.

I would love to be able to obtain a legitimate visa for what I do here instead of having to go about it the way I do now, if the government made that an option.

They have made it an option to get a legitimate visa for what you do. You just refuse to do it their way.

Registering a business so I can employ Thai staff I have no use for is not a legitimate option.

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wake me up when they start doing a crackdown on illegal/corruption/malignant activities WITHING immigration itself.

this story makes me very cynical since there are so many backdoors that involve paying off someone.

oh well, the show must go on...

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Those who are working online without permits, meaning they are also not paying tax or legally employing Thai staff, are of no benefit to the country whatsoever. In fact these illegal workers are benefiting by living in Thailand cheaper than in their own countries, plus bypassing all the encumbrances of registering and running companies in the West.

Reading the OP I gather that the exploits of the eternal tourists are now going to be under more scrutiny and whether these people are given extended visas or not is going to be under the discretion of the Immigration officers.

I have nothing against the Westerners that are working and living here legally, but those who are not have no entitlements to be in Thailand. Many Westerners under 50 years old can legally live and work in Thailand, providing they meet the imposed conditions as imposed by the Immigration department, for example skilled engineers, fully qualified teachers and so on. Otherwise it`s a case of being here under false pretences. Hoping that eventually all these people will be weeded out, they are not wanted here.

So by your logic tourists are of no benefit to Thailand either, because they don't pay tax or employ Thai staff? They come here to spend money which they earned in another country, the same as someone working online without a work permit.

It's your opinion that we're not wanted here, not one widely shared. I'm sure my Thai landlord and all of the other places I spend money in Thailand are quite happy to have me here.

Totally different scenario.

Tourists (holidaymakers) holiday here on money earned and saved abroad while not in Thailand and then come over to spend it all in a short period of time before returning home and starting the whole process again. These people are of benefit to Thailand.

The forever tourists that stay here long term are either those of little wealth or those that are not qualified enough to be eligible to work or own businesses under the laws for Western business owners and employees under the permitted professions acts of Thailand. Also as these people do not register themselves as running businesses or being employed in Thailand, it can place the national security at risk for obvious reasons that I can`t be bothered to explain. Please work it out for yourself?

If these forever tourists were of value and benefit to Thailand, the authorities would certainly introduce new rules to accommodate them here, but as I explained previous, they are not. The I am running a business online is just another ploy that they believe is a loophole in the law to help them avoid applying for work permits and not paying tax on earnings. No matter where a website is based or from where the business is conducted online, if these people are staying in Thailand and running the business from a base in Thailand, then they fall under the Immigration laws and employment acts of Thailand. Otherwise how else would you like me to explain this?

I say again; these people are not wanted here.

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There's always some "crackdown" or another. Just get a one year visa, there's plenty of different types and many companies that will do it for you. Usually costs 25k per year. Family Support Visa, Education Visa, Medical Visa, Retirement Visa, Business Visa etc. You can work without a work permit as long as you are not physically working like teaching or working for a company. If you are a Director of a company you don't need a work permit. Working on the internet or trading shares or buying and selling land or other financial transactions aren't classed as working provided your business is informal and everything is best done through your wife, lawyer or accountant.

This is not legal advice and if you are concerned about tax consult an accountant.

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I would have no problem paying a tax to live here, if that were an option available to me. I have no reason to register a business here nor hire Thai people, and I'm certainly not going to do that just for visa purposes.

I would love to be able to obtain a legitimate visa for what I do here instead of having to go about it the way I do now, if the government made that an option.

They have made it an option to get a legitimate visa for what you do. You just refuse to do it their way.

Registering a business so I can employ Thai staff I have no use for is not a legitimate option.

Maybe not your way, but very legitimate.
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There's always some "crackdown" or another. Just get a one year visa, there's plenty of different types and many companies that will do it for you. Usually costs 25k per year. Family Support Visa, Education Visa, Medical Visa, Retirement Visa, Business Visa etc. You can work without a work permit as long as you are not physically working like teaching or working for a company. If you are a Director of a company you don't need a work permit. Working on the internet or trading shares or buying and selling land or other financial transactions aren't classed as working provided your business is informal and everything is best done through your wife, lawyer or accountant.

This is not legal advice and if you are concerned about tax consult an accountant.

Not only 'not legal advice', but very incorrect advice.
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There's always some "crackdown" or another. Just get a one year visa, there's plenty of different types and many companies that will do it for you. Usually costs 25k per year. Family Support Visa, Education Visa, Medical Visa, Retirement Visa, Business Visa etc. You can work without a work permit as long as you are not physically working like teaching or working for a company. If you are a Director of a company you don't need a work permit. Working on the internet or trading shares or buying and selling land or other financial transactions aren't classed as working provided your business is informal and everything is best done through your wife, lawyer or accountant.

This is not legal advice and if you are concerned about tax consult an accountant.

There's always some "crackdown" or another. Just get a one year visa, (the forever tourists do not have enough funds to apply for a one year visa), there's plenty of different types and many companies that will do it for you. Usually costs 25k per year. (Most forever tourists of little wealth living from day to day are unable to cough up 25K per year). Family Support Visa, Education Visa, Medical Visa, Retirement Visa, Business Visa etc. You can work without a work permit as long as you are not physically working like teaching or working for a company. (Totally wrong). If you are a Director of a company you don't need a work permit. (The forever tourists cannot afford to create a legally own company, or apply to the conditions attached to it). Working on the internet or trading shares or buying and selling land or other financial transactions aren't classed as working provided your business is informal and everything is best done through your wife, (Illegal), lawyer or accountant.

This is not legal advice and if you are concerned about tax consult an accountant.

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Those who are working online without permits, meaning they are also not paying tax or legally employing Thai staff, are of no benefit to the country whatsoever. In fact these illegal workers are benefiting by living in Thailand cheaper than in their own countries, plus bypassing all the encumbrances of registering and running companies in the West.

Reading the OP I gather that the exploits of the eternal tourists are now going to be under more scrutiny and whether these people are given extended visas or not is going to be under the discretion of the Immigration officers.

I have nothing against the Westerners that are working and living here legally, but those who are not have no entitlements to be in Thailand. Many Westerners under 50 years old can legally live and work in Thailand, providing they meet the imposed conditions as imposed by the Immigration department, for example skilled engineers, fully qualified teachers and so on. Otherwise it`s a case of being here under false pretences. Hoping that eventually all these people will be weeded out, they are not wanted here.

So by your logic tourists are of no benefit to Thailand either, because they don't pay tax or employ Thai staff? They come here to spend money which they earned in another country, the same as someone working online without a work permit.

It's your opinion that we're not wanted here, not one widely shared. I'm sure my Thai landlord and all of the other places I spend money in Thailand are quite happy to have me here.

Totally different scenario.

Tourists (holidaymakers) holiday here on money earned and saved abroad while not in Thailand and then come over to spend it all in a short period of time before returning home and starting the whole process again. These people are of benefit to Thailand.

The forever tourists that stay here long term are either those of little wealth or those that are not qualified enough to be eligible to work or own businesses under the laws for Western business owners and employees under the permitted professions acts of Thailand. Also as these people do not register themselves as running businesses or being employed in Thailand, it can place the national security at risk for obvious reasons that I can`t be bothered to explain. Please work it out for yourself?

If these forever tourists were of value and benefit to Thailand, the authorities would certainly introduce new rules to accommodate them here, but as I explained previous, they are not. The I am running a business online is just another ploy that they believe is a loophole in the law to help them avoid applying for work permits and not paying tax on earnings. No matter where a website is based or from where the business is conducted online, if these people are staying in Thailand and running the business from a base in Thailand, then they fall under the Immigration laws and employment acts of Thailand. Otherwise how else would you like me to explain this?

I say again; these people are not wanted here.

As far as i understand you are a thai. It is with bleeding heart I must teel you, i feel you don't welcome me. I'm below 50 years early retired from my home country and have 160000 baht every month. I'm not a drinker, don't work here and I'm still not able to get a visa in Thailand and has to go to my home country every year to get a new visa. So is my money not value and benefit to Thailand.
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I would have no problem paying a tax to live here, if that were an option available to me. I have no reason to register a business here nor hire Thai people, and I'm certainly not going to do that just for visa purposes.

I would love to be able to obtain a legitimate visa for what I do here instead of having to go about it the way I do now, if the government made that an option.

They have made it an option to get a legitimate visa for what you do. You just refuse to do it their way.

Registering a business so I can employ Thai staff I have no use for is not a legitimate option.

If you register a business in Thailand you are entitled to a business visa. You don't need to employ staff or get a work permit. Haven't you heard of a holding company or representative office or just buy a house and put it in a company name. This is not legal advice.

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This does not belong here, really. But too many times was Internet work mentioned wich is illegal without work permit.

Where does work start? Is answering a business email already work?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And I think they also forget to pay income tax in Thailand.

Questionable it all depends on if you are making money on line from products bought in Thailand. This would be inland revenue and so be taxable. Outland revenue is different in my opinion. If a guy manufactures products in China and has them drop shipped from China to the states then why would he be liable for tax in Thailand. The source of income is just the same as a pension, it comes via a third party to a bank account in Thailand to spend in the Thai economy. There are no business connections whatsoever in Thailand and so why would this not be acceptable?

Pensions received from abroad are taxable in Thailand (if there is a tax treaty between Thailand and the other country they should only be taxed once).

There is no government in cyber space. Inland revenue, outland revenue, whatever! the fact remains money in cyber space is out of reach from any government until you decide to exercise docking maneuvers and land it somewhere. When you manufacture, export, and import you pay a series of indirect taxes, most are included in the price. These are at both origin and destination. The money remaining is a series of numbers similar to what banked money is per say. If you feel a country is entitled to this money on the grounds this said money will be used within its economy then fine, however i can not understand why this would make sense.

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand.

They also have no birthright to be in Thailand.

Lots and lots of 'I can do anything I want, because I'm white and Western' going on. :(

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The company option, unless you go BOI, which for single proprietor is not really feasible, or are from the US and fit in the amity treaty, you'll also need Thai partners to hold the 51% majority and these days checks on nominee shareholders are being made more often. Minimum share cap 2M or 1M if married to get a work permit.

Add to that four Thai employees minimum and a minimum income level in order to get extensions based on working and of course the work permit and and and .. better find another country with up to date legislation. Thailand is still in the stone ages regarding globalization.

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I have to put my two cents in here. I am a forever tourist. I am not 50 and not married, but have Thai children and live happily with their mother. With my work, I am outside thailand for at least 4 month per year, earning money....

I typically come and go at least 6 times a year. This year I entered already 3 times, by the end of May 4 times. All through the airport.

A simple 30 day stamp suits me fine. I tried visas in the past and just can' t utilize them.

I am trying to say that there are people with good reasons not to pursue the visa road.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Whether you are married or not if they are your children you are entitled to a Family Support Visa. If they are not your children by birth you can register as a legal guardian. It's very a very simple and painless process. Family Support Visa is the best for under 50s because you don't need to leave every 90 days.

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I am not working in Thailand but I spend about 1.5 million a year living here, all income from abroad.

I just got divorced from a Thai previously on a Non-O, currently on a 60 day tourist visa, I am not 50 so retirement visa not an option.

While I love it here the whole Visa issue for someone like me make me look for other options.

Yes, they make it unnecessary difficult, the authorities,

I have not the funds to fit the Visa rules for one year extension, Non Immgrationi O Visa, as a taking care father living with his Thai sons.

So, I have to make constantly visits to the border and Immigration,

border runs = short allowances of stay, make Non Immigrant O Visa, sometimes a Tourist Visa-when I have not all paper work with me

or/and more easy to obtain with Visa agents, (Phnom Penh) And extensions of stay as a taking care, living with his children father.

These steady movements, trips and Visa-also for other countries, cost a lot of money over a year, I better could use for my family and sons!blink.png

I never worked in TH and I not work now, have my small money from back home!

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Learn Thai or English and get an ED visa with Walen School. No more visa runs. We have thousands of happy customers. We can help you too.

It seems the authorities want to rid parts of LOS from foreign riff raff that are making problems and you are advertising a fix for the folk WE want to get rid of......rolleyes.gif

Are all who have Visa problems -riff raff-?

So, see my post above,

""I have not the funds to fit the Visa rules for one year extension, Non Immgrationi O Visa, as a taking care father living with his Thai sons.

So, I have to make constantly visits to the border and Immigration,

border runs = short allowances of stay, make Non Immigrant O Visa, sometimes a Tourist Visa-when I have not all paper work with me

or/and more easy to obtain with Visa agents, (Phnom Penh) And extensions of stay as a taking care, living with his children father 2 month each and Immigration is trying and was ordered from Bangkok, to restrict these extensions possibility!

i do not work illegally have my small funds from back home and could the many unnecessary spent money for all the Visa and Immigration visits better used for my family!""

what is your solution for me? My Passport was now full, had him since -09.2010 blink.png

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand.

They also have no birthright to be in Thailand.

Lots and lots of 'I can do anything I want, because I'm white and Western' going on. sad.png

Khun Som wat I understand that you may think a lot of Westerners come to Thailand and they have no right to be here but if you went to Europe you can buy a house or land or company and own it 100% in your name. Marry a Westerner and get citizenship and a passport after a few years and be entitled to free social security and medical treatment. Westerners here legally own zero and are entitled to zero. Do you really think that is fair?

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Those who are working online without permits, meaning they are also not paying tax or legally employing Thai staff, are of no benefit to the country whatsoever. In fact these illegal workers are benefiting by living in Thailand cheaper than in their own countries, plus bypassing all the encumbrances of registering and running companies in the West.

Reading the OP I gather that the exploits of the eternal tourists are now going to be under more scrutiny and whether these people are given extended visas or not is going to be under the discretion of the Immigration officers.

I have nothing against the Westerners that are working and living here legally, but those who are not have no entitlements to be in Thailand. Many Westerners under 50 years old can legally live and work in Thailand, providing they meet the imposed conditions as imposed by the Immigration department, for example skilled engineers, fully qualified teachers and so on. Otherwise it`s a case of being here under false pretences. Hoping that eventually all these people will be weeded out, they are not wanted here.

I have lived here for 6 years, I have a clean criminal record, beside a minor traffic incident I have never been in contact with Thai police.

I spend over 100K a month living here, doing my best to support the mom and pop shops and not the big chains.

I were married for almost 5 years to a Thai why I was able to stay for so long. I am a model citizen, I wear my helmet on the bike, my seat belt in the car and I follow the law and traditions of the country where I am pleased to live as a guest.

Please enlighten me on how to live in this country legally having a one man online business without breaking the law because I have tried to find out for years.

And if you look back on this thread one of the issues raised is that people want to live here and pay their taxes but its not possible.

Edited by spacemand
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In my research of SE Asia, I believe the Philippines has got it right. And if Thailand copied it, everything would be sorted.

1st, LSVVE - Long Stay Visitor Visa Extension.


Summary: During your initial 30d visa on entry, can extend 6 months at a time for what is now ~US $260. For a total of 15 months on 1 entry.

(So 2 extensions for 6m, then last extension will be the remainder left of 15 months)

Only small thing, is the office to do this is in Manila, but a short domestic flight will sort that out if your staying somewhere else.

(They are planning to extend this service to other parts like Cebu, but not yet)

2nd, SRRV

Special Resident Retiree's Visa


Summary: As many of you mentioned, why start retirement at 50 ?

They have SRRV's as early as 35 years old, and 4 flavors including one specific for medical treatment.

So while I like Thailand and speak the language alright, as a young entrepeneur you can guess my next spot for the winter.

Similar, maybe more easy in Cambodia.

There even the way to the Immigration, for your extensions, yearly possible, is, if you want made by a Visa agent for you for a small fee!thumbsup.gif

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This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand.

They also have no birthright to be in Thailand.

Lots and lots of 'I can do anything I want, because I'm white and Western' going on. sad.png

Khun Som wat I understand that you may think a lot of Westerners come to Thailand and they have no right to be here but if you went to Europe you can buy a house or land or company and own it 100% in your name. Marry a Westerner and get citizenship and a passport after a few years and be entitled to free social security and medical treatment. Westerners here legally own zero and are entitled to zero. Do you really think that is fair?

Westerners here own their own condos, houses, cars... fyi, as they are entitled to. rolleyes.gif

Westerners here can also get a Thai passport after 5 years, if they fit the criteria.

You seem quite clueless.

Edited by Som wat
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This is exactly my situation, and I couldn't agree more. I'm in no way taking jobs from Thai people, and all of my clients are foreigners. Every penny I make comes from a foreign country and is spent in Thailand, shouldn't this be exactly what the governments wants? Yet as I'm far too young for a retirement visa and not interested in getting married anytime soon I have to resort to questionably legal means to obtain visas on an annual basis.

Regardless of where your money comes from, when you're in Thailand, you're using the roads, you're putting wear and tear on the infrastructure, you're flushing the toilet, and you're being protected from bad guys by the police, from epidemics by the health care agencies, from mosquitoes by the mosquito spraying agencies, and from Commies by the military. That all costs public money.

It's very straightforward to get a proper visa. Register a business, invest the appropriate amount of capital and hire some local people to pump money into the economy, and follow the rules. Will it cost you money? Possibly- but I doubt Ford or GE or Yamaha are in Thailand to spend more money than they make here. Will it cost time? Hire the right Thai employees and they'll spend their time.

You can be a victim of increased enforcement of existing rules, or you can take some action to make sure you're not the next subgroup to be scrutinized. If I wanted to stay here, I'd be taking some action.

It's probably only going to get worse...


Why open a business and hire people which do not do any work? Its a sham and its an scam.

I have no problems opening a company hiring the GF, her mother and a few others BUT Its a sham. Its just for show and probably illegal.

Yes there are ways around the rules but for people wanting to live by the law it is not possible.

Same as you can buy a house setting up a company but you know that can bite you in the butt at any time.

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