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ATM Fraud


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I have just returned fromThailand to the UK to be welcomed by a phone call from my Bank re ATM withdrawals in Bangkok, around £1100 was attempted to be withdrawn, some successful from my Bank Account using ATM`S, some small amounts somearound £200, 12 in all. I was never in Bangkok this time but did use the card in February but dont know how the scammers got my pin number. I then told them I had used another card in Chonburi Tuesday night at at a Family Mart ATM, it was also scamed. Is this common in Thailand, ok the bank refunded all the monies but said I need to more careful ,the next time I come over, will bring cash next time I think.

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

Actually, you're wrong. It rarely happens in many other countries. It's a Thailand problem. coffee1.gif

Pure nonsense.

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

Actually, you're wrong. It rarely happens in many other countries. It's a Thailand problem. coffee1.gif

ridiculous !

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There are things you can do to prevent ATM skimming. The first is to always cover the key pad when you enter your PIN, so your keystrokes can't be seen or photographed by a hidden camera. The second is to only use ATM machines inside a bank or mall where it would be difficult to attach skimming equipment.

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The world wide problem with ATM fraud is done this way........

A small plastic "box" shaped just like the slot where your card goes in, is a reader of your numbers and it can relay that info a very short way to a special computerized reader receiver. THEN, someone or a camera must ALSO see and record your pin that you input. Only with both can your account be grabbed.

There may be some newer way to grab ur info, but it is not widely reported or I would have seen it. This technology is not something a dolt can create, but a dolt can be assigned to run the device. Did your card bank tell you how your info could possibly have been stolen? Small amounts sound like a "friend" using it.

Use only ATMs fastened to the front of banks or inside banks. Cash is infinitely easier to steal.

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In the machines that are outside of Banks they can dill a small hole in the casing (they know where) plug in a usb device and record all the information including the pin. The machine works as normal gives you your money and a while later your card is cloned and your bank emptied. In my case the card details went to South Korea, where I have never been.

Another trick is a virus that is introduced into shop tills, essentially they mostly are windows based, same thing card details recorded and sent back to anywhere in the world if the till is on a network.

As has been said above only use ATMs that you trust 100% or inside a bank branch. You have to balance the risk of carrying round cash against getting your card skimmed.

Be safe everyone

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I prefer to have just enough in my card account to cover some shopping. It's no trouble to top it up using internet banking.

What gets right up my nose though, is the persistent refusal of check-out operators to compare my signature with the one on the card. I have another card with a chip, but no-one will accept it.

I'm sometimes tempted to do what one TV user has done, and sign my name as 'Elton John', 'Elvis Presley' or similar.

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I used an ATM inside Tesco Lotus. No moey came out. I assumed it was an ATM problem. Within an hour I checked online and saw that 200 GBP and 1oo GBP hade been taken out of my account. One withdrawal in Moscow, the other in Kiev. The bank refunded my money. Mind you, I did laugh when the person I spoke to in my bank asked if I had been to Russia and forgotten.

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roguewo is talking rubbish. I had a eye watering amount stolen from my

card in super safe Aus, whereupon the (Euro) bank blocked my card

for "high risk LOS". Any country is at risk. Those which appear safest

offer greater opportunities for thieves because folk are less vigilent.

Of course don't use an ATM on the street.

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Cash is King I only use ATM at Banks

Using ATMs only at banks and other closely-guarded locations is good advice, but cash is most certainly not king:

Every day, an estimated 400,000 travelers are victims of pickpockets somewhere in the world.

New York City: 3000 pickpocket incidents reported in a single month.

The UK averages more than 500,000 pickpocket incidents each year.

So you are much more likely to be the victim of a pickpocket than a victim of ATM skimming, and with cash you stand almost zero chance of getting it returned to you. On the other hand, banks will usually refund your losses from ATM fraud. Provided you practice safe swiping, cards are still the safest way to travel.

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Funny this has come up

In all the years I have been living and going to Thailand never had a problem

Last time I was there I did use these outside ATM's as I always do and the card wouldn't work I remember having the problem thinking why wont my card work.

This was only 2 months ago I was there came home got the same call from my bank saying someone tried to book a top hotel in New York and bought ladies products for over 10,000

Of course I said it wasn't me

I too will never just use ATM outside or any where now only ones in the shopping centre with the guards there.

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

Actually, you're wrong. It rarely happens in many other countries. It's a Thailand problem. coffee1.gif

Actually your wrong it happens quite a lot in many countries including Australia and the U.K

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Keep a lookout when putting in your PIN, bear in mind some skimmers use a tiny camera and bluetooth capability. Never leave your cards hanging around in your room for the maid to copy. One area of concern is when credit card payment is made in the hotel for your stay. Try and use an internet booking site if you can and therefore no need to pay at the hotel. I have a Capital One credit card I left out in my room a few months ago. I had no reason whatsoever to suspect the maid of copying it but I decided better to be safe than sorry. I was in Bangkok at the time and rang up to cancel the card, Mastercard asked if I wanted another card sending to my hotel. I said yes and 36 hours later a brand new card turned up in reception. Excellent customer service.

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There have been quite a few reports of this in different parts of Thailand.

Yes, there have been. Never let your card leave your sight! Only use bank ATM's, not 7-11, bars, etc. Check for skimmers, cameras and shoulder surfers! TIT

This can be a problem world wide, not just a TIT problem.... coffee1.gif

Actually, you're wrong. It rarely happens in many other countries. It's a Thailand problem. coffee1.gif

The only time I had it happen to me was on a visit to England, think I was in Banbury, used an ATM in the back of a convenience store, it "didn't work" but stole my information. After returning to the States I checked my account, they'd drained about $350, twice a day, for several days. Mostly from machines in London. Close to $1,500 total. My bank was clueless, but they gave it all back to me.

Can happen anywhere. Safer to use only bank ATM's.

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Have your bank lower your withdrawal limit and get sms messages from your bank whenever a withdrawal is made. This way you know within minutes if someone withdraw money from your account and you can contact your bank at once. Plus with a low daily withdrawal limit your lessen your losses.

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I was coming back from Laos, on the Thai side when I tried to get cash from an ATM at a Thai bank. I got a notice saying insufficient funds which wasn't possible. I got home the next day to find my account empty. The bank had taken my money. Luckily my bank got it all back for me within 4 days. My bank said it was not unusual to have this happen in more rural bank/ATM in Thailand.

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The likelihood of being a victim of ATM fraud in this country is no greater than anywhere else, and as with everywhere else you minimise your risk by being careful and only using ATMs at banks, and inside if possible.

However, there IS more actual ATM scammers here taking money out of foreign bank accounts because many countries have much higher security but allow compromised card data to be used here.

Being a victim in Thailand when using a Thai bank card will be expensive because under most circumstances it's your loss, unlike western nations where the bank have to refund you.

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