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Paying her family?


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Hi all, let me first say not trolling here. I will start from the beginning. I met a girl online, did the whole chat for awhile bs and then moved to skype. We did the skype thing everyday for a few months, I fell in love. I have bought her a new phone, pay dentist 1000 baht per month and like 7000 upfront to fix her teeth, and 2200 baht a month payments on new honda click. I saved some money for a few months and quit my job and came to Thailand. I wanted to get an apartment downtown, but was told not to by her family, "many bad girls in thailand, you stay with family". They insisted I live there. I hold a BA degree and am a native English speaker,, so I was going to go the teaching route. I arrived in Thailand mid March. Had schools offer jobs starting mid May. Her family said no problem, wait until school starts and go teach. After one month her father demanded I marry her or leave the house. They ask for 100,000 baht, a ring that was around 34,000 baht, not that big of a deal. The other part of it was to buy land and build a house, and get us a car, and start up a business for the family. Oh and continue to take care of the family forever. When I explained I needed to wait for my job to start here, rage followed! I was kicked out of house, no big deal. I got apartment downtown, but her family hates me now and will not allow her to see me. She says I must prove to them I can take care of her and family, and pay the 100,000 baht, and buy the ring. I think I am f@?&ed here. Is all of the demanding from the family normal here, or was all this just a scam from the start for the money? Thanks for taking the time to read this long ass post.

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I tried standing up for myself, I got kicked out of the house. I told her she needed to do what she thought was right, marry for love not money, but she says she has no say in it. Everything is up to her father, do the girls here have no say in their own future?

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I tried standing up for myself, I got kicked out of the house. I told her she needed to do what she thought was right, marry for love not money, but she says she has no say in it. Everything is up to her father, do the girls here have no say in their own future?

If she loves you, she will back you. She is able to keep the family in check. Sure you have to care for the family, but not further than you are able to and willing to. If she don't back you, you will have a quite hard stay with this family. I wouldn't dare to try it


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Yeah, she is saying she has no say in it. She is sneaking downtown to see me a couple times a week, but her family can't find out. She is not even supposed to be talking to me anymore. I do love her, but it seems like an impossable task.

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Unfortunately the money is in a locked international transfer account due to tax discrepancies.

It costs 50k baht to free the full amount, if they can get it together.

Take the 50k baht.

Exit stage left.


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Sin Sod, the dowry for the girl and some Gold is more or less normal and usually higher with a Falang, your sums seem not to high,

the immediately house building, buying and purchase of a car is not so common awaited in short time. But sure appreciated!tongue.png

To take care of the family of wife, is common at least in some ways and in affordable borders!

So if she is a traditional Thai, some of that what she and her family asks for, is common practice in many families here in Thailand.

Special in rural Issan.

So find a consensus in a discussion, if you feel its worth the effort.wink.png

Edited by ALFREDO
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