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When I start my computer I get a window asking me if I want to let iLvid through my firewall.

When I close it I get a flashing light on my taskbar asking me if I want Bandoo publishers to make changes to my computer.

It's not causing any problems it's just annoying.

I think it's something I picked up when downloading another program and removed it from program files immediately because I can't find either of them in "program files" or "installed programs".

Does anyone know how I can get rid of it.


Try Revo uninstaller.

Perfect. Great advice and as brief as it gets. Also, two birds.

iLivid really has no place on any machine. It's not technically dangerous, but its "features" are to slow down your computer, change your searches, "suggest" searches, sent reports back to headquarters and the like. If you must have a downloader, fine, but not iLivid.

And Revo should have a place on all Windows machines, it's just a fabulous uninstaller.



I downloaded Remo but couldn't understand how to use it.

I ran "evidence remover" which took 3 hours but iLvid is still there.

I can probably figure it out by reading the instructions but some

some instructions here would save me some time and effort.

Thanks for all the help so far.


I downloaded Remo but couldn't understand how to use it.

I ran "evidence remover" which took 3 hours but iLvid is still there.

I can probably figure it out by reading the instructions but some

some instructions here would save me some time and effort.

Thanks for all the help so far.

Khun chiangrai, what is Remo? Several people have recommended Revo Uninstaller for you. It's an excellent, free program. Get it here:


That link should start the download of the program you want, Revosetup.exe. If it does not, do NOT (may I repeat that) do NOT click on the "download 30-day free trial" button. do NOT. Instead, click on the word "here" in the line "If your download of Revo Uninstaller Freeware doesn't start automatically click here".

Repeat. Click on the small word "here" NOT on the huge Download 30 days free trial button.
Once you download Revosetup.exe, click on that, and install the program. Once installed, start Revo. (You can delete Revosetup.exe if you are the cleanliness type.)
This is a very simple program. Stop trying to outthink it.
In a minute or two, Revo will build a database of all your installed programs. After it does this, find and click on iLivid. Revo will ask you "do you really, actually want to uninstall iLivid?" To which you will answer in the obvious way.
It will ask you to "select an uninstall mode". Click the fourth one (or the bottom one if there are three or five choices.)
After that, just do the right thing.
Oh, I forgot to add this. If you do all the above and then wonder if you should buy Revo or sign up for the 30-day free trial? Please find another forum to post that question.

Thanks for your patience.

And ReVo is spelled with a V.

But the problem is that when I open ReVo and it shows the list of installed programs

iLvid is not on it.Probably because I removed it months ago.

The problem was that when I started up my computer I would get a window asking me if I wanted to let iLid through my firewall.

I seem to have fixed this by clicking yes and then removing it from the "let through firewall" list manually.

Now the only place I can find iLvid is in the "show hidden icons" box in my task bar.

If I click that and then click the iLvid icon I get the full iLvid program which I presume isn't working.

This is why I was trying to remove traces of program with Revo.

Again,thank you for your time.

Khun chiangrai,

Download the program Everything, from here:

Start the program. Wait maybe a minute at the most, while it builds its own little database.

Everything lists everything on your computer (geddit?) So do a normal search for your iLivid stuff and delete, er, "everything" you find.

This photo is for illustration only. What you get will be different. But if you have anything with the letters "iliv" there, then Everything will show them if you use the star-iliv-star search as I show here. Or make up your own search, using wildcards where the star/asterisk means "anything at all".

Once Everything shows you everything with "iliv" in the file name, you can right-click on each or several of them, and choose Delete. After Delete, go to your Recycle Bin and empty it. iLivid should be all gone.


Everything is by far the best file-finder, period. Keep it around.

I hope this helps.


Download and run malwarebytes. It is free for 30 days but will clean your computer.

There is no time limit on Malwarebytes but it will try to trick you into upgrading every time you open the program by telling you it's outdated by xxxxxx amount of days and 'would you like to upgrade now?' Just press 'no' and carry on with your scan.


There is no time limit on Malwarebytes but it will try to trick you into upgrading every time you open the program by telling you it's outdated by xxxxxx amount of days and 'would you like to upgrade now?' Just press 'no' and carry on with your scan.

Worst advice of the thread. The previous worst was about downloading the trial version of Malwarebytes. Simply get the free Malwarebytes, clearly offered on its main page, and more than ample for anyone reading this thread.


Large letters: "Free version download"

1. Malwarebytes does not trick anyone, ever. Or try to. It is hugely polite.

2. Malwarebytes does not "try" to get you to upgrade. It does, properly, try to get you to update. That is because

3. Malwarebytes' database of malware *is* out of date by xxxxxx amount of days and should be updated (not upgraded), just as the program recommends.


Press "yes", wait for the new malware database to download and install, and proceed with your scan. Only if you do not have an internet connection should you press "no". And in that case, you should try to find an internet connection and get the new, updated database so you are not trying to scan for last week's malware with last year's Malwarebytes database.


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