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Pictures appear to show RAF man posing with dead Taliban fighter

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Angry/disgruntled/offended Muslims, oh what a surprise...

I'm almost certain the RAF is not a Muslim organisation. Although with Britain this century, one must check frequently to be certain. Please focus on who the villains are in this one, particular incident.

Who cares if the Taliban are enraged? They're always bloody enraged about something.

How are the Taliban involved? This is completely, 100% at the feet of a very well-dressed, non-combat group of military officers and government twits who think "dirty hands" is picking up the drumstick without a napkin. In other words, people as dangerous to many of us as any Taliban could hope to be.

I could not agree more, It is also nothing compared to what the Taliban do for their propaganda machine.

Well, except it was nothing to do with a propaganda machine at all, it was a personal photo in service of this man and his mates and buddies. (See? I know that jargon stuff 5555) If it were a government photo there might be some reason to attack the minister of defence. But since it was a personal photo, there's no reason to attack anyone. As described in the OP, this is one of MILLIONS of such photos around the world since... when? World War I I suppose, although lots of photos of wars before that, at least back to the mid-1800s.

still better than some taliban beheading or IMPALING someone on video .... saw the last thing once and it still haunts me

Without a shred of reference to those horrible misogynist killers of little girls, this incident and persecution and possible prosecution are just horrible. It's not that a photo of a combat soldier immediately after combat is somehow "better" than the Taliban blowing up a schoolhouse, it is better than almost anything I can imagine. I'm so glad the Taliban is dead, the combat troop is alive, and he is alert enough to give the thumbs up at a successful *military* operation.

You don't have to compare that to a Taliban beheading to approve of it. Well, at least I don't. I approve of it without comparing to anything.

My own son has been there, and not just once, and I'm so happy that these dreadful, despicable British civil servants and self-hating military twerps didn't pick him out for a lesson in PC or I would have been actually angry instead of only staggeringly outraged. He is home and safe, and none of his photos are available via Facebook or similar. One also hopes he has finally seen that place for the last time. This makes REAL men and women, the dedicated and capable and admirable kind, question their entire dedication to country, fellow people and heartfelt patriotism.

No thanks to these dreadful people on any of the above.


Edited by wandasloan
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It's still in quite poor taste.

No, what is really in poor taste is a government putting "political correctness" before the troops that defend that same government in order to score some PR points with world and/or Muslim opinion.

Right on the money.thumbsup.gif

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AhFarangJa, on 10 May 2014 - 05:23, said:snapback.png

I could not agree more, It is also nothing compared to what the Taliban do for their propaganda machine.

Well, except it was nothing to do with a propaganda machine at all, it was a personal photo in service of this man and his mates and buddies. (See? I know that jargon stuff 5555) If it were a government photo there might be some reason to attack the minister of defence. But since it was a personal photo, there's no reason to attack anyone. As described in the OP, this is one of MILLIONS of such photos around the world since... when? World War I I suppose, although lots of photos of wars before that, at least back to the mid-1800s.


I am not sure how to read your post, maybe it is just me being stupid ( it happens a lot!) However, I was agreeing with a previous post that it is wrong to blame the soldier, marine or RAF recruit, and that the pc mob are taking over. the lunatics are in charge of the asylum! If I misread your post, I apologise, but I for one am sick of these people criticising the armed forces for fear of upsetting a bunch of brain washed neanderthals.wai.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

RAF must live to a higher standard - he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.

he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.......or I would do.

Would it be considered "bad-form"...to take a dump on their heads?...I think not...IMO

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

RAF must live to a higher standard - he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.

he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.......or I would do.

Would it be considered "bad-form"...to take a dump on their heads?...I think not...IMO

Would anybody notice if you did?

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Why do these idiots not keep that $hit to themselves. At least until their grandsons are old enough for pi$$ed-up grandpa to pull out his war chest. rolleyes.gif

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As someone who has been working in Afghanistan for almost 10 full years now (apparently something like 3,560 total days now) I have absolutely no problem with this. The people in the picture are not making obscene gestures towards the body, or abusing it in any way.

"The RAF said it had a "zero-tolerance policy" on mistreatment of dead enemies"

And rightly so however there is NO sign of any mistreatment of the dead in those pictures.. <deleted> do those @sshats expect, that the troops who survived an attack like that should be sad ? Ashamed ?

If it was the other way around the Taliban would be flashing pictures of them dragging the bodies around tied to the back of a truck.

Part of the whole problem with this conflict is that the West has been trying to fight a "gentleman's" war with Marquess of Queensbury rules against an enemy that have no honour, no rules, no law and no respect for anything but themselves. People in the west seem to think that "if we fight with honour and dignity, the people (and the enemy) will respect us".

Bull**** ! The enemy laughs at us for that and uses it against us !

Most of you don't hear a quarter of what goes on here on a daily basis. Those two <deleted> that killed the soldier in broad daylight in England ? They're like elementary schoolkids compared to what goes on over here. The scariest/worst part is even here we don't hear/see all of what happens. The Afghan on Afghan stuff happening in areas we don't have much contact with ? Blood curdling. And proof that these are nothing but a bunch of filthy, hypocritical, lying scum criminals. And that is referring to the "best" of them. The worst would make Friday the 13th look like a children's movie.

Finally,,,someone with the b**** to tell it how it is.. instead of always crowing "we do not want to upset their sensitivities"....well done and stay safe out therethumbsup.gif

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I am not sure how to read your post, maybe it is just me being stupid ( it happens a lot!) However, I was agreeing with a previous post that it is wrong to blame the soldier, marine or RAF recruit, and that the pc mob are taking over. the lunatics are in charge of the asylum! If I misread your post, I apologise, but I for one am sick of these people criticising the armed forces for fear of upsetting a bunch of brain washed neanderthals.

We agree. What I meant in the specific reply to you was that it was not EVEN in the propaganda category, the referenced photo, but the troop's personal photo. If the brass and bigwigs cannot just congratulate this successful troop, then their best course would be to shut it.

To reiterate. It is wrong to blame the soldier or even to pick out the soldier. I am sick and tired of this TYPE of person at the top criticising the very armed forces they have sent to work, and then won't give them an ounce of support. It's as if there are two armed forces, the one willing to defend the nation and others, and the one at the top, worried that their orderly made the correct reservations at the officers' clubs. It would be best not to start on the politicians involved, I think.

I'm sure we are in agreement here. Maybe I am a little more hard-core and outraged than you, mostly because of personal circumstances and my family.


Edited by wandasloan
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It's still in quite poor taste.

No, what is really in poor taste is a government putting "political correctness" before the troops that defend that same government in order to score some PR points with world and/or Muslim opinion.

I just see it as it is.

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I am not sure how to read your post, maybe it is just me being stupid ( it happens a lot!) However, I was agreeing with a previous post that it is wrong to blame the soldier, marine or RAF recruit, and that the pc mob are taking over. the lunatics are in charge of the asylum! If I misread your post, I apologise, but I for one am sick of these people criticising the armed forces for fear of upsetting a bunch of brain washed neanderthals.

We agree. What I meant in the specific reply to you was that it was not EVEN in the propaganda category, the referenced photo, but the troop's personal photo. If the brass and bigwigs cannot just congratulate this successful troop, then their best course would be to shut it.

To reiterate. It is wrong to blame the soldier or even to pick out the soldier. I am sick and tired of this TYPE of person at the top criticising the very armed forces they have sent to work, and then won't give them an ounce of support. It's as if there are two armed forces, the one willing to defend the nation and others, and the one at the top, worried that their orderly made the correct reservations at the officers' clubs. It would be best not to start on the politicians involved, I think.

I'm sure we are in agreement here. Maybe I am a little more hard-core and outraged than you, mostly because of personal circumstances and my family.


Glad we are on the same wavelength, and I am also glad your son returned safe.

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"The RAF said it had a "zero-tolerance policy" on mistreatment of dead enemies"

And rightly so however there is NO sign of any mistreatment of the dead in those pictures.. <deleted> do those @sshats expect, that the troops who survived an attack like that should be sad ? Ashamed ?

Yes, yes and then no, no. There is no mistreatment of anyone or anything involved.

I wouldn't normally comment on an excellent and thorough and right-headed post like yours, but I also want to have the opportunity to say thank you, and please stay safe. I have some small idea of what you go through, and a very large appreciation for your doing it, especially since, just like the troops, so many choose not to.


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As someone who has been working in Afghanistan for almost 10 full years now (apparently something like 3,560 total days now) I have absolutely no problem with this. The people in the picture are not making obscene gestures towards the body, or abusing it in any way.

"The RAF said it had a "zero-tolerance policy" on mistreatment of dead enemies"

And rightly so however there is NO sign of any mistreatment of the dead in those pictures.. <deleted> do those @sshats expect, that the troops who survived an attack like that should be sad ? Ashamed ?

If it was the other way around the Taliban would be flashing pictures of them dragging the bodies around tied to the back of a truck.

Part of the whole problem with this conflict is that the West has been trying to fight a "gentleman's" war with Marquess of Queensbury rules against an enemy that have no honour, no rules, no law and no respect for anything but themselves. People in the west seem to think that "if we fight with honour and dignity, the people (and the enemy) will respect us".

Bull**** ! The enemy laughs at us for that and uses it against us !

Most of you don't hear a quarter of what goes on here on a daily basis. Those two <deleted> that killed the soldier in broad daylight in England ? They're like elementary schoolkids compared to what goes on over here. The scariest/worst part is even here we don't hear/see all of what happens. The Afghan on Afghan stuff happening in areas we don't have much contact with ? Blood curdling. And proof that these are nothing but a bunch of filthy, hypocritical, lying scum criminals. And that is referring to the "best" of them. The worst would make Friday the 13th look like a children's movie.

I remember talking to Sombat Bigley. The Thai wife of Ken Bigley who was butchered by the Taleban. Her last image of him was of his head resting on his abdomen. That is how they treat people, not like the nice sympahetic way the PC Brigade want our combatants to behave.

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I fail to see the need to take these selfies, supposed to be professional at your place of work. Taking a pic of someone that you have just killed is wrong. This was explained well in the case of the marine with no name who done the same and thought it acceptable to take "dead" selfies he was jailed.

I appreciate the job being done but not the pics.

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How easy it is to criticise. If someone has been trying to blow your nuts off and you win out, adrenaline will keep pumping for a long time afterwards. PC has really gone too far, Taliban are terrorists, animals that want to kill decnt people. Why do they deserve any consideration?!

If you've had a taste of combat, which is scary even to the bravest, there is no need for explanations.

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Just wondering....what is the difference between a Freedom Fighter and an Insurgent? ......just wondering. By the way...I spent nearly a year on the US base, Camp Leatherneck that adjoins Camp Bastion. Bastion is the base where you can throw a rock over the fence and hit acres and acres of beautiful blooming poppy fields, being fed from water coming off the US/British bases...but that is a different story.

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If this had been the case of a killed brit or yank with a taliban fighter sitting next to their corps with a thumbs up, I am very sure the reactions here would be very different.

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Of course the photo was with a dead Taliban fighter. They are very shy while alive, and are loathe the be photographed with RAF types. OMG there is a war going on and we are killing the enemy? Stop the presses! I recall first Iraq war, watching for days, wondering "Where are the dead enemy?". Wasn't til Basra freeway wipe out that finally saw some of the effects of our superior firepower. War is hell. Let's have more shots of dead Taliban, please.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

RAF must live to a higher standard - he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.

he is not pissing on them like the Americans did.......or I would do.

Would it be considered "bad-form"...to take a dump on their heads?...I think not...IMO

Not bad form at all. It would assist this lump of excrement it lands on in pushing up daisies.

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