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Thai man owes my gf 9k. Rule n.o 1: never intervene in a thai dispute


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Many years ago I read with interest on this forum a comment by an old farang who mentioned he'd been living in LOS for 20 years. In the thread he said that its unwise to intervene in any dispute between 2 thai's. In fact he said 'dont ever intervene in other peoples problems in thailand'

A Thai man owes my gf 9000 baht and after 6 months the money still has not been paid. It relates to her selling her old car and upgrading to a new one. Without going into details, she did not sell and buy a new car from the same dealership. She admits now that she was a bit stupid when arranging the deal.

The guy that owes the money works in a second rate dealership on a busy road. I recently went there pretending to be a buyer and found that the guy had a bad attitude- even towards me acting as a customer. For example, I looked one of the cars inside the showroom and then walked outside and tried to open the door of another pickup for sale. He looked at me and said its locked. I had to actually order the guy to go and get the keys. He had to be prompted - the lazy bugger. The guy is a certified lab rat in a cheap suit with a low class attitude towards mankind.

To date the simple fact is that my gf is too nice a person to confront this guy and resolve the situation and she said that there is no evidence that the guy owes her the money. She has been too ashamed to raise the issue with her family thus far. She has really high integrity and educated etc. There is no question about her story.

Since recently finding out about the said debt I am proposing the following strategy to get the money back and I seek your opinions as to its viability. I'm the kind of guy who always gets what he wants in life and thus Im determined to make this plan succeed....

Step 1: Using a small 'Digital voice recording' device that I purchased in MBK (its the size of a pen) my gf will approach Mr lab rat and start to talk about the 9k and ask when its going to be paid back.

Step 2: If viable evidence is recorded, my gf is to go home and collect her father and brother and go back out there and talk to the guy again. My gf can record this conversation as well. If he once again refuses to pay up...

Step 3: Go to the local police station. Play the evidence to them. Tell them that if successful we are willing to give them a proportion of the money to assist.

I do not intend to get involved at all and plan to wait in the car at all times with my hat and sunglasses on.

What do you think about the above strategy? At step 3 if he still refuses to pay should her father mention that he will go and speak to the police or should we keep quiet and just go and do it.

Im unsure about step 3. I know that this is thailand and not a 'nanny state' from the West but when they present a recording device with the evidence to the police can they get into hot water for this? I dont think that the police will care about it but thought I would ask your opinion.

Finally, how much of the money do you think we should pay the police for helping us.

If you can think of a better plan please make your suggestions below. Respect to you all.

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I don't know about Thailand but in Australia recording someone without their permission is illegal,and cannot be used as evidence,i personally would not get involved as another poster said 50% to the cops anyway ,i know you feel it is a matter of principal,but is it worth all the hassle over 9,000 b.

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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

Actually, it cost 2,000 not 10k and certainly not specifically purchased for this issue.

Its duly noted that my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community and thus I speculate that the police will believe the story beyond reasonable doubt.

I wonder if at the end of step 2 if the guy refuses to pay, her father could reveal the device and play back the first conversation. Then say to him if he doesnt pay up right now that they will go to the police. It might scare the guy and thus negate step 3 all together.

I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

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9000 Baht debt.

Spending 10, 000 baht on various recording devices and numerous trips to and fro the dealership, numerous phone calls and plans between family ......... PRICELESS.

There's more than one way to skin a cat but how much is it going to cost you in the process? (read her).

Best of luck by the way but I was just sayin to throw an unemotional view into the mix. wink.png

Actually, it cost 2,000 not 10k and certainly not specifically purchased for this issue.

Its duly noted that my gf's father has what one might call high status in this community and thus I speculate that the police will believe the story beyond reasonable doubt.

I wonder if at the end of step 2 if the guy refuses to pay, her father could reveal the device and play back the first conversation. Then say to him if he doesnt pay up right now that they will go to the police. It might scare the guy and thus negate step 3 all together.

I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

Fair enuf. Best advice would be what you already know, stay out of it, the Thais will agonise over it and how much any subsequent payment to anyone would be.

I agree about principle type issues but sometimes things can be more pain than they are worth.

Don't forget the power of the mouth, stuff like this isn't good for business and perhaps if your wife's family is so well known they might like to point that out.

9k just ain't worth getting shot for, especially when dealing with a shark, as most these types tend to be.

best of luck

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I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

And people also end up dead for a lot less in Thailand over personal/money disputes

Principles are all well and good, but sometimes its better just to walk way, stop being a farang knight on a white horse trying to save the Thai nation

This is a Thai on Thai thing, you would be better to stay out of it, your GF doesn't need all the James Bond spy kit crap, one suspects this is you coming up with all this BS....

All she needs to do, if she believes she has been aggrieved is to go to a police station and lay a charge and the guy concerned will be called in for a "chat" and even more so if your GF's father is a high ranking Bwana you say he is, then your GF will get a result

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It's the principal of getting shafted, you yellow nitwits.

Defo worth pursuing to embarrass the perp, if not for karma's sake. Try steps 1 and 2. If that doesn't work, stop off again when busy to rub some dogsh.it behind the wheel of a truck near the entrance.

Btw, you could probably just use a smartphone for the recording.

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I would not fight for the principle alone in Thailand. The only thing it accomplishes is to shorten your expected life span.

And as stated by many, 9,000 Baht is a couple of fancy dinners for a couple, that's all.

The talk about money and principle reminds me BTW of the brilliant Tommy Cooper (R.I.P.) scetch in the pub where he goes "t's not the principle, it's the money! :-)

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All this for 9k? I spent that on food and wine last night.

Do you need a guest at your next meal?w00t.gif

not if that a photo of you in your avatar....tongue.png

I've put a little weight on since that was taken...giggle.gif

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Skimming through not even reading most if the posts, the gf father is high status so why bother with the covert equipment? Added to this if the father was high status the car salesman would know this and not rip off.

What I would do is shove 9k in an envelope and give it to your gf and tell her to shut her pus

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I don't know about Thailand but in Australia recording someone without their permission is illegal,and cannot be used as evidence,i personally would not get involved as another poster said 50% to the cops anyway ,i know you feel it is a matter of principal,but is it worth all the hassle over 9,000 b.

That's what I was thinking too.

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I know its not a lot of money but its the principle of the matter.

And people also end up dead for a lot less in Thailand over personal/money disputes

Principles are all well and good, but sometimes its better just to walk way, stop being a farang knight on a white horse trying to save the Thai nation

This is a Thai on Thai thing, you would be better to stay out of it, your GF doesn't need all the James Bond spy kit crap, one suspects this is you coming up with all this BS....

All she needs to do, if she believes she has been aggrieved is to go to a police station and lay a charge and the guy concerned will be called in for a "chat" and even more so if your GF's father is a high ranking Bwana you say he is, then your GF will get a result

have to wonder why she hasnt done that route before.

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Go in and confront him on behalf of your misses tell him she wants the money back and if he doesn't give it back you'll knock his block off. Don't pussy foot around fight fire with fire. Grab all the boys from the family and go and sort shit out mate.

Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk

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