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Buddha Issara defends guards' brutality


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Buddha Issara said. "It may affect your traveling, but if you understand the situation and don't let your emotion cloud your judgment, I think, every side will understand our actions."

So Somchai driving to work is stopped by these violent low life scum and beaten to within an inch of his life is expected to understand. Don't get emotional just understand that the beating was for peace.

This lowlife piece of excrement who calls himself a monk is nothing but pure evil and so many farangs support him and his actions.

The Mad Monk admits they are violent and brutal but the courts and farang supporters say they are peaceful and have never used violence.

Edited by chooka
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hopefully prison time is looming for him

Unfortunately, he and others of his ilk will not serve time - the judiciary benches are stacked.

Nevertheless, karma awaits, if not in this lifetime then in the next. From what little I know of that faith, re-incarnation as something G awful.

The courts have already ruled that this brutality and violence is peaceful and he has been given the green light to carry on. The PDRC have already been exonerated of all crimes.

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hopefully prison time is looming for him

Unfortunately, he and others of his ilk will not serve time - the judiciary benches are stacked.

Nevertheless, karma awaits, if not in this lifetime then in the next. From what little I know of that faith, re-incarnation as something G awful.

The courts have already ruled that this brutality and violence is peaceful and he has been given the green light to carry on. The PDRC have already been exonerated of all crimes.

Showing the world that they too are corrupt.

The only chance for this country is foreigners taking over the courts, policing and the army.

There neds to be a desire for change from the population, of which I see none

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Khaosod .... It's totally amazing that so many believe anything this newspaper prints.. I have an American friend who is close to LP Buddha-Issara... I'll try and get what the monk really said out of him and report back to you... OK?

Ya and we'll be holding our breath waiting for your trustworthy "American friend" to enlighten us. I am certain your "American Friend's" credentials are impeccable and beyond reproach.

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Khaosod .... It's totally amazing that so many believe anything this newspaper prints.. I have an American friend who is close to LP Buddha-Issara... I'll try and get what the monk really said out of him and report back to you... OK?

Ya and we'll be holding our breath waiting for your trustworthy "American friend" to enlighten us. I am certain your "American Friend's" credentials are impeccable and beyond reproach.

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Khaosod again!

How can you believe anything reported by a newspaper belonging to the Thaksin family???

Unbelievable what a Judas mentality you Suthep followers have , ignorant violent scum, thats what you all are.

If the reds only look to someone, you all are the first to post the reds are violent (which is btw) but if the Dem's/yellows or this coward monk advocate violence , you oppose it and you try to justify it !


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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

This "Issara" monk cannot be compared to the Pope or Arch Cant (who are the leaders of their faiths).

At best, the Issara monk can be compared to a Billy Graham or Reverend Moon (but much more devious).

Probably more akin to Jim Jones of the Jonestown masssacre.

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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

This "Issara" monk cannot be compared to the Pope or Arch Cant (who are the leaders of their faiths).

At best, the Issara monk can be compared to a Billy Graham or Reverend Moon (but much more devious).

Probably more akin to Jim Jones of the Jonestown masssacre.

Lucifer's brother. He definitely doesn't act like a man of god, pure evil flows through his veins.

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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

This "Issara" monk cannot be compared to the Pope or Arch Cant (who are the leaders of their faiths).

At best, the Issara monk can be compared to a Billy Graham or Reverend Moon (but much more devious).

Probably more akin to Jim Jones of the Jonestown masssacre.

Lucifer's brother. He definitely doesn't act like a man of god, pure evil flows through his veins.

Ridiculous statement!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

This "Issara" monk cannot be compared to the Pope or Arch Cant (who are the leaders of their faiths).

At best, the Issara monk can be compared to a Billy Graham or Reverend Moon (but much more devious).

Probably more akin to Jim Jones of the Jonestown masssacre.

Lucifer's brother. He definitely doesn't act like a man of god, pure evil flows through his veins.

You seriously saying you haven't seen worse during your career?

I understand seeing him as a bad guy, a villain even, especially considering his status - but surely not the top of the list?

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Pure evil.....


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well, she's in the comfy chair....next thing you know out come the soft cushions.

The monk certainly got things and deeds to answer to, no question about that.

But some proportion is in order.

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Pure evil.....


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ahhh, you've been to his facebook page. I'm surprised you didn't go the whole hog and download the photo's of him with the oxygen mask and the drip. I couldn't find this picture on his facebook page though


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With all the problems Thailand is experiencing you would hope that Buddhist monks would be a beacon of hope, but this person dressed in the apparel of a Buddhist monk, has dashed those hopes for me.

It is akin to the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury running around with AK47's shooting up the neighbourhood and pleading some just cause

I guess when his thugs beat up the innocent they consider that they are 'making merit' rather like Islamic suicide bombers believe that blowing up innocent men women and children is the quickest way to Paradise

What a sick, sick World we live in, and I haven't even mentioned Nigeria

This "Issara" monk cannot be compared to the Pope or Arch Cant (who are the leaders of their faiths).

At best, the Issara monk can be compared to a Billy Graham or Reverend Moon (but much more devious).

Probably more akin to Jim Jones of the Jonestown masssacre.

Lucifer's brother. He definitely doesn't act like a man of god, pure evil flows through his veins.

Buddhist's and Buddhist monks do not believe in god.. so your correct he doesn't act like a man of god.. because he's not!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Pure evil.....


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ahhh, you've been to his facebook page. I'm surprised you didn't go the whole hog and download the photo's of him with the oxygen mask and the drip. I couldn't find this picture on his facebook page though


Actually your wrong ..it was linked from someone else's Facebook .. And that picture you posted... ohhhh so evil!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Pure evil.....


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ahhh, you've been to his facebook page. I'm surprised you didn't go the whole hog and download the photo's of him with the oxygen mask and the drip. I couldn't find this picture on his facebook page though


Actually your wrong ..it was linked from someone else's Facebook .. And that picture you posted... ohhhh so evil!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I apologise,it was from someone else's facebook page - how remiss of me. So, got any fluffy kitten photos you want to share? Or would you like to put up a decent defence as to why a monk should even be interrogating policemen?

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Pure evil.....


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ahhh, you've been to his facebook page. I'm surprised you didn't go the whole hog and download the photo's of him with the oxygen mask and the drip. I couldn't find this picture on his facebook page though


Actually your wrong ..it was linked from someone else's Facebook .. And that picture you posted... ohhhh so evil!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I apologise,it was from someone else's facebook page - how remiss of me. So, got any fluffy kitten photos you want to share? Or would you like to put up a decent defence as to why a monk should even be interrogating policemen?

He shouldn't be. At least I think he's got no business doing so.

Does it make him evil reincarnate? No.

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I spent a lot of time in the military and they never once taught me a traffic cone was a reasonable defence against grenades. I have some active duty friends I need to call...

Is the guard in the photo wearing a sidearm? Can that possibly be legal?

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I've just been forwarded the picture below. You can see the monk "interviewing" a poor guy who has a taser pointed at his neck. Who does this monk think he is ? Don Corleone ?

And look at the thugs around him, do they look like peaceful protesters ? That's the people who block the roads next door to my home and people ask me not to worry !!!


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I've just been forwarded the picture below. You can see the monk "interviewing" a poor guy who has a taser pointed at his neck. Who does this monk think he is ? Don Corleone ?

And look at the thugs around him, do they look like peaceful protesters ? That's the people who block the roads next door to my home and people ask me not to worry !!!

-- photo by Kun Jumpa

Might be from "kun jumpa" on facebook who also seems to add videoclips on youtube. Need to befriend before you see more.

Waiting for others to analyse the photo. Facebook has seen too many doctored ones.

PS. why should you worry? Those guards will not obstruct you in any way unless you start to argue with them, be rude, move obstructions and the like.

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I've just been forwarded the picture below. You can see the monk "interviewing" a poor guy who has a taser pointed at his neck. Who does this monk think he is ? Don Corleone ?

And look at the thugs around him, do they look like peaceful protesters ? That's the people who block the roads next door to my home and people ask me not to worry !!!


Looks more like a radio to me.. and it also looks like issara is trying to stop it.. any video of the same event?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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