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Thailand visa: Missing MH370 ‘behind visa run crackdown’. Fingerprints next?

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Amazing Thailand...desperate times...foreigners who have been circumventing the rules...will have to either play by the rules now...or find somewhere else they can break the rules...good luck with that...

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If you plan to stay in Thailand for an extended period of time, then get a proper Visa. Too many people have been circumventing the visa laws and it's about time that new rules are brought into affect.

Thailand has agreed with several countries to allow visaless access. By adding new regulations virtually without warning and basically reneging and being generally inconsistent in these matters with these countries, they are making themselves look stupid and unreliable.

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If you plan to stay in Thailand for an extended period of time, then get a proper Visa. Too many people have been circumventing the visa laws and it's about time that new rules are brought into affect.

Thailand has agreed with several countries to allow visaless access. By adding new regulations virtually without warning and basically reneging and being generally inconsistent in these matters with these countries, they are making themselves look stupid and unreliable.

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Hi guys,

Thailand has been a heaven for criminals for decades, looks like now it will hopefully end,

you need only to check the media how many crimes are now been committed by foreigners, many foreigners own businesses and houses illegal (Thai wife owner), not pay taxes and so on,

I hope that Thailand can get rid of this people and let the honest stay on,

I arrived here in 1991, made my visa runs for 2 years, got married with a lovely Thai lady (not from a bar), we have a 21 year old son, over the years I had WP, later we had our own business,

after 16 years with a one year non immigrant O visa, on extension they have seen that the business licence was from a year before (my wife forgot to renew it) and I had to leave the next day, because I couldn't show the 400 000 Baht required,

it didn't change anything that I am married with a Thai citizen and have a Thai son, so I accepted it how it was,

since then I spend half of the year in my home country in Europe and have no problem with Thai immigration,

it makes me really sick to read in this forum of people complaining about that there visa runs are now over,

lets see,

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First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

Yeah, but they STILL couldn't speak English, even with a Mahidol Degree in English.


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Amazing Thailand...desperate times...foreigners who have been circumventing the rules...will have to either play by the rules now...or find somewhere else they can break the rules...good luck with that...

They haven't been circumventing any rules, they have been behaving according to the rules agreed by Thai immigration as regards their country of origin. It is Thai immigration who on little more than a whim keep moving the goalposts

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'... Thailand is being watched by other countries because the passports went missing in Thailand.'

Indeed. And it all sounds suspiciously like ass covering.

And Pol Col Sit Siriwankul's desire that foreigners get the right visa '... according to their purpose [in coming into Thailand] ...' would be much easier to fulfil were immigration and/or the foreign office - or individual consulates - not constantly moving the visa/requirements' goalposts.

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Hi guys,

Thailand has been a heaven for criminals for decades, looks like now it will hopefully end,

you need only to check the media how many crimes are now been committed by foreigners, many foreigners own businesses and houses illegal (Thai wife owner), not pay taxes and so on,

I hope that Thailand can get rid of this people and let the honest stay on,

I arrived here in 1991, made my visa runs for 2 years, got married with a lovely Thai lady (not from a bar), we have a 21 year old son, over the years I had WP, later we had our own business,

after 16 years with a one year non immigrant O visa, on extension they have seen that the business licence was from a year before (my wife forgot to renew it) and I had to leave the next day, because I couldn't show the 400 000 Baht required,

it didn't change anything that I am married with a Thai citizen and have a Thai son, so I accepted it how it was,

since then I spend half of the year in my home country in Europe and have no problem with Thai immigration,

it makes me really sick to read in this forum of people complaining about that there visa runs are now over,

lets see,


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Hi guys,

Thailand has been a heaven for criminals for decades, looks like now it will hopefully end,

you need only to check the media how many crimes are now been committed by foreigners, many foreigners own businesses and houses illegal (Thai wife owner), not pay taxes and so on,

I hope that Thailand can get rid of this people and let the honest stay on,

I arrived here in 1991, made my visa runs for 2 years, got married with a lovely Thai lady (not from a bar), we have a 21 year old son, over the years I had WP, later we had our own business,

after 16 years with a one year non immigrant O visa, on extension they have seen that the business licence was from a year before (my wife forgot to renew it) and I had to leave the next day, because I couldn't show the 400 000 Baht required,

it didn't change anything that I am married with a Thai citizen and have a Thai son, so I accepted it how it was,

since then I spend half of the year in my home country in Europe and have no problem with Thai immigration,

it makes me really sick to read in this forum of people complaining about that there visa runs are now over,

lets see,

Why does this forum attract ignorance and stupidity? You are complaining about criminals when you were illegally running a business for a year! It was leave the next day or get deported. Again you broke the law by not keeping 400,000 Baht in your account prior to renewing your visa. I will let the forum rip you to bits Mr. Perfect.

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First step. I think this country intends to keep squeezing and squeezing and squeezing until they force out most Westerners of whatever visa status. Both sides of the political debate want Westerners out. Anyone working here is seen as someone taking a Thai's money and job. And, as this policy shows, they can change the rules on a moment's notice. Retirement visa. Non-immigrant work visa? They could decide next week to kick everybody out of the country starting the next morning. And most Thais would probably celebrate.

Absolute nonsenses. Yes, celebrate until they realize their source of income has just left the building and they have to go back to working in the rice fields and their m-bikes, cars, homes are repossessed and over priced land is worth F-all again. I hope that day comes soon. F-Thailand...I'm out!!! After 12 years...had enough!!! Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indo, PI? Anywhere but here. Also, cant wait for the real-estate bubble to burst in the "tourist areas". Loads of greedy c-nts will lose their ass(sets). LMAO!!! Should have invested in gold??? Over and Out!!!


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When I first decided to plonk myself in Thailand permanently, I also decided that whatever happens I will always cover my own a-se as regards to everything I do here. This is a self imposed rule I have always adhered to all my adult life, way before I even heard of Thailand. I am never going to leave myself vulnerable and that`s the way I live my life.

As for them moving the goal posts for all of us eventually, yes, I totally agree with you, anything could happen, I am never so cock sure that the worst will not happen., but I am certainly going to make the most of it while the goings good before anything does happen.

I don`t believe that I have far more legitimate reasons than others to be here. All I am doing is telling Immigration exactly what they want to hear and showing them exactly what they want to see and have kept all my affairs here strictly above board to backup what I tell them and show them. It is really that simple and have absolutely no sympathy for those that are unable to do the same, staying here by abusing the system and causing many of these tightening up of the Immigration regulations for all of us and given the authorities even more reasons to mess it all up for us here.

Despite your lack of sympathy for others, I will still have sympathy for you when immigration one day asks for something you know full well is impossible.

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It actually makes a bit of sense!

With hordes of visa runners turning up at the border at peak times it is easy for a few to get out on stolen passports.

Of course the Thai's expect them to do a U-turn and come straight back in..

Immigration are not too concerned about who leaves their beloved country, and the most stringent checks are conducted only on those that enter.

If you enter at an airport then your airfare has covered a certain degree of immigration costs through airport taxes and warrants more stringent checks.

Visa runners of course contribute nothing to the costs of keeping Thailand's borders secure, the only people benefiting are the minibus operators.

It needs to be stamped out!

However.. Wouldn't it make perfect sense to offer a better extension of stay service in country and CHARGE the 1900 baht for it!! and keep computerised tabs on those who may be working illegally etc..!

I'd rather pop to the immigration office and extend my stay legally, than spend half a day in a minibus which would probably cost more, what they need is a change in law, the immigration law is relatively unchanged in 20 years and this has contributed to this problem and the evolution of work-arounds such as border hops.

Common sense is needed...

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I Find this explanation some other place

Immigration police have announced they are clamping down on tourists who remain illegally in Thailand by exploiting permission given to many foreigners to enter Thailand

without a visa and remain up to 30 days at a time.

The clampdown does not affect holders of non-immigrant visas or holders of tourist visas who still have remaining entries permitted on their legal visas.

The crackdown aims at foreign visitors, particularly westerners, who do not hold a visa, but who exit and then immediately return to Thailand every 15 or 30 days to receive

another stamp to extend their stay. A loophole aimed at helping short-term visitors allows foreigners from many countries to enter Thailand for between 15 and 30 days without a


Effectively immediately, immigration officers at the borders may bar foreigners without a visa when they leave the country, usually at a land border point, and then immediately try

to re-enter Thailand. The law permits immigration officers to give such travellers permission to re-enter for 15 to 30 days, or to deny them permission to enter.

Under the new rules, visitors who leave and then try to come back immediately may be stopped, and told they must first obtain a proper tourist or non-immigrant visa, and then


As of now, "visa runs", as many foreigners call them even though no visas are actually involved, will end for those using land borders. They will also be restricted or ended by air

as of Aug 12.

Tourists of all nationalities are being checked thoroughly at all borderpoints for visa validity, said Pol Maj Gen Chatichai Iam-saeng commander of the Immigration Bureau.

The "visa run" is not in line with the intent of tourism promotion and the National Police recently ordered a review of the regulation. The number of visitors who effectively reside in

Thailand on the back of such visa runs is not known, but many communicate via internet forums, and there seem to be a large number. Typically, they have stayed in Thailand to

retire, or even to work, both of which are illegal without proper visas.

Officials at borderpoints will use their discretion on a case-by-case basis.

If a re-entry is made once or twice, a foreigner may be allowed to re-enter Thailand. But if he has done so multiple times, he may need to be interrogated, the officer said.

Foreigners who cannot convince officials they are tourists will be advised to apply for a proper Thai visa if they wish to remain in the country.

"They can do so in neighbouring countries. The closest is Vientiane, which will cost them 1900 baht. We're strict about this because 90% of all foreigners making re-entries

actually work in Thailand, mainly as language instructors.

"It will also prevent corruption as there are officials who claim they could help these foreigners.

"Today we found a South Korean who has done this seven times. It turns out he has a Thai wife in Nakhon Ratchasima. In his case, we didn't allow him to re-enter because he is

not a tourist," Pol Maj Gen Chatchai said.

"but many communicate via internet chat"

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Why does this forum attract ignorance and stupidity? You are complaining about criminals when you were illegally running a business for a year! It was leave the next day or get deported. Again you broke the law by not keeping 400,000 Baht in your account prior to renewing your visa. I will let the forum rip you to bits Mr. Perfect

There is NO LAW that requires anyone to have 400K in the bank. There's a requirement IF you apply for an extension by marriage, which this poster didn't.

What law was broken? 55555 Color me confused.

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I arrived here in 1991, made my visa runs for 2 years, got married with a lovely Thai lady (not from a bar), we have a 21 year old son, over the years I had WP, later we had our own business,

...it makes me really sick to read in this forum of people complaining about that there visa runs are now over,

lets see,

So typical. Multiple 30 day visa runs long ago was very FINE during TWO LONG YEARS FOR YOU but NOW visa runners are supposedly all criminals and abusing the system, right?

Almost all long term expats started with visa on arrivals, tourist visas and visa runs. Majority of them did those for years and years. Now some of them really are just pompous hypocrites, after getting their "retirement" visa. Like it somehow made them "better" people! HA HA! I don't see many retiring at the age of 50 in the West unless having a chronic illness...

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Well last year 2013 I came over on a Non Immigration-0 Visa. That's the marriage Visa.

I was absolutely amazed they would not allow an extension of this Visa.

Unexplained I think was the reason I could not show significant money.

What a country, you marry one of their girls and they kick you out of the Country with a fine.

I think 500 baht a day.

You would think they would welcome me, I get too pay my father in law to live when Shinawatra would not pay him for rice

On the other hand my Thai wife is welcome in New Zealand and we achieved residency in less than two years.

This year I have applied for Non Immigration 0-A Visa . That's the retirement Visa.

I have to show good bank account, criminal record and health.

$NZ250 say $US180

Then I only have to do 90 day reporting.

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If you plan to stay in Thailand for an extended period of time, then get a proper Visa. Too many people have been circumventing the visa laws and it's about time that new rules are brought into affect.

What new rules! These laws have been in effect for years!! They never tried to enforce before!!

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Why does this forum attract ignorance and stupidity? You are complaining about criminals when you were illegally running a business for a year! It was leave the next day or get deported. Again you broke the law by not keeping 400,000 Baht in your account prior to renewing your visa. I will let the forum rip you to bits Mr. Perfect

There is NO LAW that requires anyone to have 400K in the bank. There's a requirement IF you apply for an extension by marriage, which this poster didn't.

What law was broken? 55555 Color me confused.

What kind of biz was he running if he couldn't meet the 400k "requirement"? He's complaining about bums in Thailand when he's one himself.

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If you plan to stay in Thailand for an extended period of time, then get a proper Visa. Too many people have been circumventing the visa laws and it's about time that new rules are brought into affect.

Are you Thai? If not, what does it have to do with you?

Since when was it the responsibility of visitors ( and if you are not Thai that is all you are ) that have no say at all, zero, nada, nothing, in the running of the country to make policy for Thais?

As for the fingerprint check on their "super computer" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . The bank can't even give me my money in a different area of Thailand without charging "commission" ( or is that just another scam? ), despite using computers. TiT.

I wonder if they'll use ink and paper, sending the result to the same place as all those passport photocopies the bank takes everytime I withdraw money, LOL.

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The amount of negative posts here are disgraceful. Fairplay to immigration for adhering to the rules they set!

Have you read the "rules"? Obviously not. They only apply to persons NOT using visa exempt entry for the purposes of tourism. So they have no basis in law for applying a blanket ban on everyone, even if a tourist ( and a tourist would be anyone not working in Thailand, unless they want to pass a different LEGAL definition ).

This is just so much bureaucratic huff and puff to show that they are doing something, and like all such events ( as have happened many many times over the years, it will probably fade into oblivion when they realise it is hurting tourism and causing loss of income to Thai people.

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I think Immigration is missing the point.

A) The visa exempt entry is not a loophole to stay in Thailand, it is a legitimate, internationally accepted method to enter countries. Thailand's laws allow for 30 days without a visa. People are not breaking the law by using the 30 day stamps, they are abiding to the law (unless they are working).

The 30 days stamp is not a tourist visa. There is no requirement to be a tourist.

Many people stay many months, or even indefinitely. If they leave, come back, and get a new entry, they are abiding to the law.

These are laws that need to be changed. Laws do not get changed in a board room. The government is not currently functional. How then could there be new immigration laws? It's a ruse.

If they want to stop criminals & people from working:

1) They should be out investigating. There are illegals working in plain sight everyday... check them out!. BUT REALLY, THEY DON'T (because there are far too many aliens in Thailand doing prohibited work that Thai people do not want to do)

2) They should encourage runs to the border. It's the only place that has them really checking identity and linking to domestic (and perhaps international databases too). When people go for an extension or a 90 day reporting, there is no check to see if the person is wanted.

Well said. Too many people are misinterpreting the rules.

Like you say, it's a legal way to stay if you don't qualify for a non O.

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Would be nice to see the visa runners have to stay outside thailand a few months after 3 back to back short stay visas in thailand. Either get a proper longer term visa or just come here for holidays and split.

Why? What POSSIBLE difference does it make to you what anyone else does huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png ?

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