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Ukraine rebels seek to join Russia


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The vast majority of the Ukrainian people (including in Eastern Ukraine) do NOT want to join with Putin's Russia! This "election" was an obvious sham. It was pure political theater. These Russkie rebels if they want to be in Russia should BLOODY go to live in Russia, if Putin will take them. Enough with this disgusting land grab by dictator Putin. He's got Crimea, yes ... but enough is enough.

You might be right, just in the eastern Ukraine there aren't much Ukrainian people, most of the population is Russian there. Beside nationalist things, the salaries and life quality are in Russia 10 times better than in Ukraine. People don't want to be poor.

75 or so percent went to the referendum and 89 % voted to separate.....Even if there is some cheating it is still a huge majority.

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Here's a hint for you, Einstein.

The same CNN which you demonize as worthlessly biased, yes the SAME CNN, very fairly reported that the vast majority of the people of CRIMEA did indeed want to join Russia.

Which they did.

So was that worthless info as well?

If CNN is so worthless, why didn't they "LIE" about Crimea as well and falsely report propaganda that the majority did not want to join Russia?

Yes I DO believe the CNN poll and I have read other sources which concur as well, that the majority of EASTERN Ukraine people (not recently imported Russian troublemakers) do indeed NOT wish to join Russia. Absolutely.

I wouldn't trust CNN anything.....they lied so many times in the past why should they report honest just now.....Since the Iraq war there are no reliable media anymore.

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More evidence that Eastern Ukraine (other than Crimea) does NOT want to join Russia. This time from Pew Research, a quite professional and credible outfit. This is not propaganda folks like you would get from ALL Russian press. It is an actual OBJECTIVE poll. So again, fair minded people, do not be deceived by Putin's propaganda or his many lackeys in the west about any kind of majority support for Eastern Ukraine to join Russia. IF that sad event does happen, it will be aggressively and deceptively engineered by Russia and NOT reflect the will of the eastern Ukraine people:


Most Ukrainians want their own country

Schmidt and Nikolayenko agree that the majority of people in eastern Ukraine are actually in favor of remaining citizens of Ukraine.

"Russia is an economically backward, authoritarian state," Nikolayenko said. "What can it offer for residents of eastern Ukraine, except higher pensions for the elderly and higher wages for the security apparatus to maintain the police state?"

She said that public rallies in support of Ukraine's unity have recently been held throughout Ukraine. There are also a few civic initiatives aimed at fostering national unity.

"For example, university students from Lviv region invited students from eastern and southern parts of the country to spend a weekend in Lviv and understand better what unites Ukrainian youth," she said.

Schmidt, who holds a Ph.D. in government from Georgetown University and an M.A. in Russian studies from the University of Kansas, says Ukraine's national leaders believe the nation can't endure an east-west split.

"I don't believe there is a strong sentiment for a split," he said, adding that only five to 10 percent of eastern Ukrainians have bought into the pro-Russian point of view. "Russians may be concerned about Russian language laws but they think of themselves as Ukrainian."

A poll released in early May showed that a strong majority of Ukrainians want their country to remain a single, unified state, a desire true even in the largely Russian-speaking east, an Associated Press report said.

The poll, done in April by the Washington-based Pew Research Center, said that 77 percent of Ukrainians want current borders to stick, while 70 percent in east Ukraine share the same sentiments. Even among the Russian-speaking population, the percentage stands at 58 percent.

About the Pew Research Center

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Edited by Jingthing
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Wondering if this development will have any impact on US foreign policy in Ukraine.


Son of U.S. Vice President Biden Joins Ukraine Gas Company
The Moscow TimesMay. 13 2014 18:49 Last edited 18:49
The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.
In a statement published Monday on its website, Burisma Holdings announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company's legal unit.
"As a new member of the board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," Hunter Biden said in the statement.
Consider the source.

There are plenty of other sources for this story Chuck, including a press release from Burisma, The Wall Street Journal etc. Of course there is a deathly silence in the mainstream media, proof if anymore were needed that they just do their masters bidding and don't rock the boat. Just imagine the furore if it emerged that one of Putin's relations or close friends had been appointed to the board of directors of a major company in The Crimea! The hypocrisy is staggering.

Biden Junior isn't the only one filling his boots though, benefiting from the current administration's "investment" of $5billion to overthrow the legal government of Ukraine and replace it with an unelected mixture of friendly poodles with questionable political ideologies. Shades of the administration's support for Al Qaeda supporters in Syria here.

Biden Junior's business partner, a Mr Devon Archer was also appointed to the board a few weeks ago, shortly after John Kerry's visit to The Ukraine. And who is this Mr Devon Archer? He is a close family friend of John Kerry, and his chief fundraiser during the election campaign. What a coincidence! The current administration in Washington could never be accused of subtlety, that's for sure!



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Some possible good news for those opposing further Russian land grab ambitions in Ukraine (excepting Crimea which is done). I reckon Putin also knows there is not even majority support in Eastern Ukraine (as I have evidenced here) to join Russia, so going ahead with pushing it would be so costly in so many ways:



Putin is hanging himself by his own rope.


This has been so effective, and has apparently taken Putin by such surprise, that after weeks of looking like he could roll into eastern Ukraine unchallenged, he's backing down all on his own. Official Russian rhetoric, after weeks of not-so-subtle threats of invading eastern Ukraine, is backing down. Putin suddenly looks like he will support Ukraine's upcoming presidential election, rather than oppose it, although it will likely install a pro-European president. European and American negotiators say the tone in meetings has eased from slinging accusations to working toward a peaceful resolution.

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Also, surely not enough people of asked this question?

The real question is why the US government is involved in Ukraine in the first place. We are broke. We cannot even afford to fix our own economy. Yet we want to run Ukraine? Does it really matter who Ukrainians elect to represent them? Is it really a national security matter worth risking a nuclear war with Russia whether Ukraine votes for more regional autonomy and a weaker central government? Isn’t that how the United States was originally conceived?


Im not a US citizen , but I wish that man had got the job! I like his thinking on foreign policy and bringing the states back to what it used to be!

Hope the son is a chip of the old block!

He is now commenting on the new Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 , which has recently been introduced in the US Senate (but I bet a lot of Americans were not aware about all this)

Another separatist victory at the ballot box in East Ukraine. At the same time warlike members of the Senate are calling for U.S. military exercises in 10 countries around Russia. And they have even introduced legislation calling for the U.S. to spend $10 billion meddling in the internal politics of Russia. On The Weekly Podcast, Ron Paul and Charles Goyette discuss the latest explosive developments in Ukraine, Washington’s war trajectory, and about calls for the U.S. to prop up Ukraine’s failing currency.

Listen to this podcast


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The people of Eastern Ukraine do not necessarily want to be Russian, they simply oppose the alternative which is rule by oligarchs from Kiev. They would rather die than be under the control of the government inserted into the mix by the west. They can't possibly opt for an IMF run settlement which enslaves them for as far as they see. They do not really have a great choice here.

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Ukraine rebels?

Well you are terrorists if you believe the US/NATO backed Kiev junta so maybe getting the F out of Dodge is the smart move. Go east young man......

Edited by noodle
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