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The Goin' Rate


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I have just been rebuffed & rebuked by a prospective girlfriend, regarding the amount of monthly support I said I would provide her. She is a first year technical college student in an Issan city. I proposed 5000 bht + per month, in addition to a free apartment & new motorcycle (paid by me). Other money might be provided on as needed basis, ie medical and dental expenses. I thought this was fair enough and I thought we had an agreement about it, until a few days ago, when the whining started. She has since moved out and is not talking. I assume she has found someone with more funds or she would rather have no money than what I was providing. What say all you merry gentlemen (and ladies) to this??

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cant you find a girl that will keep you company without having to buy her a motorcycle,dental care,medical care,rent and a monthly stipend.

who would want to have a "girlfriend" based on such an arrangement.

how did she manage to live,eat,move around the city before you came along?

dont be kidding yourself , that wasnt a prospective girlfriend , that was a prospective courtesan.

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Let's look at the evidence.

Does she have an expensive mobile phone? Does she have a nice watch? Does she have other expensive jewelry, expensive tastes?

If the answers to the above questions are mainly 'yes', then she is not your simple Issan student, struggling to get by.

I assume she is good looking, and I'm afraid that so many of the good looking ones find ways to 'pay their way through college', and 5 grand per month may not be enough to persaude her to stop her part time profession.

BTW How did you meet her?

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Sounds like a slag to me.

I can't believe you needed to come on here to have the obvious stated. I would have cowered in shame if I had to 'lure' an Issan woman with fringe benefits and was then dumped because you couldnt afford to keep her.

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Sounds like a slag to me.

I can't believe you needed to come on here to have the obvious stated. I would have cowered in shame if I had to 'lure' an Issan woman with fringe benefits and was then dumped because you couldnt afford to keep her.

You sir are a TROLL...............

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Slow down guys ... what do we know about the girl and the OP?

We can deduce with some accuracy that she is YOUNG ... 18/19?

All we can know about the OP ... is that he's a tish cynical and that he's agreed with Monochaser in the past

How old is the OP ... what lifestyle does he maintain for himself ... etc etc .. if the girl was a real gold digger she'd have gotten the motorcycle FIRST then bailed

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she is probably the posssesor of a fragrant and versatile bush.

for many , that is all that is required to justify the expense................................

............................ and the eventual humiliation.

Edited by taxexile
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be glad that this happened before you spent the money on the bike etc

"girlfriend" ???? the way it sounds is that she's angling for more or perhaps is busy lining some other fool up thats happy to go to 10k a month and a fuel injected moped :o

Edited by smartecosse
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What do we know about the OP and the girl? Nothing except what he has posted here and its pretty obvious from the evidence what kind of lass this is.

if the girl was a real gold digger she'd have gotten the motorcycle FIRST then bailed

Come on JD, don't be so dumb. She was trying to call his bluff and get a better deal which has worked because hes needed to post here about it.

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Sounds like a slag to me.

I can't believe you needed to come on here to have the obvious stated. I would have cowered in shame if I had to 'lure' an Issan woman with fringe benefits and was then dumped because you couldnt afford to keep her.

You sir are a TROLL...............

No, I just spoke my mind (I thought thats what message boards were for?)

You sir, on the otherhand have added absolutely nothing to this post whatsoever.

What is the point in wasting your time writing that someone is a troll? Come up with something more substantial next time.

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This is a for real story. I posted it because I am curious as to what other "generous gentlemen" are forking over, for similar arrangements. I know for a fact she is a poor country girl of simple means. At first, I thought she was very sincere and genuine and she seemed to be more than happy with my proposed arrangement. Her attitude has since detiorated considerably. (in the past 2 weeks.) My opinion is that the blood sucking relatives need more money for booze & gambling and are not happy that the ATM is not putting out fast enough. I have heard many stories of the farang chumps, who are living back home, sending 20,000 bht, etc to thier lady of choice. At least I am here in LOS and have some idea what is going on.

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I have just been rebuffed & rebuked by a prospective girlfriend

i think you all miss this important word 'PROSPECTIVE". This girl is not yet his girlfriend and he's paying-out?

C'mon...this surely is sign of trolling (I could be wrong but doubted)

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2006-05-19 04:22:55 Post #10

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Thanks for the good advice here. We have not been married long, about 1 year. The maritial assets are few, only household furnishings purchased. I think she has a lot more to lose if she is not cooperative, although she could drag it on for 3 years. The next big step is to inform her of the "facts of life". I will probably be engaging a lawyer for this, because her English skills are totally inadequate for this type of discussion.

on 9/29/2005

I have been told that if my Thai lady legally marries me, she cannot purchase property (ie own) in Thailand for one year. Has anyone heard of this?? Also, how do banks and financial institutions view the lending of money to her, if she has a foreign husband? Is the husband's income taken into consideration, if she were to obtain a property loan? I am referring to both of us residing in Thailand. Thanks.

Hmmmm on May 19th (My Birthday ....) The OP was writing about divorcing his wife of just over a year ... on 9/29 wasn't married ...

It just doesn't add up!

Every post has been about girls in the first pages I scrolled through .....

Edited by jdinasia
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I proposed 5000 bht + per month, in addition to a free apartment & new motorcycle (paid by me). I thought this was fair enough.....

Oh dear....This sounds like “ Payment of Wages and Fringe Benefits” to me :D

What about….holiday, time off for personal reasons or vacation, bonuses, and room for promotion? Or may be she found her exact duty will be too taxing for 5000 bths? :o

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TROLL WHAT!! I don't know what sort of fantasy island many of U guys live on, but this is a common story here in this corner of LOS. In my opinion, from what I have seen and heard, many farangs are being worked for a similar game. It is just the techniques that vary. Maybe I misused the word prospective. She was in fact a girlfriend, but apparently short lived. The motorcycle, by the way was purchased via financing for 3 years. I put up the down payment. I am not stupid enough to have handed over 45,000 bht cash.

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2006-05-19 04:22:55 Post #10

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Posts: 194

Joined: 2004-12-04

Member No.: 14,799

Thanks for the good advice here. We have not been married long, about 1 year. The maritial assets are few, only household furnishings purchased. I think she has a lot more to lose if she is not cooperative, although she could drag it on for 3 years. The next big step is to inform her of the "facts of life". I will probably be engaging a lawyer for this, because her English skills are totally inadequate for this type of discussion.

on 9/29/2005

I have been told that if my Thai lady legally marries me, she cannot purchase property (ie own) in Thailand for one year. Has anyone heard of this?? Also, how do banks and financial institutions view the lending of money to her, if she has a foreign husband? Is the husband's income taken into consideration, if she were to obtain a property loan? I am referring to both of us residing in Thailand. Thanks.

Hmmmm on May 19th (My Birthday ....) The OP was writing about divorcing his wife of just over a year ... on 9/29 wasn't married ...

It just doesn't add up!

Every post has been about girls in the first pages I scrolled through .....

I am just posting my reality experiences here. The latest was to be a possible Mia Noi. GET IT IDIOT!!

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Isnt it obvious that she is milking you for money? Why oh why do we have to read the same threads over and over again but nobody ever learns from what is read.

If you need to buy a girl a motorcycle and give her X,000 baht a month to be your girlfriend then SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRL FRIEND. Might as well call her your employee or secertary or personal massager but please dont tell me that she is your girl friend. Get a clue

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Isnt it obvious that she is milking you for money? Why oh why do we have to read the same threads over and over again but nobody ever learns from what is read.

If you need to buy a girl a motorcycle and give her X,000 baht a month to be your girlfriend then SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRL FRIEND. Might as well call her your employee or secertary or personal massager but please dont tell me that she is your girl friend. Get a clue

I agree with you, however it seems that the general operating rules here are: no money=no girlfriend, particularly with regard to Farangs. ALL of my western aquaintences here are ponying up some amount to keep the lady "on board" and the men are not all 60 yr + geezers.

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