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Why are farang so unhappy about successful farang in Thailand?


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The OP is a fantasist, that appears to get his self worth from posting tales of his "success" with hookers etc. he's upset that posters can smell a troll, and he keeps getting called on it.

He now resorts to calling posters who question his familiar posting style "bitter" or "losers" or pressing the report button.

Anyway, the responses are very entertaining, even if the OP isn't.

I do not know why, but for some reason OP is very similar to someone who has gone missing now by the name Phrones or something.

Phrones also had many gf's, half his age, he wore him out sexually, made him juice and he was self declared millionaire.

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"Its interesting how in normal non-Thai forums, posters tend to be helpful, cheerful and encouraging when someone posts about their success.

Yet in ThaiVisa, its almost the opposite."

^^^^ From the OP.

Define normal. List the websites - notably non-specific interest ones like TV which broach a wide range of issues.

Second question: Define normal non-Thai posters. (Better still, define normal Thai posters whistling.gif )

Third question: Will you promise to keep launching your thoroughly normal threads so my miserable, thoroughly normal suburban existence can be uplifted occasionally?

PS: I call myself wit-a-wat-what-a-WIT because I'm lonely and desperate for love and attention.

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The OP is a fantasist, that appears to get his self worth from posting tales of his "success" with hookers etc. he's upset that posters can smell a troll, and he keeps getting called on it.

He now resorts to calling posters who question his familiar posting style "bitter" or "losers" or pressing the report button.

Anyway, the responses are very entertaining, even if the OP isn't.

Nice avatar there Mr T, paying homage to the great man himself, do you think it could be the great man himself posting?

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The OP is a fantasist, that appears to get his self worth from posting tales of his "success" with hookers etc. he's upset that posters can smell a troll, and he keeps getting called on it.

He now resorts to calling posters who question his familiar posting style "bitter" or "losers" or pressing the report button.

Anyway, the responses are very entertaining, even if the OP isn't.

Nice avatar there Mr T, paying homage to the great man himself, do you think it could be the great man himself posting?

I think the great man is more together than the OP

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A few years back I had a small bar in Pattaya. It really opened my eyes as to how petty and vindictive farangs can be. Other farang businessmen seemed to get a kick out of badmouthing others, running to the police and generally causing trouble for other farangs. I kept myself very much to myself and didn't join any of the different factions. In the end it just wasn't worth the hassle for the meagre rewards. Many of the bar owners are existing on pretty poor earnings and resent anybody who makes a comparable success of their business. The bar wasn't my main source of income, my intention was to have a good time but it soon became clear that unless you joined up with the bitter farangs you would be treated as an outsider.

I stay in touch with a few of the good guys but the majority of others I met just aren't worth it. I think part of the reason for the hate is they feel trapped after the dream isn't what they thought it would be and there is no way out for them.

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Oh, Mr. Toad and Heavy Drinker...welcome back.:) Just waiting on Hardened Soul to complete the angry/bitter party.

The complete hyprocrisy of their rants is that every time I have offered to meet them in person, they laugh and decline, then ridicule. Like the schoolyard bully that knows that one kid will kick his head in so he never quite goes too far as to expose his bluff.

Of course, should they meet me and realize I haven't been lying, would they actually post the truth here? Likely not.:) Face thing and all.:)

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This is what I am referring to. If someone has nothing to contribute, they say you are a "troll"??? But why can't they simply ignore a topic if they have nothing worthwhile to contribute? Puzzling....

A more puzzling question is, why make up stories and post them on an anonymous forum? What are the benefits?

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Wow, Whereustay is actually talking about something else besides getting laid. How refreshing.

As for the OP, I have no problem with anyone becoming successful in life. I applaud them. The problem is people tend to come on TV and lie about their success, as if to impress people and in essence, making their opinion about anything more credible. Or so they think. Unless it's somehow essential to the issue being discussed, why even bring up your personal wealth?

But why the assumption they are lying? Perhaps they are entirely truthful....you don't know unless you've met them. I'm not referring to personal wealth necessarily. If someone talks about a new Mercedes they bought and the topic was new cars, so therefore entirely relevant to the topic, why so many posters on TV would be negative towards him?

I only ask this because I'm on a sailboat forum for a bit now, and everyone seems to get along so well, are helpful and encouraging. Here it seems like its just so many, angry, bitter people when you talk about so many topics.

The assumption stems from jealousy. This forum is full of extremely envious and bitter men.

If you don't believe me, start another thread and tell everyone how your new girlfriend is upper class and Thai-Chinese. After that, sit back and watch as the creeps come crawling out of the woodwork.

If everyone on this forum were wealthy and married to Venezuelan supermodels, there would be no jealousy at all.

Truth is, of course, most forum members are married to middle-aged runts, ex whores or tattooed peasants. Another problem is that lots of men are stuck in ruts and coming to terms with the fact that they'll never reach the top of their profession.

What a sad existence. Maybe that's why so many farang kill themselves in Thailand. Maybe sometimes they are not wrong to kill themselves as really, what other options do they have? Like that British guy on here with no friends or money returning to England. Would anyone care if he just jumped off a roof? Nope.
You mean the OP?
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Oh, Mr. Toad and Heavy Drinker...welcome back.smile.png Just waiting on Hardened Soul to complete the angry/bitter party.

The complete hyprocrisy of their rants is that every time I have offered to meet them in person, they laugh and decline, then ridicule. Like the schoolyard bully that knows that one kid will kick his head in so he never quite goes too far as to expose his bluff.

Of course, should they meet me and realize I haven't been lying, would they actually post the truth here? Likely not.smile.png Face thing and all.smile.png

Actually, technically, I agree with the premise in your OP but not its intent.

Why would I care if you've been telling the truth or not? I'm impressed by personalities , charisma, substance. You, by your own admission, don't have any of that. laugh.png

Why would I come on here and say, "Guess what? Whereustay's telling the truth. He''s got some dosh and he's seeing a few birds"?

I'm comfortably off and I'm seeing a few birds too but I don't feel the need to start a thread about it, do I?

Anyway, look:

I know you just want to be the guy with the prowess with women other guys envy or admire but you're not

I know you just want to be the guy with the kind of money other guys envy or admire but you're not

At your age, you should know better but you're still trying to be like the alpha males/jocks you so admired back home.

Trouble is, little man, the world's moved on.

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The OP is in the UK wishing he were here. Don't expect a reply from the liar unless his mother lets him use the computer again...if he hasn't shagged his mother as a goal in his fake life....

Hardened soul (aka Whereustay) far cough you have no money and are still a fannyhole...with no bird....

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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You're a real quality guy, aren't you HD?

I can take or leave Whereustay's interminable trolling - sometimes it kills an hour or so but you? You're worse.

He's a wind up merchant but you; you're just a foul-mouthed grunt full to bursting with the kind of bile and hatred that oozes from every letter in every sentence in every post you make.

God help your wife

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Oh, Mr. Toad and Heavy Drinker...welcome back.:) Just waiting on Hardened Soul to complete the angry/bitter party.

The complete hyprocrisy of their rants is that every time I have offered to meet them in person, they laugh and decline, then ridicule. Like the schoolyard bully that knows that one kid will kick his head in so he never quite goes too far as to expose his bluff.

Of course, should they meet me and realize I haven't been lying, would they actually post the truth here? Likely not.:) Face thing and all.:)

Morning Dick

Thought you would be busy. Pressing the report button again?

Never invited me to meet you. Happy to meet you under a bridge though when I get back

Not living in fantasy world

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The OP is in the UK wishing he were here. Don't expect a reply from the liar unless his mother lets him use the computer again...if he hasn't shagged his mother as a goal in his fake life....

Hardened soul (aka Whereustay) far cough you have no money and are still a fannyhole...with no bird....

First part is corrrect.

HS though is not whereustay

Play nice lads, you have both been aroind a while

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Oh, Mr. Toad and Heavy Drinker...welcome back.:) Just waiting on Hardened Soul to complete the angry/bitter party.

The complete hyprocrisy of their rants is that every time I have offered to meet them in person, they laugh and decline, then ridicule. Like the schoolyard bully that knows that one kid will kick his head in so he never quite goes too far as to expose his bluff.

Of course, should they meet me and realize I haven't been lying, would they actually post the truth here? Likely not.:) Face thing and all.:)

Face thing????

Press report Bud, like you normally do.

You are a Troll

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It is because in western society we brought up not show out ! Apart from the U.S that is. I am a great believer in , if you accomplish something then why not be proud of it .. The jealousy derives from people who deep down are just jelouse , plain and simple . I think in a Buddhist society it is more being accepting of where one is and tomorrow is always another day. I visited a village in Laos . One village had some ramshackle huts as living accommodation and other family's had kind of top of the range rose wood tinted window 3 bedroom affairs . I asked the guide if the other people in the village were jelouse of the one or two sets who had this luxury ? He said without pause , no not at all.. Unfortunately in our western negative , I want. I want , throw away society We harbour unhealthy feelings of , why does he/she have and I don't ! Clearly there are a small percentage of people on this earth who fall into money and everything it brings , is this wrong ?? Who is anyone to say , he/ she should not be able to self congratulate without people becomeing jelouse!! It's a sad world sometimes ;-)

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It is because in western society we brought up not show out ! Apart from the U.S that is. I am a great believer in , if you accomplish something then why not be proud of it .. The jealousy derives from people who deep down are just jelouse , plain and simple . I think in a Buddhist society it is more being accepting of where one is and tomorrow is always another day. I visited a village in Laos . One village had some ramshackle huts as living accommodation and other family's had kind of top of the range rose wood tinted window 3 bedroom affairs . I asked the guide if the other people in the village were jelouse of the one or two sets who had this luxury ? He said without pause , no not at all.. Unfortunately in our western negative , I want. I want , throw away society We harbour unhealthy feelings of , why does he/she have and I don't ! Clearly there are a small percentage of people on this earth who fall into money and everything it brings , is this wrong ?? Who is anyone to say , he/ she should not be able to self congratulate without people becomeing jelouse!! It's a sad world sometimes ;-)

Reject materialism and ones life becomes a lot simpler.
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I think that their are a lot of people who are very jealous of other people. What is surprising, is that often, you don't even have to have a lot more, just a little more, than they do. As I worked, got more education, and had some fortunate family circumstances, involving those same things. Over time, I became by most people's standards a very wealthy man. I don't flaunt my money. I stay at inexpensive hotels. I wear a cheap watch. I don't buy the most expensive car that I can afford. When I mention that this is what I do. I have other TV members saying what a liar I must be. Because,a wealthy man would just not do that. So they say. I once reacquainted myself with an old friend. I had become very wealthy since having seen him last. I thought that he would be happy for me. We had been very good friends. But, instead I got a lot of jealous anger from him. All I did was fill him in on what had happened during the last 20 years. Since he had worked little, decided not to get any education, and his family were not as financially succesful. He became, very angry that things had gone well for me. At some point. I told my former boss, and another car pool friend. I was very surprised how resentful, and hostile, they then became towards me. A lot of people seem to feel better about themselves. When things go wrong for other people, and not right.

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Easy...If you are successful you are busy....If you are busy you are not in this forum....

Well I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks, so that blows that generalisation out of the water. You might be surprised at some of the "successful" people that post here regularly.

I use to be successful, but now I'm just old.

or was it. I use to be useful and now I'm just uselessly old.

ohhh it doesn't matter, what's that word Donny uses.....fudgeitxxxxxxx ????

Anyway, what's classified successful in one mans world might not equal another's. I've know some simple folk, who had simplistic type work, lived well and retired without too much fuss or adoo, they're extremely happy In life, in my eyes they were the really successful ones.

who cares what some t w a t on the internet thinks!

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It depends on how you define success. I'm not rich, but earn a decent salary in Bangkok which allows me to save a little more each month. I juggle multiple girlfriends, eat and exercise well and avoid unhappy people.

Long ago I asked myself: What do I want from this life? Wealth or wisdom?

To become super-wealthy, you can't work a 40-hour work week, but have to work 60 hours, at least 6 days a week and take your work home with you. In your limited free time you think and talk a lot about work. Which leaves little time for interesting books, movies and travel. Is happiness becoming rich and impressing other people? That sounds a little sad and pathetic.

So I chose wisdom and hence I read voraciously, watch obscure movies and documentaries, and travel to tourist-free locations.

All points very good and well taken, spoken like a wise man of experience .... however...does 'juggling multiple girlfriends' as you say, and no doubt cheating on one behind the other give you 'true' or 'transient' happiness?

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The fat slap head no woman no money liar where u stay is angry at those of us who live the life he fantasises about as he wanks gently into his socks

I read your posts HD and I often left confused, bedazzled, but I am at least surprised that you failed to mention your 'farts' in this message. Normally there is at least some reference to 'farts'.

Are you okay today?

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Easy...If you are successful you are busy....If you are busy you are not in this forum....

Well I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks, so that blows that generalisation out of the water. You might be surprised at some of the "successful" people that post here regularly.
I use to be successful, but now I'm just old.

or was it. I use to be useful and now I'm just uselessly old.

ohhh it doesn't matter, what's that word Donny uses.....fudgeitxxxxxxx ????

Anyway, what's classified successful in one mans world might not equal another's. I've know some simple folk, who had simplistic type work, lived well and retired without too much fuss or adoo, they're extremely happy In life, in my eyes they were the really successful ones.

who cares what some t w a t on the internet thinks!

Good point ND, measuring success is subjective, as opposed to objective.

Seen some very happy people, enjoying great lives without massive amounts of cash and material items. Also seen some very wealthy people who are total <deleted> ups and miserable.

A simple happy life would be nice :-)

Being bitter no, calling out Trolls yes :-)

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