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Yes with all the gadgets that can go on-line, blocking one PC will not help much I think.

My 12 year old daughter is constantly on Face book via her phone, uploading pictures, chatting to her friends and so on.

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Again, I can't say it enough...Facebook like anything else where people meet/socialize is what you make of it.. It isn't the website that makes someone bad, one must go into it with bring/look for whatever it is they want. It could be a powerful marketing/networking tool or it could be a haven where perdophiles sit and lurk to look at schoolgirls posting their class picstures.

I believe the trainning and education comes from the parent/teacher directly to the child/student.... With proper parenting a child should be armed with knowledge of right and wrong, what to look out for, certain conditioning/grooming that someone might do and learn to ask herself the right questions...

Why is this guy sending me a message?

What is his intention?

What does he want from me or subjects of conversation does he keep bringing up?

Just like you teach/educate a child to operate a motor vehicle, you teach them to operate and stay safe online. Besides if they are on her facebook then they are probably in her school. I doubt she would be talking to bad kids in another country or more than a couple hours away.

Its easy to take away phones, bicycles, computers, websites...its a bit harder to actually parent.

Be her friend,

Have her invite over the ones you have concerns about...

Build a rapport with them

Let them see that you are IN your daughters life and they should keep their i's dotted and t's crossed


Lernard, I've got the solution for you. You and her mother both open Facebook accounts and then friend her. At her age she won't want to be seen on the same social network as her parents, huge loss of face among her peers, that will soon stop her using Facebook... of course she will probably move on to Instagram or Snapchat but no solution is perfect laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png


For the poster advocating some form of key logging in order to monitor internet use, you are playing with fire. Once your child finds out all trust will evaporate.


For the poster advocating some form of key logging in order to monitor internet use, you are playing with fire. Once your child finds out all trust will evaporate.

If your child is being groomed by a paedophile without you knowing it and gets raped, murdered and dumped in a ditch, would you think it's a good idea then?


Lernard, I've got the solution for you. You and her mother both open Facebook accounts and then friend her. At her age she won't want to be seen on the same social network as her parents, huge loss of face among her peers, that will soon stop her using Facebook... of course she will probably move on to Instagram or Snapchat but no solution is perfect laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png

Or she'll simply keep that account to keep you deluded and open a second one you don't know about.


For the poster advocating some form of key logging in order to monitor internet use, you are playing with fire. Once your child finds out all trust will evaporate.

If your child is being groomed by a paedophile without you knowing it and gets raped, murdered and dumped in a ditch, would you think it's a good idea then?

That's highly unlikely if you manage access diplomatically and effectively. There is proportionality however. The most effective way of avoiding risk as you have outlined is to never let them out of your sight. This obviously isn't practical so why not forbid all access to the internet, again this isn't practical. On the other hand if, as you say above, you expect them to become a victim why aren't you doing this? Trust and honesty is the key and nothing will destroy that trust and honesty more than underhand tactics like a key logger.

Just make sure she does not a smart phone either. Also she should not be allowed to go to the neighbor for any reason. May be put a chain on her leg is better else she might go to internet cafe. Dear friend these days you can not stop kids they will always find a solution. She will even may loan a friend laptop etc or buy it herself.

If you are using IE browser, do as the following:

1) Go to "Tools" - "Internet options".

2) When the "Internet options" is opened, look for a tab at the top called "Content" and click on it.

3) Click the button that says "Enable"

4) Now look for a tab at the top called "General"

5) Click the button that says "Create Password"

6) Make a password and click enter

7) Now click back on the tab that says "Ratings"

8) Click on "Nudity" and slide the slider to limit what type of Nudity is allowed on websites

9) Do the same thing for "Sex"

10) Click apply on the bottom, and then click "OK"

This is free and should do it but it will not block porn pictures on google images.

Specially designed software can block a huge range of sites that they have researched and set into a list. An example is Aobo Website Filter. They block porn sites on all the browsers. Usually, they are not free. You should pay for them.


Errr.....delete FaceBook?

If only it were that simple, I even wrote to them in pala alto California asking to stop bugging me with phoney requests, I have had face book for four years and never used it

  • 2 weeks later...
1.Go To Start And Run

2.Enter This in The Run Box: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

3.Open Host With Notepad

4.Type In and The website you want to block

5.Save And Now The Site Is Block

This is how you block a website. Follow these directions. If you see "127.0.01 Oblivion.com", delete that. That would help unblock Oblivion.


If you block it she will find a way to access it. Any smartphone, any internet cafe, any of her friends. She'll also resent you for doing it. Sit down and talk with her, rationally and calmly, and present your issue to her. See if you can come to a compromise.


The easiest way is to navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc right-click on hosts (file) and open the Properties uncheck Read-only and open hosts with Notepad the add the following lines: www.facebook.com
ctrl+s (save) Reopen Properties and check read-only and close all browser windows. When they are restarted Facebook should be blocked. I tested this on my own computer and it worked for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera I will not check IE.

The ones in bold are incorrect. the hosts file is to translate names to ip addresses, not ip addresses to different ip addresses

To correctly block Facebook, use this in your hosts file instead; www.facebook.com facebook.com static.ak.fbcdn.net www.static.ak.fbcdn.net login.facebook.com www.login.facebook.com fbcdn.net www.fbcdn.net fbcdn.com www.fbcdn.com static.ak.connect.facebook.com www.static.ak.connect.facebook.com


My best advice? Stay off of Facebook,,,,, Don't, won't, and never will....... I know it is popular with the Thai's , but never put the your laundry on the street.... Just my opinion....... coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

Facebook Usage and Facebook Growth Statistics
By World Geographic Regions


Seems like TH is in the 2nd group


Errr.....delete FaceBook?


After signing up I didn't think there's any means to officially delete an account.

just not using it is the only option I'm aware of.

Any other thoughts on this?

To the OP - I have 2 daughters and 99% of the solution to facebook (and other) crisis is communication. Sometimes that communication is one way, but keep it civil, non-confrontational and add sweetners. No kids should be unsupervised on the internet -- your bad for allowing that to start! Now you will have to slowly haul back from the apparently unlimited freedom you have allowed to something more reasonable, but with sweetners.

Thank goodness my kids are now adults -- they came without an instruction manual !!!

BTW -- you can not delete a facebook account -- only suspend it. To get them to delete everything is a major challenge and not worth the hassle. Personally I spent time going through my old fb account and deleted everything manually, newest first, and changed the compulsory details to mickey mouse ones. I also changed the password to the longest string of random characters possible. They're welcome to keep it now :)

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