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Cyst on lip - where to get treated swiftly and without hassle?


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Following a bash to the lower lip I have one of these:


The swelling has gone down but I'm left with a hard lump like a BB gun pellet trapped on the inside of my lower lip. It doesn't seem to be going away though aplication of ice seems to temporarily 'flatten' it.

Is there any walk in clinic anyone can recommend where I can go in and get it treated, lanced, whatever it needs - without making an appointment or filling out loads of forms or registering to a hospital and all the hassle that entails which, in this oppressive heat, would be even more hassle?

Suggestions welcomed.

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There really is not a heat problem in any decent hospital and you might have more than the pill pusher you will likely see at a clinic (who will likely just tell you to go to hospital anyhow). Hospital will likely be a single form taking a minute or two and you will likely be able to immediately see a doctor. It really is not that much of a process. You do not need appointments for normal treatments.

If you really need a clinic recommendation you might want to say where you are.

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As above. There is no hassle whatsoever in registering at a private hospital here and it takes but a few minutes. In a comfortable air conditioned setting. Most outpatient care here is done out of hospitals, not separate clinics (assuming you are in Bkk or a major city). Doctors just work out of hospital OPD facilities, most doctors do so at more than one hospital, varying their hours.

All that said, I am not at all sure you need any treatment nor that you necessarily have a mucocele. If the bash on the lip was at all recent it is likely just a collection of blood and will resolve on its own.

Even if it is a mucoclee, they too usually resolve on their own. Only when they become recurrent is intervention needed.

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Thankyou Sheryl, that's what I wanted to hear.

It's been about a week since my American ex girlfriend playfully shoved me against a fence as I was drunkenly barking back at some needlessly aggressive dogs.

I don't think I can get along with her until it's gone completely. Then there's the issue of blood stains on my month old tan leather shoes.

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Be sure it is not a herpes outbreak which is a rather clear blister or blisters on the lips usually. When the blisters first come up and when they go down, they are a lump under the skin which may or may not actually mature into blisters. It is remotely possible that a blow to the lip would result in an outbreak.

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