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Thai Gunman Kills Two Noisy World Cup Fans

Jai Dee

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Reminds me of a incident in Darwin, Australia. A guy was mowing the lawn at 8.00 am on a Sunday and his neighbour lent over the fence and shot the lawn mower and then the guy with a shotgun!!! Funny thing was the dead guy did not get much sympathy. Mowing the lawn on a Sunday morning!!!

Edited by anuaaron
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Thai gunman kills two noisy World Cup fans

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Thai police are searching for a gunman who shot and killed two soccer fans at a beach resort after complaining they were cheering too loud during a broadcast of Italy's World Cup opener against Ghana, officials said Wednesday.

The two men, both Thais, were watching Italy's 2-0 win over Ghana at a restaurant Monday at the Thai beach resort town of Pattaya, and erupted in roars when Italy scored its first goal, said Panipha Wattakul, a girlfriend of one of the victims.

A man seated at a nearby table asked them to quiet down, prompting a heated argument during which the man pulled out a handgun and shot the soccer fans at point blank range, said Police Col. Somnuek Chanket, the Pattaya police chief. The victims were identified as Chamlong Rongsaeng, 30, and Somnuek Sonkun, 41.

Police know the identity of the gunman, who fled after the shooting, Somnuek said.

Thailand has never competed in the World Cup. But despite the Southeast Asian nation's poor showing on the international soccer stage, millions of fans are glued to their televisions during the World Cup and millions of baht (dollars) are spent on illegal betting, polls show.

Pattaya, about 110 kilometers (70 miles) southeast of Bangkok, is known for its beaches, its thriving sex industry and high crime rate

Source: Malaysian Star - 14 June 2006

Story originated from here.

I copied this from Pattaya City News online. Doesn't even mention that the 2 victims were watching the world cup!

Our News is Always New LATEST NEWS

Tuesday 13th June 2006

Two men shot dead in early morning shooting at Third Road Pub.

Just before 6am on Tuesday Morning Police were called to the Food Work Pub and Restaurant on Pattaya Third Road opposite Excite Discotheque to investigate a multiple shooting at the location. Police Lieutenant Colonel Chanatat was first on the scene and found the body’s of two men. One was lying on the pavement in front of the Pub and the other was lying on the floor just inside the entrance to the Pub. Shocked friends of the dead men were inside being comforted by staff.

The initial witness statements suggested that a Thai man driving a Mercedes Benz entered the pub alone and sat with the owner of the venue Khun Bae for almost one hour. Khun Bae left the Pub leaving the suspect alone. Staff mentioned that he then approached the two victims who were drinking together and claimed he was a new Pattaya Police Officer. The suspect then hit one of the men around the head and suggested the three should go outside and fight. The first victim to join the suspect at the front of the pub was Khun Jumlong aged 30. A fight between the two took place and moments later the suspect produced two hand guns and began shooting at Khun Jumlong who lay seriously injured on the footpath. The suspect then turned his attentions onto the other victim, Khun Somsak aged 41. The suspect opened fire and fatally wounded him.

Realizing that Khun Jumlong was not dead the shooter went back to him and shot him in the head in an execution style shooting. Police Lieutenant General Jongrak, the Region 2 Commander of Police later inspected the scene and revealed that the shooter had been identified. He is Khun Somnook aged 31 and a picture of him was presented to the media.

The General mentioned that a massive man hunt is now underway and Police have been given specific orders to shoot to kill if the suspect attempts to shoot at Police or other individuals. Furthermore the pub itself is now under scrutiny as it is an unlicensed establishment and failed to check customers prior to entry which is standard practice in other Pattaya Pubs and Nightclubs.

If you know who this man is please contact Police immediately and if you spot him please do not approach him as he is considered highly dangerous and will most likely be armed.

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My husband is a vocal football supporter. Do I have to tell him to contain his joy at a goal just in case he is shot? This is really crap. I feel for the families of the deceased. Did we really have to have the blood and gore pic here??

I don't know if you've noticed but this is Thailand/Thai related forum.

Look at any daily Thai newspaper and you'll see accident/crime victims in full detail.

A case of 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'.

I don't mean by this that we should start shooting one another in restaurants by the way, but perhaps we could become accustomed to the blood/gore shots.

A little realism can be an educating experience.

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The latest from Pattaya City News seems more plausible:

Update on yesterdays shooting at a local Pub and Restaurant.

An update now on Tuesday Morning’s shooting and murder of two men at the Food Works Restaurant on Pattaya Third Road. Although the suspected shooter is still at large, his vehicle has been recovered. It was found by officers in Laem Chabaeng at the Talae Tong Tower. The vehicle, a black Mercedes Benz was taken to Pattaya Police Station where it was broken into and inspected by Police Colonel Somook and other officers. Inside the car was a gun magazine with three bullets inside and other items including a court summons issued to the suspect regarding a previous case where he was charged with carrying a gun in a public place. Also in the car was registration papers for two guns, both of which correspond to the guns used in the attack. Further information has also come from the crime scene itself. The girlfriend of one of the dead men, Khun Pantipar aged 27 revealed that prior to the shooting she walked past the table where the shooter was sitting and drinking with the owner of the bar when the suspect made a number of suggestive comments towards her. It is believed that this may have led the shooter to initiate contact with the two victims which eventually led to their deaths.

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more coverage from around the world

Noisy World Cup fans shot dead

From correspondents in Bangkok

June 15, 2006

THAI police said today they were hunting for a gunman who shot and killed two noisy World Cup fans at point-blank range at a restaurant after they ignored his request to be quiet.

The gunman was sitting next to a group of 10 Thai football fans who watched Monday's Italy-Ghana match on TV at the restaurant in the popular seaside resort of Pattaya, 70km south east of Bangkok.

The fans went wild when Italy scored a goal against Ghana in the match broadcast in Thailand in the early hours of Tuesday, and an argument broke out when the gunman asked them to be quiet.

"The gunman came alone and he could not fight against all the 10 people. So he used his gun to kill the victims," Pattaya police major Somphol Nakkhamphan said, adding that the victims were aged at 30 and 41.

"We know the suspect and are searching for him," he said.

Pattaya is a beach resort town popular among Western tourists and known for its thriving nightlife and red light district.


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We've been over the topic about how dangerous Pattaya is, and isn't, many, many times.

This story has been sensationalized because of the World Cup. Without that very slim tie-in, we wouldn't be discussing this at all right now, period.

Pattaya's registered population is approx 90,000. That's it. Ninety-thousand.

It has an estimated population of 500,000, which includes ex-pats and Thais from other areas that are living/working here, but are still registered in their home provinces.

I did a lot of research a couple of months ago, about the (serious) crime rates in Pattaya and other major tourist destinations of a similar size, such as Las Vegas, Honolulu, New Orleans (pre-Katrina). Pattaya's serious crime rate (if I recall correctly) was less than half that of the next closest city by comparison.

We've also discussed to death why there seems to be such a problem with crime here. I am getting sick and tired or reminding people that (for the most part) we are fed a steady stream of crap by the local news outlets. They follow the standard media axiom "if it bleeds, it leads".

Those outlets are where most of us get ALL of our news about Pattaya. If the only stories that get regurgitated here on Thai Visa are bad, then it looks like that is all there is, bad stories.

Keep in mind that "feel good/happy" stories generate next to no interest at all. We know. We've tried posting happy-happy stories, and they disappear off the first page in hours, with few views and fewer responses.

You people WANT bad news. The media provides it. Then you bitch about only seeing bad news.

You want something to bitch about ? Go look in the mirror. You are a part (a large part) of the problem.


Not only does Mr. Kerryd total and absolute sense, but he also (one of the select few !) who backs his stuff up with cold hard facts . . . . . . very impressive indeed !

By the way; I did look into the mirror and guess what: you were right again !





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more coverage from around the world

Noisy World Cup fans shot dead

"The gunman came alone and he could not fight against all the 10 people. So he used his gun to kill the victims,"

So he only managed to hit two out of ten? :D

Hmmm, crap shooting skills or crap reporting...? :o

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It amazes me how warped these newspaper stories are :o <deleted> did Australian news get that version from?

Anyway as said the gunmans car has been found and the shooter has already had friends/ family apparently contact Pattaya police to inform them that he will appear at the police station and turn himself in.

He apparently had had a massive arguement with his GF and got very drunk, he went to the bar and got involved in a fight with the 2 dead guys who were kicking the arse off of him so he shot them. :D

The guy was well known to Pattaya police before this incident. :D

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more coverage from around the world

Noisy World Cup fans shot dead

"The gunman came alone and he could not fight against all the 10 people. So he used his gun to kill the victims,"

So he only managed to hit two out of ten? :D

Hmmm, crap shooting skills or crap reporting...? :o

I agree with an earlier post that suggested the story had been distorted by a wire service to make it sell better to papers that are willing to pay for World Cup related "trivia" stories at the moment. Looking at the Pattaya City News updates it seems that there is no evidence at all that the football had anything to do with the dispute. There is also no suggestion that the killer fought 10 people or that the victims' were even with any one else in addition to their girlfriends. It seems that this is just another standard Thai pub murder committed by a gun toting drunk who instigated a dispute by pestering some one else's girlfriend. No doubt the guy is well connected to police and local politicians and will soon claim it was actually some one else who looked like him that was driving his car and pulled the trigger. But this would also be commonplace. It is tragic story but the facts alone wouldn't sell it.

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Pattaya is a sewer. This is just further evidence of it. Man, a place in Thailand that isn't even as safe as the states!

Everything you've heard is true!

If you haven't come to Thailand yet, please stay away!

If you're here already, go home!

For your sake, hurry, before it's too late!

PS - Don't forget to post your apartment vacancy for those of us who are not cowardly, gulible or stupidly and hypocritically judgemental. :o

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a drunken thai man, kills two other thai men because of a fierce argument,seems he had a argument with his girlfriend, he also made a pass at the other guys girl friend so they settle the argument outside, the two guys gets the better of him so he pulls a gun and shoots them.

this could have happened anywhere in thailand it is not a pattaya problem so why all the doom and gloom about pattaya.

imho pattaya is one of the safest places i have visited.

if this had happened in a small village in issan it would not of even made the papers.

so why would any falang be scared of going to pattaya and having fun,and cheering there team on,it seams it really had nothing to do with the football.

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hrm, for a population of just 90,000 as an observer who has seen as many reports of gun related violence in 4 weeks than id likely see in 1 year in the whole of Australia. i most certainly consider this a high crime rate city.

The shooter should be up for the death penalty-rage and terror like this should not be tolerated anywhere.

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Pattaya.. The question... Am I surprised?


Is it really necessary to always be derogatory whenever anything happens in Pattaya ? ?

Why don't you start an "Anti-Pattaya" Hate-Campaign; then I'll come and shoot you, whereever you are - how's that ?


Happy Pattayan


I'll bring the Ammo!

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a drunken thai man, kills two other thai men because of a fierce argument,seems he had a argument with his girlfriend, he also made a pass at the other guys girl friend so they settle the argument outside, the two guys gets the better of him so he pulls a gun and shoots them.

this could have happened anywhere in thailand it is not a pattaya problem so why all the doom and gloom about pattaya.

imho pattaya is one of the safest places i have visited.

if this had happened in a small village in issan it would not of even made the papers.

so why would any falang be scared of going to pattaya and having fun,and cheering there team on,it seams it really had nothing to do with the football.

I enjoy running down to Pattaya for a fun couple of nights out ...

But really ... look at the number of farang suicides ... murders ... violence ... it has more in one location than the rest of Thailand added together.

That being said ... this is NOT one of those cases. This is some kind of wierd event ... probably NOT about the World Cup ... or noise ... or a girlfriend.

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I was going to take the family to Disneyland, but when I asked the kids they said "no daddy, we want to go to Pattaya, Mickey Mouse is so last year daddy, we want to see ugly wh*res and drive by shootings"

Want am I to do? If I don't take them they complain the whole trip.

My wife said no worries, we will just throw the glock and AK-47 in the back of station wagon, cruse down Beach road, maybe pick up a fake Rolex for the boy, and then hit Jomtien for some fun in the sun. From there I figure we will make a trip to the decontamination unit at the local hospital for a good cleaning, change our clothes and then head for dinner. My youngest daughter has suggested that we bring our own condiments, less we have to ask the waiter for mustard, and he decides to unload a magazine in to the back of my skull for it.

After a good meal, I figure the boy, 12 year old next month (sure he's old enough) out for some go - go bar hopping, while the wife and daughter chat with all the nice girls enjoying a nice stroll along Beach road.

At first I was a little hesitate about taking the family to Pattaya, be it with all the spicy food and all, but now that I have planned our literary, I can see the kids were right, Donald Duck and Goofy have got nothing on that little slice of heaven in the Land of Smiles.

But seriously guys no Pattaya bashing, have a little mercy, you don’t beat a dieing dog once its down.

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I was going to take the family to Disneyland, but when I asked the kids they said "no daddy, we want to go to Pattaya, Mickey Mouse is so last year daddy, we want to see ugly wh*res and drive by shootings"

Want am I to do? If I don't take them they complain the whole trip.

My wife said no worries, we will just throw the glock and AK-47 in the back of station wagon, cruse down Beach road, maybe pick up a fake Rolex for the boy, and then hit Jomtien for some fun in the sun. From there I figure we will make a trip to the decontamination unit at the local hospital for a good cleaning, change our clothes and then head for dinner. My youngest daughter has suggested that we bring our own condiments, less we have to ask the waiter for mustard, and he decides to unload a magazine in to the back of my skull for it.

After a good meal, I figure the boy, 12 year old next month (sure he's old enough) out for some go - go bar hopping, while the wife and daughter chat with all the nice girls enjoying a nice stroll along Beach road.

At first I was a little hesitate about taking the family to Pattaya, be it with all the spicy food and all, but now that I have planned our literary, I can see the kids were right, Donald Duck and Goofy have got nothing on that little slice of heaven in the Land of Smiles.

But seriously guys no Pattaya bashing, have a little mercy, you don’t beat a dieing dog once its down.

Far from dying Pattaya is a thriving, vibrant expanding city offering great entertainment and a holiday experience not to be missed and suitable for the whole family.

These highly publisised incidents are often distorted in order to gain the maximum attention of readers throughout the world and thus make more profit for the news sellers.

Come to Pattaya and enjoy your holiday :o

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a drunken thai man, kills two other thai men because of a fierce argument,seems he had a argument with his girlfriend, he also made a pass at the other guys girl friend so they settle the argument outside, the two guys gets the better of him so he pulls a gun and shoots them.

this could have happened anywhere in thailand it is not a pattaya problem so why all the doom and gloom about pattaya.

imho pattaya is one of the safest places i have visited.

if this had happened in a small village in issan it would not of even made the papers.

so why would any falang be scared of going to pattaya and having fun,and cheering there team on,it seams it really had nothing to do with the football.

I enjoy running down to Pattaya for a fun couple of nights out ...

But really ... look at the number of farang suicides ... murders ... violence ... it has more in one location than the rest of Thailand added together.

That being said ... this is NOT one of those cases. This is some kind of wierd event ... probably NOT about the World Cup ... or noise ... or a girlfriend.

I agree, mix with the bad u will get bad, Ive been going to Pattaya for the last 20 years. never had a problem. I just pissed off a guy in Chaiang mai, but he didnt pull a guy on me. Just stole my fags. :o:D

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Sadly Pattaya bashing has taken over from the World Cup for a minority of Board users mid-July entertainment. This thread started by giving news to people who either live in Pattaya or in general are planning to in the near future. However, bullsh*t now prevails with nothing of merit left, and certainly nothing on topic. We have people from Australia, the States and just about everywhere else joing the knocking wagon. If where you live is so great, I am happy for you, but please stay there, and allow some of the less blinkered people of the world their own piece of heaven, which may not be perfect, but we like it.

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Man people are getting shot all over the world, some are acting as if people only get shot in Pattaya or something.

Totally Agree with you Donz ,Been goin to patters now for 6 years and never even seen a street fight ,

Goin back in July with all my Family ,,can,t wait .

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Sadly Pattaya bashing has taken over from the World Cup for a minority of Board users mid-July entertainment. This thread started by giving news to people who either live in Pattaya or in general are planning to in the near future. However, bullsh*t now prevails with nothing of merit left, and certainly nothing on topic. We have people from Australia, the States and just about everywhere else joing the knocking wagon. If where you live is so great, I am happy for you, but please stay there, and allow some of the less blinkered people of the world their own piece of heaven, which may not be perfect, but we like it.

Great post :o

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So, is Thailand becoming the short-temper-shoot-first-think-later hub too. :o

This is not a new thing in Thailand. This has gone on for a long time, and is happening all the time everywhere in Thailand. Many do not think of the consequences of their actions. Later they are sad and sorry, but then they have ruined their own and others life forever. :D:D

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