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Soldiers 'surround' Thai pro-government rally: protest leader


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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

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Your point is well taken so I would only add that Suthep and the PDRC have their attack lines and will spout their attack lines until the end, regardless and irrespective or any or all responses by the democrats at TVF or of when the end might occur. The point being that if you simply say the identical thing long enough and many many times over, repeatedly ad infinitum, it becomes familiar and therefore the perceived truth. It's a familiar and dastardly principle.

I've taken the approach of advising the PDRC types to get new lines, as I'd been saying the past two months. It's really and always the very same lines again and again and again, but I'm addressing a propaganda machine, and it's a big and highly programmed machine that streams out a thought through and highly crafted anti-democracy agenda..

Talking of propaganda I would be really grateful if administrators on this particular forum took some time and revised your own posts purely because of your false accusations against other people. Also it is really to see through you and your hidden agenda here. Speaking of propaganda, the sheer number of posts made by you and your lot since the beginning of the crisis speaks volumes. The pot is calling the kettle black.

You might also start addressing real issues and actually try to talk about topic in hand instead of blabbering about unrelated things.

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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

Im so sorryyyyy....... They are not terrorists.

What shall we call them?

Anyway now the army are clamping down the Terrorists nationwide.

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Coup in progress. Step 1: disperse the Reds, but not the PRDC. Step 2: Senate replaces govt illegally. Coup complete.

you forgot the next steps

Step 3. Make the necessary reforms

Step 4. Make free and fair elections

Then it starts all over again.

There are no winners here. The country is too divided. Whatever party wins, the other party will want them out, and here we go again.

Rinse and repeat.

Don't bother rinsing.....just hang everything out to dry before chucking it in the bin..... and get a complete new wardrobe...new designs, new colours...none of the same designers!

But, but, Taskin Hilflinger is sooo in this year & do you have any idea how much top fashion outfits cost ? :)

Don't throw out, you never know when those outfits will be back in fashion !

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Coup in progress. Step 1: disperse the Reds, but not the PRDC. Step 2: Senate replaces govt illegally. Coup complete.

Step 3 the reds return

Step 4 they run into bullets

Step 5 the puppet government is forced to call an election

Step 6 the Dems loose again and PTP or whatever its called wins

Step 7 the yellows march on Bkk

Step 8 a coup..............

This to happen say between 2018-2022? laugh.png

Depends. but my time frame would be step 3 to 5 within 2 years, step 6 in year 3, step 7 and 8 in year 6 or 7. So between 2016 and 2020. But this time there could be a curve ball that could stop step 7 and 8 from happening.

Scenario 2: The Yellows takeover and spend their time on reforming nothing (they must look as if they are reforming but nothing will happen, no educational reform, no land reform, no decentralisation and no judicial reform). After a while the people that fought their battles (the southern poor) will realise they have been misused (again). The reds hatred for the yellows will continue to ferment. Then a 3 year drought hits (El Nino) the rural poor are hit hard and the yellows don't provide support to these farmers as they aren't their power base and are considered uneducated, dirty and buffalo's etc. Food prices start to spiral due to the drought. At the same time the world economy takes a severe dive and Thailand's exports decline leaving millions unemployed. An important person pass away and the politicians are so busy trying to get their person in position that they don't give attention to the growing unrest. The poor unite due to starvation and forget who is red and yellow. The lower ranks in the army revolt, because their families a starving. Step 8 is then replaced by a revolution instead of a coup. LOL

Who did educational reforms already by extending free compulsory education from P6 (11) to M3 (15) and gave a uniform allowance for schoolchildren = Abhisit's Democrats.

Who was it that took away that uniform allowance to pay for tablet computers (most undelivered, with corruption question marks) = Phua Thai

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

So were there or were there not assault rifles in the car of an advisor to the caretaker government?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

So were there or were there not assault rifles in the car of an advisor to the caretaker government?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

tell us then, dont keep us is suspense? or are you just fabricating for yourself?

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Coup in progress. Step 1: disperse the Reds, but not the PRDC. Step 2: Senate replaces govt illegally. Coup complete.

Step 3 the reds return

Step 4 they run into bullets

Step 5 the puppet government is forced to call an election

Step 6 the Dems loose again and PTP or whatever its called wins

Step 7 the yellows march on Bkk

Step 8 a coup..............

This to happen say between 2018-2022? laugh.png

Depends. but my time frame would be step 3 to 5 within 2 years, step 6 in year 3, step 7 and 8 in year 6 or 7. So between 2016 and 2020. But this time there could be a curve ball that could stop step 7 and 8 from happening.

Scenario 2: The Yellows takeover and spend their time on reforming nothing (they must look as if they are reforming but nothing will happen, no educational reform, no land reform, no decentralisation and no judicial reform). After a while the people that fought their battles (the southern poor) will realise they have been misused (again). The reds hatred for the yellows will continue to ferment. Then a 3 year drought hits (El Nino) the rural poor are hit hard and the yellows don't provide support to these farmers as they aren't their power base and are considered uneducated, dirty and buffalo's etc. Food prices start to spiral due to the drought. At the same time the world economy takes a severe dive and Thailand's exports decline leaving millions unemployed. An important person pass away and the politicians are so busy trying to get their person in position that they don't give attention to the growing unrest. The poor unite due to starvation and forget who is red and yellow. The lower ranks in the army revolt, because their families a starving. Step 8 is then replaced by a revolution instead of a coup. LOL

You forgot about the six mile wide asteroid strike.

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Coup in progress. Step 1: disperse the Reds, but not the PRDC. Step 2: Senate replaces govt illegally. Coup complete.

Step 3 the reds return

Step 4 they run into bullets

Step 5 the puppet government is forced to call an election

Step 6 the Dems loose again and PTP or whatever its called wins

Step 7 the yellows march on Bkk

Step 8 a coup..............

This to happen say between 2018-2022? laugh.png

Depends. but my time frame would be step 3 to 5 within 2 years, step 6 in year 3, step 7 and 8 in year 6 or 7. So between 2016 and 2020. But this time there could be a curve ball that could stop step 7 and 8 from happening.

Scenario 2: The Yellows takeover and spend their time on reforming nothing (they must look as if they are reforming but nothing will happen, no educational reform, no land reform, no decentralisation and no judicial reform). After a while the people that fought their battles (the southern poor) will realise they have been misused (again). The reds hatred for the yellows will continue to ferment. Then a 3 year drought hits (El Nino) the rural poor are hit hard and the yellows don't provide support to these farmers as they aren't their power base and are considered uneducated, dirty and buffalo's etc. Food prices start to spiral due to the drought. At the same time the world economy takes a severe dive and Thailand's exports decline leaving millions unemployed. An important person pass away and the politicians are so busy trying to get their person in position that they don't give attention to the growing unrest. The poor unite due to starvation and forget who is red and yellow. The lower ranks in the army revolt, because their families a starving. Step 8 is then replaced by a revolution instead of a coup. LOL

Who did educational reforms already by extending free compulsory education from P6 (11) to M3 (15) and gave a uniform allowance for schoolchildren = Abhisit's Democrats.

Who was it that took away that uniform allowance to pay for tablet computers (most undelivered, with corruption question marks) = Phua Thai

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If a uniform allowance = educational reform in your eyes you need to be educated. The whole educational system needs to be changed to produce young people that can work productively in the 21st century. What about the land reform issues, the last time any attempt was made was in 1954. The government of the time wanted to cap maximum land ownership at 80 hectares. The reform was vetoed and within a few months the government was overthrown. The judicial system that locks away people for 15 years because they harvested mushrooms on state land but let the red bull heir walk free. I never said PTP is lilly white or perfect. My post was a comment on the continual cycle in Thailand which looks like a dog chasing its own tail. A democracy can only grow if its allowed to and with the knowledge that on the path to maturity many mistakes will be made.

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The military needs to prove their "neutrality" by also surrounding the yellow camps. whistling.gif Otherwise, it is a total farce.thumbsup.gif

When those PDRC camps start throwing grenades on a daily basis onto red protest sites then the army will proceed with that.

The PDRC have netting and sand bags filled to protect them from the reds.

The reds have……..Well nothing. Because they are not being attacked.

Saying that - If the PDRC start bombing red shirt sites I sincerely hope the army treat them in the same manner as the red shirt threat.

Oh really?

Violence has stepped up on Wednesday after a red-shirt activist and poet was shot dead at a restaurant in Bangkok and two gunmen sprayed bullets into a community radio station in Pathum Thani.

The People’s Radio for Democracy filed a complaint to the police after some of its members were attacked by a group vocational students, who joined the People’s Army Against Thaksin’s Regime protest at Lumpini park.

Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

Edited by djjamie
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Coup in progress. Step 1: disperse the Reds, but not the PRDC. Step 2: Senate replaces govt illegally. Coup complete.
Step 3 the reds return

Step 4 they run into bullets

Step 5 the puppet government is forced to call an election

Step 6 the Dems loose again and PTP or whatever its called wins

Step 7 the yellows march on Bkk

Step 8 a coup..............

This to happen say between 2018-2022? laugh.png

Depends. but my time frame would be step 3 to 5 within 2 years, step 6 in year 3, step 7 and 8 in year 6 or 7. So between 2016 and 2020. But this time there could be a curve ball that could stop step 7 and 8 from happening.

Scenario 2: The Yellows takeover and spend their time on reforming nothing (they must look as if they are reforming but nothing will happen, no educational reform, no land reform, no decentralisation and no judicial reform). After a while the people that fought their battles (the southern poor) will realise they have been misused (again). The reds hatred for the yellows will continue to ferment. Then a 3 year drought hits (El Nino) the rural poor are hit hard and the yellows don't provide support to these farmers as they aren't their power base and are considered uneducated, dirty and buffalo's etc. Food prices start to spiral due to the drought. At the same time the world economy takes a severe dive and Thailand's exports decline leaving millions unemployed. An important person pass away and the politicians are so busy trying to get their person in position that they don't give attention to the growing unrest. The poor unite due to starvation and forget who is red and yellow. The lower ranks in the army revolt, because their families a starving. Step 8 is then replaced by a revolution instead of a coup. LOL

Who did educational reforms already by extending free compulsory education from P6 (11) to M3 (15) and gave a uniform allowance for schoolchildren = Abhisit's Democrats.

Who was it that took away that uniform allowance to pay for tablet computers (most undelivered, with corruption question marks) = Phua Thai

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If a uniform allowance = educational reform in your eyes you need to be educated. The whole educational system needs to be changed to produce young people that can work productively in the 21st century. What about the land reform issues, the last time any attempt was made was in 1954. The government of the time wanted to cap maximum land ownership at 80 hectares. The reform was vetoed and within a few months the government was overthrown. The judicial system that locks away people for 15 years because they harvested mushrooms on state land but let the red bull heir walk free. I never said PTP is lilly white or perfect. My post was a comment on the continual cycle in Thailand which looks like a dog chasing its own tail. A democracy can only grow if its allowed to and with the knowledge that on the path to maturity many mistakes will be made.

Hey.. you were insinuating that the Democrats hadn't done anything. At least acknowledge that something's have been done. Also either you have NO idea about education and the job market in Thailand or you need new glasses!

I stated

" Who did educational reforms already by extending free compulsory education from P6 (11) to M3 (15)"

to explain an M3 education certificate will enable teenagers to at least join the workforce (factory, shop work etc) at 11 there are not so many opportunities!

What did Thaksin's governments (note plural) do to enable the poorer people to stand on their own two feet?

Nothing really! The 30 baht medical was the only one that helped and for the truly poor 30baht is a lot of money .. Democrats made it free!

The rest of your return post explains the need for reforms.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

So were there or were there not assault rifles in the car of an advisor to the caretaker government?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

tell us then, dont keep us is suspense? or are you just fabricating for yourself?

The photo of the vehicle containing weapons belonging to the politician is circulating around in FB.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The army intel should have gather some important informations. Hence, martial law is activated to prevent loss of innocent lives (again).

Who is the one keep threatening to use violence? Who has the track record of using violence? Who has been caught lately with weaponry?

There is a red politician been caught with weapons driving a chiangmai number plate car into Bangkok. The worst part is the on duty uniform guys reported higher ranking police officer and high ranking govt officer ordered the weapons and vehicle return back the owner.

Any decent guy hearing upon this will know this is totally not right.

There surely must have a significant group of watermelon soldiers in the army brigade but they are also the common thai citizens. They have their own family,love one isn't it? They may have been in favour of the red party but I believe they are still a decent man with a conscience heart. They will remember the pledge for the nation as a soldier. They are on the actual ground. They saw the reality, they know what going on, they can see the terrorism activating again. What will the red watermelon soldiers do if terrorism is done on their own family? As a soldier, a man, a good guy, they will stand up and against the terrorism regardless they are colour red, blue, white or yellow.

I will believe the army will always be there for the people.

Your demonizing talk about reds doesn't correspond to the real world. It's classic demonizing, to claim the people you want to shoot are terrorists and then use the lies as justification for your terror.

So were there or were there not assault rifles in the car of an advisor to the caretaker government?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

tell us then, dont keep us is suspense? or are you just fabricating for yourself?

The photo of the vehicle containing weapons belonging to the politician is circulating around in FB.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


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Your point is well taken so I would only add that Suthep and the PDRC have their attack lines and will spout their attack lines until the end, regardless and irrespective or any or all responses by the democrats at TVF or of when the end might occur. The point being that if you simply say the identical thing long enough and many many times over, repeatedly ad infinitum, it becomes familiar and therefore the perceived truth. It's a familiar and dastardly principle.

I've taken the approach of advising the PDRC types to get new lines, as I'd been saying the past two months. It's really and always the very same lines again and again and again, but I'm addressing a propaganda machine, and it's a big and highly programmed machine that streams out a thought through and highly crafted anti-democracy agenda..

Talking of propaganda I would be really grateful if administrators on this particular forum took some time and revised your own posts purely because of your false accusations against other people. Also it is really to see through you and your hidden agenda here. Speaking of propaganda, the sheer number of posts made by you and your lot since the beginning of the crisis speaks volumes. The pot is calling the kettle black.

You might also start addressing real issues and actually try to talk about topic in hand instead of blabbering about unrelated things.

I know I'm cutting more to the quick at a very sensitive and risky time for you guys over and across on the other side of the traditionalist-modernist divide. You do however confirm I am cutting close to the bone when you start marching through the threads wearing your Suthep Purge Patrol caps and your PDRC armbands.

You have the right to propagandize anywhere or any time it's allowed, and I have the right and the obligation to point out propaganda when in my opinion I see it. Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF.

That's the difference between your side and my side.

Too many of you guys really believe this is your sacred and exclusive little preserve.

.........................."Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF."......................................


Good one Publicus. I take back everything I said about you. You do have a sense of humor after all. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The military needs to prove their "neutrality" by also surrounding the yellow camps. whistling.gif Otherwise, it is a total farce.thumbsup.gif

When those PDRC camps start throwing grenades on a daily basis onto red protest sites then the army will proceed with that.

The PDRC have netting and sand bags filled to protect them from the reds.

The reds have……..Well nothing. Because they are not being attacked.

Saying that - If the PDRC start bombing red shirt sites I sincerely hope the army treat them in the same manner as the red shirt threat.

Oh really?

Violence has stepped up on Wednesday after a red-shirt activist and poet was shot dead at a restaurant in Bangkok and two gunmen sprayed bullets into a community radio station in Pathum Thani.

The People’s Radio for Democracy filed a complaint to the police after some of its members were attacked by a group vocational students, who joined the People’s Army Against Thaksin’s Regime protest at Lumpini park.

Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

"Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them."


Rajamangala National Stadium - 3 pro-government supporters dead, Laksi 1 pro-government supporter shot and paralysed, Kwanchai Praipana UDD Leader shot and hospitalised, Mai Nueng UDD member shot dead..............................

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Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

"Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them."


Rajamangala National Stadium - 3 pro-government supporters dead, Laksi 1 pro-government supporter shot and paralysed, Kwanchai Praipana UDD Leader shot and hospitalised, Mai Nueng UDD member shot dead..............................

I took "them" to refer to the subject noun "rally sites", as would most people. Which of your listed assaults occurred ar red rally sites, if any?

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When elections are finally held they will be a sham.

That's how it's been in Thailand for at least a decade. Perhaps Thais need to be educated about what an election is. Instead, Thais only know about elections which manifest as:

>>> No individuals, only party list reps of a top dog

>>> No candidate can speak their own thoughts, certainly not anything which deviates slightly from the party dictates

>>> Thai elections are largely pay-for-votes, both direct payments, and indirect.

>>> no TV debates or 'town hall meetings.' Main 2 reasons: too afraid of defamation of character suits and Thai politicians can't think for themselves. You might as well have a red computer talking to a yellow computer.

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Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

"Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them."


Rajamangala National Stadium - 3 pro-government supporters dead, Laksi 1 pro-government supporter shot and paralysed, Kwanchai Praipana UDD Leader shot and hospitalised, Mai Nueng UDD member shot dead..............................

I took "them" to refer to the subject noun "rally sites", as would most people. Which of your listed assaults occurred ar red rally sites, if any?

A pedantic response if I may say so, if you're being attacked or killed for political reasons it doesn't matter where it happens.

However if you want to try and wriggle, the Stadium was a legitimate UDD Rally. The 71 year old paralysed at Laksi was on a legitimate pro government rally. Spare me the BS about Koh Tee, he was long gone before the popcorn "hero" started up.

Or is that not justification enough?

The reason djjamie is putting forward as to why the UDD rallies have no defense is because the UDD have never been attacked. As I said, lies.

Presumably armed defence is OK as it has been suggested by many posters on here as legitimate reasons for PDRC guards shooting people and beating them up - Laksi for example with one poster even justifying the violence because the guards were jumpy, I kid you not.

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A pedantic response if I may say so, if you're being attacked or killed for political reasons it doesn't matter where it happens.

However if you want to try and wriggle, the Stadium was a legitimate UDD Rally. The 71 year old paralysed at Laksi was on a legitimate pro government rally. Spare me the BS about Koh Tee, he was long gone before the popcorn "hero" started up.

Or is that not justification enough?

The reason djjamie is putting forward as to why the UDD rallies have no defense is because the UDD have never been attacked. As I said, lies.

Presumably armed defence is OK as it has been suggested by many posters on here as legitimate reasons for PDRC guards shooting people and beating them up - Laksi for example with one poster even justifying the violence because the guards were jumpy, I kid you not.

Really pedantic. So was the UDD rally at the Stadium attacked? Was the rally in Aksa road attacked?

Answer: NO

Was the PCAD rally at ChaengWattana attacked? Was the PDRC rally at Lumpini attacked? Was the PDRC rally at Rajchadamnoen attacked?

Answer: YES

So now we have soldiers replacing police and remember, the CAPO put the police around AKSA road to protect the UDD rally.

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Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

"Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them."


Rajamangala National Stadium - 3 pro-government supporters dead, Laksi 1 pro-government supporter shot and paralysed, Kwanchai Praipana UDD Leader shot and hospitalised, Mai Nueng UDD member shot dead..............................

I took "them" to refer to the subject noun "rally sites", as would most people. Which of your listed assaults occurred ar red rally sites, if any?

A pedantic response if I may say so, if you're being attacked or killed for political reasons it doesn't matter where it happens.

However if you want to try and wriggle, the Stadium was a legitimate UDD Rally. The 71 year old paralysed at Laksi was on a legitimate pro government rally. Spare me the BS about Koh Tee, he was long gone before the popcorn "hero" started up.

Or is that not justification enough?

The reason djjamie is putting forward as to why the UDD rallies have no defense is because the UDD have never been attacked. As I said, lies.

Presumably armed defence is OK as it has been suggested by many posters on here as legitimate reasons for PDRC guards shooting people and beating them up - Laksi for example with one poster even justifying the violence because the guards were jumpy, I kid you not.

Anyone who defends the actions of a gang of s**t throwing, monk bashing, murdering arsonists needs help. Or is under the control of a Chiang Mai hypnotist. clap2.gif

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Your point is well taken so I would only add that Suthep and the PDRC have their attack lines and will spout their attack lines until the end, regardless and irrespective or any or all responses by the democrats at TVF or of when the end might occur. The point being that if you simply say the identical thing long enough and many many times over, repeatedly ad infinitum, it becomes familiar and therefore the perceived truth. It's a familiar and dastardly principle.

I've taken the approach of advising the PDRC types to get new lines, as I'd been saying the past two months. It's really and always the very same lines again and again and again, but I'm addressing a propaganda machine, and it's a big and highly programmed machine that streams out a thought through and highly crafted anti-democracy agenda..

Talking of propaganda I would be really grateful if administrators on this particular forum took some time and revised your own posts purely because of your false accusations against other people. Also it is really to see through you and your hidden agenda here. Speaking of propaganda, the sheer number of posts made by you and your lot since the beginning of the crisis speaks volumes. The pot is calling the kettle black.

You might also start addressing real issues and actually try to talk about topic in hand instead of blabbering about unrelated things.

I know I'm cutting more to the quick at a very sensitive and risky time for you guys over and across on the other side of the traditionalist-modernist divide. You do however confirm I am cutting close to the bone when you start marching through the threads wearing your Suthep Purge Patrol caps and your PDRC armbands.

You have the right to propagandize anywhere or any time it's allowed, and I have the right and the obligation to point out propaganda when in my opinion I see it. Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF.

That's the difference between your side and my side.

Too many of you guys really believe this is your sacred and exclusive little preserve.

.........................."Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF."......................................


Good one Publicus. I take back everything I said about you. You do have a sense of humor after all. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I'll accept your standard and predictable way of backing off and away from statements and claims that got you guys in too deep and into it over your heads.

And I luv the way you keep making TV run down the block to the emoticons store to have to keep on buying the ROFLMAO and also the mock applause ones. You guys keep on using 'em up at a record rate these past several months. You really crack yourself up, each of you. People who laugh at their own jokes.

As for any violence, the state has the organized means of the worst violence that could be perpetrated against a given society. Look no further than here in Thailand when in 1992 elite Army troops shot into crowds of Thais successfully demonstrating to remove the ruling coup dictatorship.

If the army can come out of the present circumstance without shooting even one Thai, it will have done much better than previously when faced with groups of demonstrating Thais. Gen Prayuth is especially attentive to this. I think he'd rather be a tuff guy doing a tuff job than to be a military strongman.

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Your point is well taken so I would only add that Suthep and the PDRC have their attack lines and will spout their attack lines until the end, regardless and irrespective or any or all responses by the democrats at TVF or of when the end might occur. The point being that if you simply say the identical thing long enough and many many times over, repeatedly ad infinitum, it becomes familiar and therefore the perceived truth. It's a familiar and dastardly principle.

I've taken the approach of advising the PDRC types to get new lines, as I'd been saying the past two months. It's really and always the very same lines again and again and again, but I'm addressing a propaganda machine, and it's a big and highly programmed machine that streams out a thought through and highly crafted anti-democracy agenda..

Talking of propaganda I would be really grateful if administrators on this particular forum took some time and revised your own posts purely because of your false accusations against other people. Also it is really to see through you and your hidden agenda here. Speaking of propaganda, the sheer number of posts made by you and your lot since the beginning of the crisis speaks volumes. The pot is calling the kettle black.

You might also start addressing real issues and actually try to talk about topic in hand instead of blabbering about unrelated things.

I know I'm cutting more to the quick at a very sensitive and risky time for you guys over and across on the other side of the traditionalist-modernist divide. You do however confirm I am cutting close to the bone when you start marching through the threads wearing your Suthep Purge Patrol caps and your PDRC armbands.

You have the right to propagandize anywhere or any time it's allowed, and I have the right and the obligation to point out propaganda when in my opinion I see it. Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF.

That's the difference between your side and my side.

Too many of you guys really believe this is your sacred and exclusive little preserve.

No one really cares what you post. Most of it is recycled demagogic nonsense detached from the reality. Anyway the problem is you continually accuse other posters of doing this or doing that without actually having any evidence to back up your nonsensical accusations. What's more you're the one who actually posts propaganda, you're the one who often posts off the topic etc...etc...I'm just exposing your own hypocrisy.

I'm actually glad that you indirectly admitted that you post on this forum as a member of the group. Let it be known, there is no my side. I will always stand against autocratic regimes, briberies and widespread corruption, convicted criminals and terrorists (they have no place in politics, their place is behind the bars), blatant and shameless nepotism, etc...etc....If you are happy supporting it, no problem, it speaks volumes about your own character. wai2.gif

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I'll accept your standard and predictable way of backing off and away from statements and claims that got you guys in too deep and into it over your heads.

And I luv the way you keep making TV run down the block to the emoticons store to have to keep on buying the ROFLMAO and also the mock applause ones. You guys keep on using 'em up at a record rate these past several months. You really crack yourself up, each of you. People who laugh at their own jokes.

As for any violence, the state has the organized means of the worst violence that could be perpetrated against a given society. Look no further than here in Thailand when in 1992 elite Army troops shot into crowds of Thais successfully demonstrating to remove the ruling coup dictatorship.

If the army can come out of the present circumstance without shooting even one Thai, it will have done much better than previously when faced with groups of demonstrating Thais. Gen Prayuth is especially attentive to this. I think he'd rather be a tuff guy doing a tuff job than to be a military strongman.

BTW the army previously faced with anti-government protesters were shot at, had to engage in gunfights and had grenades lobbed on them.

Till now that's not the case.

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Oh really?

Violence has stepped up on Wednesday after a red-shirt activist and poet was shot dead at a restaurant in Bangkok and two gunmen sprayed bullets into a community radio station in Pathum Thani.

The People’s Radio for Democracy filed a complaint to the police after some of its members were attacked by a group vocational students, who joined the People’s Army Against Thaksin’s Regime protest at Lumpini park.

Keep up sunshine.

Yes really.

Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

If you disagree look it up yourself!

"Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them."


Rajamangala National Stadium - 3 pro-government supporters dead, Laksi 1 pro-government supporter shot and paralysed, Kwanchai Praipana UDD Leader shot and hospitalised, Mai Nueng UDD member shot dead..............................

Mate…Why is so hard for you to follow this. You talk about others not following your cryptic messages yet I explain myself articulately and you cannot follow.

I am talking about rally sites mate. Rally sites. Rally sites. Rally sites…To reiterate…RALLY SITES!

The first one was a confrontation between the 2 sides outside a rally site. Not an attack on a rally site. The second was a a confrontation between the 2 sides, not an attack on a rally site. The third was not even near a rally site. The forth, yep you guessed it was not near a rally site. Apart from the fact that you guys demand proof that a third hand is responsible for PDRC deaths yet you have no issues throwing names at me above assuming that the PDRC did the red shirt killings. Even though I agree the 3rd hand thing is rubbish and I agree the PDRC would be responsible for the above killing without needing proof because it is logical. Not PTP logic, but normal logic. The same goes for PDRC deaths. The 20 odd and 650 injuries odd. Red shirts…BUT lets not dwell on that. It is not what we were discussing.

Rally sites mate. Rally sites.


Red shirts have no defenses at their rally sites due to no attacks on them.

PDRC protestors made their own sandbags and have brought in dozens of anti grenade netting to deflect bullets and grenades from injuring or killing anymore protestors at their rally sites.

Can you not follow this?

Red shirts…No defenses.

PDRC sand bags and anti grenade nets.

When you cannot accept the truth you ignore it or you change the subject!

Edited by djjamie
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A pedantic response if I may say so, if you're being attacked or killed for political reasons it doesn't matter where it happens.

However if you want to try and wriggle, the Stadium was a legitimate UDD Rally. The 71 year old paralysed at Laksi was on a legitimate pro government rally. Spare me the BS about Koh Tee, he was long gone before the popcorn "hero" started up.

Or is that not justification enough?

The reason djjamie is putting forward as to why the UDD rallies have no defense is because the UDD have never been attacked. As I said, lies.

Presumably armed defence is OK as it has been suggested by many posters on here as legitimate reasons for PDRC guards shooting people and beating them up - Laksi for example with one poster even justifying the violence because the guards were jumpy, I kid you not.

Really pedantic. So was the UDD rally at the Stadium attacked? Was the rally in Aksa road attacked?

Answer: NO

Was the PCAD rally at ChaengWattana attacked? Was the PDRC rally at Lumpini attacked? Was the PDRC rally at Rajchadamnoen attacked?

Answer: YES

So now we have soldiers replacing police and remember, the CAPO put the police around AKSA road to protect the UDD rally.

When he cannot accept the truth he changes the subject or makes "additions" to what I stated. He simp,y cannot accept what I stated and what is the reality. This is why the rice scheme failed. This is why the infrastructure scheme failed. This is why every single PTP scheme or idea or plan failed. They cannot accept reality and cannot accept facts.

In FAB4's words. It is simple really.

Red shirt rally sites - No defenses because there are no bomb grenade gunfire attacks at them. None. Zippo.

PDRC rally site - Anti grenade netting and sand bags. Constant attacks.

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Your point is well taken so I would only add that Suthep and the PDRC have their attack lines and will spout their attack lines until the end, regardless and irrespective or any or all responses by the democrats at TVF or of when the end might occur. The point being that if you simply say the identical thing long enough and many many times over, repeatedly ad infinitum, it becomes familiar and therefore the perceived truth. It's a familiar and dastardly principle.

I've taken the approach of advising the PDRC types to get new lines, as I'd been saying the past two months. It's really and always the very same lines again and again and again, but I'm addressing a propaganda machine, and it's a big and highly programmed machine that streams out a thought through and highly crafted anti-democracy agenda..

Talking of propaganda I would be really grateful if administrators on this particular forum took some time and revised your own posts purely because of your false accusations against other people. Also it is really to see through you and your hidden agenda here. Speaking of propaganda, the sheer number of posts made by you and your lot since the beginning of the crisis speaks volumes. The pot is calling the kettle black.

You might also start addressing real issues and actually try to talk about topic in hand instead of blabbering about unrelated things.

I know I'm cutting more to the quick at a very sensitive and risky time for you guys over and across on the other side of the traditionalist-modernist divide. You do however confirm I am cutting close to the bone when you start marching through the threads wearing your Suthep Purge Patrol caps and your PDRC armbands.

You have the right to propagandize anywhere or any time it's allowed, and I have the right and the obligation to point out propaganda when in my opinion I see it. Your propaganda is offensive and overbearing but I'm not calling for censorship or purges at TVF.

That's the difference between your side and my side.

Too many of you guys really believe this is your sacred and exclusive little preserve.

No one really cares what you post. Most of it is recycled demagogic nonsense detached from the reality. Anyway the problem is you continually accuse other posters of doing this or doing that without actually having any evidence to back up your nonsensical accusations. What's more you're the one who actually posts propaganda, you're the one who often posts off the topic etc...etc...I'm just exposing your own hypocrisy.

I'm actually glad that you indirectly admitted that you post on this forum as a member of the group. Let it be known, there is no my side. I will always stand against autocratic regimes, briberies and widespread corruption, convicted criminals and terrorists (they have no place in politics, their place is behind the bars), blatant and shameless nepotism, etc...etc....If you are happy supporting it, no problem, it speaks volumes about your own character. wai2.gif

" I'm actually glad that you indirectly admitted that you post on this forum as a member of the group."

Apparently so indirectly that even I missed it, so that leaves you in your own private time zone. And your second graf "I always stand against......" is a pronouncement that certainly self-places you in the Pantheon of TVF Greats. laugh.png

And if you don't care what I post then you shouldn't trouble your high and mighty self with such petty things as what I say, think, believe.

So all the same, the Thai army has to rehabilitate itself from a long history of successful coups along with some unsuccessful coups. The first step to recovery from chronic coupitis is to admit to being a coupaholic. I'm still waiting for the big moment of recognition followed by rehabilitation. However, things as they are aren't a bad start. Looking forward to the final chapter though.

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Hi Publicus,

Well that did not last long, the sense of humor I mean, now you have reverted to your normal mode. But it was good while it lasted.

And speaking of coups -

What's the difference between a Thai Army coup circa 2006, and a Thaksin Shinawatra coup circa 2010 ? Answer, the Thai Army coup was bloodless.

I do not want to see a coup ever again in this country, but if I do I hope it is not bankrolled by a desperate and vengeful psychopath. (sorry, no emicons for you)

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