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Thai Lawyers


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I'm helping a mate tomorrow by going with him and his wife to a local court to start legal proceedings against 3 individuals. I'm not sure about legal matters here in Thailand.

The lawyer has taken a 20,000 baht fee before the case has been heard - is this normal?

I am going to ask the lawyer if he will accept half and the rest on success of the case.

Has anyone got any experience of these matters.


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I'm helping a mate tomorrow by going with him and his wife to a local court to start legal proceedings against 3 individuals. I'm not sure about legal matters here in Thailand.

The lawyer has taken a 20,000 baht fee before the case has been heard - is this normal?

I am going to ask the lawyer if he will accept half and the rest on success of the case.

Has anyone got any experience of these matters.


Do not pay him _anything_ in advance. Divide it up so you pay say 1/4 once it has been filed with the court, 1/4 when a trial date is set and the other party has been notified etc etc. If you pay him in advance he will most likely not lift a finger. If he has a problem with that, find another lawyer because then he is not planning to do any work in the first place.

There are a zillion rip-off "lawyers" in TH - be sure to check his credentials first. Many of them has no license or has lost it because of previous scams. The authorities and thai law society doesn't seem to care too much that many are practicing without a license.

Believe me, I have tried it and it was just waste of time having to drag in police friends etc to get one such fraudster to pay back the legal fees I had [stupidly] paid in advance. He spent 6 months doing absolutely nothing. I got the money back but it was a huge waste of time. And this fraudster was even recommended by a high ranking lumpini officer...

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I'm helping a mate tomorrow by going with him and his wife to a local court to start legal proceedings against 3 individuals. I'm not sure about legal matters here in Thailand.

The lawyer has taken a 20,000 baht fee before the case has been heard - is this normal?

I am going to ask the lawyer if he will accept half and the rest on success of the case.

Has anyone got any experience of these matters.


If the lawyer has already "taken a 20,000 baht fee " then it is a little too late.

Generally speaking, once you give a Thai lawyer an advance you can forget about getting any of it back, regardless of what work is actually performed... :D

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I'm helping a mate tomorrow by going with him and his wife to a local court to start legal proceedings against 3 individuals. I'm not sure about legal matters here in Thailand.

The lawyer has taken a 20,000 baht fee before the case has been heard - is this normal?

I am going to ask the lawyer if he will accept half and the rest on success of the case.

Has anyone got any experience of these matters.


It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't enter into a contract with their lawyer for professional services, not just in Thailand, but worldwide. It is even more important in Thailand where the concept of verbal contract does not exist. A retainer such as this is normal, but it should only be part of the contract detailing hourly rates, expenses, etc. The contract should detail that a retainer of 20,000 baht is to be paid, however this will be deducted from the actual final bill which will detail all hourly work plus expenses incurred. Many Thai Lawyers see it as a gift, not to be returned, even if the case is finalised speedily. Not many lawyers here work on a contingency basis.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't enter into a contract with their lawyer for professional services, not just in Thailand, but worldwide. It is even more important in Thailand where the concept of verbal contract does not exist. A retainer such as this is normal, but it should only be part of the contract detailing hourly rates, expenses, etc. The contract should detail that a retainer of 20,000 baht is to be paid, however this will be deducted from the actual final bill which will detail all hourly work plus expenses incurred. Many Thai Lawyers see it as a gift, not to be returned, even if the case is finalised speedily. Not many lawyers here work on a contingency basis.

It may not make a difference - I had a five page contract with the one I used. He still didn't do a thing. The only thing I think will work is paying them _after_ they deliver, maybe divided up along the way but no delivery = no money. (applies not only to lawyers, but anyone in thailand - whether it is services or goods)

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You should speak to 'Guesthouse'

On another forum he boasted to having retained the services of 'the best lawyers in Thailand'

Yep, he actually said that. So if anyone can help, he can.

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