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Thai army summons ex-PM Yingluck, others in Thaksin clan

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This whole situation should clearly demonstrate why no government can ever work successfully anywhere, at any time.

Thailand need to return to rule by absolute monarchy - then there would be no "sides" to fight each other.

Then the rest of the world should follow suit.


I've always found Dutch uncles to be overbearing and bloated in their erroneous notions of self-importance and self-supposed savvy. I recall New York was originally New Amsterdam until a British Naval fleet suddenly arrived one fine and fortuitous day (Jan Kees).

Much to the chagrin of many Dutch uncles, the Brits and the locals together dismantled the larger territory of New Netherlands into the new colonies, now states, of New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware. Sorry 'bout that. (Not really smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png )

It was the Dutch who had bought Manhattan island from the unsuspecting natives for $26.00. The Brits and the locals took a lesson from that. It's a lesson Yankees have carried forward to the present wherever money, fairness, values are in play.

Gee Publicus, if you don't like the guy just say so in 20 words or less. Stop showing off your amazing writing skills. smile.png

I saw your name in my Notice box so I dashed over here with a sharpened quill only to find instead your mild mannered left-handed poke rather than your usual noisy frontal charge. My juices still flowing, I then thought you might be trying to deke me, but now I see that perhaps you're only in a generous mood today.


Overdone, yeah, I'd agree. But somewhat colorful given the droll and monotonous epithets that are always being slung back and forth around here.

So shucks guys, but long ago my English professors and Journalism instructors laid claim to any distinguishing feature I might get attention for, except unless it's my writing. If that's not clear to you, relax cause it's not clear to me either, which is why I don't write this way when I post.



This whole situation should clearly demonstrate why no government can ever work successfully anywhere, at any time.

Thailand need to return to rule by absolute monarchy - then there would be no "sides" to fight each other.

Then the rest of the world should follow suit.

So who would be King of America? Obama? or maybe Chief Sitting Bull's nearest bloodline? Save your comments for the Circus.


Meanwhile the corrupt other half of the elites, based in Bangkok and Nakon Si Thammarat-Phuket, retain their self-issued license to pursue their financial interests without limit or laws, and are presently consulting their accountancy firms to estimate the trillions of baht value in soon to be confiscated assets of the group that was just removed from any and all competition.

While the Thais and fahlang alike are hoarding at 7-Eleven and Tesco, the deeply rooted corrupt other half are hoarding at the SET and running the board in the corporate boardrooms. The kids just took over the candy store, the whole of it, to include the richest toy soldier generals in the world.

What comes to mind reading your post is "demagogy".

Publicus might want to do some research who are all from the south. Jatuporn - Suratthani. Thida - Suratthani. Natthawut - Nakorn Sri thammarat. Don't for one second believe that the UDD leaders are fighting for the poor or the people in the north/northeast.

Some better judgement from you would be appreciated, i.e., don't presume to know what I might think, know, believe. If anyone these daze / days actually believe people in the contemporary world are or could be communists, then they'd have to concede that there are fascists at work here too.

If anything, however, communism is long dead but fascism is resurgent, without and in the absence of, an extreme left sector. This is the modern phenomenon evident in Thailand in particular, but uniquely in its depth and extent.

Thais in the Surat and in the deep South enjoy a socio-economic status roughly equal to that of the Bangkok middle classes and the Bangkok ammarts, so they are essentially content with the status quo, whereas Thais in the North are well below the socio-economic status of the Bangkok-Surat-South population. People advocating ordinary socio-economic justice and equity go where the action is.

Realism is the first requirement of an accurate analysis of anything.

Democracy by the people for the people's leaders seems more a valid description with red-shirts fighting for their Amply Rich Shinawatra Elites.

It's a pity really that some of the more fervent anti-fascists tend to be leaning towards communism in their search for 'democracy', 'peoples rights' and 'peoples justice'


Simply summons them all, put them all in the same building once in secure the building and demolish it with them inside. Thailand's political problems solved in one swift move with a clear message sent. All leaders gone and new government can be elected and reforms can be implemented. as harsh as it sounds a clear message should be sent to both sides, if you screw the country or abuse your position and power, you will be shot no questions asked. But seriously, what is actually needed is more parties formed so it's not just the red and yellow supporters, give the people more choice, that will divide the groups. Then have those that are educated maybe in economics lead each party. They should be evaluated on their knowledge and given a pyschometric test before being allowed to stand for election. That would stop people like the current leaders from standing, cause they clearly have no idea at all.


I've always found Dutch uncles to be overbearing and bloated in their erroneous notions of self-importance and self-supposed savvy. I recall New York was originally New Amsterdam until a British Naval fleet suddenly arrived one fine and fortuitous day (Jan Kees).

Much to the chagrin of many Dutch uncles, the Brits and the locals together dismantled the larger territory of New Netherlands into the new colonies, now states, of New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware. Sorry 'bout that. (Not really smile.png )

It was the Dutch who had bought Manhattan island from the unsuspecting natives for $26.00. The Brits and the locals took a lesson from that. It's a lesson Yankees have carried forward to the present wherever money, fairness, values are in play.

The island of Manhattan was swapped for the island of Run in the Spice Islands. It wasn't taken by the British.

I see there's another Dutch uncle present or izzit that the jeans deceive me.

You disseminate apologist deflection mythology from the Netherlands. What were the local natives of New Amsterdam, soon to be New York going to do with an island in the Spice Islands? The Dutch purchased Manhattan island from the Lanape Native Americans for 60 gilders worth of goods ($ 24-26).

Manhattan island today accounts of $1.6 trillion of total U.S. GDP.

Cry your heart out.

Not that it has anything to do with the topic, but KB was right!

"The Dutch Republic regained it in August 1673 with a fleet of 21 ships, renaming the city "New Orange". New Netherland was ceded permanently to the English in November 1674 through the Treaty of Westminster,[62] in exchange for Run Island which was the long-coveted last link in the Dutch nutmeg trading monopoly in Indonesia.[63]"



Publicus might want to do some research who are all from the south. Jatuporn - Suratthani. Thida - Suratthani. Natthawut - Nakorn Sri thammarat. Don't for one second believe that the UDD leaders are fighting for the poor or the people in the north/northeast.

Some better judgement from you would be appreciated, i.e., don't presume to know what I might think, know, believe. If anyone these daze / days actually believe people in the contemporary world are or could be communists, then they'd have to concede that there are fascists at work here too.

If anything, however, communism is long dead but fascism is resurgent, without and in the absence of, an extreme left sector. This is the modern phenomenon evident in Thailand in particular, but uniquely in its depth and extent.

Thais in the Surat and in the deep South enjoy a socio-economic status roughly equal to that of the Bangkok middle classes and the Bangkok ammarts, so they are essentially content with the status quo, whereas Thais in the North are well below the socio-economic status of the Bangkok-Surat-South population. People advocating ordinary socio-economic justice and equity go where the action is.

Realism is the first requirement of an accurate analysis of anything.

Democracy by the people for the people's leaders seems more a valid description with red-shirts fighting for their Amply Rich Shinawatra Elites.

It's a pity really that some of the more fervent anti-fascists tend to be leaning towards communism in their search for 'democracy', 'peoples rights' and 'peoples justice'

Son of Joe McCarthy.

Joe McCarthy reincarnated as a flying Dutchman in Thailand.

Joe McCarthy, everyone's Dutch uncle.

"Senator, have you no shame?"


Publicus might want to do some research who are all from the south. Jatuporn - Suratthani. Thida - Suratthani. Natthawut - Nakorn Sri thammarat. Don't for one second believe that the UDD leaders are fighting for the poor or the people in the north/northeast.

Some better judgement from you would be appreciated, i.e., don't presume to know what I might think, know, believe. If anyone these daze / days actually believe people in the contemporary world are or could be communists, then they'd have to concede that there are fascists at work here too.

If anything, however, communism is long dead but fascism is resurgent, without and in the absence of, an extreme left sector. This is the modern phenomenon evident in Thailand in particular, but uniquely in its depth and extent.

Thais in the Surat and in the deep South enjoy a socio-economic status roughly equal to that of the Bangkok middle classes and the Bangkok ammarts, so they are essentially content with the status quo, whereas Thais in the North are well below the socio-economic status of the Bangkok-Surat-South population. People advocating ordinary socio-economic justice and equity go where the action is.

Realism is the first requirement of an accurate analysis of anything.

Democracy by the people for the people's leaders seems more a valid description with red-shirts fighting for their Amply Rich Shinawatra Elites.

It's a pity really that some of the more fervent anti-fascists tend to be leaning towards communism in their search for 'democracy', 'peoples rights' and 'peoples justice'

Son of Joe McCarthy.

Joe McCarthy reincarnated as a flying Dutchman in Thailand.

Joe McCarthy, everyone's Dutch uncle.

"Senator, have you no shame?"

Are you trying to insult those of Irish stock, those of Dutch stock, or don't you know what else to say?

In all three cases you might consider just being silent for a moment.


Publicus might want to do some research who are all from the south. Jatuporn - Suratthani. Thida - Suratthani. Natthawut - Nakorn Sri thammarat. Don't for one second believe that the UDD leaders are fighting for the poor or the people in the north/northeast.

Some better judgement from you would be appreciated, i.e., don't presume to know what I might think, know, believe. If anyone these daze / days actually believe people in the contemporary world are or could be communists, then they'd have to concede that there are fascists at work here too.

If anything, however, communism is long dead but fascism is resurgent, without and in the absence of, an extreme left sector. This is the modern phenomenon evident in Thailand in particular, but uniquely in its depth and extent.

Thais in the Surat and in the deep South enjoy a socio-economic status roughly equal to that of the Bangkok middle classes and the Bangkok ammarts, so they are essentially content with the status quo, whereas Thais in the North are well below the socio-economic status of the Bangkok-Surat-South population. People advocating ordinary socio-economic justice and equity go where the action is.

Realism is the first requirement of an accurate analysis of anything.

Democracy by the people for the people's leaders seems more a valid description with red-shirts fighting for their Amply Rich Shinawatra Elites.

It's a pity really that some of the more fervent anti-fascists tend to be leaning towards communism in their search for 'democracy', 'peoples rights' and 'peoples justice'

Son of Joe McCarthy.

Joe McCarthy reincarnated as a flying Dutchman in Thailand.

Joe McCarthy, everyone's Dutch uncle.

"Senator, have you no shame?"

Cracked the booze open early in the day?

  • Like 1

Thaksin was a self made man. He was a billionaire. Thailand's economy grew at the fastest pace in 25 yrs. His only error was in supporting the more poor majority party in Thailand and trying to uplift the poorer communities in Thailand. Of course, the minority Dems/PDRC/Elite/Military hate this fact. The only illegal act that Thaksin is even accused/found guilty of is a relatively small land deal that his wife signed for. They bid on a land and used his wife's name. This was deemed a conflict of interest. So lets not be misleading. He has never been found to be stealing money from the Thai People. It was a simply conflict of interest. He failed to report that his wife was the buyer of the land.

If anyone has any other illegal acts that he has been charged/found guilty of, please show me.

My definition of a self made man would be someone that started out poor and built a career, empire, wealth or whatever on his own. No starting out having family contacts in high places or family wealth both of which thaksin had so does not qualify as self made. Granted he took advantage of his family connections to a greater degree than most but without his connections he would not have succeeded anywhere near to the degree that he did.

As for supporting the poor being his only mistake I disagree. If he would have truly supported the poor by making sure they all got an education etc instead of creating a cycle of debt for them then I would revere him as a good man but that is not the case.

I can not look up to a man that makes comments like he has done. Such as stating that it does not matter who he chooses for cabinet ministers because they will all do as he tells them anyway. Stating that democracy is not the goal but only a tool and many other inane comments he has made not to mention financing the riots in bangkok. Look up the youtube video where he comments that if he gets back in power the people will not have to stand in line to get their 500 baht.

There is so much wrong about this guy that i can not understand how any sane person can support him.

Before anyone pops up but but but what about suthep, I think he should probably be in jail along side thaksin.


What comes to mind lunchtime today is militarism, martial law, toy soldiers who bully unarmed civilians.

What complete and utter rubbish and tosh.

Has there been any instances of normal people going about their business being bullied by soldiers? No

Have the various politicians and protesters been treated badly? Almost certainly no.

Have they had the absolute shock of their lives? Most certainly YES!


What comes to mind lunchtime today is militarism, martial law, toy soldiers who bully unarmed civilians.

What complete and utter rubbish and tosh.

Has there been any instances of normal people going about their business being bullied by soldiers? No

Have the various politicians and protesters been treated badly? Almost certainly no.

Have they had the absolute shock of their lives? Most certainly YES!

Democratic elected leaders and others associated with them in their official duties have had their person seized, removed from their families, homes, society, put under an enforced lock and key confinement, are completely dependent on the abuse of authority and the arbitrary temper and temperament of their armed forces captors. The fact is you don't know what they are experiencing and neither do I, but it's entirely reasonable and rational to say neither you nor I would want or accept such abuse or maltreatment. Do unto others.......?

The military dictators have invalidated the coup written 2007 constitution which, limited as it was, did contain some basic civil and political rights - and a few token human rights.

Your support of and your cavalier dismissal of these violations of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, signed by Thailand in 1996, betrays the document and demonstrates your contempt of the rule of law and shows your decided preference for the rule of men over the rule of law.

Where ever did you acquire these serious cultural and civilizational deficiencies?


I promised myself that I would go dark and not post anything more to TVF until things settle down. But this one is too good to let pass.

RT@tulsathit: Social media circulating what's said to be pic of Thaksin's son Panthongtae being detained by troops. via @ktnews

An alleged photo of the arrest is in the TVF news feed.

--and that is it for me. No more postings until things shake out.


Lyndon Johnson was said to have stated the following during the Vietnam war: "grab them by their balls then their hearts and minds will follow". Similar to Thailand's position vs Thaksin?


They've got her

RT @OiChutima: Former PM Yingluck Shinawatra arrived to report as ordered at the Army Club in Bangkok.

Nobody's got anybody. She walked in of her own accord.

The former prime minister is a courageous person to walk in to the Lion's Den as she has, rather than to flee Thailand.

We'll see the civility of the Boyz in Uniform now as the whole world watches.

So are the reds and all of Thailand watching and taking notes.

You wish you had the balls Yingluck has, and she has more balls than her brother ever had. It is also clear what course of action her brother has advised.

Carry on.

The reds are a spent force of no relevancy now - they can bleat from the hill tops as much as they like but things are to be done 'Prayuth's way' now and everyone has to accept that whether they like it or not!!!

Thank god he had the guts and courage to hold a bloodless coup in which the reds protesting in Bangkok were herded up and sent back to their Northern heartland with their tails between their legs. That will teach them to threaten the army with a tin-pot bunch of inadequate's posing with their pitchforks.

Self inflicted wounds methinks and what did they get out of it?? absolutely zilch apart from one hell of a smack in the teeth which was thoroughly deserved!!!

They should be taught 'respect commonsense' and 'if something sounds too good (rice scam) then don't believe it as it IS too good to be true!!

Based on what I read in the OP that the military high command has every reason to believe, you might need to calm down and get hold of yourself.

The military believes underground movements would soon surface to oppose the coup.

Bored by the indefinite curfew yet? You might want to give it the time it's going consume even if it might not avert the obvious.

The irony of it definitely escapes you, along with many others who suffer your social and cultural afflictions.

Iraq redux?


I promised myself that I would go dark and not post anything more to TVF until things settle down. But this one is too good to let pass.

RT@tulsathit: Social media circulating what's said to be pic of Thaksin's son Panthongtae being detained by troops. via @ktnews

An alleged photo of the arrest is in the TVF news feed.


I'd hope you can realize your intent but I'd guess it's going to be hard to "go dark" until things shake out as they've been shaking out for the past 8 months and the past 8+ years actually.

As for Panthongtae, it's another instance of the bully force the armed forces are using against the unarmed civilian population under martial law.

Did I say military justice is to justice as military music is to music? Not enough times, actually.


A lot of military firearms surrounding the guy.

The bozo Special Ops soldier at the right is screwing up by the numbers. He needs to have the handgun that is over his right knee away from whomever he has under arrest and is directing. He needs to be walking to the left side (as we see the scene) and not where he is walking. Not that Panthontae is ever going to lunge for it - Panthontae is not going to try to seize the handgun, so that's not the point. The point is that proper procedure requires the dumb grunt to have the sidearm away from the principal he has in his detention, not in the principal's direct line of any possible action by him. It makes no difference the handgun is reasonably secured in its holster. All possibilities of disruption or escape need to be minimized to the principal under martial law arrest. It anyway is not a news bulletin the military doesn't know what it's doing or how to execute correctly.This kind of ineptness and incompetence will cost it in the long run.


Did the army summon Mark for a meeting at the club too?

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Perhaps you missed this picture. All the happy faces are in custody including Mr Abhisit. happy now?


difference though is in the colour of their underpants PDRC are still yellow.

And the color of the Reds underpants are now brown.

You obviously have done some privates investigating.



I promised myself that I would go dark and not post anything more to TVF until things settle down. But this one is too good to let pass.

RT@tulsathit: Social media circulating what's said to be pic of Thaksin's son Panthongtae being detained by troops. via @ktnews

An alleged photo of the arrest is in the TVF news feed.


I'd hope you can realize your intent but I'd guess it's going to be hard to "go dark" until things shake out as they've been shaking out for the past 8 months and the past 8+ years actually.

As for Panthongtae, it's another instance of the bully force the armed forces are using against the unarmed civilian population under martial law.

Did I say military justice is to justice as military music is to music? Not enough times, actually.


A lot of military firearms surrounding the guy.

The bozo Special Ops soldier at the right is screwing up by the numbers. He needs to have the handgun that is over his right knee away from whomever he has under arrest and is directing. He needs to be walking to the left side (as we see the scene) and not where he is walking. Not that Panthontae is ever going to lunge for it - Panthontae is not going to try to seize the handgun, so that's not the point. The point is that proper procedure requires the dumb grunt to have the sidearm away from the principal he has in his detention, not in the principal's direct line of any possible action by him. It makes no difference the handgun is reasonably secured in its holster. All possibilities of disruption or escape need to be minimized to the principal under martial law arrest. It anyway is not a news bulletin the military doesn't know what it's doing or how to execute correctly.This kind of ineptness and incompetence will cost it in the long run.

You mean just like incompetence was the downfall of the crooked corrupt government led on Skype by a convicted criminal who unlike his sister did run and hide.

Its high blood pressure time for a lot of the red followers, they were at the side that bullied and intimidated and killed and on stage cheered about dead children. Now they are not that tough. I hope it stays that way because i think not even the red posters here are in the mood for a bloody civil war.


difference though is in the colour of their underpants PDRC are still yellow.

And the color of the Reds underpants are now brown.

You obviously have done some privates investigating.

Nah, the smell of the spontaneous evacuations are horrific.

I see there's another Dutch uncle present or izzit that the jeans deceive me.

You disseminate apologist deflection mythology from the Netherlands. What were the local natives of New Amsterdam, soon to be New York going to do with an island in the Spice Islands? The Dutch purchased Manhattan island from the Lanape Native Americans for 60 gilders worth of goods ($ 24-26).

Manhattan island today accounts of $1.6 trillion of total U.S. GDP.

Cry your heart out.

It was the only known place where Nutmeg grew. Do your home-work first before spouting rubbish.

See link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run_(island)

You're citing Wikipedia?

What, did you yourself insert the item a couple of hours ago?


I'd rather believe Wiki than you. I also happen to know as I've lived in Thailand before he became a politician but paid 32,000 Bt for my first mobile phone due to the AIS monopoly.

Who are you citing? You can't just make stuff up and not expect someone to call you on it. Don't disparage my source unless you can disprove it. Are you new to the internet? Give a link. Put up or, shut up.

My god, I don't have the time or the interest to clarify or clear out the fog you are in. For one thing, I don't need to cite any sources to impeach Wiki as definitive.You anyway might want to visit the following link:


I quote from the link: "Manhattan has transformed into a cosmopolitan city, the center of the world’s economy. Meanwhile, Runa has continued to suffer," he said.

The Dutch did swindle the Lenape Native Americans out of their possession, Manhattan island, for 60 guilders worth of goods ($24-26). I'd noted that today Manhattan island USA accounts for $1.6 trillion of total U.S. GDP. That's a ROI that would make Warren Buffett stutter for more than his usual three seconds, perhaps even to choke a little.

And the Brits did in fact swap their Run island possession (Runa) in in the Dutch East Indies for Manhattan in the 1667 Treaty of Brenda, leaving the Dutch with a worthless possession in their Dutch East Indies. (Lesson: never sign a treaty named Brenda....or Karen.) I don't wanna scare you, but I suppose it would be like a present day Thai-Dutch swap of Pattaya for Roitterdam.

Whaddayousay we let sleeping dogs lie at this point in the thread.



It’s not that we don’t believe in democracy, it’s just that for the sake of the nation we can only allow democracy that selects the right people. Our history has proven to us over and over than the work of good men is the only proven source of prosperity, and any threats to that prosperity must be eradicated. Thaksin and any party under his control is a republican movement that uses carefully staged propaganda and the allure of a charismatic personality to cover up the truth. The sad thing is that the truth is readily available to anyone who is willing to look beyond his bubble of like-minded peers and read some actual history. But they’re too brainwashed to accept the fact that their hero is an autocrat, a self-serving elitist, and a collaborator with foreign powers.

And who exactly are the "right people?"

  • Like 1

I promised myself that I would go dark and not post anything more to TVF until things settle down. But this one is too good to let pass.

RT@tulsathit: Social media circulating what's said to be pic of Thaksin's son Panthongtae being detained by troops. via @ktnews

An alleged photo of the arrest is in the TVF news feed.


I'd hope you can realize your intent but I'd guess it's going to be hard to "go dark" until things shake out as they've been shaking out for the past 8 months and the past 8+ years actually.

As for Panthongtae, it's another instance of the bully force the armed forces are using against the unarmed civilian population under martial law.

Did I say military justice is to justice as military music is to music? Not enough times, actually.


A lot of military firearms surrounding the guy.

The bozo Special Ops soldier at the right is screwing up by the numbers. He needs to have the handgun that is over his right knee away from whomever he has under arrest and is directing. He needs to be walking to the left side (as we see the scene) and not where he is walking. Not that Panthontae is ever going to lunge for it - Panthontae is not going to try to seize the handgun, so that's not the point. The point is that proper procedure requires the dumb grunt to have the sidearm away from the principal he has in his detention, not in the principal's direct line of any possible action by him. It makes no difference the handgun is reasonably secured in its holster. All possibilities of disruption or escape need to be minimized to the principal under martial law arrest. It anyway is not a news bulletin the military doesn't know what it's doing or how to execute correctly.This kind of ineptness and incompetence will cost it in the long run.

I wonder why this chap needs two weapons to escort an unarmed detainee? I also suspect that if he were to do anything energetic the gat strapped to his thigh would probably fall off!

Maybe that is what the two monkeys (sorry Military Policemen) mincing along behind are for - to pick up all the kit he drops?

Someone has been watching too many movies methinks.


I promised myself that I would go dark and not post anything more to TVF until things settle down. But this one is too good to let pass.

RT@tulsathit: Social media circulating what's said to be pic of Thaksin's son Panthongtae being detained by troops. via @ktnews

An alleged photo of the arrest is in the TVF news feed.


I'd hope you can realize your intent but I'd guess it's going to be hard to "go dark" until things shake out as they've been shaking out for the past 8 months and the past 8+ years actually.

As for Panthongtae, it's another instance of the bully force the armed forces are using against the unarmed civilian population under martial law.

Did I say military justice is to justice as military music is to music? Not enough times, actually.


A lot of military firearms surrounding the guy.

The bozo Special Ops soldier at the right is screwing up by the numbers. He needs to have the handgun that is over his right knee away from whomever he has under arrest and is directing. He needs to be walking to the left side (as we see the scene) and not where he is walking. Not that Panthontae is ever going to lunge for it - Panthontae is not going to try to seize the handgun, so that's not the point. The point is that proper procedure requires the dumb grunt to have the sidearm away from the principal he has in his detention, not in the principal's direct line of any possible action by him. It makes no difference the handgun is reasonably secured in its holster. All possibilities of disruption or escape need to be minimized to the principal under martial law arrest. It anyway is not a news bulletin the military doesn't know what it's doing or how to execute correctly.This kind of ineptness and incompetence will cost it in the long run.

I wonder why this chap needs two weapons to escort an unarmed detainee? I also suspect that if he were to do anything energetic the gat strapped to his thigh would probably fall off!

Maybe that is what the two monkeys (sorry Military Policemen) mincing along behind are for - to pick up all the kit he drops?

Someone has been watching too many movies methinks.

Not trying to stop him getting awway..to protect him from people who know that some of what he knows could hurt them.
  • Like 2

Military had shown a sign of change over the past 7 months. I truly thought the military would provide the security, force political parties to negotiate, find a happy medium set of reforms, and quickly implement an election. Unfortunately, the Army chose the path of old, outdated methods to deal with its people.

I guess you missed it when Prayuth held meetings for two days, and Thaksin forbid the PTP & UDD to compromise.


Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Lyndon Johnson was said to have stated the following during the Vietnam war: "grab them by their balls then their hearts and minds will follow". Similar to Thailand's position vs Thaksin?

Well he was wrong. I recall the retreat when the helicopters were evacuating all the US advisors etc from Saigon and there was so little space on the waiting ships that the machines were being pushed overboard.


democracy does not work here..

.there are elections and one party does not like the outcome and attempts to have the results overturned.

they succeed and now the army is in power..

perhaps the army should stay in power, so the elite city dwellers can continue to oppress the poor

who will have no voice because the popular vote, the majority vote is not accepted by the losers... .

who will always have some excuse to invalidate the results they dont like ...

like the voters were bribed...or someone was promised this or that...

so the perfect becomes the enemy of the good.

until the poor decide to riot and anarchy ensues and the chaos rules.

and the cycle repeats itself as those who fail to learn from history ...

democracy will never work here

You need to get your facts straight. The Democrats did accept the election result in 2011 and operated as the opposition until December last year.

If they accepted the results than why quit early? And why not run again when parliament was dissolved?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Military had shown a sign of change over the past 7 months. I truly thought the military would provide the security, force political parties to negotiate, find a happy medium set of reforms, and quickly implement an election. Unfortunately, the Army chose the path of old, outdated methods to deal with its people.

I guess you missed it when Prayuth held meetings for two days, and Thaksin forbid the PTP & UDD to compromise.

Check the Live Feed.

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