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High milk price go against Thai govt wishes to increase milk consumption


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"where each person consumes an average of 60 liters of milk per year. Elsewhere, people living in the European Union (EU) nations consume an average of 300 liters of milk per year. "

??? so if other asian countries consume more alcohol than thailand....then the government would promote drinking more alcohol? Or if other citizens in other asian countries owned more guns, then thailand would recommend people buying more guns.....

It's odd that this "milk" talk is seen as something healthy....there's quite a bit of evidence that suggests otherwise...just google it....or maybe drink soy milk. But I think there is more to this than just 'milk'....like farmers who want to make more money selling it and some big farmer who has a connection in the govt who might be showing some appreciation for the recognition of "selling more milk". Money is usually hiding somewhere behind the story. Health conscious people don't drink a lot of milk....if any at all. But they will have a couple glasses of wine with dinner.


Makes it easier to put the kids to bed after dinner TOOOOOOO

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"Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year, making the nation's level of milk consumption much lower than other countries around the world."

Good lord, I'm sure most of us drink 14 litres every 3 weeks or less, of milk

Maybe that's why a large comparable percentage of Thai males develop titties?

Evolution of milk drinking may have just found the answer to so much Thai gayness? whistling.gif


If not, it's just another tasteless, bigotted, veiled, homophobic remark.

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Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year,

Is this why so many have short legs? Whenever I see a short Thai I think "Mum didn't feed him enough milk".

I drink at least 6 litres of Meiji - dark blue cap - a week, sometimes more.

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Low dairy consumption is one of the factors in the relatively short stature of Thais ( significant difference with changes in Singapore, Korea, Japan, Taiwan over the past 40 years). From my observation, Thais run a greater chance of health issues with the looming carbohydrate/sugar crisis , thanks to the infiltration of crap western food into the diet

I agree but also don't count out all bad Thai foods, the fried foods , the Thai deserts (loaded with sugar). Thai food by definition is not healthy especially street food with its fats. Home cooked Thai food with fresh ingredients and more meat and less rice is quite good.

Too much rice and sugars will cause insulin resistance.

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I think I should point out that 60% of milk sold in Thailand comes from NZ.

For those of you worried about the quality of it, NZ and the rest of the world don't seem that bothered.

Thanks for pointing this out. Could you provide some evidence to back up your statement? How will I know if the milk I'm buying is from NZ? Which brands?

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Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year,

Is this why so many have short legs? Whenever I see a short Thai I think "Mum didn't feed him enough milk".

I drink at least 6 litres of Meiji - dark blue cap - a week, sometimes more.

How's the weather up there you must be at least seven feet tall. 555

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year,

Is this why so many have short legs? Whenever I see a short Thai I think "Mum didn't feed him enough milk".

I drink at least 6 litres of Meiji - dark blue cap - a week, sometimes more.

How's the weather up there you must be at least seven feet tall. 555

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

OK rolleyes.gif, I should've said: "Mum didn't feed him enough milk when he was a baby". wai.gif

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"Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year, making the nation's level of milk consumption much lower than other countries around the world."

Good lord, I'm sure most of us drink 14 litres every 3 weeks or less, of milk

Maybe that's why a large comparable percentage of Thai males develop titties?

Evolution of milk drinking may have just found the answer to so much Thai gayness? whistling.gif

I believe the majority of male titties are unrelated to milk consumption .

You are absolutely right.

A recent scientific study linked the consumption of beer to the development of male breasts.

Apparently beer has a high level of female hormones in it.

And when a man drinks beer his female inner self takes over.

This explains why when a man drinks beer he talks sh!t and can't drive!!!

sooo true...are there any drinks with male hormones? Vodka? It also helps against radioactivity.....

Maybe they should give vodka in the schools?

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"Thais on average consume only 14 liters of milk per year, making the nation's level of milk consumption much lower than other countries around the world."

Good lord, I'm sure most of us drink 14 litres every 3 weeks or less, of milk

Maybe that's why a large comparable percentage of Thai males develop titties?

Evolution of milk drinking may have just found the answer to so much Thai gayness? whistling.gif

I believe the majority of male titties are unrelated to milk consumption .

You are absolutely right.

A recent scientific study linked the consumption of beer to the development of male breasts.

Apparently beer has a high level of female hormones in it.

And when a man drinks beer his female inner self takes over.

This explains why when a man drinks beer he talks sh!t and can't drive!!!


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Cows milk might not be that good for humans. It's good for baby cows though.

old propaganda without evidence.....

A huge body of evidence suggests cows milk is deleterious for human consumption.

I love the stuff but gave it up after checking the facts.

Pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, bovine growth hormones, pus.

Cruelty to the animals.

But yummy!

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Low dairy consumption is one of the factors in the relatively short stature of Thais ( significant difference with changes in Singapore, Korea, Japan, Taiwan over the past 40 years). From my observation, Thais run a greater chance of health issues with the looming carbohydrate/sugar crisis , thanks to the infiltration of crap western food into the diet

Crap western food. Speak to CP.(7-11)

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I hope that the prices will go sky high and then people will not drink this dangerous "food." Unless you are drinking unpasteurized milk the milk sold in supermarkets is full of whatever the cows took in their bodies such as antibiotics and hormones. Some still think milk is a source of calcium, well, there is a problem there because it has been proven that the pasteurization of milk makes the calcium of the milk unusable and unassimalable. Dairy products like cheese and butter and yogurt made from pasteurized milk have the same issues and are not healthy unless they are "raw and unpasteurized." Google or talk to a doctor who has some concept of nutrition and you will hear the same thing!


"took into there bodies,hope no ones drinking milk from that cow that got raped by the local villager recently,then,could they get pregnant?

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For humans,breast milk from the mother is best,kinda difficult to get when your over 3 years though,maybe they could set up a milking factory somewhere,a country were the women have ample breasts[not los] and start milking,i have been mulling this over for many years.

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I think I should point out that 60% of milk sold in Thailand comes from NZ.

For those of you worried about the quality of it, NZ and the rest of the world don't seem that bothered.

If this is true then most milk here is made from milk powder.


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The milk in Thailand is at least twice as expensive as in europe and it tastes like manure. Haven't had milk in the last 2 years here except for some yoghurt. Cheese and butter to are way to expensive here.

Thai milk is like Thai beer ,( to expensive and tastes like piss) . Only inported beer tastes better but the imported milk not , so could it be the water that they add to the milkpowder?

Or maybe they just add a little of formaldehyde to keep it fresh....

The government ( what govenment? ) wants me to drink more milk? Sure , in a couple of months when I 'm in europe , milk , pudding , cheese , quark, Buttermilk , real ice cream,....

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Cow milk is bad for humans, been proved, thai will start to suffer of osteoporosis and other illness related, my daughter been breastfeed for 4 years (well that is too much may be too), and drinks only Soy milk, she doesn't like cow milk at all, she bring her soy milk to school....

And Asian people begin their trouble with illness like in the west world with the introduction of sugar, milk and beginner to eat lots more meat than before.

The China Study and The Sugar Blues, say it all.

if you set out to prove something, chances are you will find it. if your worried about your body then you must not have a cell phone, or live in bkk, or eat that street food, or roll around in the dirt.

i agree that it is important to take care of your body. cells need to regenerate and not mutate. but its so fun.

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