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Non immig B visa question

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I had an interview at a uni this week and they more or less offered me the job and will confirm next week they said. I was the only one to apply and thus think they are keen to take me on.

Im on the second entry of a tourist visa and thought about doing a quick trip out of Thailand before the job starts.

Its my understanding that I would have to change my visa to a Non immig B visa. Is this correct? Can I only do this once my employer provides me with the relevant documents? Is there anyway that I can get the non immig B when Im abroad without the documents- does the non immig B have to link to my employer?

I assume that once I have the non immig B I can then come back and then apply for the work permit etc.

If there are other ways of getting the non immig B visa at a thai consulate abroad please advise.


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an esteemed member PM'ed me the following useful opinion. Posting it here in case it helps other members as well:

''you'd have to get the paperwork from your new employer before leaving. doesn't look like that's going to happen. i wouldn't try to talk to them about it as the reaction would be unpredictable.

when you get back, it is possible to get an extension based on employment at immigration without leaving the country to get a B visa first. they can do it with any kind of stamp in your passport, even a 30 day 'visa exempt' stamp that you get just by coming in without any visa at all (must be from a G7 country if by land).


1) if your university doesn't understand that the rules changed years ago to allow this, and many don't, then you will be sent back out of the country again to get a B visa.

2) if you have only a few days left on your current immigration status by the time they uni gives you the paperwork, immigration may or may not allow you to extend. i have done it with as little as 3 days left on a 30 day stamp (and why not - the extension is usually issued same day), but it's really up to immigration whether they feel like it or not.


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Yes re the Non-Immigrant B for work you absolutely need the relevant docs from your employer. And yes you must apply for the visa at a Thai Embassy outside of the Kingdom such as Penang or Singapore.

I just returned from the latter yesterday with my new Non-Immigrant B no problem. The only thing I'd suggest when you do get the paperwork is to make very sure that all the docs are in order. My boss actually forgot to include a letter of employment so they actually "rejected" my application the first day until I could get him to give me one which took some doing. By the time I got it there was only 10 minutes left before the 11:30 AM closing time for accepting visa applications that day. So I had to go back the next day to start from scratch and then wait until the day after that until 2 PM to pick up my passport with visa. The delay and problem wasn't with the Embassy but my boss, his F*** Up which forced me to extend my stay in Singapore for another day at some considerable expense. it is after all one of the most expensive cities in SE Asia if not the world.

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If one has the Non-B Visa, but no WP, are there any consistent reports, on not being allowed back in country with the 90 day border runs ?

I have seen no reports of that happening. I have read of a person being asked for a work permit but they were not refused entry.

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