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thicky question. If the Baht is devalued..

fish fingers

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If the Baht continues to devalue it just means you could buy another identical condo for less USD / GBP even though the Baht amount would be the same.

As you recently purchased the property you probably want to use it for some time to come so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I have no plans on ever purchasing property here, certainly not at the prices they're being sold for now.

Also if the forthcoming immigration crackdown goes as far as I suspect it will there's going to be plenty of cheap properties on the market in the coming years.

What crackdowns?? Did they not try this a few years back and gave up?

there was never a crack-down except the cracks in the skulls of some people.

Don't leave the ladies cracks out of this discussion...biggrin.png

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what I mean is, if the baht is devalued, I take it all my thai assets (property and thai baht in account) will be then worth x amount less against Sterling?

TROLLING, but for what it's worth. If you paid 1,000,000Thb at 50/£.

1,000,000 ÷ 50 = £20,000

If you sell it for 1,500,000 at 53/£.

1,500,000 % 53 = £28,300 - taxes.

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If the last 2 coups were anything to go by, the Baht will soon be on its way up.

After 1992 Thailand enjoyed the greatest growth ever in it's history. It even exceeded the GDP of the UK I believe in 1994. Before it triggered the Asian Financial Crisis in July 1997.

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One would need a particularly powerful imagination to arrive at a scenario like that in Thailand. I see many condos for sale here but few buyers.



| Q3 2013




Ho ho ho. Real estate agents are always good for a laugh, aren't they?

I was talking about re-sales. I think the person I replied to was also. And indeed that appears to be the entire subject of the thread.

Bangkok is in a building boom. A short drive will confirm that. I think the people move out of one condo (sell it) and move into a more expensive new one. I don't think you buy one of the real expensive ones as a first home. So the new sales also reflect success in the resale market.

It's a good time to buy. I don't think its at the bottom yet but close. Give it 12 months or a year but I do have a feeling that the smart money is in now. There is a problem with the labor shortage so many new condos are being delayed till the workers become available to finish them. Those desperate Siamese peasants are becoming harder and harder to find for the workforce. Check out the new Central Embassy if you doubt me.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Hehe wow your life must have changed Berkshire. I hope its changed for the better and you can find a woman who will be faithful to you next time.

Hey buffalo, where on Earth do you get this stuff? I've never been married in Thailand and certainly have never had anyone cheating on me. Do you have me mixed up with someone else?

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