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Have I met a transgender lady?


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Go with your instinct ,if you had to ask theirs your answer...

Or ask to see her ID card ,they cannot Change gender on the card.

Yes and very easy to get your hands on her ID, just tell her your thinking of taking her on holiday to your country and want to spell the name correctly on the air ticket...thumbsup.gif

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If you've been around a bit in the world of bargirls, chances are you've shagged a post-op which technically makes 75% of those on Thai Visa homosexual. Just saying like.

Only if you knew that it was really a guy, but it is usually pretty obvious.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Next time you are sticking your tongue down it's throat go for a grab, you'll soon know if she's got guy bits down there.

maybe He has ah his meat and two veg removed so not a reliable way to find out. any one can tell a man a mile off, or a chick with a dick.

If he has a front bum and rear bum I'll have a crack at it.

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Gender Identity Disorder is a serious condition that often though not always correlates with very serious psychosocial pathologies including violence. In addition, you are dealing with a culture with which apparently you have no familiarity and which is extraordinarily different from that with which, it can be assumed, you are familiar. This presents fascinating challenges in everyday life, but when you are dealing with issues of intimacy it can prove to be a real...well, drag.

Finally, it is evident that you are resisting what you have told as bluntly as the culture allows. Your paramour is what he is. It is utterly irrelevant whether he has been castrated as some here flippantly suggest; the issues he so regretably faces are above the neck not below the waist.

The very fact that you have allowed this silliness to progress this far suggests that, perhaps, you may be emotionally vulnerable. Only you will know if this might be true; but be warned that Thailand is a place where the emotionally vulnerable tend to impale themselves.

My advice is save yourself. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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I wouldn't worry.If they have had the full job,nice bosoms,and the penis removed and the surgeon has made them a vagina out of skin and latex I would go for it.They need a bit of lovin.Just remember that whatever the surgeon has done they are still a man,but you can still play around and do anything but except kiss them that is wrong

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You could take the test here.... I got 9 out of 10, pretty chuffed with that, but I reckon I might still do most of them....lol


Gun-ga-din ... you are a better spotter them me ... 7 out 10

Maybe it was just me wishing that they were girls!

You scored 9 out of 10 correctly (90%).

Congratulations! You're a champion ladyboy spotter.

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I wish you the best with this. It is often hard to tell. I have seen several Asian countries that raise one of their sons to be a woman. Philippines has lady boys, I just saw a story of a lady boy on a Samoan soccer team, and they have Katoys here. I had a friend in the Navy who had a few too many beers in the PI and he took a "lady" home and was gobsmacked buy the extra plumbing! It could be a man's worst nightmare but let's not forget we're dealing with a human being with feelings so I would let the lady boy down gently if your suspicions grow into something to big to handle.

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Dang, dude! I can spot lady boys most of the time right away, and I don't have to be close enough to be sucking face to do it. There are a few who have really got it together, and it takes a bit more effort to spot them, but it sounds like your little dewdrop isn't in that number.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Is it troll time already?

No, I would genuinely like advice. I have 0 experience with transgender persons.

Accidentally...run your hand between her legs...then you will know...no apology necessary...

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Lots of heterosexual males have relationships with ladyboys. Looks like a women, talks like a women, acts like a women and has had the chop, then unless you want kids, go for it!

Go for it if you like screwing a man bah.gif

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put your finger in her/his pussy and see if its full of KY gel. If it is then its a ladyboy, if it isn't then lick her pussy for 5 minutes and see if it gets wet. if its wet then its a woman, if its still dry......then work it out for yourself.

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OP, two things ladyboys can't hide:

A. Adams apple (as already stated)

B. Feet size (if it looks like you two can exchange shoes, then you have your answer)

Edited by elzach
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Troll. I cannot beleive that you are unable to distinguish between a ladyboy and girl at such close quarters after several meetings and even kissing.

You should try the spot the Thai lady boy game I came across on the web one time, if they have had the chop, had the boobies done, took the hormones, I would challenge you to spot the "fake" sometimes it isn't easy to do....

It is almost always very easy to tell in person, but photos of the most beautiful katoeys in the country are a different story.

Wrong, the adams apple gives it away, aND I KNOW that a few have had that shaved too, but very few

Easy use the acid test they cannot get around. Ask her/him to extend the arm. Check if the elbow bends back on itself. Females can overextend the elbow but for males it is impossible.


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It is an opportunity for a new experience , heterosexual you may be , but you might regret a missed opportunity .

Many heterosexuals feel it is OK to go with a trans , because it's not like going with another bloke .

My guess is you are finding a girlfriend in a wrong location for a long term relationship .

Go for it , it may not work out anyway .

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You don't need to ask her as it may seem insulting and what if your wrong? Ask to have a look at her Thai ID card, you may do this by pretending to simply compare from your country to hers. The name on the ID is her legal name. If she was a man, she cannot change the Mr/Miss part from a man to a lady. So even if she was a man before, and now had all the surgery so there was no tell tale signs, the ID card will tell you the truth.

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