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Just an idea.. could Thailand brew a new beer from the rice mountain?

fish fingers

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I've heard much of the stored rice is not fit to be sold for consumption as its now quite old and also heavily sprayed - and if the 'good' rice cannot reach a realistic selling price then why not brew a rice beer with it? And the farmers cd be given shares in the new business.

Edited by fish fingers
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alcohol made from rice normally tastes terrible imo

ever tried lao kao or rice wine or rice whisky ?

also ,where is this mountain ? (rumours said a lot had been sold and the money sent to HK banks under the Yingluck govt ),the rest destroyed by rotting and fire and chemicals

also covered in bird and rat shit

would be interesting to know how much is actually left that could be used for anything never mind sold for consumption ?

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where did u hear this? do u have a link?

there have been stories of spoiled rotting rice in the news forum for months ..........

and what % of it is unfit for human consumption?

my job is not evaluating rice qualities thk fck

read the stories for yourself ,you might even learn something ...........coffee1.gif

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where did u hear this? do u have a link?

there have been stories of spoiled rotting rice in the news forum for months ..........

and what % of it is unfit for human consumption?

my job is not evaluating rice qualities thk fck

read the stories for yourself ,you might even learn something ...........coffee1.gif

so you dont know. i guess you didnt read the stories.

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so you dont know. i guess you didnt read the stories.

i did but many stories contradicted each other and im not in a position to tell the exact percentage of rice thats spoiled

again ,try reading some more ............ tis good for the brain......coffee1.gif

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so you dont know. i guess you didnt read the stories.

i did but many stories contradicted each other and im not in a position to tell the exact percentage of rice thats spoiled

again ,try reading some more ............ tis good for the brain......coffee1.gif

well you read them and you still dont know so i'll probably look for reading material a tad more informative

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so you dont know. i guess you didnt read the stories.

i did but many stories contradicted each other and im not in a position to tell the exact percentage of rice thats spoiled

well you read them and you still dont know so i'll probably look for reading material a tad more informative

let us know when you find out the % then..............farmers ,millers and the govt cant

figure it out but im sure you could ......... coffee1.gif

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so you dont know. i guess you didnt read the stories.

i did but many stories contradicted each other and im not in a position to tell the exact percentage of rice thats spoiled

well you read them and you still dont know so i'll probably look for reading material a tad more informative

let us know when you find out the % then..............farmers ,millers and the govt cant

figure it out but im sure you could ......... coffee1.gif

if no one knows what is and is not fit for human consumption, perhaps there is not a problem.

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even if rice could make beer ,they would need to send over some germans or even better belgians to show them how to make it

thai beer is only useful for getting drunk by pouring it down your neck ASAP ,i dont think any beer conniseurs would ever say a thai beer was

on the same level as quality european beers .........

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As far as I know both Chang and Cheers are brewed with rice already.

Chang Classic contains rice. Chang draught, export and lite don't.

I think that regular Chang brewed outside of Thailand doesn't also.

But even so:


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Sake is made with rice.

Yes and it is a fine drink, expensive too. Vodka can be made from anything probably even rat shit. They could turn it into ethanol and put it into gasohol.

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