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Problem getting deposit back on apartment - advice needed


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Mate there's something to learn from this, just go back and read your own OP. Forget the principle stuff and develop your Thai smile(s) wink.png

There's more than one way to pee off a landlady. The right shade of Thai smile and a chok dee na is enough to provoke violence, nevermind leave 'em seething.

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Did I miss something? You told her you were going to be at the school for 12 months but not in the apartment for all of that time, you gave a specific timeframe for being in the apartment, she wrote a 12 month contract and you signed it, then you're surprised when she turns out to be dishonest?

Trying to make a stand and stop her from doing this sort of thing, either for your benefit or the benefit of future tenants won't work, her behaviour won't change. The second you're out her sight she'll just do whatever she thinks she can get away with, which is exactly what she's doing now. You'll have a heart attack long before you change the behaviour of people like that here man, you've got more important things to focus on, take care of your lady and the best of luck with the kid.

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Get over it. For this miniscule amount, it is too much of a hassle. Getting a lawyer or taking it to the court would cost you tenfold more.

As for the contract, you should have had made it clear to her what you want and confirm it, on paper! Singed by both parties, you and the landlord. Did you not do that? This should all be done before handing over the deposit or any money.

Nevermind, obvious trol is trol. A ''lawyer'' who failed to sign a simple rent contract. funny read though. Ps. Nice pic.

Edited by Datebayo
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Lol I'm not dead, yet....just working.

Firstly I better put those minds at ease who are upset about the lack of paragraphs, the browser on my phone deleted the paragraphs when I posted to this site and it may have done it again this time around. But yeah, the area is in decline for sure, but this has more to do with cuts and reforms rather than a young broke guy wanting to retaliate for being callously ripped off.

Thanks all, there really doesn't seem like much I can do and she knows that. Thailand is pretty lawless in comparison to the UK.

I'm not sure why a couple of you say "learn from it", there's nothing to "learn" from and no way of avoiding someone steal your money. Also, not sure what you mean by saying I've been a year so I should learn about Thailand. You have no idea of what I know and do not know about the place. I can only assume from your lack of knowing me that you are referring to me wanting to strike back/get even/resolve this. That's not Thai but that's me, whether in Thailand or not. Sorry dude, that's not something that I can change, or something that I necessarily want too change.

If you think all lawyers are always law abiding out of hours, you're very very wrong. They are humans too.

Thanks again for the contributions, I'm going to keep the keys for 4 weeks and then give them back. I may as well limited her ability to rent it out if I'm paying for the month.

well your right on one thing all lawyers are crooks only thing is they can do it legally they are scum of earth as far as most are concerned and bled their clients dry

your an idiot thinking of keeping keys etc I bet as someone said your wife said you'd probably stay 1 year

anyway your a complete idiot for not just walking away

but up to you if you want more trouble you will get it for sure

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Did I miss something? You told her you were going to be at the school for 12 months but not in the apartment for all of that time, you gave a specific timeframe for being in the apartment, she wrote a 12 month contract and you signed it, then you're surprised when she turns out to be dishonest?

Trying to make a stand and stop her from doing this sort of thing, either for your benefit or the benefit of future tenants won't work, her behaviour won't change. The second you're out her sight she'll just do whatever she thinks she can get away with, which is exactly what she's doing now. You'll have a heart attack long before you change the behaviour of people like that here man, you've got more important things to focus on, take care of your lady and the best of luck with the kid.

sorry i missed that op signed a 12m onto contract so if thats true whats fuss we've let condos for over 20 years and all on 1 year minimum contract if tenant breaks it he/she is liable for rent for whole period and of course they are lucky if they only loose their 3 month deposit. We've had some clever dicks trying to not pay last months rent and they soon learn when water and elec are turned off. Any attempt at taking anything or anything iike that and police are called immediately. As I said we've let in Bangkok Pattaya and other laces for over 20 years and vast majority of our tenants are really happy but then we dont do down market places less than 20,000 a month.

Ops a complete idiot he signed a 12 month contract and isl icky she's not demanding rest of 12 months rect

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It's not nice being diddled even though a small amount, I know, and I'd generally go with the consensus. However you could have a bit of fun, such as smearing a sliver of fish gut over the aircon blower bearings, loosening off pipe connections on the back of fridge; things of this nature. Also like the idea of calling her up and asking her what she thinks of you going to the rev dept. Making the odd room booking also goes without saying.

Be a pain in her ass; some Thais rip farangs with aplomb as we're such an easy target/don't want problems etc. Yes, move on and all that, but also do your karma a favour. ;)

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This is very small money, even in Thailand.

I paid 40k deposits before where I lived in Bangkok and I got my money back thanks to a solid contract and honest owner. I know people with a lot bigger problems than arguing about 2000 baht . Forget it man .

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Did I miss something? You told her you were going to be at the school for 12 months but not in the apartment for all of that time, you gave a specific timeframe for being in the apartment, she wrote a 12 month contract and you signed it, then you're surprised when she turns out to be dishonest?

Trying to make a stand and stop her from doing this sort of thing, either for your benefit or the benefit of future tenants won't work, her behaviour won't change. The second you're out her sight she'll just do whatever she thinks she can get away with, which is exactly what she's doing now. You'll have a heart attack long before you change the behaviour of people like that here man, you've got more important things to focus on, take care of your lady and the best of luck with the kid.

sorry i missed that op signed a 12m onto contract so if thats true whats fuss we've let condos for over 20 years and all on 1 year minimum contract if tenant breaks it he/she is liable for rent for whole period and of course they are lucky if they only loose their 3 month deposit. We've had some clever dicks trying to not pay last months rent and they soon learn when water and elec are turned off. Any attempt at taking anything or anything iike that and police are called immediately. As I said we've let in Bangkok Pattaya and other laces for over 20 years and vast majority of our tenants are really happy but then we dont do down market places less than 20,000 a month.

Ops a complete idiot he signed a 12 month contract and isl icky she's not demanding rest of 12 months rect

What you have been doing is highly illegal and I do hope you do not come across that one tenant with knowledge and balls or you might end up locked up paying 250 000 bail money.

I am referring to cutting off water and electricity .

You are not a water or electric company and have no right to cut off basic necessity's

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Welcome to Thailand.

Forget it and move on you've just been done by a nasty person not all landlords are like that.

Whether something signed or not, Electric and water bills leave you with a 1000 plus loss not worth worrying about.

not all landlords/ owners/managers are, but a high damn percentage are . Bunch of cheats

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

disagree, not fair.

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The OP, who clearly is not a Lawyer, got someone to write the initial post but now can not find someone to help him write a reply.

Maybe he got collared by the BiB nicking the Fridge and television, hence the reason he hasn't replied and they are holding him on THB 250k bond...rolleyes.gif

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I just spent 15 minutes multi-quotes for it to crash with a website error. Frustrating.

I'll just say to that one person who thinks that parents always pay for their son's/daughters education, you are wrong. That is rarely ever the case. Times have changed since your day and they have student loans and career development bank loans these days that the graduate must pay back with interest. And I think most owners of law firms are scumbags, but not the solicitors themselves. Most owners are very corrupt and do steal from their Clients. I worked for a firm that got involved with fraud and money laundering, I left when I found out and came here.

And to the other person who has not heard a lawyer use the word "dude" before, you should see what goes down on a friday night. Some have even been known to drink a beer or three ;)

To the person who thinks teaching children in Phrae is worthless, if you are going to spend the rest of your retirement here in Thailandat least try and have respect for the Thai people.

Thanks all for your help, I feel so much better now. I know that all I can really do - due to the lengthy and expensive court procedure and tendency for the Police to look out for their own first of all - is bend over and take it. I completely lost the plot with anger when I did the OP, I'm still angry but I've got it under control.

Cheers thumbsup.gif

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Get anger managment, and keep away from guns. Also, if you're loosing your temper over such trivial matters, perhaps Thailand isn't for you.

Was thinking the same thing..OP you need to let some things slide put it down to a cheap lesson.. Sabai sabai

Edited by wow64
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Get anger managment, and keep away from guns. Also, if you're loosing your temper over such trivial matters, perhaps Thailand isn't for you.

Or the court room if you are a lawyer?.

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Get anger managment, and keep away from guns. Also, if you're loosing your temper over such trivial matters, perhaps Thailand isn't for you.

Or the court room if you are a lawyer?.

"Most owners are very corrupt and do steal from their Clients. I worked for a firm that got involved with fraud and money laundering, I left when I found out and came here"

An honest lawyer working for a corrupt legal firm in the UK, giving it all up to work as in English teacher in Thailand.....

sounds all very John Grisham to me...rolleyes.gif

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