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Go to Tesco and get a can of Pumpkin Seeds, give it a week, Mai Pen Rai...
U won't even get up in the middle of the night

What section of Tescos has canned pumpkin seeds?
The Irony of it is , The Nut Section. Bags or Cans ...

Thanks, will have a look next time I go.

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I know the UKs Daily Mail is banned at the moment in Thailand,but I have it on Kindle.

Opened the paper today and there it was "UROLIFT" new surgical procedure,seems a good alternative to past surgical procedures,just

learn a bit more about it before commiting.

You can find a very easy to understand illustration on YouTube.


I had the same problem in the uk.

There is no medication to increase the flow of urine as you prostrate is enlarged and is blocking the flow.

You should go and get a Catheter fitted as I had which is a tube that is inserted into your Penis which goes into the bladder and you will need to wear a small bag that can be strapped to your inside leg with a drain valve on it to drain it off when full.

I wore one for 6 months and travelled to Thailand with it but I was stopped at Heathrow and had to go into a small room and drop my pants to show that I was wearing one which was very embarrassing .

The operation that I had did not involve anything shoved up my back passage.

They insert a tube down your penis which they insert a scrapping mechanism which removes the fatty tissues that are inflating your prostrate.

It is also fitted with a camera so they can see what they are doing.

I chose to have injections in my spine so I was awake while the operation took place and I also watched what they were doing on a screen but it was a bit gruesome watching it as they said nobody has asked to watch it before.

I now can pee 1 1/2 metres instead of peeing on my shoes so don't worry about having it done you will feel great after a couple of days


Try Xatral xl 10mg available without prescription from most pharmacies. Priced from 1150-1400 baht for one month supply of tablets. Was recommended to me by a Thai urologist from Bangkok Pattaya hospital three years ago. Works great and lots cheaper than Flomax or Avodart. Good luck.


Beware of starting medicines mentioned above. Doxaxozin and tamulosin (and the other similar meds mentioned) can cause changes in your blood pressure. They are both associated with what's known as orthostatic hypotension which often presents with standing up and falling over. As one poster above referenced, saw palmetto has been thoroughly discredited, Saving money by surgical tourism is fine but make sure you know what kind of surgery you'll be getting and read up on the high incidence of resistant surgical infections being reported in India the last couple of years. (BTW, to post 89: if he treated you with hormones and radiation, then he believed you have cancer not the benign prostatic hypertension we're discussing,) The reports on the UroLift implants are great. Don't think you'll find it in Thailand, Good luck. Personally, I think I'd rather get to know my doctor instead of travelling to India and being told who will do my surgery, like it or not. If you do go to India, be sure to pick a well respected hospital and let us know about your experience.


Interesting thread, am sure there are many men in Thailand with such problems. I was diagnosed in the UK, had BPH and prostrate cancer (gleason6) was treated with hormone injections and 20 sessions of radiation therapy. That was 4 years ago, my last psa was fine. If prostrate cancer is diagnosed early on in its development, it can be successfully treated. As for Finasteride, that was mentioned earlier, it has been blamed for permanent sexual malfunction. use pumkin seed tea, and corn whisker tea. JD


I had the same problem in the uk.

There is no medication to increase the flow of urine as you prostrate is enlarged and is blocking the flow.

You should go and get a Catheter fitted as I had which is a tube that is inserted into your Penis which goes into the bladder and you will need to wear a small bag that can be strapped to your inside leg with a drain valve on it to drain it off when full.

I wore one for 6 months and travelled to Thailand with it but I was stopped at Heathrow and had to go into a small room and drop my pants to show that I was wearing one which was very embarrassing .

The operation that I had did not involve anything shoved up my back passage.

They insert a tube down your penis which they insert a scrapping mechanism which removes the fatty tissues that are inflating your prostrate.

It is also fitted with a camera so they can see what they are doing.

I chose to have injections in my spine so I was awake while the operation took place and I also watched what they were doing on a screen but it was a bit gruesome watching it as they said nobody has asked to watch it before.

I now can pee 1 1/2 metres instead of peeing on my shoes so don't worry about having it done you will feel great after a couple of days

Actually there are medications which relax the neck of the bladder and may help with flow. There are also medications which can shrink prostate size but of course that takes time. All of these medications have contraindications and potential side effects so self-treatment is not recommended even where available OTC.

Catheters are reserved for serious urinary retention. They carry a risk of infection (but then so does the retention itself).


Hi Sheryl

I stand corrected and agree there are certain medications that they say MAY HELP THE FLOW but I have tried these with no success so I recommended that the guy should try the Catheter as that is instant relief until he has the operation that I had which I think is called TURPS


Beware of starting medicines mentioned above. Doxaxozin and tamulosin (and the other similar meds mentioned) can cause changes in your blood pressure. They are both associated with what's known as orthostatic hypotension which often presents with standing up and falling over. As one poster above referenced, saw palmetto has been thoroughly discredited, Saving money by surgical tourism is fine but make sure you know what kind of surgery you'll be getting and read up on the high incidence of resistant surgical infections being reported in India the last couple of years. (BTW, to post 89: if he treated you with hormones and radiation, then he believed you have cancer not the benign prostatic hypertension we're discussing,) The reports on the UroLift implants are great. Don't think you'll find it in Thailand, Good luck. Personally, I think I'd rather get to know my doctor instead of travelling to India and being told who will do my surgery, like it or not. If you do go to India, be sure to pick a well respected hospital and let us know about your experience.

Good stuff,

Yes, done some research on Urolift,also been to India few years ago, investigating BPH remedies, green light, turps etc,all have problems,all low cost though compared to Thailand,only the Urolift seems 100% without problemsw

Knowing India and its medical hub potential,plus hospitals dedicated there to the above,it will be in short time that this new procedure will be encompassed,just looking forward to getting booked in. I have one surgeon in mind too,specialist in this field. I will give him a ring in next couple of months,see if he is up to it.


Be cautious with regard to new procedures. Mass media tends to over-hype them and present things as definitive solutions that are actually still under development. Also, no matter what type of procedure or treatment is used, the experience of the doctor is critical, and with new procedures you run the risk of being part of someone's learning curve. Inquire closely into the number of procedures done by any prospective doctor.


.... As one poster above referenced, saw palmetto has been thoroughly discredited....

Actually to my understanding this is not quite the case. Rather, studies have had conflicting findings and more recent ones did not show a benefit compared to placebo, but some earlier ones did.

The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, which reviews "natural" remedies based on documented research, used to rate it a s"possibly effective" and now rates it a s 'possibly ineffective", "possibly" being the operative word. This is out of a rating scale of:

  • Effective
  • Likely Effective
  • Possibly Effective
  • Possibly Ineffective
  • Likely Ineffective
  • Ineffective
  • Insufficient Evidence to Rate.

Note that it is not currently rated as "likely Ineffective" or "Ineffective", which is what I would define as discredited.

As various posts in this thread attest, some people who try it report relief and some do not. It is thought that the mechanism of action, if there is one, is through shrinking the lining of the prostate (but not the prostate itself) and people may vary in how much that can help.

Like most other "natural" medications it does have side effects and potential contraindications, which need to be reviewed before using it. In particular should not be used by people with coagulation disorders or taking anticoagulant medications. With that caveat, I don't see any problem with someone giving it a try.

A good overview, along with references to relevant research, here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/971.html


I dont wish to get into a pissing contest here but I tried Saw Palmeto a few years ago and it didnt help me at all.


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I dont wish to get into a pissing contest here but I tried Saw Palmeto a few years ago and it didnt help me at all.

I persevered with it for over a year with absolutely no noticeable difference.


Haven't read the whole thread as there's not enough time in the day to stay on top of all TV topics, so sorry if this is a repeat, but a google of " Pau d'Arco testimonials " might be of interest. It's a tea, and dirt cheap. Can't see any reason why you couldn't drink it in concert with any of the above suggestions.


There is a new Swedish herbal medicine for prostate enlargement that apparently has shown promising results for some.

It's called "Cernitol" and can be bought on-line in e.g. the UK. Google it.


There is a new Swedish herbal medicine for prostate enlargement that apparently has shown promising results for some.

It's called "Cernitol" and can be bought on-line in e.g. the UK. Google it.

See PubMed study at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8499988

In the quoted study, there was no effect on CP.

However, the herbal medicine in question was developed for treating BPH, not CP.

I understand that the OP is suffering from BPH.

I'm not saying that the drug actually works for BPH, I'm just offering an alternative for the OP to try.


There are several different types of medication which can be used for this, should have the advice of an experienced urologist.

Surgery for benign enlargement of prostate should not be considered unless management with medication alone failed.

I would urge you to see a urologist and try medical management first before going to India for surgery. Dr. Viroj at Bumrungrad and Dr. Thanoo at Samitivej are both recommended.

I strongly second recommendation to Dr. Viroj. Had visited half a dozen other specialty surgeons,

all of whom glanced at my prostate diagnosis briefly and offered to cut me open the next day or

so. Dr. Virog STUDIED my history and asked if he could perform his own examination before

rendering an opinion, following which he advised against surgery (and that potential income to

him and Bumrungrad) and in favor of radiation and hormone treatment.

A qualified urological surgeon and honorable man (IMHO).

The vast majority of prostate surgical procedures do not involve cutting anyone/anything open as they are done through the urethra.

Radiation is not without side effects or complications either nor is it a necessarily a low profit therapy for a hospital.

Theres many many benefits vs risks and things to understand regarding prostate enlargement. An honest, objective, non money hungry experienced "pecker checker" is the way to go. (urologist)

Another thing to keep in mind is there emerging/newer procedures and some of them may be superior but not done in every center.

Some references

snippet http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/437359-overview


Pharmacologic treatment

Agents used in the treatment of BPH include the following:

  • Alpha-1–receptor blockers
  • Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers
  • Phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme inhibitors
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors
  • Anticholinergic agents


  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) - The criterion standard for relieving BOO secondary to BPH
  • Open prostatectomy - Reserved for patients with very large prostates (>75 g), patients with concomitant bladder stones or bladder diverticula, and patients who cannot be positioned for transurethral surgery

Minimally invasive treatment

  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)
  • Laser treatment - Used to cut or destroy prostate tissue
  • Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) - Generates heat that causes cell death in the prostate, leading to prostatic contraction and volume reduction
  • Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA)
  • High-intensity ultrasonographic energy therapy - Currently in the clinical trial stage
  • Prostatic stents - Flexible devices that expand when put in place to improve the flow of urine past the prostate
  • Laparoscopic prostatectomy



Have you try TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine I mean. There are quite a number of TCM in Singapore.

Where does it all end? Chinese traditional medicine, Indian traditional, American Indian, Western medicine or bloody Haitian witchdoctors? Unfortunately, when you get to the age where you need help with the prostate you haven't got a lot of time to be giving them all a trial run.
TCM treatment takes a longer period to improve condition but no side effects. For condition that requires urgent/immediate treatment, western medicine is recommended. But there are side effects.

My husband has had difficulty in peeing before. He took chinese medicine and it helps. He has had chemo, radiation therapy, some surgical procedure as well. There are side effects for all, except TCM.

Times when you have difficulty in peeing, do not panic. Stay relax and continue whatever you are doing. Then try again later. Please do not try self medication for western medicine, in fact all medicines.

Most importantly, keep yourself happy and relax every day:)


Flomax, perhaps?.. There might and probably is a Thai equivalent.

India? Surgery? Have you ever been there? I had the opportunity to work there for four years and nothing I saw instilled any measure of confidence in hygiene, which would be high on my list of requirements for people that would have there fingers on my insides.. Will listen to arguments of the contrary.

Thanks for advice,I will try the Palmetto first.

India? what to say,yep been there many times for knee ops,investigations etc,everything from hearing aids,laser eye surgery so so good,not that Im into the last two yet,but comparing prices here and there I will be off there if and when.

India can be and is a dump,but hospital/medical care is second to none

In Canada, they gave me a pill called Apo-Tamsulosin CR 0.4MG, it takes a while to be effective (ask a qualified pharmacist) but it seems to work.


You know there's a lot of older men in Thailand when there is 6 pages of discussion over difficulties in urinating.

My only contribution is to second those who have found herbal treatments ineffective from my own experience. More importantly than my unique experience, the Cochrane Collaboration - a collection of meta-analyses of published research - also found that saw palmetto was ineffective. That is, it is no better than a placebo. This does not mean that it will not help some people - the placebo effect is quite powerful for many ailments. But it does mean that saw palmetto is probably no more effective than, say, vitamin C.


Have you try TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine I mean. There are quite a number of TCM in Singapore.

Where does it all end? Chinese traditional medicine, Indian traditional, American Indian, Western medicine or bloody Haitian witchdoctors? Unfortunately, when you get to the age where you need help with the prostate you haven't got a lot of time to be giving them all a trial run.
TCM treatment takes a longer period to improve condition but no side effects. For condition that requires urgent/immediate treatment, western medicine is recommended. But there are side effects.

My husband has had difficulty in peeing before. He took chinese medicine and it helps. He has had chemo, radiation therapy, some surgical procedure as well. There are side effects for all, except TCM.

Times when you have difficulty in peeing, do not panic. Stay relax and continue whatever you are doing. Then try again later. Please do not try self medication for western medicine, in fact all medicines.

Most importantly, keep yourself happy and relax every day:)

Eh! Yes, western man and eastern lady ,great combination at relieving this problem. No more self medication or abuse, eastern lady relaxes me fine ..and keeps me happy Tuk Wan


I will not get into this pissing contest but Saw Palmetto was used in Europe for years as an alternative to prescription drugs. They can rig the test to get the out come they want not enough active ingredient, only including test subjects who are beyond any help from drug or herbal help. do not kid your self they do this a lot.

You have to reduce the DHT levels as this is what causes swelling of the prostate, finisteride works for me as well as saw palmetto


You do understand that prostate surgery will most likely leave you impotent.

Sorry, but this statement is exaggerated. Yes, it CAN leave you impotent, when the surgeons have to remove the prostate and when they also have to remove (or damage during the surgery) the nerve bundles responsible for the erection. But the necessary treatment / surgery depends on the kind of problem you have with your prostate.

I also had a prostate surgery because of pee problems, diagnosis was a begnin tumor which could be scraped out through the urethra. The only thing that happend is that I now have a "dry" orgasm - no more fluid, no more sperms which of course makes me unable to have more kids (which is not an issue for me) but gives the advantage of having no more "mess" in the bed whistling.gif

of course, if one has a malignant tumor which might also require radiotherapy or agressive medical treatment, then the risk of getting impotent is much higher.


Have you try TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine I mean. There are quite a number of TCM in Singapore.

Where does it all end? Chinese traditional medicine, Indian traditional, American Indian, Western medicine or bloody Haitian witchdoctors? Unfortunately, when you get to the age where you need help with the prostate you haven't got a lot of time to be giving them all a trial run.
TCM treatment takes a longer period to improve condition but no side effects. For condition that requires urgent/immediate treatment, western medicine is recommended. But there are side effects.

My husband has had difficulty in peeing before. He took chinese medicine and it helps. He has had chemo, radiation therapy, some surgical procedure as well. There are side effects for all, except TCM.

Times when you have difficulty in peeing, do not panic. Stay relax and continue whatever you are doing. Then try again later. Please do not try self medication for western medicine, in fact all medicines.

Most importantly, keep yourself happy and relax every day:)

Eh! Yes, western man and eastern lady ,great combination at relieving this problem. No more self medication or abuse, eastern lady relaxes me fine ..and keeps me happy Tuk Wan

Any good suggestions represents hope. We are just trying to help OP, men or women. Western or eastern.

When faced with such health issue yourself one day, you will realize that cynical comment like yours isn't helping. :)


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Surgery??? Only if is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Look for CAZOSIN in any pharmacy, similar to FLOMAX..and buy KWAO KRUA (Buterba Superba or Red Pueraria Mirifica capsules in an herbal store. In BK and Chiang Mai look for the Asoke store...or buy online with a local Thai distributor...or send me a message for info. Take care.

Is Cazosin any cheaper than Harnal 0.4mg? I paid 1500 baht for 30 tablets of Harnal. I can't find any medical evidence that supports Kwao Krua in reducing or relaxing prostate.

Hi, I use Harnal 0.4 mg but I pay little over Baht 1000 for 30 tablets at the Fascino pharmacy, Suthep Rd. in Chiang Mai. It works for me.


There are several different types of medication which can be used for this, should have the advice of an experienced urologist.

Surgery for benign enlargement of prostate should not be considered unless management with medication alone failed.

I would urge you to see a urologist and try medical management first before going to India for surgery. Dr. Viroj at Bumrungrad and Dr. Thanoo at Samitivej are both recommended.

I strongly second recommendation to Dr. Viroj. Had visited half a dozen other specialty surgeons,

all of whom glanced at my prostate diagnosis briefly and offered to cut me open the next day or

so. Dr. Virog STUDIED my history and asked if he could perform his own examination before

rendering an opinion, following which he advised against surgery (and that potential income to

him and Bumrungrad) and in favor of radiation and hormone treatment.

A qualified urological surgeon and honorable man (IMHO).

The vast majority of prostate surgical procedures do not involve cutting anyone/anything open as they are done through the urethra.

Radiation is not without side effects or complications either nor is it a necessarily a low profit therapy for a hospital.

Theres many many benefits vs risks and things to understand regarding prostate enlargement. An honest, objective, non money hungry experienced "pecker checker" is the way to go. (urologist)

Another thing to keep in mind is there emerging/newer procedures and some of them may be superior but not done in every center.

Some references


  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) - The criterion standard for relieving BOO secondary to BPH
  • Open prostatectomy - Reserved for patients with very large prostates (>75 g), patients with concomitant bladder stones or bladder diverticula, and patients who cannot be positioned for transurethral surgery

Minimally invasive treatment

  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)
  • Laser treatment - Used to cut or destroy prostate tissue
  • Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) - Generates heat that causes cell death in the prostate, leading to prostatic contraction and volume reduction
  • Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA)
  • High-intensity ultrasonographic energy therapy - Currently in the clinical trial stage
  • Prostatic stents - Flexible devices that expand when put in place to improve the flow of urine past the prostate
  • Laparoscopic prostatectomy


This maybe a problem for me,was informed mine was 130g about 5 years ago,will have to get some professional advice before sailing into anything


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Surgery??? Only if is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Look for CAZOSIN in any pharmacy, similar to FLOMAX..and buy KWAO KRUA (Buterba Superba or Red Pueraria Mirifica capsules in an herbal store. In BK and Chiang Mai look for the Asoke store...or buy online with a local Thai distributor...or send me a message for info. Take care.

Is Cazosin any cheaper than Harnal 0.4mg? I paid 1500 baht for 30 tablets of Harnal. I can't find any medical evidence that supports Kwao Krua in reducing or relaxing prostate.

Hi, I use Harnal 0.4 mg but I pay little over Baht 1000 for 30 tablets at the Fascino pharmacy, Suthep Rd. in Chiang Mai. It works for me.

I feel I'm getting ripped off paying 1500 baht in Pattaya. Why is Harnal so much cheaper in Chiang Mai? If anyone knows where to buy it cheaper in Pattaya I'd be grateful.


Have you tried Fascino's in Pattaya? North Pattaya Road near City Hall (same side of the road about 100m further from the beach)

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