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French police to expel migrants from Calais camps


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Nigerians learnt along time ago that a baby born in Ireland would be Irish, and would be fully entitled to Irish citizenship, so plane loads of pregnant Nigerian women with Nigerian fathers flew into Dublin, gave birth and became instant Irish citizens.

The Irish government was forced to change the law.

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The situations like this are only going to get worse. In future years Europe is only going to be overrun by the hoards from the poorer countries of Africa. Likewise it continues to happen in the United States as millions of people from the south continue to cross the southern border. They want immigration reform in the US but the stupid politicians will never be able to agree on anything. Democrats was amnesty now and figure out the rest later. Republicans want border closed first and the figure out how to deal with the 20 million illegals already in the USA. I'm surprised the French have not helped them sneak into the UK just to get rid of them. There is no way to deal with the masses of people constantly coming north. There is a serious problem with certain groups now that are becoming more nationalistic. Can't say as I blame them since the governments are impotent to take actions against these economic refugees. I have a dim outlook concerning the migration taking place as the problem is the wealthy countries cannot take care of these people without lowering the quality of life of the current populations. It is going to eventually be a real problem with people resenting the immigrants. It is all ready happening here and there.

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Nigerians learnt along time ago that a baby born in Ireland would be Irish, and would be fully entitled to Irish citizenship, so plane loads of pregnant Nigerian women with Nigerian fathers flew into Dublin, gave birth and became instant Irish citizens.

The Irish government was forced to change the law.

Slight thread drift but Nigeria now boasts the highest gross domestic product in Africa but also suffers terrible corruption.


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Why the frig are they there in the first place?/

What the hell is wrong with Europe????

Doesn't EU law require these people to be accepted in the first EU country they arrive at?

The French have encouraged this situation over many years by permitting these Camps to be created.

It must be so embarrasing for the French who think so highly of their country, that there are so many migrants not wanting to live in that country and put up with terrible hardship in camps, just to escape from France.

They do indeed.

It baffles us here in Ireland when we now have 40,000 Nigerian refugees in the country ....and we have no air link with Nigeria. The same applies to most other countries from Ireland. I have no idea how they manage to get in.

I have no issue at all with constructive immigration...when they come to the table with something to offer. But they don't. Most are broke and need to have millions spent on them for many years.

That figure looks a little bit suspect to me for a small country like Eire. Where did you get it?

the precise figure is not the issue.

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the precise figure is not the issue.

Missinformation that contributes to racism/vilification is certainly an issue. From an official Eire government website it states that since 2000 total refugee applications / re-applications was 36,107, so how can someone claim 40k Nigerian refugees in Eire?


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Please stay on topic. Posts deleted. Please re-read the OP if you are unsure of what the topic is about.

Posting made up statistics is not going to be allowed.

I might add that inflammatory remarks about governments not doing 'anything' and people getting welfare, when in fact they probably don't will be deleted. Check the laws and regulations.

In spite of what you may think, there isn't a limo waiting at the border for those crossing illegally.

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the precise figure is not the issue.

Missinformation that contributes to racism/vilification is certainly an issue. From an official Eire government website it states that since 2000 total refugee applications / re-applications was 36,107, so how can someone claim 40k Nigerian refugees in Eire?


Citizenship application processing. Dramatic progress continued to be made in 2013 in improving the efficiency of the naturalisation process. Since taking office, Minister Shatter has made 68,000 decisions on naturalisation applications, over 30,000 of these in 2013 alone which was an increase of 20% on 2012.

All from outside the EC

The point here is that France is totally correct to evict people who have no right whatsoever to be in France...or anywhere else in the EC. Not our issue.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Why the frig are they there in the first place?/

What the hell is wrong with Europe????

Nowhere else gives them benefits straight away aswell as a house. There was a program on in the uk with immigrants moaning about the houses they were given one if which was in uk for 13 years never worked a day in her life from Ethiopia.
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the precise figure is not the issue.

Missinformation that contributes to racism/vilification is certainly an issue. From an official Eire government website it states that since 2000 total refugee applications / re-applications was 36,107, so how can someone claim 40k Nigerian refugees in Eire?


Citizenship application processing. Dramatic progress continued to be made in 2013 in improving the efficiency of the naturalisation process. Since taking office, Minister Shatter has made 68,000 decisions on naturalisation applications, over 30,000 of these in 2013 alone which was an increase of 20% on 2012.

All from outside the EC

The point here is that France is totally correct to evict people who have no right whatsoever to be in France...or anywhere else in the EC. Not our issue.

France is absolutely correct in evicting illegal immigrants. Of that, there is no question.

But, the real point here is, the camps have existed for many years and many of the "inmates" have been there nearly as long. France has neglected its Legal obligation to evict illegal immigrants. In fact, they have pointedly refused to do so on previous occasions.

The EU legislation states that illegal immigrants should be returned to their country of origin. There is no provision for them to be moved on to a 2nd EU country.

France, like most other EU states ( including UK ) picks and chooses which Laws to apply and when . The entire question is not about the Law, it is in the gutter of politics.

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