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Moderators if this is the wrong place for this i am sorry.

I am looking for charities working in thailand and south east asia in general. Having spent time in that part of the world last year i want to try and give something back for the wonderful experiance i had. What i can offer is free advertising and possibly a % of revenue for these charities. If you know any organisation who may be interested please email me. I dont think you are allowed list links to charities here so email would be the best.



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I'm sorry but this is not the Forum for this type of issue.

I also find it strange that you have asked people to email responses and not post them as replies to this thread.

Your request for information can be interpreted a number of ways, post positively and negatively... but ultimately is in violation of the Forum Rules, and the following two in particular:

8) It is not acceptable to solicit for, nor accept donations, gifts, etc for providing advice to visitors and members of the thaivisa.com forums, nor is it permitted to steer, promote or solicit persons to go to locations or businesses in which it is necessary to pay for services or assistance.

and this one:

7) Spam, flooding, commercial or for-profit advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar solicitations are also inappropriate and not allowed on thaivisa.com. Any member who might violate this prohibition will be banned from these forums and this site. Membership is at the will of thaivisa.com. Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.

If you feel strongly about the issue and wish to discuss it further, feel free to PM any online moderator or admin to discuss in private.


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