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Hello again,

After my Latest Column on these Forums (viewed by so many - Link below), was immediately besieged relentlessly from the onset by irrational and what seemed ‘seriously disturbed individuals’ for daring to try change or control the condition that represents the status quo. Admittedly, I threw in a few red herrings by continually mentioning the word Blog for instance, which set the pace for vulgarities.

Doesn’t make sense
t defies logic how far off the OP that these TV crusaders are willing to go. Venturing into the abyss, trying to show dominance to anyone who dares encroach into their domain or try pull them off their perch. I found the perception and discrimination of these (for want of a better word) Kapos - deplorable.

Strangely enough, the early morning shift seemed to be quite more openly toxic with these bright eyed and bushy tailed delusional HEP (high end posters). However, as it progressed into early evening, the field of play seemed to change to a better class of individuals that made me feel a lot more comfortable with their moral support. Very late evening, the mood tapered off once the HEP were back in true form, with thunderous vile remarks, slating everyone who defied them or agreed with my assertions. Vying for polar position, they tend to congregate together with the ‘safer in numbers’ attitude to combat solitary posters.

Trial & error
My Social Experiment, which I personally assessed, as the gold standard" for any sequence of events for any evaluation to measure the impact of this exercise ‘needs help’ from the general affiliates to make a success of any project. It’s very difficult for someone (such as me) to take on any subservient role. Therefore, was left feeling very maltreated, if one did not bow to their constant innuendo festered with ludicrous insults.

The main issue
The point, I’m trying to get across, if we could ask TV whether they would kindly adopt the way Facebook/Skype and other social networking websites give members the choice to block/unblock these HEP irritants with their offensive slurs and erratic bullying tactics, emulsified with over the top insults and conjecture, we could therefore, instantly curb any further upset by others rising above their station – so to speak.

Not trying to Dispense of the main controllers.

I’m not saying do away with Moderators or anything of that fashion, given that the majority are very well experienced with great information on Thailand. Just merrily suggesting, maybe time for a slight change of power, by some of the over-indulgent higher end poster deviants who seems to think ‘it’s their God given right’ to show dominance to others. Thus, because they’ve gave out what they see as sound advice over the years and deserves their immediate respect with no chance to disagree. Some of this ill-gotten assistance from some HEP seems to have been written out just below the level of consciousness one does on their makeshift memo pads, such as on the back of a postage stamp - for all its worth. I’m no administrator of high regard either or feel vastly superior to anyone else. I’m just merrily looking for fair play to be able to call a halt on this irritating interference that scares away people with their interesting topics.

I need your moral support for me to send a letter to petition the powers that be in Thaivisa officialdom for them to consider this better alternative. Consequently, giving all and sundry an easier time during any discussion whilst posting replies and opinions to suspend or block anyone who seems to be showing disrespectful behaviour towards them albeit personally.

Please, (if you can find time) after submitting any post, or even just simply said – vote – this will make it easier for me to collate the interest. I’ve decided to step aside and not comment on any posts preferring to read and focus on anything and everything from members, who have something interesting to contribute to this topic if they’re not swamped and criticised by the HEP brigade.

Last TV forum namely: Farangs not yet made the grade to expats status.
Link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/729114-farangs-not-yet-made-the-grade-to-expats-status/

Thank you again for your continued interest.





Scot, I haven't seen Jingythingy on the board in awhile...you are treading into his territory of all things polls..be warned. I suggest you go read all 40,000 of his posts and report back your findings.

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