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Homeless Westerners on the Rise in Thailand ?

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I know the focus of this video was in Pattaya, but in Thailand, do you think that there is a rise in homelessness by us?

How do you feel when you see them sleeping rough?

Does that feeling change when you hear their story?


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Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

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Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

It's the land where there is no recourse, they will be entitled to 50% of the house.

totster smile.png


I feel very sorry for these guys,as i would anyone who is homeless,however i guess if they have a choice of being homeless here or Uk or europe or us,at least the climate here is warmer,but sad to see these guys so down on their luck.


I always ask myself, so assuming you werent marrying a bargirl half your age,

how would you go abouts protecting yourself so people dont say "see, I told you so!"

because one day thai wife could decide to cheat on you, and decides selfishly that you should be out on your a$$,

and its the house that you bought with your own money that had to be put in her name to buy it

what else could he have done????

I dont know im afraid


Most of these cases are due to personality disorders and such; either permanent or in passing due to immediate circumstances or life long dysfunction.

Too many "whys?" and not enough answers. Who knows?

But of course it triggers emotions in any single individual? If regrets and sadness were satang, a lot of us would be very rich.

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I remember a few years back on TVF, a member posted he was broke, down and out, and needed info and help on what to do....being new then to TV, I chimed in and offered assistance...sincerely... In fact a few posters did.

That was DUMB of me, as the next day he was posting again on a new Topic, asking where to HIRE A CAR.......So now, I don't offer in case it's just another TROLL...

Which is sad really, as there are genuine ones out there requiring a helping hand, that will miss out...


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

one answer 30 year lease , if you do not have one ,there is no cure for stupid.


If I understood well, in the video, they say that 22million people visit Thailand every year.

Out of those there are 200 homeless.

The percentage is negligible.

There are many more homeless in our home countries and a lot of these people suffer from mental disorders.

So why is Thailand making it an issue?

I still don't believe that has anything to do, being kicked out by the Thai wives.

I believe these people need more psychiatric help, than anything else.

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to me,,if they havnt just kept a little to be able to get home then im affraid thats down to them,

if your getting low on funds, dont have one last huray for a couple of nights with your flight money get on a bloody flight,,

yes ive,,weve got a small farm in thailand in my wifes name,, if things went tits up ide move on,

i cant understand for the life of me why everything goes,,were did they keep there money,? ive got my own account so has my wife and weve even got one for the bloody pig farm,,

i just dont understand how you can get to that,, i really dont


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

one answer 30 year lease , if you do not have one ,there is no cure for stupid.

A degree of protection assuming the woman is fair and not just a money grabber.

If she comes from an aggressive, farang hating family, with lots of similar friends then your 30 year lease will give you the right of abode, but the other parts of your life can be made downright miserable.

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I do not pitty them and i have no intention to help them, except for a cigarette now and then.

It was their decision to emigrate to Thailand. It would have been their responsibility to inform themselves about what this means. It was their decision to put all chips (assets) an a single number (house) in roulette (marriage). It was their decision to brake all bridges to back home or it is their decision not to accept any help they could get and stay on the beach knowing about their illegal status.

200 is really no number, it is less than we have here in the town of Zurich. Lot of them very deliberately have decided NOT to accept any welfare and rather live on the streets, as they don't want to accept any responsibility or obligation that would come with it.

Listening into the video, these guys clearly said that they like it here, they don't want to go back, their "friends" are all around here... so why should I pitty them, when they don't want any help (except the money for the next beers...)?


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

Hopefully, and probably, the man was aware of the "system" before he went down that route.

Hence the blame might not lie with the "system" per se...


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

  • Like 2

Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

You wont get any argument from me!!!!

Mostly not, but sometimes you get guys who are rich, successfull, and intelligent, leave their brains behind at the airport,

however, there are many losers in thailand who you'd expect to shaft themselves.....all all by a farm girl in her 20s who dropped out of school at 14!

and yes, who is the smart one!


Please oh please, learn how to pronounce Pattaya properly.

Yes, I did cringe at that ... facepalm.gif

They just need to retrain the computer voice that was used for this. smile.png

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Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

the young lady have even fooled you into believing they act alone uncoached.


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

I often move about the place feeling sorry for others and I reach out to people in need all the time. I've bought meals from roadside restaurants and handed them to people begging in the street. I'm always helping out the soi animals,and so forth, but after watching this video I found my mind drifting.... I was thinking about the tar tars on some bird that served me at the shops today.

I'm sorry, but for me, I felt nothing towards these men. I agree with you whole heartily Mr Soutpeel.


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

the young lady have even fooled you into believing they act alone uncoached.

seems to me you have to get in first. so stay awake at night and dream up ways for your sweetheart to scam other thai then you will be deflected from being the focus of the scamming. perhaps we could have a competition who has done the reverse scam the best. pass notes and help each other in the scam fest. seems the only way to counter the competition. else you are just a sitting goose waiting to be cooked.

prises for the best in each category:

best way to scam a moto.

best way to scam a jetski.

best way to scam a MIL


best way to scam a BIL.

have i missed any?


Putting judgementals aside,

video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

Shitty system

don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

the young lady have even fooled you into believing they act alone uncoached.

seems to me you have to get in first. so stay awake at night and dream up ways for your sweetheart to scam other thai then you will be deflected from being the focus of the scamming. perhaps we could have a competition who has done the reverse scam the best. pass notes and help each other in the scam fest. seems the only way to counter the competition. else you are just a sitting goose waiting to be cooked.

Do you want to try this one again in English this time


don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

the young lady have even fooled you into believing they act alone uncoached.

seems to me you have to get in first. so stay awake at night and dream up ways for your sweetheart to scam other thai then you will be deflected from being the focus of the scamming. perhaps we could have a competition who has done the reverse scam the best. pass notes and help each other in the scam fest. seems the only way to counter the competition. else you are just a sitting goose waiting to be cooked.

Do you want to try this one again in English this time

hmm your not going to make it.

PS i think you missed reading the last edit

(my touchpad activates and moves the cursor when i am peck typing so takes a few tries, netbook in one hand, peck type with the other, laying flat on back in unlit room harder to see keyboard.).


Listening into the video, these guys clearly said that they like it here, they don't want to go back, their "friends" are all around here...

An observation I was going to make too.

About the actual low percentage of homeless foreigners here: I think the point is simply that they stand out, at least to the indignant or media outlets looking for a cheap story.

The thing that I can't get my head around is why are these guys not rounded up and put in IDC and/or deported? There's so much talk about the consequences of overstay if one gets caught, and yet these guys seem obviously without a correct visa or extension of stay. Maybe their time coming is inevitable once the Thais are done with the visa exempts, the ed visa crowd and whoever else they decide to crack down on.

Anyway, for all those who previously lived in Thailand on exempts and tourist visas for whatever reasons and who cannot or will not sort themselves out, in the current climate here then is your perfect solution: go overstay down on Pattaya beach where you'll get friends and hand-outs and a relatively quiet life in a paradise for the homeless, you just need to be OK with the odd interview and photoshoot for the folks back home.


The thing that I can't get my head around is why are these guys not rounded up and put in IDC and/or deported? There's so much talk about the consequences of overstay if one gets caught, and yet these guys seem obviously without a correct visa or extension of stay. Maybe their time coming is inevitable once the Thais are done with the visa exempts, the ed visa crowd and whoever else they decide to crack down on.

They have no money!

Thais are very compassionate people and value homeless people, especially farang as they are an opportunity for them to gain merit.

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