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good friend cheated by lady-what should/could be done?


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I bet i could get twice as much as you from the women. Let us meet for drink are afraid or do you only shakedown Thai Women?

afriad of what? meeting you? No way, let's set it up and I can bring all the proof you may require.

Name time and Place

did, both, I named both time and place and even asked your number.But I got nothing back from you. I wonder why.

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Cant wait for the movie to be released, trust the Hollywood scriptwriters are on it as we speak, will it be shot on location?

Lead men?

Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig or Jason Statham, please not Nicholas Cage.

Talk about an exercise in self indulgence, wish I could blow my own trumpet, I aint that well endowed.

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Hermes100, you're just an attention seeker. You've done nothing for your friend. Please don't post on here until AFTER you've done something.

I think I have done something.I helped expose her.Saved him a lot of money. helped him move on.Saved a lot of other's a lot of money.Probabaly stopped their drug trade because now they fear what we have on them.

Call that nothing?

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Hermes100, you're just an attention seeker. You've done nothing for your friend. Please don't post on here until AFTER you've done something.

I think I have done something.I helped expose her.Saved him a lot of money. helped him move on.Saved a lot of other's a lot of money.Probabaly stopped their drug trade because now they fear what we have on them.

Call that nothing?

From your original post...

What do reader's think should be done? Is she bad? Or just trying to survive? Should we;

1- go to the police ( the person helping us get the inside information say's she will be certainly be jailed simply on content's of some messages that will also implicate many others- eg-her mother)

2- sue her for return of all money's,or get money's back in return for not exposing,making formal complaint's,etc,etc.

3- Post all her information all over the net and contact the 11 men she is now fleecing for money and prove to them what is really going on.It's almost quite funny seeing her FB photo's with them claiming 'I have found my true love'!!!

You've done none of the above. Stop posting here until you do one or some of the above.

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Hermes100, you're just an attention seeker. You've done nothing for your friend. Please don't post on here until AFTER you've done something.

I think I have done something.I helped expose her.Saved him a lot of money. helped him move on.Saved a lot of other's a lot of money.Probabaly stopped their drug trade because now they fear what we have on them.

Call that nothing?

From your original post...

What do reader's think should be done? Is she bad? Or just trying to survive? Should we;

1- go to the police ( the person helping us get the inside information say's she will be certainly be jailed simply on content's of some messages that will also implicate many others- eg-her mother)

2- sue her for return of all money's,or get money's back in return for not exposing,making formal complaint's,etc,etc.

3- Post all her information all over the net and contact the 11 men she is now fleecing for money and prove to them what is really going on.It's almost quite funny seeing her FB photo's with them claiming 'I have found my true love'!!!

You've done none of the above. Stop posting here until you do one or some of the above.

Wromng again!

Another typical wrong assumption from less than polite TV poster who obvioulsy does not bother to think of what he/she is saying.This site seem's to be a haven for such people. Please tell,how do you know we have done none of the above?.

And it's not longer just 11 men.The figure rise's almost daily.

Some have contacted us.

That was then.This is now.Our lawyer has already informally consulted the police.

If we make formal charge she is truly and utterly ruined ( not so much by the money out of us and others but by her other" activity's" ).

Sueing her will bring all this to light.

She has other crimes that include aiding human trafficing .Our action would in effect destroy her.She is only a young lady,she had no education, she seem's to be controlled totally by her mother and I cannot help feeling the punishment she face's outweighs the crime. Sometimes I am in two minds over this.

Some of her information is already out there now on the net ( our lawyer advise's us not to name her here, show her photo, or name place's/site's that reveal information about her or can lead to her identification)

Seem's she is well known on the soi 11 are circuit anyway.

There are so many thing's on my plate that a backward responses like yours is simply not welcome nor helpful at all.

If we take action against her we not not send a young lady to jail for an extremely long period of time, but also many other's that we do not know surrouding her.

And because I visit many people in thai jail's I have zero confidence in the thai police's abilty to really target the guilty.

My chief fear here in this case is they will go in and arrest everyone connected to her, throw the book at them all and some of them would be either innocent (trust me, there are many innocent people in thai jail's who have commited no crime) or whose only ' guilt" is partaking of certain things for which I do not agree people should be jailed for.

Some of her 'boyfriends" are married and well placed in the local foreign community. You'd be amazed how well placed.

We therefore would be causing a scandle, more pain and possibly brocken marriages.


as of last night the senior member of our little group made his desicion ."throw the book at her, all surrounding her, expose her, report her to every single possible agency,etc,etc"

I think it was the austalian man taking his own life that caused him to reach it this decision.

Plus, she is just so stupid.She is trying to destroy evidence that simply cannot be destroyed( deleting sms and FB account's! They cannot be deleted.The record's alway's remains's) whilst we are trying to communicate with her in reasonable way.

Ands the degree of arrogance and threat's we received in the begiining ( that have stopped simply because they have seen they do not work with us)

I know other's will try and talk him out of it.

I myself am looking forward to when this whole sorry episode is over.

I do not like the idea of sending such a young person from poor rural background who was given no real chance in life, totally controlled by her mother to jail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought friends here would like to hear the end of this sorry episode.

No charges will be pressded, no action will be taken against her nor the person(s) making the threat's.

The 'victim" has put his foot down .

She will be left alone.

He insists that she is a product of what he calls the male ridden agenda that has lead to women misery throughout centurys and thus lead her to do the only thing she thought she had to do in order to survive.

He/we also found evidence of mental problems, but what saved the day for her,I think, was that she refused to help the men who were making the threats locate the 'victim".

So, a happy end to sad tale.

My respect for him has gone up.

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My cousin is a very good man .He does not frequent nor partake of any of the red light industry. He work's hard and suffer's from a ongoing sickness.

At the start of this year he was introuduced, by mutual friend, to a local lady.

They seemed to hit it off from the start. This suprised us as he has never done this before and seemed well aware of the risks involved. Also, she was much younger (20's-40's) than him and this always makes us suspect.

This one he said was 'different' and he seemed very happy. At first their relationship was platonic which may or may not be true, but made us think it could at least , be honest for once as he claimed no money passed hand's.

We all warned him of what could be really going on and when we found out how much money he was giving her for "her family" and her 'sickness".

We took it upon ourselfs to employ a company who was able to access all her information ( facebook,line chat's,twitter, sms's,bank account detail's,etc,etc).Side note- shocking how easy it is to basicly access everything.

I was told this before and read online reports saying this , but never expected it to be this easy- I will return to using post system! But then again, I do not cheat people so no real need.

What we found out is quite amazing (although some say very "typical').

This lady,no exageration, has made million's of baht, bought a house and land by basicly meeting gulliable good hearted western men and telling them the same sort of tale of woe deceiving them by same old hard luck story.

"I am poor thai girl, I want good life, I am not working girl, I just need a little money to support my family ,or cure myself of this "sickness" that I have ( the people who checked her out said this sickness is invented-), can you please help me so we can be together, I just want to be a good wife and mother,or I will have no other option other than to sell my body ( or kill myself)".

Our little investigation revealed illegal activitys such as suspecting of selling certain substances, (amazingly with the full approval of her morther!!!), as well as promoting sex party's ( not sure if illegal-photo's can even be seen on the net, so we guess not). Doubt they are free, so it must be a crime of some sort's. I guess somebody is paid off as usual.

Anyway,we have all the evidence, all her many Facebook accounts, the personal messages between her and her 'sponsers',her mother ,bank account details,etc,etc ( not sure if permissible in court because of way obtained, but pretty sure thai police will not ignore some of businesses she was involved in no matter how information obtained)

My cousin, fool that he is,say's ' forget it". He even defend's her saying she had to do this to survive and ask's us to drop whole matter.

Surviving is one thing.

We think she went way over and above the need just to survive( and once when one man gave her 1.5 million she just left him) and what she does amounts to stealing,deceit,deception,and that does not include the other crime's.

She is also playing with people life's. One man, an australian,apparenlty 4 year's ago commited suicide when finding out what was going on.This information did not come from agency obtaining the information .However, I do not doubt it.

Do we have some sort of duty to inform and warn other's?

What do reader's think should be done? Is she bad? Or just trying to survive? Should we;

1- go to the police ( the person helping us get the inside information say's she will be certainly be jailed simply on content's of some messages that will also implicate many others- eg-her mother)

2- sue her for return of all money's,or get money's back in return for not exposing,making formal complaint's,etc,etc.

3- Post all her information all over the net and contact the 11 men she is now fleecing for money and prove to them what is really going on.It's almost quite funny seeing her FB photo's with them claiming 'I have found my true love'!!!

Any other suggestion's please?

Frankly, not sure what to do.In one way I find what she is doing to be disgusting ( letting my cousin go sick and leaving a man after giving her so much is just so low) and in another way,sometimes I wonder if I should not to listen to my cousins plea's and just drop thing's.

I often feel very sorry for these girls and wonder if they would do this if society treated them correctly.

Also, I have seen inside of thai jails ( as member of 'prisoners friends") and would not like anyone to have to endure that.

She is now aware that she has been found out, claim's she will either

1- kill herself

2- send people to us -veiled threat.No worry's for us at all.

3- pay us back far more than what we estimated she took .In return for our silence.She is a very well known girl 9 so many FB friends) we found out (she frequents all the local soi 11 hangouts) and obvioulsy seem's to want to avoid any scandle.

So, simply,advise please. Ruin her trade,save others their money and feelings- or drop whole matter?

Life is very cheap in Thailand... 10k and Bang! Bang! Problem solved... It's a food feeling to know she won't be doing it anymore :)

It's a nice feeling to read it in the papers the following week :D

There's no such thing as Karma... Where's the Karma in you decent man of a cousin getting ripped off like that?

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Hermes. The moneys gone so forget it. You did your best by warning your friend/cousin but like countless others wouldn't listen. You could have shown him the countless similar stories on this forum. Your post will be a good warning for others be content with that. I hope I don't meet her I'm always in Soi 11 when in BKK.

Chees ToneG

Fraud is theft and that's all there is to it.

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Yes, it was a horrible episode.Fraud is one thing.Taking money of a sick man whilst you are rich by extorting others is another.

Then , making threats of 'inside police connections" and if you report me I will say I was raped is simply just so low.

It just seemed so cruel.

I do understand how hard the life is for these ladies, but not all foreigners are the same.

This lady truly lost out.

She managed to find "true love" on the net. A man who believes all her amazing claims and will give her what she really and truly wants.

I wonder how long that will last!

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