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Married with a long distance relationship

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hi everybody,

My name is Chris and i'm a 31 years old man from the Netherlands.
I'm just new to this message board and i would like to introduce myself to you all.

In november 2010 i went to thailand for the first time, where i met Saengduan. she is a thai woman living in bangkok and she's 12 years older.

We fell in love with each other. And this man from this dutch messageboard called Thailandblog asked me to write some sort of diary about our relationship. Last year april we got married and in the future i would like Saengduan to come live with me in the netherland. We both like to have our life in thailand together, but i think its difficult to find a job overthere, so i can provide for my family. So that's when we decided it would be better to go live in the netherlands for now.

This owner of thailandblog asked me to write our story for the blog, so i did and i got so many good responses from readers. And my article even got a high ranking status. It got about 2500 readers in just 2 days. So he suggested, why not write a book.

So now i just started to write a book about it all. It will tell the readers who i am, how i got in contact with thailand the first time and how it all went from there on.

When i finish the book in dutch language, i would like to go offer it online. I just need to build a website for starters so i can offer it for a small price.

Later on i want to write the book again in english language, so it will be for sell for a wider public.

I would like to know how you think about this idea.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Kind regards,

Chris Verhoeven


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No need to build a website just sell it on ebay or Amazon.

Nothing special about the story though, these boards are littered with hundreds of tales and experiences,who needs to buy a book.

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What is with you and sharkskin suits?

Check with the scammer typist of PRIVATE DANCER whose trash has sold mucho. There is an exspurt.

I am currently surveying books for Thai men coming to Thailand and remember yours will be one of maybe a hundred badly written spoken dictations type of book. If you can do better than THAILAND FEVER, then go ahead, otherwise just put yours on a blog.

Edited by ubonjoe
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hi charlie and charles

thank you for your responses.

what do you mean charles with sharkskin clothes? i just signed up to this messageboard.

i know there are many books and i'm not trying to write a better book. just to write down our own story. That's all!

i'm not trying to get rich or anything. i just want people to read it and respond to it.

the small price is just for all the time i spent on writing it.



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Hi Chris

If you want to write a book about your experiences, why shouldn't you?

I am retired with time on my hands and am a website designer. My friend of 25 years+ is also Dutch (currently living in Spain). He is fluent in English, Spanish, German, French and some Jananese.

Between us I'm sure we can help you. Of course you can write blogs, put your story on Facebook etc, but if you want your own little space on the web, why not?

Websites are very cheap these days, and if it doesn't take off, just shut it down. You could even write it in Thai - with of course lots of pictures or no one will read it.

If you want to know more just email me [email protected]

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

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godden ..................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can see why you don't write any books, it requires words of more than one 'syllable' which you seem incapable of doing.

If you have nothing to say then I suggest to you do as you preach zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz good night.

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Hi Chris

If you want to write a book about your experiences, why shouldn't you?

I am retired with time on my hands and am a website designer. My friend of 25 years+ is also Dutch (currently living in Spain). He is fluent in English, Spanish, German, French and some Jananese.

Between us I'm sure we can help you. Of course you can write blogs, put your story on Facebook etc, but if you want your own little space on the web, why not?

Websites are very cheap these days, and if it doesn't take off, just shut it down. You could even write it in Thai - with of course lots of pictures or no one will read it.

If you want to know more just email me [email protected]

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

" -- put your story on Facebook " ?

Every word, every pixel, of anything and everything you post on Facebook, ceases to be your own. You sign over copyright to the owners of Facebook. You can still do what you want with it, but so can Facebook. For important items of intellectual property, I now post links to another location, but never the item itself.

There is no such thing as a "Free lunch", and Facebook is not a philanthropic organisation.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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hey chris, soon you can add a chapter to your book (after you bought her the house & the car), how you lost it all, and heading back to the netherlands without a cent

dime in a dozen

married for only a few years

wait & see

or was she really over her sale date ?

so tell us, how much SIN SOD did you pay to her mother ?

Edited by belg
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Good luck with the fairytale marriage, and just make sure you have enough funds to support the extended family, including the unemployed brother lurking in the shadows of the rubber plantation, otherwise you may need your crime-writer skills to come up with a sequal.

It would be better if she could be in The Netherlands, with YOU! her 'husband'. Then it would be a real marriage. For all the lovely words you may exchange over the airwaves, she will be enjoying the freedom, and happy times with friends and family in Thailand, while the family milking cow is slaving away in Europe, without his wife.

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The guy is looking for advise and encouragement and all he gets is sarcasm.

My advise is to go for it. Why not? Who cares about TV expert expats. Most are losers.

Good luck with your book and I wish you well with your lady.

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hey chris, soon you can add a chapter to your book (after you bought her the house & the car), how you lost it all, and heading back to the netherlands without a cent

dime in a dozen

married for only a few years

wait & see

or was she really over her sale date ?

so tell us, how much SIN SOD did you pay to her mother ?

You obviously had some bad experiences. But some of us do get lucky, you know.

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To be fair there is one almost unique aspect to his story in that it is his wife who is very much the senior partner and given that women seem to be able to remember everything under the sun except for the number of birthdays they've had the age difference could conceivably be even more. Trust a Dutchman to get this aspect of Thainess the wrong way round!

But if he wants to write a book then go for it. It could work. And it's not like he chosen a ridiculous subject like freaky children who go to wizard school or something.

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OP, do you really think there is anything "original" here? other than that she is 12 years older than you?

The problem with books of this sort is that the marriage/relationship can go sour or cease to exist by the time the book is published. Not talking about your marriage, in general I'm talking about. For example, search "divorce" "wife + scam" here in the upper right hand corner.

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What is with you and sharkskin suits?

Check with the scammer typist of PRIVATE DANCER whose trash has sold mucho. There is an exspurt.

I am currently surveying books for Thai men coming to Thailand and remember yours will be one of maybe a hundred badly written spoken dictations type of book. If you can do better than THAILAND FEVER, then go ahead, otherwise just put yours on a blog.

I don't understand? 'Surveying books for Thai men coming to Thailand'? And what is an exspurt? Someone who cannot spurt anymore? I have a feeling that you are not exactly an expert book surveyor.

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I knew of a young 23 year old Belgium guy that married with a long distance relationship. His bride was Chinese and 72 years his senior. Everything went swimmingly until he went to consummate the marriage. The brides 80 year old daughter protested, "How will you support my mother when she gets older and she can no longer work the bar scene or satisfy you sexually?" The young, but prematurely balding Belgium replied, "I plan to write a book about my experience after the honeymoon and test market it on ChinaVisa.com" The whole family agreed... it was a brilliant idea. The rest is history. True story!

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To OP:

It can be a good idea to write a book, but keep in mind, that there are already many books available in English language, so you need to find an interesting angle of your story to stand out – however, if not a lot of books about Thai relationship is available in Dutch language, you may easily have success in Dutch.

You should read some of the English books before deciding for an English version of your story; other books may also give you inspiration about what to tell about Thailand, relationship/marriage with a Thai etc., so your coming book will be interesting and perhaps helpful for the readers.

You can find many books at eStores like Amazon, including some cheaper eBooks only, which may not be that interesting. Some recommendable books from my list are:

Thailand Fever

Private Dancer (novel)

Love Entrepreneurs

Money Number One

Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye

Jasmin Fever (author’s personal experiences/stories)

Thailand Dream – Isaan passion (author’s personal experiences/stories)

– and there is a set, a story which “expands” about falling in love with a Thai:

Lady of Isan, Lady of Pattaya.

Wish you good luck with your project… smile.png

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